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Aliens Vs Predator Proper-Razor1911- SOLEK69
Games PC
Aliens Vs Predator Proper-Razor1911-[].iso
2010-02-16 (by AiTB )
info, crack...
Proper Notes
With Reloaded version savegames ain’t working, as soon you leave the game
and start it again you wont find anything to load.
Unlike other groups we don’t have to invent a proper reason to spread our stuff!
Files count:
16167.22 Mb
lampa023 (2010-02-17)
wtf>?IS this fAKe or...????whitephantom (2010-02-17)
It's never fake with AiTB , just a big game .ReaL_BadMaN (2010-02-17)
its not fake u moron.CHD242522 (2010-02-17)
YOU BEAT ME AiTB, thanks for the up :DC0RR4D0 (2010-02-17)
thanks for the upcan anyone confirm that it works please?
Feesty (2010-02-17)
thanks alot man, keep up the good work :DAiTB (2010-02-17)
should work, i have not tested yetKatima (2010-02-17)
niiiiice!SuStaViuS (2010-02-17)
?????? ?????? ?? ??????. ??????? ???????, ?? ????? ? ????? ????. ???? ????Mbb15 (2010-02-17)
AiTB,your specs?
Mbb15 (2010-02-17)
Proper Notes~~~~~~~~~~~~
With Reloaded version savegames ain?t working, as soon you leave the game
and start it again you wont find anything to load.
Unlike other groups we don?t have to invent a proper reason to spread our stuff!
This is siriously a great reason stupid reloaded
matelian (2010-02-17)
wow, 15 gigs for a 5.5 score game :Ddjneal64 (2010-02-17)
Is it multi lang ? french ?C0RR4D0 (2010-02-17)
how does file size have ANYTHING to do with a single review score?don't forget to SEED!!
venon23 (2010-02-17)
Lampa023. AiTB is the best and one of the more older uploader in the TPB so respect plzz with him is never fakeMbb15 (2010-02-17)
crackonly for people who downloaded the wrong version....
Knaster (2010-02-17)
AiTB are you a girl cause i SO wanna kiss you right about now. :)The.Genius.of.the.Hole (2010-02-17)
Fucking Shit, why is it so big?
deadeYe112 (2010-02-17)
Stop complaining about the size, be happy you get this game allready without paying for it :).ROBBY2099 (2010-02-17)
OR SWEETY IF YOUR A GIRLThe-Rat (2010-02-17)
Someone who know how to seed to a spesific IP in utorrent or isn't that possible?guarino2002 (2010-02-17)
On Steam the minimum specs for Hard Drive: 4.6 GB free hard drive space. Thanks for the up and everyone who wants it now, but I would defiantly wait on this one and especially the mediocre reviews that have come out so far its not that worth it.The-Rat (2010-02-17)
@Le_toney:Thanks for the replay. Do you know how to activate use or some discription on how to setting it up to seed?
uncle_adolf88 (2010-02-17)
fuck yeah! sweet speed!mundaft (2010-02-17)
And word on the multiplayer? It's he only aspect of the game I'm really interested in and I don't really ant to download 15gigs and find out it doesn't work.mundaft (2010-02-17)
@Le_TonyYeah that's what I had figured, though the online portion of Borderlands works with pirated copies so you never can be sure these days.
M0ndos (2010-02-17)
Holy shit this game is huge. I can't even play it though, my graphics card broke.:(
Joeisapirate (2010-02-17)
I'll seed this for as long as I can once I get it downloaded. Thanks AiTB!mundaft (2010-02-17)
@deathtrooperLearn to read. As I already said, Borderlands has working online, so whats to say this game doesn't?
I merely asked a question, don't be such an asshole about it.
mundaft (2010-02-17)
Gotta love internet toughguys eh? :pAnyway, I'd appreciate if any possible downloaders can check the multiplayer aspect. Worst case scenario I'd have to use garena or something, though I'm not sure if that would be too popular.
And deathtrooper, settle down. It's only the internet.
Lobotomite (2010-02-17)
thanks brosiveRockadile (2010-02-17)
What does it mean by Reloaded version? Is it this one?This iso can't save games?
Zahny (2010-02-17)
@AstugRead info Before you Hate on the game, The mutiplayer demo was an EARLY beta copy that was release because of contract they didnt wanna make a demo, I own this game through steam, and it has improved HUGE leaps and Bounds over the Demo release.
Mewphisto00 (2010-02-17)
Even thou they say you can't save, it would not take to long i guess to make a fix for that. So don't bitch about it, download it and enjoy it as much as you can :DROBBY2099 (2010-02-17)
i would like to know how to seed ive been on here for 3-4 year just downloading (sorry )i was selfish or something or can call me a asshole lol well i need to give back so how would one seedROBBY2099 (2010-02-17)
never mind i have been doing it lol "stupid ass" lolso i have not wronged yous i take back the asshole part
Chaotic_Children (2010-02-17)
Why do you always have to upload games that needs daemon or acohol 120? Please upload direct play games.iptana (2010-02-17)
plssss seedMewphisto00 (2010-02-17)
Thing is, I and i guess 2k more is hoping that you would do us all a favour by seeding, atleast the time you spend on trying the game. Since it's a singel player game and multiplayer is offline (for now) (my guess) it would not hurt if YOU seeded for 2-4 hours.Thx AiTB for upload!
iptana (2010-02-17)
pls seed i download with 69-80 kb/siptana (2010-02-17)
plss seed i dowloads with 70 kb/sjosha3000 (2010-02-17)
Speed is nice :)@Chaoctic-Childeren: Is it so hard to install Daemon-Tools, Alcohol 120% or even Virtual-Clonedrive? ;) (If you don't like it: Buy the games and you should be fine.)
Big thanks to AiTB.
SOM1-german (2010-02-17)
can someone post a way to save when its possible? would be nice :)fadue (2010-02-17)
It crashes as soon as the gameplay is supposed to begin :/anyone know why this might happen? and yes, I am WAY above the system requirementsso that has nothing to do with it.
uncle_adolf88 (2010-02-17)
@upm8, i get crash too. everytime i try, and every .exe file i launch (dx11, normal avp & avp launcher). os windows7 on administrator priviliges and still nothing. any suggestions?
kuklavod (2010-02-17)
why it so thick?iptana (2010-02-17)
the game is crash and the crack have a plsmammed (2010-02-17)
cmon gimmie a rip god damnit ! 15 gigs and almost no seeders wtf ! at least a rip will take much less time.FTL3 (2010-02-17)
CRACK FIX FOR SAVED GAMES BY RAZOR1911 HERE:This crack by razor1911 for Aliens versus Predator fixes the issue of some saved games not being saved or corrupted in RELOADED's release.
Works perfectly with ALL AVP RELEASES.
Thuggles (2010-02-17)
I've never used a Steam version of a pirated game before. I assume it's save to leave Steam open when I play this?fadue (2010-02-17)
^sure, you won't be playing with this though, it crashes for no reason.kejso87 (2010-02-17)
I have a problem when I try to run the game in DX11, the game is OK but as soon as Enable Flashlight off the game or not save, in DX9 game as normaliJnf (2010-02-17)
Holy shit, 16 gb?You better hope its worth it.
lampa023 (2010-02-17)
tejeswar__22 (2010-02-17)
thoz who downloaded....plz rate the it worth the download ?
darkpat (2010-02-17)
@tejeswar_122What do you think, is it worth the dl? Ah, 15 Gig of Bullshit n about 10.000 leechers?Maybe you can look at youtub (e) for gameplay, or just type in the google bar the name of the game.
@ what was it,? chaotic children?
If u r too stupid to use cracks, go buy the game. You dont need alc 120, or deamon tools, you can use any emu you want. Whats the prob with it? just click on the ISO Image, and use it like a fucking DVD (or CD). If u want only direkt play games, you got to wait, or go n buy that game.EDont be so fucking impertinent and DEMAND what ever YOU like here. The guys do that for free, that means, hours n hours of work, TAHT YOU CAN PLAY GAMEAS FOR FREE. Just take it and say thanks like ur mom teached you.
For all the SEED yellers, look, there are 185 Seeders, n 10000 leechers, what do you expect? 450 kbs? you wont get it, even if the half of the seeders unlock theyr up.
Sorry for my bad english, i am german, BUT I TRY! THX to the upper, n thx to razor 4 theyr neverending work.
This i found in the web but i am not sure if this is correctly, it was on a official game site
Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13GHz
AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4800+
Nvidia Graphics Card - Geforce 8800 GTS
ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512MB
RAM Memory - 2 GB
Hard Disk Space - 10 GB
Direct X - 9
Taht means 4 me, WAIT, untill my GRAKA (grapcard) is back from reparation...grrrr. playin with onboard Graphs sucks.
So that was my comment, n THX to the upper,
Greetz from Gemrany @allmost all
darkpat (2010-02-17)
Ahhh fucking cross post, that requirements in my last posting, are the minimum system requirements for the AVP Game, THIS is what i found in web (for the ones who are not abble to use google) I relly dont know, if this is the right thing AFTER the boys worked on it, i even dont konow, if this is not all bullshit, but i found it n i post it, its from the first search entry from google.FcukReality (2010-02-17)
How do I select the "SID" files on my dvd drive? I didn't get that, please reply.darkpat (2010-02-17)
@fcuk realityI think (but i am not that sure) ithey mean, the emulated DVD drive, that one you selected for emulation.
You emulate the ISO with your ISO Program, like Alc 120, Deamon tools, etc. If u select a drive (or two in this case, then this is your DVD Drive, the SID File must be in the game folder, or maybe in Razors Folder. right mouse click, open. then search for the file.
Hope this helps,
bozman47 (2010-02-17)
@fcuk realityWhen installing the Game it will ask for the SID file because some newer games are coded to look for files in your CD Drive and considering you're emulating it wont recognize them. So these files are located on the emulated CD Drive (ISO). Browse to them and it should install fine.
rXn90 (2010-02-17)
works like a charm5/5
great game aswell 8/10
inflames_74 (2010-02-18)
Can you guys seed a bit more please? There's atm no seeds connected.yaqwsx666 (2010-02-18)
Aliens Vs Predator System Requirements:
outcastded (2010-02-18)
I've got a farily new computer. Quad core, win 7 x64, geforce 250-something... runs most new games at max..still, this game fails when the gameplay the gameplay is about to start.. I'm getting ready to play, and guess what I suddelnly see....... MY DESKTOP!!!
solutions anyone?!?
matis2 (2010-02-18)
Why does the game crash everytime i try to start a singleplayer campaign\Mission? :(Drujba_Dreptatii (2010-02-18)
Downloaded it in about 3 hours and now installing it without any problems. I had to specify thows .sid files by the way. Will leave comment after I try it out. Will seed this thanx :)fadue (2010-02-18)
Glad I'm not the onlyone with the crash to desktop thing. any solutions?Drujba_Dreptatii (2010-02-18)
Ok so first problem I have no text in the menus. Anything I'm doing wrong?Brienpuu (2010-02-18)
thx for the torrent. will comment on it after i try it so far install is normal and easyMrinfinit3 (2010-02-18)
lampa023>>>>>> All Dx11 Games will play fine on Dx10/10.5hoho007 (2010-02-18)
is this a good game??Brienpuu (2010-02-18)
well game works great. but i dont like itt so try it for your selfffadue (2010-02-18)
Solution for the crash: its in the sound settings. Lower to 24bit 48000 (they Rec 44100).that works for me :D
kejso87 (2010-02-18)
I have a problem when I try to run the game in DX11, the game is OK but as soon as Enable Flashlight off the game or not save, in DX9 game as normal...5770, catalyst 10.2, dx february, razor version of game and crack and no problem with other dx11 gamesDrujba_Dreptatii (2010-02-18)
Everything works great including saving thanx for this now I will seed :)mqdn (2010-02-18)
My game also crashes to desktop like many people here, right after the intro movie of the single player. Tried the sound frequency thing that someone mentioned, didn't work. My frequency was correct originally.mqdn (2010-02-18)
updated, after I reinstalled, I used the shortcut from Programs>razor1911>aliens vs predator.exe. Then it doesn't crash anymoreblacklabel67k (2010-02-18)
hmm well it crashed for me except it didnt go back to the desktop... after the intro video i get a green and black screen. and i cant get out of it so i have to reboot. im gunna try messing around with the graphics maybe that'll helpzw4nzig (2010-02-18)
I've been using TPB forever now, but I just signed up to say this.I'm still getting (at 30%) but I have my uploads uncapped, currently going at 400 KB/s, and a lot of us would appreciate if you leeches would uncap your uploads, or atleast raise them.
zw4nzig (2010-02-18)
Also, it's freaking sad. Out of every peer im hooked to, only FOUR have any kind of upload. Pathetic.sbm_from_la (2010-02-18)
For those of you having the game crash right after you install it... the fix is easy... just go the Microsoft website and run the DirectX Updater program and it will bring your system up do date and INSTALL any missing DirectX files for you.The Link is here:
Exabit (2010-02-18)
ASVP seems to be working properly. Haven't had any problems. This software installed fine; barely runs on my PC, but is playable. :-)Spec: AGP 4x_512 mbs Nvidia 7300 GT, 2GB's RDRAM, WinXP performance ed,' Pen' IV single core.
mike8711 (2010-02-18)
Can you seed please...I'll seed too...I have fastest internetExabit (2010-02-18)
Completed marine mission, tried tutorial for alien, and predator tutorial crashed after a while. Game-play I must say is, well, suxs. AVSP 2, designed by Monolith Productions is much more put together with more choice of weapons etc... I'll continue to seed this game for a bit more longer.See you next game!
smolplayer (2010-02-18)
PLS SEEEED this download is taking foreverFcukReality (2010-02-18)
Thank you so much darkpat and bozman47, i dont want to seem stupid but i still don't get it ): , if you or anyone else could give me some really detailed instructions i would really appriciate it! Thanks!smolplayer (2010-02-18)
just mount the image and install .i don't understand the SID filesmolplayer (2010-02-18)
ahh the SID files are in your mounted dvd drive open it and look for it can't help more because im still downloading the gameDrob_X (2010-02-18)
1kb/s download??? Ah come on guys don't be greedy. I have my upload running at 200kb/s. Sharing is caring;)FcukReality (2010-02-18)
@smolplayerYes i got that, but i can't open it becuase it tells me that it isn't compabible with windows or broken ): anyone who knows how to mount a file in your CD-unit (E:) ? cause i can only mount in :J and :K and that gives me the problem mentioned above.
smolplayer (2010-02-18)
you can't mount on (E:) its a normal drivesmolplayer (2010-02-18)
what program do you usesmolplayer (2010-02-18)
if you have deamon tools ,right click on the icon,then virtual CD/dvd-rom, then device 0 ,set device parameters.then you can change the drive but i don't think you can choose (E:) becouse its a normal drivekejso87 (2010-02-18)
I have a problem when I try to run the game in DX11, the game is OK but as soon as Enable Flashlight off the game or not save, in DX9 game as normal...5770, catalyst 10.2, dx february, razor version of game and crack and no problem with other dx11 games....this bug is only in marine campaigneGekundamo (2010-02-18)
fffs seeeeeeed !!!! damn leechers -.-12mb connection and dling with 15 kb/s ffs !
while uploading with 120+ -......-
3gArt (2010-02-18)
wuhaaaa nice :DDDDtupupollo (2010-02-18)
people please focus on fixing user problems.. not throwing shit to each other.. =)after i launch any exe a message appears saying "application failed to start because application configuration is incorrect" does anyone having this problem???
Deathrazor (2010-02-18)
ok this download limit is absolutely pathetic. 500+ seedes and not one is connected downloading at 0.1-0.7kb/s. Seed for fuck sakes how hard is it to just fucking turn up ur upload limit 2 days downloading and only at 41.5%NoktDAZ (2010-02-18)
I run the game, the intro scenes play, but I just get a black screen after that, the menu just does not appear. Does anyone know what might be wrong?bremster (2010-02-18)
wtf is this shit, I cant find any seeders out of 556Deathrazor (2010-02-18)
this is absolutely pathetic. Really starting to piss me off. Seed for fuck sakes. 566 seeders and downloading at 0.4kb/s. Seed or i will be forced to ban all ur leeching IPs and boycot ur torrents. . . . not trying to be an ass but this is pathetic.woodyx (2010-02-18)
@DeathrazorI agree, i've uploaded 4.67gigabyte to help and I'm only getting 0.4/1.5kbps back.
So much for helping eh :(
Deathrazor (2010-02-18)
i have lowered my upload limit to less than 1kb/s. Until i get at least close to 100kb/s download i will not raise it.smolplayer (2010-02-18)
i know it sucks i uploaded 5.2gig and the game is still not downloadedwoodyx (2010-02-18)
Mine is capped to unlimited and im uploading at 250kbps, cause i want this game so please, do the same :|woodyx (2010-02-18)
mines still on unlimited, cause i want this game. So please, do the same and share ffs :/smolplayer (2010-02-18)
if i gonna put it on unlimited its gonna go up to 800kbskrisha (2010-02-19)
24 mb and only 60 kb/s dl - arghhhhDeathrazor (2010-02-19)
Its horrible. Im connected to 7 seeders and im getting a whopping 0.2kb/s DL from one.bremster (2010-02-19)
wat the fucking hell, Im fucking downloading 17 kb/s and uploading 150 kb/sSeed! otherwise I just set an max upload speed :@
Benny03 (2010-02-19)
Im at 77,3% now seeding 317kb/s for you all, but still i only get 265kb/s download speed. Its taking days if it keeps up like this.. Although 09:23:03 hours, is a nice time, i jusually get 2,5mb/s at least, start seeding guys..smolplayer (2010-02-19)
how the fuck do you get 2.5mb/skrisha (2010-02-19)
eta 2d13h - wtfPaseek (2010-02-19)
400 kbps Upload and 1 kbps download, srsly guys, seed!Deathrazor (2010-02-19)
ETA: 2y7w3d SEED! DAMN IT SEED!MrErick (2010-02-19)
wow. 15 gigs. This better have Will Smith in it.Benny03 (2010-02-19)
I live in Holland :) no just kidding. I pay ? 50 a month only for internet. And every 6 months my provider doubles my speed for free. So thats how i get 2.5mb/s (with enough seeders..)Psythik (2010-02-19)
Fuck waiting over 9000 years for this to download; I just went to and was downloading at 1.2MB/s. Took less than a day to download and there's no minimum upload requirement as long as you don't hit and run.You're welcome. :)
Spazmungus (2010-02-19)
to all the mongoloid retards who are complaining about dl speeds, save yourself the time and don't! This game is a pile of steaming manure and a waste of 15gb of disk space.kittigisla (2010-02-19)
Lol, Uploaded 6 G But only downloaded 4 GBut nagging about it is just bi""ing because you are getting this for free.
Anyways, Thanks AiTB
rXn90 (2010-02-19)
Ok, uploaded 560 gig's so far and cant see what the seed problem is? I got it in 3 and a half hours with max sees on aswell.. be patient and stop whining about it.. it's freemammed (2010-02-19)
ok wtf !! the game runs smooth at 40-50 fps on all settings at highest accept for texture quality. i have to play on low . when i put it on normal the game lags like hell. like i have 1 fps or something. my specs r : intel core duo cpu E6750 @ 2.66 GHz4 gigs of ram
500 gigs sata hard disk.
Ati Radeon HD 4850 1 gig graphic memmory. !? does any 1 know what the problem might be ?
bremster (2010-02-19)
@BennyMy internet speed is fucking 28 mb/s but I will never reach that with bit torrents.
SuperFly2000 (2010-02-19)
Single player marine missions are awesome, especially on "hard".blahsington (2010-02-19)
15.8GB for 3 campaigns and a fucking multiplayer mode? Are you have a fucking laugh?Deadlyrose12 (2010-02-19)
I just find it funny how i connect to hundreds of peers and like 2 seeds. The seeds do nothing for me, while the peers are all useless as well, except for right now some dude from europe was giving me 20 kbp/s... scratch that, my speeds are now 2 kbp/s.. lol. never mind. nope, now some one from australia is giving me 17 kbp/s.. yay, at this rate it will take me weeks to get it :(Benny03 (2010-02-19)
@Bremsterwhat is your max with torrents then? i usually get 2mb/s with torrents and sometimes over 2.5mb/s
j0ket (2010-02-19)
this... is FUCKED UP! 10kbs..wowme (2010-02-19)
the answer for high speed is somewhere among the comments :-)i am already at 35% and downloading with 900+kb/s, 3h 7m left.
also i lol'd at blahsignton's comment :D
mqdn (2010-02-19)
When are we gonna have crack servers for multi?jalf09 (2010-02-19)
Whine and whine. Be patient will you?! PIG!bremster (2010-02-19)
@ BennyThat is totaly diffrent, sometimes time I get 1- 3 mb/s and most of the time its around the 50 kb/s like this torrent
konstano (2010-02-19)
Will it work offline lan?sneil (2010-02-19)
5 kb/s download, 600 kb/s upload. Awesome.If you have your upload set to 0kb/s, you are a faggot, and you deserve to die from AIDS.
Especially the guy who is downloading from me at 500 kb/s IP and allowing me a whole 1kb/s back. May you die of cancer, shortly.
volvopv544 (2010-02-19)
seed seed seed seed!!!!!!!thxforthehelp2 (2010-02-19)
okay dl'd installed no problems but the second I try to launch It still wont run even restarted still wont launch re-installed and yet it still wont any fixes?olander93 (2010-02-19)
Seeeeeeed!Benny03 (2010-02-19)
@BremsterWhat is the difference?
juulo666 (2010-02-19)
Why do I only have sound in intro and cutsceens?? no game sound plz helpcaptaintoc (2010-02-19)
Sorry I have been given the game by a friend and I need the installer file could somebody upload the installer only.Thanks in Advance
SOM1-german (2010-02-19)
cant start the predator missions and my game crashes when i activate the flashlight anyone can help me?p0ngsifu (2010-02-19)
Game has some sound missing in certain cut scenes, then it started freezing randomly and now it just crashes to desktop in mid-game.Yes my directX is updated I was playing it despite the sound and occasional freezing but now it just crashes.
reinstalling now
RawThang (2010-02-19)
Ugh this is gonna take 3 more days at least to download.. I want it now ffs! :Dfirstline72 (2010-02-19)
Hello.I have this error and i reinstalled the game over 3times but it don't let me in game :(
firstline72 (2010-02-19)
Hello.I have this error and i reinstalled the game over 3times but it don't let me in game :(
Rando_q1 (2010-02-19)
My problem:videos wont have sound in predrator mode...anyone else got that problem???
how to fix it?
Deathrazor (2010-02-19)
this is fucking retarded into day 4 and im at 49.3% got 2% last night thats it this is retarded SEED MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!juulo666 (2010-02-19)
Started Predator mode: sound in intro, no sound in little cutsceen just befor game starts and no sunnd in game.. :-S help!firstline72 (2010-02-19)
PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZI need help!!
I have this error and i reinstalled the game over 3times but it don't let me in game :(
marinke (2010-02-19)
pls seeed!!!! i stoped on 92%....marinke (2010-02-19)
plsss seeeeddd~!!!!twingtwang (2010-02-19)
great up Razor 1911.but is anyone else having problems with the sound? in the pre video i have sound but as soon as the game starts there is no sound and its that way for all 3FXspot (2010-02-19)
Ok, that's it. I'll stop seeding now. You ain't fucking leaching from me if you don't give anything back. Eat shit and diePlaztix (2010-02-19)
Whenever I start a mission with an opening movie I get unbareable lag. Solutions?Ducera (2010-02-19)
Ey its you sound card theres is the problem :ive fixed by set it to 24 Bit 4410 Hz so its work for me ^^ its chras in singelplayer but this wil fix it .Ducera (2010-02-19)
Whenever I start a mission with an opening movie I get unbareable lag. Solutions?yeah you can fix this by set you reselouten Down it work`s for me :D just abit
Plaztix (2010-02-19)
Uh, kind of an idiot when it comes down to computer settings. How and where do I go to fix this? :(Ducera (2010-02-19)
:P thats okay go to the menu . and go to video and so there is reselouten set it abit down so it work´s finePlaztix (2010-02-19)
Lowering the resolution didn't really fix it for me, still can't play Alien missions and the 2nd Predator mission.Ducera (2010-02-19)
went into the pitch. then chopped it absolutely love so I went into the solution and put it down a little and then it does not quite worked the first time so I put it up a bit again, and so it seemed my best guess ^^Ducera (2010-02-19)
I had the problem to start with that as soon as I peek into singelplayer so I was kicked out to desktop total nineteen. then put my sound card down a little in Hz so it seemed: PPlaztix (2010-02-19)
well, that was my earlier question, how do mess around with my sound card?Dracula420 (2010-02-20)
i installed this game without a single problem. i downloaded some other cracks to make sure i had the right one but the one that came with it was perfect. the MP doesn't work but thats to be expected. the only complaint i have is that the alien campaign is waaay to short. :)twingtwang (2010-02-20)
worked perfectly Ducera. is there a fix for the saving the game issue yet ?Ducera (2010-02-20)
twingtwang , okay :D nice iam glad to help you yes there is :D 2 sec so i send a link to it :)Ducera (2010-02-20)
there you go :)juulo666 (2010-02-20)
any fix for sound? :(Ducera (2010-02-20)
no unfortunately not: / I hope there is something ^ ^ but good luck in the gameTorx8 (2010-02-20)
For those of you who need help with, hopefully some crashes, but mainly audio issues, i have found a solution and put it up here:
Hope it works for you =)
stoleyourshoes (2010-02-20)
i finished this download and it was not worth my time what a shitty game.Deathrazor (2010-02-20)
ok seriously gonna ban everyone of you leachers FUCKING SEED! 50% done in four days is pathetic.juulo666 (2010-02-20)
Torx8 the attachment in the forum doesent work...Oqi (2010-02-20)
Hey guys help me please!Ive installed the game right, but when i start the game it gives about 1 second black screen and disappearsa and the nothing happends, am i the only one with this problem?
Thanks anyway :)
mammed (2010-02-20)
man wtf ! the game lags my ass off and it lags so much it's actually silly. i max crysis and get 40-50 fps. as soon as i set the texture quality from low to normal i starts lagging my ballz of. or change my resolution from 1490x bla bla to 1650x bla bla or higher. this is the only game that lags this much. wtf is the problem ? its like i have 1 fps . plz help !jakeenan1 (2010-02-20)
after the intro for predator, aliens, and marine the game just shuts down and brings me back to desktop. fixes anyone?Torx8 (2010-02-20)
juulo666: you have to register and login to download the attachmentTorx8 (2010-02-20)
nevermind, i added an external link to the file, it's in the post below (couldn't edit the main post)FXspot (2010-02-20)
HAHA Bitches! I'm done leaching now! (which means) I'll stop seeding now! Fuck yall!CoolHandPuke (2010-02-20)
GUYS!!! This is an immense fail!If you guys dont start seeding and I mean at proper rates not the average 0.1 kb/s that most are seeding then this is never going to get round! Even for a few hours or even 24 hours at full speed at least it would help! Its a shame but there seem to be far too many leech and runners for my liking!
FXspot (2010-02-20)
Just to share my five cents, this was a huge 15.8 GB disappointment.. I was so excited about this game and, damn.. Just wow... At least I didn't buy this crap.Jamarakka (2010-02-20)
Hey, I've been downloading this since tuesday, and I'm 1,8% finished...This is fucking great...
omar400 (2010-02-20)
fuck you all this game is 15 gb and the speed is sux not even 1 kbs ya fuckers fuck u aitb bitch motherfuckerBornakiller (2010-02-20)
This game needs to be patched stutters like hell!!Hamirez (2010-02-20)
Can somebody please help and teach me what is the right way to Unistall this game?Thanks in advance :D
scarecrow112 (2010-02-20)
works just fine, but the game really sucks!niko10n (2010-02-21)
This game sucks balls don't waste your time on this, 6/10Hamirez (2010-02-21)
+++>>>How do I unistall it? Do I delete the paste of the game only? What about the dll files?Please help!!!
lonesoljah (2010-02-21)
I uninstalled this after 2 hours of playing got so bored of it, this is pretty much just like their previous avp games; pure crap. Do yourself a favor and don't dl it, this would be the fail game of the year if it came out in 2009.The grahpics are 10 years old and gameplay sucks ass very choppy and sluggish.
sam11223 (2010-02-21)
Well guys, i've downloaded the game, played it, finished 80% of the story, still got the alien part to finishAt first, I didnt like the marine's gameplay, looked "stuck up", but after I finished playing him, and restarted the campaign, I really enjoyed it.
You really need to be A huge Aliens / predator movies fan, cuz I freaking love this game.
As the marine, you've got some really spooky campaign mission, one word, great. If you listen closely to the music, you'll hear some that is taken from the aliens movies, gave me a hard on when I heard it (A scene when you can hear it, is when you put Tequila in the freezer (stasis pod) stay next to her, and look at her, you'll hear what Im talking about!)
As for the predator, if you like to hunt aliens and humans like animals, you will love the thermal vision, and later in the game you'll get the alien vision. really, really beautiful, trophy kill are great.
And finally as for the alien, well I never liked playing it, even in AvP 2 by monolith games, sierra... which by the way you MUST play, really good game, and in some aspects even better than this one ! (only 1.2 gb ! ) but I must say that I'm REALLY disappointed, because you don't get to play as a facehugger, then a larva, instead of that you just start as a full grown alien. (Which is not the case in AvP2... :D )
Well to put it in a few words, you will love the game if you like the movies, and especially the story of the species. Don't forget to get Aliens vs Predator 2, really it's worth it, even if it's old like win 98SE :p
Have fun playing ! Great game ! Great release, thanks Razor1911 !
jadawgkss (2010-02-21)
My problem was, after a ton of trial and error, that it was trying to run in DX11. So, I had to change the file name AvP.exe to AvP_DX11.exe and visa versa. Only then did it work.juulo666 (2010-02-21)
did all I can now.. followed Torx8 post nothing helps.. downloaded razor realease my avast goes off.. :-S crap.. :(Mdaske123 (2010-02-21)
damn, speed is very slow. I much apprichate you uploading this file AiTB, but I can't deal with .1-1KB's.Thanks again buddy, I hope many enjoy this upload.
Dilegen (2010-02-21)
plz more online seeders :s 896 seeders and only 16 online :p ??? come on dudes ...hrev4 (2010-02-21)
MP working??RomeoKiller (2010-02-21)
Theres a problem with this game because the game is installed manually with the razor installer the all the crap you would need for the game like directX and phycX or visual++ doesnt install so you have to somehow find out manually what ur missing and install it if you dont as a marine or alien you wont be able to play it will lag right away and the environment will be missing also the pred missions with let you go though the training without a problem untill u get to the 1st misson then the same thing happens as marines and aliens so untill theres a patch or something this game is unplayable sadly my computer meets all the requirements plus some so running it isnt the issue the game its self i the issuechintu_1717 (2010-02-21)
I am downloading at a speed of 6 - 7 kbps. That's great, isn't it?igorski92 (2010-02-21)
does the online work?Gief_Me (2010-02-21)
Hello i have a problem with this game.When i play the Predator campaign the game Crash in the labmission when im gona find the elevator to the tempel. Anyone have that problem and is there a FIX. Plz awnser my Q!
Rahbek2222 (2010-02-21)
If u wanna play online, then get the program called tunngle. its lan over the internet.but people who plays in there mostly got their game fully patched .)
ArchAngel01 (2010-02-21)
Seed please, ive been seeding what i can, but 19.9% in 10 days and d/lin at 3kb/s is sad...magisterne (2010-02-21)
i just updated my Direct X and changed my sound kHz to 44.1 and the sound worked perfectly :) Thanx Razor !!Hamirez (2010-02-21)
How do I uninstall the game itself and the dll files?MasterPirate51 (2010-02-21)
Download will complete in 1 year and 38 weeks :P.schmu (2010-02-22)
*bow down before the mighty AiTB *...btw multiplayer is hacked u just need to get the fix...down@1Mb/s
3gArt (2010-02-22)
buggy game -.-runenybr (2010-02-22)
hmm why is it so slow to download? :S been getting only 20-140kbs and only got down 20% in 2days :S.. anny way to make it go faster? :S and no its not cos my internett is slow xPozzeozze (2010-02-22)
first i got this error: missing "binkw32.dll" so i downloaded that dllbut then i got this error:
"The procedure entry point _BinkSouldSkip@4 could not be located in the dynamic link library binkw32.dll."
can someone plz help me with this? i got windows 7 btw
voda_ma7moud (2010-02-22)
the game is awesome don't believe any one who say that game is badi played as predator and i really enjoy killing and butcher the human if any one love the movies he will love that game
but i cant save if any one has solution for that please tell me
sorry for my english
witchkid (2010-02-22)
Hi, it's the resident n00b with another stupid question that I desperately need answered...where can I find the steam activation key? I've looked in every folder and I can't find a keygen or document with the keys or anything. Help!GGAllinlives (2010-02-22)
for people getting the dx11 crash after the into in the windows event log I get at the exact time it crashes.The Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider service entered the stopped state.
Hikuso (2010-02-22)
Hey, tried reinstalling three times now, still not working... getting a "this application failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect" Anyone know how to fix this? And yes, i've got the latest directx, visual c++ and physx. Thanks in advance.saielkhan (2010-02-22)
has any1 tested this gamedose it workzuriki (2010-02-22)
GO BUY IT YOU CHEAPBASTARDS................................................................................................
IT WORKS THENtoxicswe (2010-02-22)
I hate you gus so much, been dl'ing for five days with less than 30kb/s fuck off leechers. I'm stuck at 9.2%rmpyro (2010-02-22)
I bought this game and it works fine for me. Even if you download the pirated version you still missing the multiplayer, and thats the best thing about this game. Its like downloading unreal tournament just for the singleplayer.scy69 (2010-02-22)
My game crashes immidietly after the Rebellion "commercial". Just black window, whats wrong with it?ak92 (2010-02-23)
this is a nice game thnx for uploaddanii555 (2010-02-23)
wtf why are everybody whining about slow down speed? im getting 1.6 MB/s...krisha (2010-02-23)
Dont care what others think - this game is pure terror - love it :) But U have to be a fan of the movies to dig it imho.witchkid (2010-02-23)
Okay, another problem...when I try to launch the game, it says:This application has failed to start because binkw32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem
Do I have to redownload the whole thing? What do I do?
witchkid (2010-02-23)
Me again...everything is working great, except for one problem...all the text is missing! No menu tabs, no nothing! HELP!Amjr (2010-02-23)
Shroo dead ??Hikuso (2010-02-23)
witchkid: how did you sort that error you had?Blackpegasus (2010-02-23)
Full of problems...And why are you crack a steam download, instead of a proper DVD iso???
For every one: forget this torrent! Wait for a proper iso game and crack, which can operate without this much trouble.
tekkenomics (2010-02-23)
HOLY SHIT!!! 15 GB!!!tekkenomics (2010-02-23)
daymn.. this game needs to be ripedits too heavy..
this is the largest game ive ever seen
judasmyguide (2010-02-23)
To Hikuso:I've had the same problem. What i did was to go to your avp installed folder, and opened the folder called "redist" (i think, i'm at work now so i dont exactly remember the right name on the folder) and installed the directx and the other file. I thought i had the newest versions allready installed, but after i installed those 2, it worked for me. Try it! :-)
judasmyguide (2010-02-23)
And maye "witchkid" should try the same thing :-)viggere (2010-02-24)
seed people, god damit! i alwways seed 1 week! after a game download!magisterne (2010-02-24)
for those who are missing dll.files just search for them on google and put them in the installation folder ^^Alarin (2010-02-24)
well, the game works like a charm, but i have to say that is very disappointing... almost 16 gb2 for a crappy graphic, and a shitty gameplay... the first alien vs predator was much better, the game doesn't deserve a buck but the torrent works perfectaapb (2010-02-24)
working 100%
.schmu (2010-02-24)
after installation --> install dir redist folder :) btw:controlpanel--->sound-->speakers->advanced->24bit44100hzStudioquality
thx AiTB -.-
Peace Tranquility
Drunk And High
Chilled AND Relaxed
Thats How We Get BY
witchkid (2010-02-24)
Judas, I tried what you told me to do but still no text...anyone else have any other ideas?XxTorrentLoverxX (2010-02-24)
PLEZ SEED PLEEZ 81.8% SINCE A WEEKhalfsquid (2010-02-24)
this game is really that good but thanks for the upZerger777 (2010-02-24)
theRealKarmine, STFU.Been waitin for this game since the day of my birth.
A real punch on the cap though, but totally worth it.
topk (2010-02-24)
So can we already save game progress? or not yet?Aelona (2010-02-24)
Seed!logghotmail (2010-02-24)
The game works with Win7 32bit.Save game,and load game works to.
Only broblem is sound,no gameplay sound,lots of bugs & glitches!
The game will not work with my win XP 32bit
I wait,when i got new 100% working crack or torrent!
The game itself is good 8/10 AVP fan ;) peace!
Apiala (2010-02-24)
When i mount it with daemen tools and than i can choose wich language i want to use, after that it is error?? can some1 help?Microsystem (2010-02-24)
Thank you for this incredible torrent, AiTB.But could you please upload Stargate Resistance? I can't find that game anywhere :(
It looks really fun, and I would appreciate it if you could upload that game here.
sass136 (2010-02-25)
Works fine with windows 7 64bitkrisha (2010-02-25)
anyone els having sound issues?rmpyro (2010-02-25)
I know how to fix the sound issue but i wont tell how :pmagisterne (2010-02-25)
hey guys who cant get the game working ^^1. if you have problem with your sound just update Direct X drivers , it worked for me :)
2. if you get the problem when it tells you that it is wrong configured and you must reinstall.
go to the place where you installed the game and in the folders --> redist --> VC --> double click the file in there and install ^^ done N done
Hope this solved your problems !
161p0p_21 (2010-02-25)
Please SEED...sat1v (2010-02-25)
15.79GB? the MP demo was like 1GB.and it failed bigtime , no fun at all ... is the full game any better? bah
witchkid (2010-02-25)
Still not working...I could use some help here, guys!krisha (2010-02-25)
i get most of the sound, but can't hear audio diaries or some of the marines talking.logghotmail (2010-02-25)
Works 100% Great Game!For sound problem ===> download and install latest DirectX sound driver
For error or missing DLL ===> install the game again and follow the instruction's.
Update all your video/hardware
operation system drivers
I installed the game 2x times,and now it works perfectly.(Win7-32bit)
mannens34 (2010-02-26)
seed guys!! :) 64% in 24 hours heheSSerpentineSS (2010-02-26)
Stop flaming this game its awesome!! AND the multiplayer is hakked just search for madwiggys crack on tpb!!!!!!!! GOOD RIDDANCE IWNET AND YOUR LAGGY CODMW2crativ3 (2010-02-26)
the game crashes when staring gameplay, FFS I WANNA PLAY!!!!BadAct (2010-02-27)
2 weeks left , with this speed.. Last time I cheked a few hours ago it was 2 weeks and a few days..BadAct (2010-02-27)
Checked* perhaps I could spend that time with typing lessons..micnor14 (2010-02-27)
Alright...For anyone experiencing the "missing text", null, missing menu text, no menus, can't get off floor, nothing happens, zomg wtf, bug: I've solved it.
Razor1911 didn't pack the game as well as they could have, so the installation isn't fully compatible with some software running. Programs like RAM optimizers, cleaners, etc. will drop files during the unzipping. Simply DELETE your current crap installation, then reinstall. Reinstalling over the same folder will not overwrite the corrupt files.
I am running windows 7 x64 with a shitty 9500GT but a sw33t@55 Q9400 and I approve of this solution.
erish30 (2010-02-27)
really??? one week and 37%. I can understand this would take time this is pathetic when I cold get the bioshock 2 release after 3 daysaltiro (2010-02-28)
ye download speed is kinda lame.but this torrent there is no question about that this torrent is leet.
picture proof provided.
Bralf (2010-02-28)
Thanks again for awsome stuff,all the best your ways:)
rednex94 (2010-03-01)
how to get cd key for this game?and how to install it ? : p
rickk01 (2010-03-01)
It doesnt run on my computer, after the "Rebellion" clip at the begin the screen turns black...Help please....
I also cant uninstall this game, anyone any ideas?
Dreem17 (2010-03-01)
When i install the gamei go to my program folder
i have no bin files
just maps and such
maybe im just a dumb ass
but any help would be chill
Qqlqr (2010-03-01)
The game installed fine but there are problems. For example I can't play the ruins level with marine because as soon as the level loads theres no textures loaded for the floor etc. and I just fall to death. Checked the internet and there seems to be same problems with alien and predator campaigns too.AkaPhsyco (2010-03-01)
Hey MPAA you ever heard of innovation?Based on the condition of the movie industry over the past half of a decade, it would assuredly seem you haven't!
Nice lame ass commercial at the beginning of your dvd menu's btw, "You wouldn't steal a car would you!?"
Yea and Refer Madness was a factual depiction of marijuana use.
The film industry has been separated from legitimate Art and Entertainment for half a century at least!
2tb and counting Dl'ed and believe me more to come!
Let me ask you this, the music industry got decimated by the digital pirate revolution, has music gotten any worse since? Haven't seen a NSYNC or Backstreet Boys in awhile. I wonder why that is?
If you really do it for the art, you should be happy to share your "product" and be happy with the theater tickets we buy!!!
Support Net Neutrality! Support the resistance against companies like Comcast trying to monopolize the internet and throttle innovation and connections! Write your congress/parliament, who's members time and again naively fail to understand how important a free and open internet is to this generation and the generations to come!
We all have grown up intimately connected to the internet. We've seen it sprout from a simple conversational tool in its public inception. Watched it grow into and industry must have with e-commerce. Blossom with sophisticated social networks and tools for musicians, amateur film makers and software designers to reach people in ways not even conceivable merely years ago.
The fate of the internet; actual "intellectual" content, entrepreneurial availability and personal and artistic communication, is far too important to be left in the hands of people who have no reverence or little understanding.
Thanks for your time and enjoy your content.
And thanks to all the up loaders like AiTB w/out people like them, none of this would be possible!
Deadlyrose12 (2010-03-02)
... now the question is: how do we get the patch that they just released onto steamt? any ideas?zanthlion (2010-03-02)
I'm sure I'll be able to figure out how to get any issues with the game resolved by spending 10 minutes reading and looking around, but the one thing i CAN'T fix is the download speed. Anyone know why I'm downloading at 13kb/s? It's not my ISP...I've had speeds of 300kb/s+...what's going on exactly with this HUGE torrent?-Bullet (2010-03-02)
I installed the game and when I try to run the game nothing happens. I have Direct X, C++ and Physx installed. Any help is very much appreciated thanks!Eclipse77 (2010-03-02)
anyone know where we can get the patch?IPFR33LY (2010-03-02)
Seed you 10 Thousand people who already downloaded the game!paff21 (2010-03-02)
Hey is anyone else having a problem where the games start up screens and loading screens come up, but after the loading screen it is just a constant black screen?Any help? :)
danoone (2010-03-03)
doesnt work for me. double click the game (cracked) and nothing happens. i can see a *pop* black screen appears very fast and game close. no error messages and nothing running at processsk8er_boy2486 (2010-03-03)
any one have a cd key? i want to try activating it on steam to see if i can get an update. any one try this yet/thanks
Satan_PL (2010-03-03)
Wow, the game is pretty much unplayable, unstable, with realtek onboard cards it's missing sounds etc, one patch is made, next is coming... If those are not going to be included somewhere here than I won't even play, regret downloading 15 gbs lolrich197 (2010-03-03)
this is takin to long to download 2weeks so far 47% so slowzokolad (2010-03-03)
Can't PLAY THE GAME!:@@@Installed it with ease but when I try to run the game,it crashes with no report......I just a black screen for 0.101 what ever seconds and then it crashes.
markalot84 (2010-03-04)
1st for those who installed the game and cant seem to find the executable in the installation folder uninstall (delete) the files and worked for me.2nd anybody have the same problem I been havin ? When I die I cant reload my last checkpoint cuz everytime there's a pink screen and 3 seconds later back to the menu with the You died screen....kinda frustrating...
markalot84 (2010-03-04)
correction I'm not dying I think its part of the story with the marine...but the stupid game thinks I'm dying and there's nothing else I can do !! is there a patch with a crack somewhere for this shit ?Ratmanslim (2010-03-05)
This game is the worst game in the history of mankindOverkill85 (2010-03-05)
How do i get the update that is supposed to fix the stability of the game, do i need to have steam or can i download it somewhere or will somebody upload it on here?rich197 (2010-03-06)
another game that don,t work will not unpackjohnnyl11 (2010-03-07)
rich 197 your a douche bag why would you try to unpack an iso? your a tard. if you dont know what your doing then just go buy it.isik_oromoyo (2010-03-08)
I have a problem! I have installed the game proper and i have copied the cracks but when i launch the game it says that the program could not start because the programs configuration is wrong and that it might be solved if i reinstall the game, but ive tried that and its still the same..please help!sorry for my english..
SweRaider (2010-03-08)
phew, so its the game, I thought my gfx card didnt want to play with dx11, oh well hoping for a fix soonRibboz (2010-03-08)
Well, Ive done every fix out there and it just doesn't work. Lame.Bloodvonhagen (2010-03-08)
SEEDmep2p (2010-03-09)
For those struggling a bit with the configuration error when launching the game.In the program file after install there is a folder named redist,this contains directx and VC,run both apps and voila hopefully for you too!
Happy gaming people.
tornsupper (2010-03-10)
Shit doesn't work.I start a new game, come in to the intro scenes, and just as the game is about to begin.
it crashes.
wtf should i do
lebac (2010-03-11)
Added this torrent on Feb. 16Today - 48.2%
Hopefully I will get it before next part gets done... :P
Leignheart (2010-03-11)
okay im starting to get pissed off here, im seeding about 300kb and geting 20kb downloaded a second, this is fucking rediculous, people get this shit for free and cant even be counted on to keep it going. 1000 seeders to 6000 leechers. fuckers.nishesh18 (2010-03-12)
hey guys go to nisheshaggarwal_blogspot_com and you can find links to 4.33 gb rip of mass effect 2 and it is 100% working. replace _ by .Capaman (2010-03-12)
Please somebody help me!!!I'm little pissed.. i waited for weeks i downloaded patietly, and now i can't use the game... I installed it, directx and vc too...
still when i start the game the picture is somehow out of my window. like it did't know where the center is. it's loose, blurry too i don't know... i really cannot write this down, i hope someone understands:S
i could show a picture if i knew how to share it with you....
please anyone with similar problems/solutions help me!!!
Capaman (2010-03-12)
i just found something interesting... if i run the game, i have these problems, i took a printscree---> paste into a paint and it was perfectly clear.... i did over and over again...What the fuck is wrong then???
pls pls help me!!!!
katarn893 (2010-03-13)
@Capaman try changeing the resolution and useing your monitors controls to adjust the picture.2nd. Any news on a patch for this version of the game that fixes the dx9 sound issues?
saami_dude (2010-03-13)
guys i cant see text anywhere in game or game menu and controls wont work except mouse can any 1 help??? pleasesaami_dude (2010-03-13)
it doesnt show any text in menu and controls not working can any1 help please?reghin78 (2010-03-16)
hey, did anybody else experience a very slow installation ? Only 33 files have been installed in a half hour... strangeBioAse (2010-03-17)
seeeeed plzgsnackers (2010-03-19)
download is ok only problem is its constantly downloading with 10kb/s :S but whatever it completed after 2 months feedback this afternoon if the torrent works correctlygsnackers (2010-03-19)
thx for the torrent m8!!!!! :D its working correctlyand if u guys have problems with installing it just select your cd drive (the one you mounted) hope it helps
chaosdragon656 (2010-03-22)
can any1 tell me hwo to uninstall this from my PCThanks
sass136 (2010-03-22)
Tüütas suht ruttu ärabay_ferhat (2010-03-23)
seed !!!!SuperFly2000 (2010-03-23)
Today a dedicated server patch has been released.(22 march 2010 !)
Maybe soon we pirates will be able to play online ?!
Sillysauce (2010-03-23)
Quote; With Reloaded version savegames ain?t working..With this version you'll find no uninstaller. So stop commenting on other peoples uploads loser..
Anyone found a way to uninstall this?
ultaman1 (2010-03-23)
thanks for the upload! it works! :)assassins90 (2010-03-23)
seeders plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzSillysauce (2010-03-26)
This is 30 GB in my installation folder is that correct??Milton09 (2010-03-29)
Where is the serial key?asif105878 (2010-03-29)
What is the installed size of the game?Studna (2010-04-01)
i mount image and start razor 1911 instaler but it only instal 2maps or something like that ...i cant instal it on steam beacuase a i dont have a product key ...can someone help me ? with instaling this gamemichalisnik (2010-04-05)
On my Windows7 AMD based the installer opens and immediately closes a window. Nothin installs.Petsura (2010-04-05)
Hahaha.Banned in Australia.
redrave (2010-04-07)
can´t install DX11 on windows xp, cause the d3d.dll-thing is missing. help, anybody?asif105878 (2010-04-09)
dx11 is only for win 7ultaman1 (2010-04-09)
Thanks it works! :Ddearghoul (2010-04-09)
Lawd, this is the slowest torrent I've ever seen, 2 months and I'm still only 55% done, wtf? ;)simonjpa (2010-04-09)
Can't wait to play this game. Seems cool.Kyo250 (2010-04-10)
So.. again I face the 0.0gb install problem. I install (The SID-files as always messed with me since I cant just "pick" them, oh no I have to write the searchpath which end up with being "/J"Anyway, I get an installation folder but nothing in there, I had this problem with another game and going into the disc and installing trough Setup seemed to work for most but not for me and nor does it work with this one.
dearghoul (2010-04-12)
cowboy1 - hey luckylucky - yup
cowboy1 - I'm gonna tell ya somethin'
lucky - tell it
cowboy1 - this here torrent's slower than a one legged steer in knee deep texas mud
lucky - yup
flyingepeto (2010-04-14)
is this game lan playable? i know you can play it multiplayer but can u play lan? tnx... btw tnx razor for another torrent heheanalina (2010-04-14)
hey i need seeddddddddddddddd give seed!!!!!!!!schokoxx (2010-04-16)
time elapsed: 4d 3hremaining: 8w 1d
average dl speed: 9.5 kb/s
well. know what? fuck you. i'll download another game
bobalazs (2010-04-16)
@schokoxx and all the others-Dumb ass, stop your fucking complaining and invest some proper internet connection. 50mbit/20mbit will do you fine.
I ripped this game in a breezy 4 hours, even with so few seeders.
If your upload speed is a piece of shit, don't complain about the seeders and your downloads.
BTW this game kicks ass, i don't even know why it gets low scores.
The included crack did not work, so i applied the skidrow crack.
z_aphod-BeeBlebrox (2010-04-25)
working form me.idont like this game.anione tell me how can uninstall this game??
H1berna7e (2010-04-26)
Hi ppl.I have one problem.whn iwant play...
steam run corectly (i think)
start AvP ,game run .see 20th century....SEGA....rebelion ....Loading , then only black screen.i download that game long time, so it will be good if i can play it .
plz help ,
H1berna7e (2010-04-27)
XP geforce 8600 2gb ram core 2 duoMatazaRyu (2010-05-05)
Can anyone help me ? I know it may sound stupid, but I don't know how to resolve an error that occurs. I've installed the game and cracked it, but when I try to open it there's an error which says that my side-by-side configurations are incorrect. I just installed the latest updates for vista and a microsoft visual C++ package of sorts, but I can't figure out whats the problem. Do I have to install something else, change something or just reinstall the game ?Enzyte (2010-05-06)
Very excited to play this...NEED MORE 100% SEEDERS stop sitting on 100% downloads and share. Will be seeding long after dl so start sharing.arlight1 (2010-05-07)
You guys really need to stop whining about "2 months and only 55% wtf?!?!?"I don't even have my ports open and I finished downloading in 52hours.
Yes its lengthy but what do you expect?
You are getting it for free!
I only have a 3mbps connect with an average speed of 78kb/s for the download too!
Thank you for this upload i will be seeding much
arlight1 (2010-05-08)
Yeah I know, but my point is that even with my ports closed i downloaded this fairly quickly for the price of nothing!Yes at max i hit about 350kb/s but that was about 5 seconds every 20 hours.
MatazaRyu (2010-05-08)
But does anyone know why can't I play it ? I wrote in the end of page 15.Olavmannen (2010-05-19)
Dudes.. i don't understand what all the bitching is about, i downloaded this in 3 hrs and 20 min ! extremely funny game! good job! :) i will seed till the end of next month :)dahlis92 (2010-05-23)
i installd this FAH but i fuckd up my computer. now my cpu is running 100% all the time.HELP!!!!!!!
dahlis92 (2010-05-23)
never mind i uinstalld itSami0132 (2010-05-23)
Lol, played this game at my mates house, i could never BELIVE it was this big of a file, 15 GB?:P , why is it so big, the game is not even bigger then world of warcraft, still wow is smaller? Weird, but its not fake, checked on CD ,, its 17 GB actually, so this torrent is not fake.varkarrus (2010-05-25)
It says I'm missing a .dll whenever I try to run any of the programs. What am I doing wrong?ThePirateBay21 (2010-05-25)
thats take so many roomcsesze (2010-06-06)
Well, in conclusion this was not a bad game. I enjoyed all the 3 campaign. Predator was the best and I really liked the smart gun with the Marine. Only one thing I did not like -- I cannot uninstall the game, any idea how to do it? ThanxBloodvonhagen (2010-06-07)
holy gode whata bad seedGuywhogoesboom (2010-06-07)
seeeeeeeeeeeeed im getting only 50kb/s !el dri2 (2010-06-09)
csesze : Have you tried "Revo Uninstaller Pro" ?
Guywhogoesboom (2010-06-12)
Could you guys seed?Im getting only 50kb/sGuywhogoesboom (2010-06-13)
Getting only 5-10kb/s !!!!!!!!!!!!!lysuk (2010-06-17)
does this even work anymore it doesn't install correctly with the rzr1911 installer and normal install asks for product key?Lilreaper69 (2010-06-18)
Okay this is the 2nd Razor download that hasen't worked for me. I've installed this with their installer all the way and got there seperate crack and put it in the AvP folder and when i try to start it up a lil tab on my desptop bar comes up for a split second and goes away and nothing else happens for some reason the game won't complete it's startup. If anyone knows why this would be happening i would appreciate any suggestions.Lozlan (2010-06-20)
uhm, i cant play the alien campaign after the tutorial map, i just spawn outside the box, should i reinstall the game or is there something else?jreeves (2010-06-29)
for the internal disk 3_0sid problem change it to 2_0sid and its on disk 2 worked for mematsjaabekk (2010-07-02)
Hey just wanna say thx alot to razor1911. never ever lets me down. thanks for all the great games i now have :)Douche88 (2010-07-05)
Help plz I cant get it to install...When i click 'ok' after the Razer installer it tells me: "To continue unpacking, file 'aliens vs predator internal_disk1_0.sid' is required from disc 1""
When i select "ok" again it says file doesnt exist!
Image is mounted and all but i cant get the installer to works!
Plz explain to me what to do thank you!
Douche88 (2010-07-05)
I cant get it to install....When i start the installer it tells me ''To continue unpacking, file 'aliens vs predator internal_disk1_0.sid' is required from disc 1""
But then when i select ok it says file doesnt exist!
Help plZ
thekarny (2010-07-05)
Works great... Easy to install, easy to run... At first I thought my computer wouldn't be 100% cause when the game loaded it had a bit of lag... but it was at max resolution, max settings... tuned it down a tiny bit and it was flawless...Thanks for uploading it.... SEEDING it.
Serv-Bear (2010-07-06)
Right ok got it installed fine :)Those that cant figure out how to use the install you need to mount the game with any image tools program like Deamon tools then open the virtual disk then run the Razor installer when it asks you for those sid files you need to link it to them :) then once installed copy over the files in the razor1911 file then play :)
Serv-Bear (2010-07-07)
right it just crashes right after the intro to the mariens misson :(Serv-Bear (2010-07-07)
got it working odly it was somthing to do with sound settingsMlikoo (2010-07-16)
guys i am new hier but guuuuysss!!! SEEEEEEEEEEED GOD DAMIT SEEEEEEEED!!!!! xDprototype15 (2010-07-17)
im new hier but guuyss!! SEEEEEEED GOD DAMIT SEEEEEEEEEEEEED.. :DVanwa (2010-07-18)
how come i can play the human campaign just fine, but in the predator one the screen is frozen at the tutorial? like i can use my mouse wheel to zoom in and out and the reticle on screen shows that, but the screen itself never updates its just a solid like jungle theme or sometimes its blank...i can hear myself jumping but can't see anything? Anyone please help?Vanwa (2010-07-18)
sorry forgot to add i crash completely on all missions with dx11 mode, so the above problem is happening with the regular modeVanwa (2010-07-18)
now after i added skidrow patch 1-3 it works amazing with dx11 for human and alien, but still a frozen screen where i can hear myself jumping and such but can't see more than a frozen jungle scene for Predator campaign, anyone help?tureke (2010-07-27)
LOL 16 GIG, i'm soo gonna BUY this shitkillerpac (2010-08-04)
um im wondering is it saying u can save at all?Denrin (2010-08-11)
i installed it right but when i try to launch the game it opens up then closes right off what do?aftab1295 (2010-08-14)
yeah far out it closes/crashes as soon as i start itxentriz (2010-08-17)
hmm, i see not everyone is seeding for full, i all go too preferences and set the seeding limit to 0 (Unlimited) this will go alot faster.evol-23 (2010-08-25)
please seep ive been downloading for almost a week now at 20 kbpsevol-23 (2010-08-25)
common im at 95% soooo closeAir_Wales (2010-08-27)
Followed the instructions twice and it didn't work. Face it people, Razor1911 torrents always suck shit. If you want your games to work, try RELOADED or SKIDROWevol-23 (2010-08-27)
the game installed fine and i can play good up until i get too about the second lvl on either campaign and it gets really slow n choppy, do you think the other crack will fix this or has any1 had this prob?evol-23 (2010-08-28)
ive updated all the way and now the game runs good but on every campaign once i get to the third or so lvl the game crashes. :( any1 know of any fixes? i would really like to play this game, im prolly gona buy it i just hope that it doesnt crash the same way once i do. still if any1 knows of a fix please let me know. GREAT GAME!!!!!evol-23 (2010-08-28)
btw, thanks to the uploader n razor1911 for all your work,to the rest of you who dont even feel trying to unzip and install a game that has been cracked for ''us'', just go to a different website and complain because we dont wanna hear about it and i mean gimmie a fucking break, do you have any idea how lucky you are for even being able to have access to games like this for FREE, i mean fuck me thats HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS and even into the THOUSANDS!!!!!! so try fucking google and READ and then be thankfull.
thanks again to AiTB and Razor and always TPB!!!woooot woooooot POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER
Demondog70 (2010-09-23)
Work Perfect!!! on win 7 64 bitEGOKHAN (2010-09-23)
SEED people SEEDDDD PLZ!!!I want this game bad and NOW!!!
EGOKHAN (2010-09-23)
Pleaseee SEEDPhilonetic303 (2010-10-07)
Works perfectly, check compatibility if you're having issues.Hemsk (2010-10-11)
Big problem, only 40 files install and no avp.exe. If i manually copy avp.exe to install directiory i will get binkw.dll missing. If i manually fix that problem i get black screen back to desktop. I get one new file every time i try ex, AvP_DX11.exe.2944.STEAMSTART.Any one with this problem?
Do i need to run steam to run this game?
Hemsk (2010-10-11)
Nevermind my last comment, just make sure u get the hole frakking files before u start installing!harddcore (2010-10-23)
what u meen "by get hole fakking files before u install"?Got problem.
After install i copied crack and it ask binkw32.dll, ok copied it from folder.
But after i hit exe it only goest black and then shuts down :S
Alson is it normal that after install there is 3 folder and no exe?
harddcore (2010-10-23)
Ok now i see. the installer isent installing all the files on 104 file it says:"Game installed". Thats why game inst starting up and has no exe. But how i fix that?harddcore (2010-10-23)
Ok now i see. the installer isnt installing all the files on 104 file it says:"Game installed". Thats why game inst starting up and has no exe. But how i fix that?MysteriousS (2010-10-27)
Downloaded and playing fine so far. Was hoping multiplayer would be possible in Garena/Hamachi but it doesn't look like it. Oh well great torrent, dl'd at 700 kbps average, thanks Razor!trentBurton (2010-11-17)
it sucks, game works well but without sound during playing!!!sergeant0101 (2010-12-01)
Guys when its say : internal disk shit do the following:-Change the path for D: Razor1911 and there is the sid file sorry for my bad english .
mathx (2010-12-17)
I love this game, the graphics are amazing. first alien that came I almost shit my fucking pants lol :D ofc playing during nighttime! :Dmathx (2010-12-17)
harddcore: if yr refering to the map with the shortcut only in it , just right click on that shortcut and press properties (I think it is in english) and find game map.Pahvis (2011-01-09)
How do i delete this game?Can't find it in the programs list. Do i just have to delete the game folder?
ThongDaddy (2011-02-08)
question: does anyone elses game close after the first cut scene on the Alien Campaign if it does would you be able to post a link for a fix please?JR22 (2011-02-16)
hey The Games Works fine But There Is A Problem I dont See Any text in the menu???? Can some one Help meGSin0304 (2011-03-23)
I love u Razor1911,but unlike your starcraft torrent(Which was super-duper compressed)this is huge,frankly I havent seen a DVD with more than 5GB of storage.Anyways ill try.ctpax88 (2011-04-05)
Game closes as soon as any movie finishes, right before the actual game begins. for any faction.Wilsson002 (2011-04-25)
Ok. Everybody who are using Win 7 64 bit and are having crash problems after first cut scene this is what I did. I downloaded Skidrows update 1 and 2 crack fix. Now I dont know did this do any good but I noticed that I can get the game working only when I open the AVP exe file as an administrator. And it worked fine. So try this.ocelot_20119 (2011-04-30)
Please seed,im at 50 % and at a turtly 43 kbs.saadrao95 (2011-05-03)
please seedsaadrao95 (2011-05-05)
wtf the game crashes right after the cutscene,i have tried running it with avp exe,updated direct x 11,cracked with skidrow's crack.can anyone give me a solution for this problem...erikhosteter (2011-05-22)
PLEASE GUYS SEEEEED!!!I need this game and I want this game soooo much!
CHAOS1972 (2011-05-26)
@ GSin0304WTF are you talking about ?
Never seen a dvd that holds more than 5gb?!?!?
There is no such thing as a dvd that holds 5gb!!
There are single layer dvd's and dual layer dvd's, roll on over to google, do a search and learn something!!
Soulfyr (2011-05-31)
FAIL Release! Bugs even after applying at Patches. DX11 Bugged, even when you fix DX11 Save games still bugged even after all patches and game still crashes...erikhosteter (2011-06-03)
the game wont work I have a good PC, but when the gameplay have to start the game chrashes...and nothing appears... WHY please guys help me!andreiff (2011-06-08)
please seed !!!!Keekuli (2011-07-12)
This game sucks, crappy graphics, still not working smoothly. The older ones were much better, aliens are too tough in this one, pulse rifle is bullshit etc..Flavinho (2011-07-20)
i can't play multiplayer...somebody help me!Flavinho (2011-07-20)
what i need to play online(multiplayer) or lan???...wizard84 (2011-07-25)
The game won't work!I instaled the game, and so far it's working, but when i chuse the rase, any rase, see intro movie, first mision loading, and then crash! No masage, no error just exit from the game! DirectX is fine and drivers. Missions won't start! And knowing that you cant save game, this was a waste of hard space and time!
vinyc3 (2011-08-02)
PROBLEM: Installed fine but when i open the .exe i get a bink32.dll error so if i download it and put it into aliens directory i get another error about how it cant find shit in the bink32.dll. - windows 7, amd drivers updated WTFnokeout (2011-08-19)
this the 3rd game or the 1st game i want the newestcrazygamer92 (2011-09-24)
the save game worksAmphrax (2011-09-30)
looks fucking amazing. can't wait to rip off some heads. keep up the seeds guys going good. 1mb/sAmphrax (2011-09-30)
just completed alien missions on win7 64 bit with no crashes or problems at all. i guess its your specs or smt i dunno.Enkious (2011-10-11)
This game is EPICLY Retarded.I try to start a new game with the Alien Rase.
But every time, RIGHT AFTER the move part, it crashes, ive reinstalled it, 3 times, still a Crash.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: AvP.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4b59b8bf
Fault Module Name: XAudio2_5.dll
Fault Module Version: 9.27.1734.0
Fault Module Timestamp: 4aa1b293
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0002522c
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Enkious (2011-10-12)
I found a fix. THIS MIGHT HELP anyone using Vista, or 7.Go to your sound options, then go to the tab "Play back" im using win7 btw.
Click speakers, or your default sound.
then click properties,
Go on over to the ADVANCED tab.
Make your default formate say
24 bit, 48000 HZ (Studio Quality)
click ok, and restart the game.
If your game still crashes, Set your Video options, in game to default, Restart the game, and DO NOT TOUCH your brightness level.
Lower your graphics if needed. but keep your brightness the same.
lauezefer (2011-12-19)
este torrent no tiene seeders!!! esta casi muertooooo son 15GB muchachos...tpb4eva (2012-03-16)
Awesome release! EVERYTHING installs and works fine. As for the game its a fucking masterpiece! Took a while to download but was worth it. Great Job!remember 2 buy the software u actually enjoy!
tpb4eva (2012-03-16)
works on win7Camo_Killer8 (2012-04-12)
More seeders plzDonself18 (2012-04-21)
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detailsWhat is this error?????
karel1992 (2012-05-11)
I have a problem when i click on install there is something: SimPack : To continue unpacking, file 'aliens vs predator internal_disk1_0.sid' is required from disc 1 and then i click OK but that say: does not existWTF?????
karel1992 (2012-05-11)
I ve fix it. This game WORKS GREAT on win 7Thanks.
karel1992 (2012-05-12)
i had a problem as well.....the razor installer/ sim pack
is set to install disk one and two ..
there is only disk one!
after fooling with it...... you click all files when browsing for the .sid file....then you can see them..... but to no avail did i figure the actual target...thus
thinking that all that was necessary would be to rename them sequentially[copying to desktop and click to rename]
my patients ran out[im sure its just a rename and to do this as is specified by the installer acquisition] although ill keep the .iso for a while i hope that razor will release the proper /installer / sim pack .....
any comments regarding this method please let I@I know Jah Bless
ASUS G75 RS-72 I7 3610QM
VitorCz (2012-07-15)
LOL i got audio issues and performance issuesSecretSnake (2012-09-16)
Hello everyone!This is a warning this torrent is being monitored! I just received a letter from my Internet provider TDS -- reading letter as follows
Dear: my name,
TDS Internet services has received notification from, and/or distribution of copyrighted material using your TDS Internet service is against our acceptable Use Policy and illegal.
If you are you illegally using, copying, and/or distributing copyrighted material over the TDS network,please discontinue this activity immediately and remove the content from your computer(s). In addition, per our terms of service you are responsible for the security and all activity that occurs using your TDS Internet service. It is your responsibility to make sure your connection is not being used by unauthorized parties if your network is not secure, please take steps to have it secured.
This is a notification from TDS Internet services. We did not represent the holder of the copyright. Be advised that the copyright holder may have the right to independently take action against you. Further complaints may result in suspension or cancellation of your TDS Internet service.
You may view our Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service at a HTTP:// under policies and terms. If you have any questions please contact us at Please refer to ticket #0000000 in your response. ( personal note I'm not getting my ticket number :P)
Thank you,
TDS Internet services
End of letter.
Needless to say I was very outraged to receive this letter.
So for anyone here that is breaking the law illegally downloading this without owning it I suggest you find some other torrent.
Now about me I for one do not download illegal content that I do not own
I only download games and saw where I already own! I use my own CD keys when applicable!
my DVD drive does not work correctly and most of the time it ends up burning a hole through my DVDs but even if it did not I still would not use my original discs I never do I only use digital downloads I would make my own backup copies if I knew how to I cannot get past their stupid copyright bull crap to make a working backup! so I have to rely on other sources like here.
I will be calling my Internet service provider Monday I tried calling today but they are close and I certainly am not going to use their stupid e-mail to talk with them I am going to let them know what I think and that if they send me another letter of any kind in regards to copyright infringement or if they disconnect my service for above reasons that I will see them in court and tell them if they do have a legitimate complaint then by all means seek legal action against me and I will be there in court otherwise if they continue to send letters or harassment or cut my Internet off then I will see them in court
Anyway just thought I would give everyone a heads up! happy torrenting!!!
SecretSnake (2012-09-16)
lool I forgot to add a full paragraph. Is the part that I missedClaimed infringing Material:
Title: aliens vs predator
Protocol: bittorrent
IP Address: my address not putting here not that it matters
Timestamp: 9/10/2012 9:46:57 a.m.
SecretSnake (2012-09-16)
PSfor all of you to keep bitching about the file size!
this torrent has two dual layer DVDs a single layer DVD holds 4.7 GB and a dual layer is the equivalent of two single layer DVDs do the math but being an idiot!
Now I plan on returning this game to Walmart seeing I have not opened the package! I love the ability to download my games and play them without having to open up the actual game for the most part but from what I have played this game really sucks you can't even crouch plus on the Marine campaign on completing the nightclub portion of the first campaign and you have to enter the elevator to go back down it crashes every time and seeing I am not going to open up my package to install using retail to see what is next since I find this game to be totally bull crap compared to it's earlier predecessors!
I only wish Blockbuster and other video stores had PC games for rental not just console games
it would save a lot of time on people testing games not having been days downloading!
Anyway for the last five years every game I have ever purchased is still in its an open packaging! well most games there are some that I just could not get working correctly without using the retail disc I think this is the first steam game I have ever played outside of half-life!
Anyway this is my own opinion some will agree and others will disagree and say it is the best game ever if that's what they think to them for me I'm getting to get my money back!
have fun everyone
jp3317 (2012-09-19)
if any1 is getting the crash error after single player for human intro dwload skidrow update 1,2,3 will work well did for me skidrows 4+updates didn'thaluwasa1 (2012-09-26)
does this work online?VitorCz (2012-09-27)
lol looks like singleplayer has ping too! and i hvae 999 ping, cinematics doesn't have sound, the game is fucked upWeRunThis (2012-12-10)
Lol whats funny SecretSnake is you were dumb enough to get caught. Lol your big ass warning doesn't deter me at all from downloading all the torrents i want. Proud American. :)Holymind (2012-12-11)
BUG: At the start of predator mission 4, I couldn't see the floor or the ceiling, and my character fell straight down and died. I reinstalled the game, restarted my pc and even updated, the problem just wouldn't go away. I can't continue playing with this bug. Please help me! Anyone, any help is greatly appreciated.Flavmeister69 (2012-12-25)
seed please!:)BlueDragon65 (2013-02-24)
Why is the file so damn big?Blargh_7 (2013-05-25)
Game work 100% without freezing. (played marine misions and finished, just 10 min. played predator and is also good)win. 7 64Bit. 8Gb RAM