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Documentaries, documentaries and some more documentaries, and a




Video Other


Documentaries, documentaries and some more documentaries, and a




2008-11-25 (by medesin )


Nov 25th, -09 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear torrent! I jumped back on seeding again a while ago, since I got a sweet connection again and all (I can't do more than ~1-1.3 megabyte/sec though). //medesin May 14th -09 I've now seeded 13.7TB, which equals my initial goal set on uploading 100 times the total amount of data (17 weeks and 2 days). I can't help thinking it strange there are only some 30 seeders. Simple math tells us it ought to be more. Anyhow, I hope the torrent stays alive, I'm out. (and before you ask me to reseed, in the future, ask yourself why you shouldn't fuck yourself silly first. In the near future, I won't have the same seeding capability anyway). *********************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************** I would like to give a big thanx to all of you that do seed. There should be more of us, but hey, some people just can't help the misfortune of being born a cunt. Thanx again for helping out and I hope you like the stuff. //M *********************************************************************************** Please, stay and seed what you can, I can't keep this beast alive all by myself. Do for others what they've done for you, etc etc... thanks in advance! There are no subtitles, if not being a subbed tv-rip. English narration only, with exception of the files with Swedish titles. Swedish titles may also be subbed, as customary in Sweden. Some of them are with English narration only and swesubs. But all in all, time to brush up on your English. Missing parts in series are missing, not typos. I have seen them all, by the way, and a couple of hundred more not included. I still suck at Trivial Pursuit. *********************************************************************************** Contents of this badboy: (edited list in alphabetical order, notify me if I left some file out!) (conspiracy) Israel, Islam, & Armageddon (The Berean Call). (conspiracy) SPIN documentary on how the media lies to manipulate us. [conspiracy] Freemason Council (video clip) admition of mason rule in US. 101.Embarrassing.Sexual.Accidents. 9.11 - The Conspiracy Files. A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon.avi A.Einstein.HowISeeTheWorld.AmericanMasters.avi Aileen Wuornos, Life and Death of a Serial Killer.2003. Alaska Pipeline.avi Alex on the Frontiers of Astronomy - 1. The Stuff of the Cosmos. Alex on the Frontiers of Astronomy - 2. Dark Energy-May the Force be with you. Alex on the Frontiers of Astronomy - 4. Our Universe-One of many. All Access, Heta Brudar och Fula Killar.TVrip.XviD.SWESUB-APB.avi Amateurporn. American Propaganda Films - Alcohol and the Human Body [1949] American Propaganda Films - Capitalism (1948) American Propaganda Films - Drug Addiction (1951) American Propaganda Films - Teens & Drugs -'The Terrible Truth' [1951] Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity. BangkokGirl, TheLens. Banned From TV - Police Brutality. (not very exciting nor interesting, it just happened to be in the folder) BBC - Great Wildlife Moments - Part 1(2). BBC - Great Wildlife Moments - Part 2(2). BBC - Isaac Newton - The Dark Heretic. BBC - Japan - Future Japan. BBC - Secrets of Levitation. BBC - The Unseen Powers Of Animals - Hidden Forces. BBC - The Unseen Powers Of Animals - Outer Limits. BBC Correspondent - Israel's Secret Weapon. BBC Fashion In Japan. BBC Horizon - Parallel Universes. BBC Horizon - How To Commit The Perfect Murder. BBC Human Body 05 - Brain Power. BBC Life on Earth - Life in the Trees. BBC Music In Japan. BBC Sex In Japan. BBC. Horizon - Living To 101. BBC. Horizon - We are the Aliens. BBC. Horizon - A war on science. BBC. Horizon - Most of our Universe is missing. BBC. Horizon - Battle of the brains. BBC. Horizon - Are we alone in the universe. BBC. Horizon - How to make better decisions. BBC. Horizon - Is Alcohol worse than ecstasy? BBC. Horizon - Total isolation. BBC. Horizon - What on Earth is wrong with gravity? BBC. Nuclear Secrets. 5of5. The Terror Trader. BBC. Supernatural. 1 of 6.Extrasensory Perception. BBC. Supernatural. 2 of 6.Outer Limits. BBC. Supernatural. 3 of 6.Hidden Forces. BBC. Supernatural. 4 of 6.Time Warp. BBC. Supernatural. 5 of 6.Paranormal. BBC. Supernatural. 6 of 6.Close Encounters. BBC. Supernatural. EXTRA. Superstars. BBC. Why Democracy Taxi To The Dark Side. BBC. The truth about food. 1 of 6. BBC. The truth about food. 2 of 6. BBC. The truth about food. 3 of 6. BBC. The truth about food. 4 of 6. BBC. The truth about food. 5 of 6. BBC. The truth about food. 6 of 6. Beautiful Minds(Part.1).The Living Computer. (about Kim Peek, on whom the character "Rain Man" played by Dustin Hoffman is based) Bermuda Triangle -The True Story. BigCatCrisis, NationalGeographic. Biography, Barack Obama. Biography, Mark Twain, his Amazing Adventures. Black Sky - The Race for Space. "Bounce", Behind the Velvet Rope. Brainsex - Why we fall in love - Documentary. Bush�s Brain. Cambodia - The Betrayal. Channel 4 - 080307 - The Great Global Warming Swindle. CIA�s secret experiments. CIA�s secret experiments on humans. (this may be a duplicate, I'll check in on that when I can) Cities of the underworld. s01e02. Hitlers Underground Lair. (Dr.Evil, anyone?) Cold. Built 4 The Kill. Conspiracy - Majestic Twelve Cover Up (History Channel). Currents - Hijacked Future. (a must see, if you ask me) D�rf�r rasade World Trade Center. (en motbok till alla popul�ra konspirationsteorier) Damage Done,The Drug War Odessey. Currents. Damp, en infekterad historia. Danger, Virus. Dark Side of Porn, Debbie Does Dallas Uncovered. dc.rhs.pdtv-sometv.avi dc.rsvs.pdtv-sometv.avi Den Perfekta Rumpan. dfn-dcsexsfirstd.avi dfn-dcsexsmkinkys.avi Discovery - Brainstormer. Discovery - Disaster At Chernobyl. Discovery - Horizon - Mega-Tsunami - Wave of Destruction. Discovery - Robosapiens. Discovery - Robots rising. Discovery - Science Frontiers - Scare Me. Discovery - ULTRASCIENCE '97 (Electronic Mind Control). Discovery Channel - CIA Secrets Passing Secrets. Discovery Channel - Hypnosis. Discovery Channel - If We Had No Moon (ned sub). Discovery Channel - Nuclear Bomb. Discovery Channel - Sex and Love. Discovery Channel - The Knights Templar (2000). Discovery Channel - The Most Evil Men In History - Idi Amin. Discovery Channel - Time Travel - Special. Discovery Channel - Why Dogs Smile And Chimpanzees Cry. Discovery -Top Secret NSA (1997.TV-Cap). Discovery Channel, Borneos pygmy elephants. Discovery Channel, Inuti Bermudatriangeln. Discovery Channel, Specialeffekternas Vetenskap. Discovery Channel,Varldens Varsta Seriemordare.TVrip. Discovery Civilisation, Time Team, Peak district practices. Discovery, Dragons of Komodo.2001. Discovery, Fireworks. Discovery, The Great Nazi Cash Swindle. Discovery, Weapons of war - Propaganda(Swe.sub.2000). Dispatches - Mark Thomas on Coca Cola. Dispatches - 2007-01-11. Dispatches - The Indian miracle. Dispatches - Undercover mosque. DNA (1 of 5) - Secret of Life. DNA (2 of 5) - Playing God. DNA (3 of 5) - The Human Race. DNA (4 of 5) - Curing Cancer. DNA (5 of 5) - Pandoras Box. Documentary - The Story Of Computer Games. Does Snuff Exist Dokument Inifr�n - De Icke �nskv�rda - Rashygien I Sverige (2002). Dokument utifr�n. CIAs hemliga krig.1(3).[Frankrike.2003.Dokument�r] Dokument utifr�n. CIAs hemliga krig.2(3).[Frankrike.2003.Dokument�r] Dokument utifr�n. CIAs hemliga krig.3(3).[Frankrike.2003.Dokument�r] Dokument utifr�n. I Guds namn. Om kristen fundamentalism bakom folkmordet i Rwanda 1994.[Sverige.2004.Dokument�r] Dokument utifr�n. Krig till varje pris. Upprinnelsen till Irakkriget.[Sverige.2004.Dokument�r] Dokument utifr�n. V�rlden enligt Bush.[Sverige.2004.Dokument�r. William Karel, Eric Laurent] Dokument�ren - Vem Bryr Sig (nynazister i sverige). Dokumentar. Kvinnans Orgasm.TVrip. Download - The True Story of the Internet. e4-People Power. Earth Worship -Indoctrinating Our Youth in Earth Worship. Eat at MC Donald`s. Elephant Rage. National Geographic. End of Suburbia E- True Hollywood Story, Jenna Jameson. ExplosiveForce. NakedScience. Extreme engineering. Turning Torso.(ext-ee.turning.torso.avi) Extrema Sjukdomar, 100 Orgasmer om Dagen.TVrip. Fifth Estate. Cruel Camera. Frankensteer. Freddie Mercury - The Untold Story (doc). Frontline. Hot Politics. Frontline. Is Wal-Mart Good For America.14 Jun 05. Fuck you I'm Fat (ftp-foimfat.avi) Future Focus, Gulf Stream and the next Ice Age (ffgsnia-wpi.avi) (very interesting) g4l-elephant.avi g4l-the.grizzlies.avi George W Bush - The Jesus Factor (2004). Global Dimming, Tragic End of Humanity. BBC Documentary. Gulag USA - Concentration Camps in America (Texe Marrs). Hackers. Hiroshima. History Channel - Samurai And The Swastika. History Channel - The Russian Mafia. History Of The Pop Video. History Channel - Mega Disasters, Superswarm. (incredible!) (historychanmegadisasterssuperswarmwspdtvxvid.avi) Hj�lp, jag onanerar for mycket. (hjalp.jag.onanerar.for.mycket.swesub.pdtv.xvid-ts.avi) Horizon - How Does Your Memory Work. Horizon - Nuclear Nightmares. If Drugs Were Legal. BBC Documentary (2005). Illegal Drugs 1 - Cocaine. Illegal Drugs 2 - Opium, Morphine and Heroin. Illegal Drugs 3 - LSD, Ecstasy and the Raves. Illegal Drugs 4 - Marijuana. Illuminazi 9-11. IMAX - BBC - The Elegant Universe - Part III - Welcome To The 11th Dimension. In The Name Of God - Scenes From The Extreme [digitaldistractions]. Intercepting Fist (Bruce Lee documentary). James Bond, The True Story. Jerry Springer Uncensored. JFK Assassination - Kennedy is kept at center frame (1). John Holmes dokument�r. JUMP BRITAIN. (amazing free running and parqour performance!) Ku Klux Klan - A Secret History. Life as a Nazi. Life And Times Of El Nino. Louis Theroux�s African Hunting Holiday. LSD - The Beyond Within - Part 1 of 2 - BBC Documentary. LSD - The Beyond Within - Part 2 of 2 - BBC Documentary. LSD Millionaires, "Operation Julie". LSD. Trip or Trap 1967. Me And My Slaves. Middlesex. Music In Japan - BBC Choice. My Small Breasts and I - Bbc Three 2006-08-29. National Geographic - Built For The Kill - s1e01 - Desert National Geographic - Built For The Kill - s1e04 - Grassland National Geographic - Fight Science - Mixed Martial Arts. 720p. National Geographic - Mind altering drugs. National Geographic - Fight Science - Mixed Martial Arts 720p HDTV DD5.1 x264-S89.mkv National Geographic Channel - Mind altering drugs documentary.avi National Geographic HD - Insect Wars. National Geographic - Earth Report. 2008. National Geographic - Hunter Hunted, Baboons. National Geographic - The Gospel Of Judas. 2006. National Geographic - Why Chimps kill. Natural World - Ant Attack. 1080p. Nature - The Gorilla King. Navy Seals - Untold Stories, Bosnia. Noam Chomsky Interview About the Iraq War (BBC). Nostradamus. His Life and Prophecies(1999). Nova - Ancient Refuge In The Holy Land [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Deadly Ascent [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Galileo's Battle For The Heavens [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Garden Of Eden [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Great Escape [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Infinite Secrets Of Archimedes [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Lost At Sea - The Search For Longitude [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Neanderthals On Trial [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Origins Part 1 - Earth Is Born. Nova - Origins Part 2 - How Life Began. Nova - Origins Part 3 - Where Are The Aliens. Nova - Origins Part 4 - Back To The Beginning. Nova - scienceNOW Episode 01 [digitaldistractions]. Nova - scienceNOW Episode 02 [digitaldistractions]. Nova - scienceNOW Episode 03 [digitaldistractions]. Nova - scienceNOW Episode 04 [digitaldistractions]. Nova - scienceNOW Episode 05 [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Secrets Of The Mind [digitaldistractions]. Nova - The Elegant Universe Part 1. Nova - The Elegant Universe Part 2. Nova - The Elegant Universe Part 3. Nova - The Missing Link [digitaldistractions]. Nova - The Viking Deception [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Wave That Shook The World [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Who Killed The Red Baron [digitaldistractions]. Nova - Ape Genius. 2008. 720p. Nsf Insider Del 1. (Swedish) Nsf Insider Del 2. (Swedish) Nsf Insider Del 3. (Swedish) Origins Of Human Aggression (The Nature Of Things). Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism. Panorama. The War Party. PBS - Moyers on America, Is God Green? (2006) PBS - The Path to Nuclear Fission, The Story of Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn (2006) PBS Frontline - The Meth Epidemic (2006) PBS Nature - Rhinoceros (2007) PBS Nature - The Venom Cure (2005.720p) PBS Nova - 2006.09.05 - Building on Ground Zero. PBS Nova - The Last Great Ape (2007) PBS Frontline - Growing Up Online (2008). PBS Frontline -(oct_2004)- Rumsfelds War. PBS Nova - Magnetic Storm. Phenomenon, The Lost Archives - The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla. Rembrandt�s "The "Night Watch". Private Life Of a Masterpiece. Master Works. Secret Towers Of The Himalayas [digitaldistractions]. Secrets Of Ancient Empires - First Beliefs [digitaldistractions]. Secrets of World War II - The Enigma Secret. Should I Smoke Dope? Small Town Ecstasy (2002). (interesting and sad, try not being too judgemental) Spam - The Documentary. Stephen Fry - The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive - part 1. Stephen Fry - The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive - part 2. Stephen Fry and the Gutenberg press. Stephen Hawking - A Brief History of Time. Stephen Hawking�s - Part 1. Seeing is believing. Stephen Hawking�s - Part 3. Cosmic Alchemy. Stephen Hawking�s - Part 4. On the Dark Side. Stephen Hawking�s - Part 5. Black Holes and Beyond. Stephen Hawking�s - Part 6. The Answer To Everything. Surplus. Taboo - The Beginning of Erotic Cinema. Teenage Japanese Killers - Channel 4 (2000). Teenage Transsexuals. Teens Hooked on Porn. TESLA - Free Energy, the Race to Zero Point (Physics, Supressed Technology). Testosterone Boys (2002) Tetris - From Russia With Love. Thai Brides. The Capatalist Conspiracy (1960's Anti New World Order). The First Emperor - The Man Who Made China [digitaldistractions]. The First Pompeii [digitaldistractions]. The History Channel - CIA - 50 Years of Spying. The Secret Lectures of Commander X - New World Order, UFOs, Mind Control. (get your tin foil hat on) The Secret Rulers of the World - The Bilderberg Group. The Story of God part 1 of 3. The Story of God part 2 of 3. The Story of God part 3 of 3. The Expanding Universe. 2of4. The Sun And Other Stars. The Expanding Universe. 3of4. The Planets. The Expanding Universe. 4of4. Searching For Other Lifeforms. The Fake Trade. Part1. The Fake Trade. Part2. The Ghost In Your Genes. 2006. (personally, this one I really recommend!) The Man Who Predicted 9.11. The Search For Osama Bin Laden. 2007. The Secret History of 9.11. Part 1. The Secret History of 9.11. Part 2. The Gulf Stream And The Next Ice Age. The Last Safe Spot. The Power Of Nightmares. part1-3. The Real Sopranos. The Reptiles. Snakes Nature. Trust Me, I'm A Healer. 2007-01-08. Capital Shame - Beyond The Shoolyard. (W5.CapitalShame.BeyondTheShoolyard.atscsdtv.xvid.avi) Walmart - High Cost Of Low Price. When Senses Collide - Synesthesia (2008). When Jerry Springer Ruled the World. Virgin School. *********************************************************************************** Fukn'ell, it really took a while to create the torrent (and 2h to tidy up the list of contents).. Hope you'll enjoy! Also, say yes to stem cell research.


  1. Documentary
  2. documentaries
  3. dokument�rer
  4. the motherload

Files count:



140594.07 Mb




Hanziczka (2009-11-30)

Wow! Many many thanks for THIS!!! Humans need this. It's precious stuff!

 youssef0eddoumali (2009-11-30)

yes man precious stuff

adhikari (2009-12-05)

@medesin and all those who are kind
i seriously beg here with you
plz can any one archive this 137.3GiB file in KGB Archiver
thanks to all in advance

pappoo_samma (2009-12-14)

This is invaluable.
I request everyone downloading to seed it.
I hope this stays alive forever.

Joooowy (2009-12-15)

This certainly is one bigass massive impressive torrent. Thanks for this.

TraumaSutra (2009-12-21)

Please Seed

rahul71 (2009-12-29)

please seed guys

rahul71 (2009-12-29)

thanks for the impressive torrent

 medesin (2009-12-30)

bourre-> God point, so I might clarify my aim which is of course towards bastards who won't stay and seed at least a 1:1 ratio, regardless how often their comps are up´n running.

 medesin (2009-12-30)

Hanziczka, youssef, pappoo, Joooowy, pirateturk, rahul71>>> You are most welcome, hope you'll have satisfactory downloads and enjoy what you get.
best regards

okc405 (2010-01-08)

I FEEL SICK! I spent the last month DL this and got to 96% then ACCIDENTALLY DELETED TORRENT + DATA!!!!!!!
I restored from the recycle bin, but when I started over it started from 1% again. Does anyone know of any way to get me back to 96%???

 medesin (2010-01-20)

okc405>> Damn! I don't know, but I'll look into it tonight.

 medesin (2010-01-24)

The only thing I can figure would be the problem is if you by mistake are re-saving the torrent in another folder than the files recovered. Try downloading the torrent again, halt it and paste your recovered files into the folder that is created upon download, start the download again in your client. Hopefully it will then pick up on what you already have and what's left - at least if you use uTorrent.

-DeMorgan- (2010-05-31)

Amazing dude, well done :)

BonelessChicken (2010-08-02)

This is a LOVELY collection...if someone can just SEED, PLEEEAASE!!

BonelessChicken (2010-08-02)

This is a LOVELY collection...if someone can just SEED, PLEEEAASE!! At this rate it will take the rest of us like 3 years or more...

ElChapo (2010-08-21)

As everyone else has said: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEED! This is an AMAZING collection. I love documentaries and this is like finding the Holy Grail. I will be seeding a very long time if I can get through it!

DBag5711 (2010-09-21)

leechers plz seed if i can get this i will seed for a year

nivp4m (2010-10-08)

No seeders at all...
Going by this speed it will take my whole life to download this torrent.
Leechers plz seed...

hunter100000 (2010-11-18)

Amazing torrent!!!! DESERVES MORE SEEDERS PEOPLE!!!!!! Don't be selfish

hilarleo (2010-11-27)

IT'S TOO BIG>>But these look so awesome.
Would anyone like to break this up into a few pieces? i cant get it onto my Mac drive.

delta24 (2010-12-05)

please seed people ........SEEED :(

upstreamftw (2010-12-10)

Just started downloading, I'll set my upstream to cap for this torrent only. When it completes I will see a month.

upstreamftw (2010-12-10)

this is one massive torrent may have been a little better to slip into sections for seeders but w/e seeders will seed and leachers will leach its the way it is. Please help seed this tho guys :D Ill do what I can do to help

upstreamftw (2010-12-12)

@Medesin this looks to be an awesome collection man, if I ever get the entire thing it should make for some good viewing.
@leeches I see a bunch of you at 100% or close to it uploading nothing, at least dedicate a few KB/s to this torrent ffs its a huge file I'm currently dedicating 80KB/s steady which is about all I can get outta my ADSL please share the wealth in a similar fashion.

beliha (2010-12-20)

A 712kb torrent file.
137.3 GBs.
That's a huge achievement. I will buy a new HD just for this and seed.

upstreamftw (2010-12-25)

Just like to say I really appreciate those who are seeding this, ive had the pleasure of viewing 2 videos so far and their great. I have my upstream set to cap so i dont leach really @ 1.7 ratio right now but still going very slow, plz others dont be selfish lets get this out there for everyone to enjoy.

uncas (2011-01-04)

This is a goldmine! please seed guys. I'l keep seeding the ones I download

zapfy (2011-02-06)

frikkin fantastic! thx

D_jin (2011-02-11)

guys please seed this. i am getting 4kb/s and i wont be getting to see anything at this rate. thank you uploader for the amazing effort. cherrs mate.

Rogerbrekke (2011-02-19)

awesome torrent. i will start downloading now. and seed for at least 2 months on this one. just awesome m8. cheers

one_seedin_sucka (2011-06-21)

LEGENDARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are awesome

moniter (2011-08-22)

fucking 1 seed... some one seed it...

sivabalan.c (2011-08-25)


SixLo (2011-08-28)

Absolutely fantastic collection. Tusen takker, Takk fyrir, Thank you. Some things I've been looking for for a long time now. Will seed. Not as much help as I'd like to be [70kBs upstream :-( ], but will do what I can for as long as I can.

daanvr (2011-08-29)

be kind and set max download and max upload to the same for this torrent(right click on torrent/propertie), or upload some Kb/s higher so that you take as match as you give!
PRIORITISE the different FILES in the torrent and feel free to say Don't Download for those you ain't gone watch anyway!

 The_Abee (2011-12-01)

5KB/s .
So, Shame & Lame To Seeders.

hertex (2012-01-20)

Only one word to say

ChaoticSystem (2012-02-16)

This is something more people need to see! Will seed for a long time, hope others will too! Thank you medesin :)

mdafi (2012-04-27)

damnn, where can i find subtitles in portugues brazil?

pakoq (2012-05-23)

how can it be that very few people are seeding this wonderfull torrent...

pressurev (2012-08-23)

Noone in this world care for a good torrent like this .. Pathetic .. Please fuckin seed guys ..... ...

scribblesfish (2012-08-25)

I have spent over 1yr trying to download this awesome torrent. I had my harddrive die on me, recovered those files and sorted a dedicated harddrive for this torrent.
This torrent will keep my ratio up where it should be that is if I can receive the entire torrent.
Please seed and I will keep up the seeding for others during weekends AUST time.
Please consider
Corinne aka scribblesfish

knowler (2012-08-26)

seedin at 1mb/s. ejoy!

Phatfish (2012-10-29)

V - Of various quality obviously but many are VHS rips. I haven't watched all but from what I have seen well watchable though.
A -Many of the discovery and history channel rips seems to be from the same clue sniffing ripper.
Someone who really knows how to sniff their clue but haven't got a fucking clue how to use a audio compressor/limiter. Painful and annoying.

erikoui (2013-11-12)

Thank you uploader! Will be seeding forever

drfrost1 (2014-03-12)

I think i'll seed this for a while...great UL!

fonsecajipa (2014-09-24)
