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Health Care In Ontario Canada A.Rational Look At How To Fix The.
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2011-09-26 (by m2brier)
This is an proposal specifically written in order to reorganize and reallocate resources possessed by the Province of Ontario Canada so health care is delivered equitably and efficiently. Implementation strategies include giving pharmacists the right to use their full skill set, via certain types of prescription renewals without a doctor, converting the vast number of money wasting walk in clinics back to traditional health care providers/general practitioners. education program and mass distribution of thermometers to save untold millions of dollars(a day in the winter) as patients can be informed of when it is or is not worth while to attend a clinic(with safety and patient care as the number one priority. base wage increases for all doctors, per service fee allocations for pharmacists providing consiulation services, etc.
there are many good ideas in here all that will save our great province money in order so every Ontarian can have a real doctor-a family doctor. savings are easy since cost differential between effective family doctor model and inefficient walk in clinic model is 4 times, at least twice the service(since the doctor actually knows who you are, etc.
read the entire proposal, i'd like to float this white paper all the way to Queens Park.
I am hoping Dalton Mc Guinty will have the vision to see some if not all of the reforms passed, as possibly hundreds of millions of dollars could be saved, then re-allocated to primary health care so we all have a family doctor.
kind regards
- health care
- ontario
- how to fix the system
- a rational approach
- october 6
- dalton mc guinty
- fix the system
- health care reform
- walk in clinic
Files count:
149.82 Kb
ramikaz (2011-09-27)
McGuinty is a Zionist scumbag that does business with APARTHEID israel to keep the jews happy. I hope he gets his ass handed to him just like that other Zionist scumbag, Obama.m2brier (2011-09-27)
crazy comment dude,politics sometimes makes 4 crazy bedfellows, thats reality. i wrote this so he could perhaps see that we in ontario care deeply about this stuff. Universal health care that is not universal or equitably distributed is a sad joke. pouring money into places that do not use it properly is imbecilic. for me i can only really get medical assistance that is worth anything if i end up in a hospital. I do not have good health care here(if u have no family doctor).
seemed ok, b4 election. however, he really does seem to be beholden to interests other than those of the populace he is supposed to be serving. i cannot comment on the jewish people except to say there is a reason the are in israel(palestine) . they do not want to be killed like animals by the millions ever again. that makes sense for sure. however, private roads for settlers in occupied territories and building fences will only aggravate the situation.
thanks for your input.\\
not every white man out there is garbage either, i love everybody nomatter what their origin. "foreigners" are far more interesting to me because many have real lives that are difficult, not some joke where everybody wants everything and they want in now. good things come to those who wait. my point exactly regarding walk in clinics-they cannot really help you, why do any of us bother going. re allocate funding so we can all have a doctor. furthermore, this is the most equitable solution for doctors- the could rest assured they do not have to provide what they all know to be inferior and exceedingly expensive services if they were assured a better living in the first place. i can never be made at someone for say stealing bread to feed his family but what is it all really for? i suspect the MDs who use this silly system to enrich themselves will never really be happy anyway. you gotta ask yourself "to what end?" ie what is a couple hundred k a year extra really going to do? will your family love you more? are you a "better" person because you have a fancy car? that is for everyone to figure out themselves.
sorry, i get wound up and preach like an idiot.
Kindness is never a sign of weakness