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Command And Conquer Red Alert 3 (MAC)-INTEL-Hottwings






Command And Conquer Red Alert 3 (MAC)-INTEL-Hottwings




2009-05-31 (by Hottwings)


COMMAND AND CONQUER RED ALERT 3 UPRISING v1.06 FOR MAC! NAME: COMMAND AND CONQUER RED ALERT 3 UPRISING v1.06 COMPANY: ELECTRONIC ARTS PROTECTiON: SECUREDISC - DRM - CIDER BINARY CHECK OTHERS TYPE: REAL-TiME STRATEGY (RTS) URL: iNTEL.....: [ X ] PPC [ ] UNiVERSAL BiNARY [ ] SpEcS.....: OSX v10.5.6 or higher; *INTEL* Core Duo; 1024M RAM ViDEO: ATIX6100, NVIDIA7300GT; 10GB DiSK SPACE; Keyboard Mouse.......................... RELEASE NOTES As Stated Above Computer Specs : - Mac OS X v10.5.6 Leopard or Higher *INTEL* - *INTEL* Core Duo Processor - 1024MB RAM - Video Card : ATI X1600 / NVIDIA 7300GT or Higher... - 10 GB of Hard Disk Space _________________________________________________________________________________ **Whatever you do, DO NOT UPDATE WHEN IT ASKS. Just say no. Its going to ask you to update everytime you launch game, never click yes. If you click yes you will not be able to play unless you find a register key, which i cant find any out there, ive looked everywhere. Youd have to delete the game and reinstall it if you clicked yes and dont have a serial. But its doesnt really matter, not updating still lets you play the whole game and everything except the online play of course. Which youd need a serial for the game to play online. If any of you happen to find a couple serials, be a pal and share :)** If you do update game you will need a serial, i dont know where any true ones are and I havent tried these but if youd like to see if theyd work go ahead. ^You dont need serial as long as you dont update game when it asks you^ I havent played through the whole game so let me know what you find. But i have already encountered some graphics issues, but lowering the resolution and lowering some details make it better.


  1. Command
  2. And
  3. Conquer
  4. Red
  5. Alert
  6. Mac
  7. Hottwings
  8. Game

Files count:



6514.75 Mb




Hottwings (2009-05-31)

Im seeding, be patient. ENJOY!

Hottwings (2009-05-31)

And im not sure why its saying theres nobody seeding cause i am and currently uploading to 2 peers...

zanghfei (2009-06-01)

To Hard Need Power Seed 0_o

Aventaes (2009-06-01)

If this works out ill seed the entire summer for as much as i can. (Wont start paying extra to upload though)

freddiecable (2009-06-02)

please seed!

Hottwings (2009-06-02)

sorry its taking so long, but just be patient, every torrent starts slow. And ive been playing the game further lately, there are a few more graphics issues, but im no extreme clever guy to figure out how to clean em all up, so when the download starts reaching more people, ill let them see what they can do..

rokiza (2009-06-02)

hotwings get some of your mates and give them copies to seed haha

macdesire (2009-06-02)

please seed 3 days and only

6.36 GB
State: Downloading
Progress: 11.53%
Have: 751.4 MB (738.7 MB verified)
Downloaded: 754.6 MB
Uploaded: 3.73 GB
Ratio: 5.06
Swarm Rate: 0 bytes/s
DL Speed: 0 bytes/s
UL Speed: 30.5 KB/s
UL To: 3
DL From: 0
Total Seeders: 1
Total Leechers: 191

Hottwings (2009-06-03)


zenorbi (2009-06-04)

I'm downloading from torrentzilla. When I finish, I will try to port the files to this torrent.

zenorbi (2009-06-04)

I'm seeding!

zanghfei (2009-06-04)

Please Read It
****UPDATES****: ~6/2/2009~ Since my internet fails at seeding, ill give you a different link to the torrent that has 12 seeders~ :0 haha sorry for the crap upload speed. If you'd like to have this game follow these intructions:
1. Go to:
2. Register Free
3. Go to:

4. Download Torrent.
5. Once Downloaded open the .rar file and it will open 2 things: .dmg and .zip
6. Mount dmg and add game to apps
7. open zip and a 1.06 patch installer appears
8. Run the installer and select the game app for destination
9. hopefully you did it succesfully and there you go!
10. there are some graphics issues

zenorbi (2009-06-04)

Many graphics issue.
No time sync, so if your graphics settings is too high, the game will slow down. Typical EA game: Cider, no timesync, graphics issue

bastarts (2009-06-04)

I've been uploading from work at 4 Mb per sec...already uploaded 100 Gigs...enjoy guys!!!

zanghfei (2009-06-05)

Why i can run Great?
0_o wtf?

zenorbi (2009-06-05)

The good settings for play without graphics issue:
Resolution: any
Terrain: any
Water: low or medium
Model: any
Shader: low or medium
VFX: any, but the very low is the best (nothing changing only the fps goes down)
Shadows: Off (no shadow in the game)
Vertical: On
Texture: any

garsen (2009-06-05)

launch error: launch failed.
every time.

zenorbi (2009-06-05)

Launch Activity Monitor and kill wineserver.

zenorbi (2009-06-05)

Anyone got a crack for v1.10? I'm tried to crack with win crack (because it's emulated by cider), but it's not working. It says memory error.

michaelsh (2009-06-06)

Could some one re-generate and upload the torrent file? This one is really really slow. :(

dima_a (2009-06-06)

I'll do it, but seed

dima_a (2009-06-07)

Djrelmz (2009-06-07)

HOw am I supposed to DL from Torrentzilla when I can't even register??

Hottwings (2009-06-08)

you can register, its free, but i dont think you need to do that anymore, you can download this torrent now, now that theres multiple seeders
~Thanks everyone fore seeding, ill seed for a couple weeks~

forest hunter (2009-06-08)

Hang on, is this natively for mac or is it just someone personal rip of the game? Is it an official EA mac release?

RayGunEra (2009-06-11)

Have you guys experienced the mouse issues...where after a while of gameplay the left click and right click will cease to work for brief periods of time??
Is it a bad crack? or the un-updated version that is causing this....I've tried lowering resolution to no avail.

Hottwings (2009-06-13)

I dont have any mouse issues so i dont know what your talking about. Ive been playing futher into game and everything seems pretty good as long as you dont have the graphics too high. Personally id say red alert 2 is still my favorite, but this one is ok... Its too bad RA2 doesnt work in crossover and cider...

cuacker (2009-06-14)

launch error: launch failed.
every time.
Launched Activity Monitor and try to kill wineserver but did't find that process
Help please!

naireland (2009-06-24)

fantastic game, THANKS Hottwings.
unpacked and followed the instructions, not a single problem. Works great.
Ill seed my ass off in appreciation.

Chupa99 (2009-06-24)

launch error:
launch failed.
Everytime too... tryed reinstalling and same.... closed everything that I could on activity monitor and error again... what are you on cuacker?? MacBookPro here.... just won't work no matter what... any ideas???

Hottwings (2009-07-04)

dunno, maybe completely delete everything from ra3 you have and redownload from here and try again.

deterrus (2009-07-20)

hey can any one help me? i have a mac all the systems requirements and drag the program to my application folder and run the patch, but when i try to run the program and patch a window appears with both and says that the version of the program cant be open with my version of mac os x

LongLivePiracy (2009-07-27)

None of the serials work, it just says reenter the code which I do and nothing happens, I guess I'll fucking install it again but for the love of god make a crack before you upload. waste of fucking time

seejsk8 (2009-08-04)

Make sure when you install the .zip file to CHOOSE the folder that THE GAME is contained in. To do this you have to click the little bubble called Choose Folder when you are running the small .zip install file. you can play...

monkeyjedi (2009-08-24)

You have to change the permission of a particular file.
Apply the crack.
Navigate to "" as described here:
/Applications/Command and Conquer - Red Alert
Files/Electronic Arts/Red Alert 3/Data/
Right click on "" and "Get Info". At the bottom of the window under the Sharing & Permissions info you have to unlock permissions with your Admin password, then click on the + to Add yourself and give yourself Read & Write Privileges. I also added Administrator with Read & Write Privileges.
Start the game from the Command and Conquer - Red Alert 3 game app in your Applications Folder.

usulpsychonaut (2009-09-07)

It just says reenter the code which I do and nothing happens, I guess I'll fucking install it again but for the love of god make a crack before you upload. waste of fucking time

joggibajs (2009-10-05)


oxygens (2009-11-11)

Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge VMware Appliance (osx, win7, linux, anything that runs vmware):
Full game (NOT rip) with working cracks preinstalled, and other goodies:)

oxygens (2009-11-12)

Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge VMware Appliance (works on OSX with Fusion any version):
Full game (NOT rip) with working cracks preinstalled, hamachi for LAN over internet play and other goodies:)

D_O_M_O_N_A_T_O_R (2009-12-11)

So Is This Red Alert 3 Uprising

LoLoLou (2010-01-18)

Will there ever be 1.12 crack? I have retail and I want to play with my friend.

LoLoLou (2010-01-18)

God I wish you could PM people on here...

russianboy123 (2010-02-28)

hey people 1st i wanna thx u for seed i will finish download in 30 min with 300mo/s and 2nd!!!!!
i think i found serial code, i will taste if it work : serial is :021672-615449-408934-8109

habydlg (2010-06-16)

DL: 5.6 kb/s
UL: 99.4 kb/s
ETA: 6d 13hr 45min??
Please seed... I will seed 20gb after this...

caxac97 (2010-09-10)

when i click play, the play screen pops up, but then it just freezes

caxac97 (2010-09-11)

I figured it out. Great game, works fine

oxygens (2010-09-21)

The ***FATAL***String Manager failed to initialized properly can be fixed by setting the compatibility cu Win98/Me in the Properties/Compatibility tab on YURI.exe or ra2.exe.
If you experience a slowdown on Vista and Windows 7 and/or you want the game to run at your current screen resolution (yes the game can do that) try this:

zeta2099 (2011-03-08)

Yes I had the same problems with a macbook (and since i liked a lot the game) I bought it... once the game updates the problems with the mouse are gone. 19 bucks aren't bad for this game.

japanduh (2011-04-25)

plz seed and ill seed for twice as long thts my philosophy

Deion97 (2012-01-22)

dude, can you make one without that installer thing, now i got to show my school tech guy that i got "a free game from my cousin"

kmg0621 (2012-10-31)

what is the registration key? D:

alhattab (2013-03-19)

works perfect on my MBAir 2012 ... seeding :)


1. Red.Alert.3.(MAC)-Hottwings.(MAC)-Hottwings/Must-Read-Me-Instructions.txt 778 bytes
2. Red.Alert.3.(MAC)-Hottwings.(MAC)-Hottwings/RedAlert3(k).zip 10.12 Mb
3. Red.Alert.3.(MAC)-Hottwings.(MAC)-Hottwings/RedAlert3.dmg 6504.63 Mb