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Tom Lunding Understanding uncertainty (Dr Tom Lunding e-books)






Tom Lunding Understanding uncertainty (Dr Tom Lunding e-books)




2011-02-06 (by megamasterminded2011)


TOM LUNDING E-BOOK COLLECTIONS - PSYCHOLOGY Tom Lunding Understanding uncertainty (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) This book discusses, in simplistic detail, the logic of uncertainty, its truths and falsehoods. The object of the book is to explain what has been accomplished in the twentieth century about uncertainty. Given that there are three rules to obey, craftily laid out in the book, author Dennis Lindley rationalizes that any study of the topic can be handled with as much confidence as ordinary logic. Understanding Uncertainty equips readers with the skill to appreciate an uncertain situation and judge whether another person, lawyer, politician, scientist, or journalist is talking sense, posing the right questions, or obtaining sound answers. Some mathematical maturity is helpful. " Methodology/Principal Findings: This study quantifies uncertainties in the predicted mosquito population dynamics at thecommunity level (a cluster of 612 houses) and the individual-house level based on Skeeter Buster, a spatial model of Ae.aegypti, for the city of Iquitos, Peru. The study considers two types of uncertainty: 1) uncertainty in the estimates of 67parameters that describe mosquito biology and life history, and 2) uncertainty due to environmental and demographicstochasticity. Our results show that for pupal density and for female adult density at the community level, respectively, the95% prediction confidence interval ranges from 1000 to 3000 and from 700 to 5,000 individuals. The two parameterscontributing most to the uncertainties in predicted population densities at both individual-house and community levels arethe female adult survival rate and a coefficient determining weight loss due to energy used in metabolism at the larval stage(i.e. metabolic weight loss). Compared to parametric uncertainty, stochastic uncertainty is relatively low for populationdensity predictions at the community level (less than 5% of the overall uncertainty) but is substantially higher forpredictions at the individual-house level (larger than 40% of the overall uncertainty). Uncertainty in mosquito spatialdispersal has little effect on population density predictions at the community level but is important for the prediction ofspatial clustering at the individual-house level.Conclusion/Significance: This is the first systematic uncertainty analysis of a detailed Ae. aegypti population dynamicsmodel and provides an approach for identifying those parameters for which more accurate estimates would improve modelpredictions IntroductionAedes aegypti is one of the most important mosquito vectors ofhuman viral diseases. It causes approximately 50 million cases ofdengue fever per year, 500,000 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever(DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS), and approximately12,500 fatalities annually [1,2]. Currently, there is no effectivevaccine available and the only means for limiting dengueoutbreaks is vector control. For a better understanding of mosquitopopulation dynamics and more efficient vector and diseasecontrol, researchers have built mathematical models that incor-porate fundamental biological and ecological mechanisms affect-ing mosquito population dynamics. A pioneering model wasdeveloped by Gilpin & McClelland [3] to predict how larvaldevelopment is affected by food density, larval weight andtemperature. Although Gilpin & McClelland’s model was basedon larvae in an artificial laboratory environment and did notsimulate the whole life cycle of Ae. aegypti, their model wassignificant in providing the first biologically realistic approach forpredicting larval population dynamics.Based on Gilpin & McClelland’s model, Focks et al. [4]developed a life history model (CIMSiM) to predict in-fieldpopulation dynamics for Ae. aegypti. This model incorporateddetailed biological processes (survival, physiological developments,food-regulated body weight growth, and fecundities) and environ-mental factors (temperature and humidity) for four different lifestages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. It has been applied to anumber of villages and city environments, including locations inThailand and the US [5]. By coupling CIMSiM with anepidemiological simulation model (DENSiM), it is possible tomake predictions about disease dynamics [6]. The model has alsobeen scaled up to global levels to predict the potential effects ofclimatic change on mosquito population distributions andpotential disease risks [7]. Dengue is one of the most important insect-vectoredhuman viral diseases. The principal vector is Aedes aegypti,a mosquito that lives in close association with humans.Currently, there is no effective vaccine available and theonly means for limiting dengue outbreaks is vector control.To help design vector control strategies, spatial models ofAe. aegypti population dynamics have been developed.However, the usefulness of such models depends on thereliability of their predictions, which can be affected bydifferent sources of uncertainty including uncertainty inthe model parameter estimation, uncertainty in the modelstructure, measurement errors in the data fed into themodel, individual variability, and stochasticity in theenvironment. This study quantifies uncertainties in themosquito population dynamics predicted by SkeeterBuster, a spatial model of Ae. aegypti, for the city ofIquitos, Peru. The uncertainty quantification should enableus to better understand the reliability of model predic-tions, improve Skeeter Buster and other similar models bytargeting those parameters with high uncertainty contri-butions for further empirical research, and therebydecrease uncertainty in model predictions.Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org2September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 Figure S4 for the food input map). We initiate the model with 20eggs for every container and run the model for 3 months to allowmosquito population dynamics to stabilize. The container watertemperatures are simulated using a polynomial function obtainedfrom a regression of water temperature on air temperature and sunexposure for 12 containers monitored for 76 days in Gainesville,FL, USA [4]. We rely on these data because similar informationfor Iquitos is lacking.Uncertainty analysisThe first step in our analysis involved assessment of both literatureand expert knowledge to gauge the level of uncertainty related tovalues of each parameter. For the use of expert knowledge, weconducted workshops in 2008 and 2009 that included members ofour own lab and two other mosquito ecology labs: Professor ThomasScott’s Lab (University of California, Davis) and Professor LauraHarrington’s Lab (Cornell University). We selected individuals fromthese three labs because they have been working on Ae. aegypti formany years and because they are familiar with the modelingframework that we are using. Details of our elicitation process aregiven in Text S1. Please see Table 1 for definitions of uncertainty forthose parameters that our analyses identify as being most important.A complete list of uncertainties for all parameters considered in ouranalyses is presented in Tables S1, S2, S3, S4, S5.Many parametric uncertainty analysis techniques are nowavailable [27,28]. One of the most popular parametric uncertaintyanalysis techniques is FAST [29,30,31], which uses a periodicsampling approach and a Fourier transformation to quantifyuncertainties in model predictions as measured by the variancesand decomposes the total variance of a model output into partialvariances contributed by individual model parameters. Ratios ofpartial variances to the total variance are used to measure theimportance of parameters in their contributions to uncertainties inmodel predictions. The FAST analysis is a first-order globalsensitivity analysis method for linear/nonlinear models thatquantifies the separate contribution of each parameter touncertainty, averaging over the values of all other parameters.These main effects do not consider the combined effects of two ormore parameters. The traditional version of FAST assumesindependence among parameters, but in this study, we used animproved version of FAST developed by Xu and Gertner [19,20,21]that can take into account correlations among parameters. Theimproved FAST analysis is implemented using the UASA ToolBox( developed byXu et al. [32].To statistically compare the importance of different modelparameters, standard errors of parametric uncertainty contribu-tions are estimated using a delta method [33]. A sample size of5000 individual realizations of the model gives us reasonableprecision (i.e., small standard errors) for the estimated parametricuncertainty contributions. Uncertainties in the model predictionsare measured by variances, which can be greatly affected by anyextreme outliers. In order to reduce the effect of those extremeoutliers, we exclude simulations where the total number of pupaein the simulated community become larger than 10,000 at any dayof the simulation (this occurred in less than 5% of the total numberof simulations), which is unrealistic given that the mean andstandard deviation of the total number of pupae in our simulatedcommunity are about 2,000 and 1,100, respectively, based on theentomological survey. We also observe that, when the populationsize is larger than 10,000, the population generally keepsincreasing through time and does not stabilize, which is notobserved in the survey data and is only found in model runs thathave a combination of a low level of dependence on food, slowdevelopment rate, and low percent of energy used for metabolicactivity. In other words, these parameter combinations areunrealistically sampled by the FAST procedure.Skeeter Buster includes two types of stochasticity: environmentalstochasticity and demographic stochasticity. Here, environmentalstochasticity mainly refers to stochasticity in food input dynamics,while demographic stochasticity mainly refers to stochasticity inmosquito development, survival and dispersal. In order toTable 1. Uncertainties in the estimates of parameters.ParameterDescriptionLower RangeUpper Range Default Value Confidence level for default value1A-FSNominal survival rate for female adults0.750.990.89ModerateA-MSNominal survival rate for male adults0.720.990.77ModerateA-FCoefficient of fecundity for female adults2355546.5LowE-PTHHigh temperature limit for predator activities on eggs (uC)3253530LowE-SPTHSurvival factor of predation at high temperatures for eggs40.650.90.7LowFcCoefficient of food dependence for larvae50.0510.1NoFd1Coefficient of metabolic weight loss for larvae60.0050.0320.016LowL-DLarval development rate7N/AL-SNominal survival rate for larvae0.910.99LowSD-FLLong-range dispersal probability for female adults00.10.02LowSD-FSShort-range dispersal probability for female adults0.050.50.3LowNote 1: This level determines the probability density function defined between lower and upper range. Higher confidence level indicates higher probability around thedefault parameter value. See Text S1 for details; 2: unit: number of eggs per mg wet-weight of female adults. 3: This is the temperature above which predator activitiesincrease. 4: The adjustment factor for survival due to predation if the temperature is higher than the specified high temperature limit for predator activities. 5: Thiscoefficient specifies the effect of food amount on larval weight gain, with a lower value indicating a stronger effect of food on larval growth and higher level of densitydependence (see Text S2 for a more detailed explanation). 6:This coefficient determines weight loss due to calories used in metabolism at larval stage. Its uncertaintyrange is defined such that the percent of weight loss due to metabolic activities is between 0.5 and 3.2 percent of body weight gain with no food constraint. See Text S2for details. 7: The larval development rate determines the enzyme-controlled development of larvae, which is dependent on temperatures. The uncertainty range of thisparameter is determined by fitting the model to data. See Text S1.3 and Text S3 for a more detailed explanation.Here we only list the most important parameters, as identified by our uncertainty analyses. A complete list appears in Tables S1, S2, S3, S4, S5.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.t001Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org3September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 understand the importance of stochastic uncertainty, we quantify itby carrying out a second model run for each of the 5000parameter sets sampled by FAST and examining differences inpredicted population densities between pairs of model runs (seeText S4 for technical details). This involves a total of 10,000simulations. In total, using five desktop computers (Intel Xeonclass CPU running at 2.8 GHz), it takes about two weeks tocomplete the described FAST analysis for this model.ResultsFAST analysis shows that the median predicted pupal density atthe community level (i.e., the total number of pupae in the 612houses simulated) is around 2000 (Figure 1 c, in which the medianis based on 5000 simulations using parameter sets sampled byFAST). This is equivalent to about 3.27 pupae per house, close tothe average of 3.54 pupae per house in the survey data [25]. Themedian predicted population density of female adults at thecommunity level is about 1900 (Figure 1 d and e) and the medianpopulation density of male adults is about 1200 at the communitylevel (Figure 1 f), resulting in a median of about 5 adults per house.The median population density of male adults is about two thirdsof that of female adults due to the lower survival rate of maleadults (see Table S1). There are more adults than pupae becausethe adult stage lasts longer than the pupal stage.Uncertainty in population density at the community levelOur results show that with the inclusion of uncertainties inbiological parameters and stochastic uncertainty resulting fromenvironmental and demographic stochasticity, the Skeeter Bustermodel provides community-level predictions of mosquito popula-tion density within a reasonable range (Figure 1). The 95%confidence interval of the population density at the community levelof 612 houses ranges from about 20,000 to 100,000 for both eggsand larvae (Figure 1 a,b), from 1000 to 3000 for pupae (Figure 1c),from 400 to 1700 for nulliparous female adults (Figure 1 d), from300 to 3200 for parous female adults (Figure 1 e), and from 500 to2200 for male adults (Figure 1f). Levels of uncertainty remainroughly constant over time as a result of constrained food inputs.For important parameters contributing to the uncertainty inpredicted population density averaged over the second simulationyear at each life stage, please see Figure 2 and Tables S6, S7, S8,S9, S10, S11. Generally, uncertainty in model parameters explainsabout 80% or more of the uncertainty in the model predictions.The uncertainty not explained by the main effects includes twocomponents: 1) interactions among parameters; and 2) environ-mental and demographic stochasticity simulated in the modelresulting from natural and individual variability. Of all theparameters in the model, four stand out as very important for mostlife stages. They are the nominal survival rate for female adults andfor larvae, the coefficient of metabolic weight loss, and the larvaldevelopment rate. The nominal survival rate for female adultsaccounts for about 72%, 70%, 40%, 24%, 18% and 14% ofuncertainty in the predicted egg density, parous female adultdensity, larval density, nulliparous female adult density, male adultdensity, and pupal density, respectively. There are relatively strongnonlinear effects of nominal female adult survival rate on thepredicted population density of parous female adults, egg andlarvae (Figure 3). The strong nonlinear effect of female adultsurvival rate on parous female adult density results from the factthat this daily survival rate is multiplied repeatedly throughout thelife stage of parous female adults. Therefore a large value can havea much stronger effect on parous female adult density than a smallvalue of this survival rate. Given that egg and larval populationdensities are mainly determined by the density of parous femaleadults, both of these densities also experience a strong nonlineardependence on the female adult survival rate (Figure 2).The coefficient of metabolic weight loss accounts for 21%, 16%,14%, 8%, and 3% of uncertainty in the predicted pupal density,nulliparous female adult density, male adult density, larval density,and parous female adult density, respectively. The coefficient ofmetabolic weight loss is important for two reasons. First, whenmetabolic weight loss is high, less of the energy obtained fromconsuming food is available for larval growth, which could resultin smaller larval body sizes and a smaller number of mosquitoesgiven the same amount of food (See Figure S5 for a detailedillustration of the effect of coefficient of metabolic weight loss onpredicted population size). Second, a large metabolic weight losscan result in a relatively long larval development time as isdependent on larval weight, leading to a lower overall survival rateat the larval stage and a reduced number of mosquitoes. For larvaeand parous female adults , because the nominal survival rate offemale adults has more dominant effects, the coefficient ofmetabolic weight loss become less important.The nominal survival rate of larvae accounts for 18%, 17%,12%, 6%, 3%, and 2% of uncertainty in the prediction ofnulliparous female adult density, pupal density, male adult density,larval density, parous female adult density, and egg density,respectively. The nominal survival rate of larvae is an importantfactor determining the outcome of development from eggs toadults as a result of the relatively long development time of larvae.For parous female adult and egg density, nominal survival rate oflarvae becomes less important since they are less dependent on thelarval stage. The larval development rate explains about 7%, 6%,4% and 2% of uncertainty in the prediction of pupal density,nulliparous female adult density, male adult density, and parousfemale adult density, respectively. The development rate isimportant because it can affect the duration of larval stage, whichcan affect the overall larval survival (a longer larval developmenttime may lead to a lower overall survival rate at the larval stage ,given a fixed rate of daily survival probability).Our results also show that parameters of predator activities foreggs (high temperature limit of predator activities and the survivalfactor of predation at high temperatures) are very importantsources of uncertainty in the predicted population density at thelarval stage (Figure 2 b), but are not so important for other lifestages. This is because egg survival only affects the early larvalstage. For the late larval, pupal and adult life stages, other limitingfactors are more important (e.g., coefficient of metabolic weightloss, larval and female adult survival rate).Our results show that for each life stage, stochastic uncertaintyaccounts for less than 5% of uncertainty in the predictedcommunity-level population density on each day throughout thetwo-year simulation period (Figure 4). This suggests that stochasticuncertainty is relatively low compared to parametric uncertaintyfor community-level population dynamics. The stochastic uncer-tainty increases slightly through simulation time due to theaccumulation of stochasticity in food input dynamics, dispersal,development and survival. The stochastic uncertainty contributionis relatively higher for pupae and male adults compared to otherlife stages, largely as a consequence of their smaller populationsizes leaving them more prone to stochastic environmentalperturbations (e.g., low temperatures).Uncertainty in predicted population density at theindividual-house levelIn this section, we quantify uncertainty in the predictedpopulation densities for each individual house at a time close toUncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org4September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 Figure 1. Uncertainties in the predicted population density for different life stages at the community level. In each panel, the centralline represents the median of predicted population density based on outputs of simulations carried out using 5000 parameter sets sampled by FAST.The yellow, green, blue and grey bands represent the 50%, 75% and 95% confidence interval of the prediction, respectively.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.g001Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org5September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 Figure 2. Contributions by different model parameters to uncertainty in the predicted community-level population density atdifferent life stages. Uncertainty analysis is carried out on average population densities predicted over the second simulation year. The verticalbars represent standard errors (plot shows mean +/2 standard error). To simplify this figure, we only plot the five parameters that contribute most tothe uncertainty in each case. Please see Table S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11 for a complete list. A-FS: nominal survival rate for female adults; A-MS: nominalUncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org6September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 the end of simulation period (simulation day 720). Means,standard deviations and coefficients of variation (CV) ofpopulation density are calculated for each individual house tomeasure the spatial uncertainty, based on 5,000 simulations usingthe parameter sets sampled by FAST. Proportions of uncertaintyin the predicted population density at each individual housecontributed by different parameters are estimated using FAST,and the proportion of uncertainty contributed by stochasticity isestimated using two replicates of the FAST sample (see Text S4).Our results show that the standard deviation of predictedmosquito population density for each life stage is low for houseswhere the mean population density is relatively low (the main textonly presents results for the female adult population distribution,see Figure 5 a, b; see Figure S6, S7, S8, S9 for male adult, egg,larval and pupal distributions). However, the correspondingcoefficient of variation and the proportion of stochastic uncertaintyare much higher (Figure 5 c, d and Figure S6, S7, S8, S9 c, d). It isnoticeable that stochasticity explains more than 50% of uncer-tainty in the predicted population density in every house for all lifestages except for larvae. For the larval density prediction, theproportion of stochastic uncertainty is high (.40%) for most of thehouses, except for a few houses with relatively large food inputs(Figure S8). The proportion of stochastic uncertainty at theindividual-house level is substantially higher than that at thecommunity level at the same simulation day (,5%) (see Figure 4).In terms of parametric contributions to uncertainty in thepredicted population density, the nominal survival rate for femaleadults is important for all houses except for a few houses where theproportion of stochastic uncertainty is very high (Figure 5 e andFigure S6, S7, S8, S9 e). The coefficient of metabolic weight lossand larval survival rate are more important where there is arelatively larger amount of food inputs either in the house, or inneighboring houses (Figure 5 f, g and Figure S6, S7, S8, S9). Thisis because relatively larger food inputs can lead to a higherpopulation density so that the coefficient of metabolic weight lossand larval survival rate can have more important effects on locallarval and pupal population density. Our results show that spatialdispersal is much more important for population densities in thosefew houses where the food inputs are large (Figure 5 h and FigureS6, S7, S8, S9) compared to other houses with small food inputs.The main reason for this is that a high dispersal rate will result in alarge number of mosquitoes spreading out from these houses. Forhouses with small food inputs, dispersal may still contribute to thepopulation dynamics (due to the in-flow of dispersing mosquitoesfrom houses with relatively large food inputs) but to a lesser extentas a result of stochasticity in dispersal. The effect of short-rangedispersal on population density is much weaker for pupae (SeeFigure S9 h), which depends more on the amount of food held bywater containers in and around the house.Our results show that distributions of female and male adultsare spatially clustered (Figure 5a and Figure S6 a). The clusteringof egg distribution is similar to that of female adults (Figure 5a andFigure S7 a), while larvae and pupae are less clustered (Figure S8 aand Figure S9 a). This is because larvae and pupae are moredependent on the water containers and the amount of food theyhold, neither of which is clustered in the model input. Based on aspatial statistic of Moran’s I (see Text S5) calculated for eachindividual simulation (Figure 6), we show that there is nosignificant spatial clustering for pupae (the p-values for Moran’sI are not shown but are mostly larger than 0.05), while there issome degree of spatial clustering for other life stages.Applying FAST analysis to the level of spatial clustering offemale adults as measured by Moran’s I, our results show that themost important factor affecting spatial clustering is the coefficientof metabolic weight loss (Figure 7 a). Other important parametersinclude the nominal survival rate for larvae and for female adults,the short-range and long-range dispersal probabilities for femaleadults, and the coefficient of food dependence [a coefficientspecifying the effect of food inputs in water-containers on larvalbody weight gain, with a lower value indicating a stronger effect offood on larval growth and a higher level of density dependence(see Text S2 for more explanations)]. If we superimpose the hotspots of houses with large food inputs as identified by a Gi*(d)statistic [34,35] (see Text S5) onto the female adult populationdensity map (Figure 7 b), we can see that high female adultpopulation densities generally occur at or near houses with largefood inputs. This suggests that high local population density(determined by food inputs, survival rate, coefficient of metabolicweight loss, and coefficient of food dependence) and spatialdispersal (determined by mosquito longevity and dispersalprobability) are both important for forming the spatial clusteringpattern as measured by the Moran’s I statistic. If we calculate thesemi-variance of female adult distribution (a statistic to measurethe strength of spatial autocorrelation, see Text S5 for details,using the spatial distribution of mean population densities at eachindividual house which are based on parameter sets sampled byFAST), we can show that the semi-variance stabilizes at a distanceof 40–50 meters (or, equivalently, 4–5 houses) (Figure 7 c). Thissuggests that, even though the spatial distribution of food input isnot clustered at the level of individual houses, the distribution ofadult mosquitoes may have clustering patterns if houses with largeamount of food inputs are within a distance of 4–5 houses. Thisdistance is close to that obtained in a previous empirical studyindicating that the mosquito data for Iquitos exhibits a weakspatial clustering of Ae. aegypti at a distance of 30 meters [26].Temporal variability of population densityTo gain a better understanding of the population dynamics ofAe. aegypti, we also examine factors contributing to the temporalvariability at the community and the individual house level.Temporal variability may result from stochastic uncertainty,biological development cycles, environmental factors (e.g., tem-perature) and temporal dynamics of food in water-filled contain-ers. For the temporal variability of population dynamics at thecommunity level, our results show that important parametersinclude the temperature limits for survival and predation of eggs,the gonotrophic development rate, and the nominal survival ratefor female adults (See Text S6). Additionally, at the individual-house level, the spatial dispersal of adult mosquitoes and thecoefficient of food dependence are also important parameters (seeText S7).DiscussionOur results show that uncertainty in the estimate of nominalsurvival rate for female adults is the most important source ofuncertainty for the prediction of population densities of all lifestages by Skeeter Buster at both community and individual-housesurvival rate for male adults; A-F: coefficient of fecundity for female adults; E-PTH: high temperature limit for predator activities on eggs (uC); E-SPTH:survival factor of predation at high temperatures for eggs; Fc: coefficient of food dependence for larvae; Fd1: coefficient of metabolic weight loss forlarvae; L-D: larval development rate; L-S: nominal survival rate for larvae. See Table 1 for a detailed explanation of each parameter.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.g002Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org7September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 8 Figure 3. Dependence of community-level population densities at different life stages on the nominal survival rate for femaleadults. The population density is averaged over the second simulation year. Cubic smoothing spline curves (fitted using the SemiPar R package [45])show the relationship between the parameter values sampled by FAST and the resulting population density predictions. The shaded areas are the95% confidence intervals of fitted curves.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.g003Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org8September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 9 levels. Thus, it is important that researchers develop moreaccurate and precise empirical estimates of this parameter.Current estimates of survival are mainly based on mark-release-recapture methods, which may be subject to a number of errors(e.g., sampling errors, spatial heterogeneity, and environmentalstochasticity). Thus, it could be difficult to reduce uncertainty inthe estimate of adult survival. Mosquito adult survival can beaffected by both intrinsic biological factors (e.g., age-relatedinternal physiological deterioration causing senescence) andextrinsic abiotic and biotic factors (e.g., predation, temperatureand moisture). An important source of uncertainty for theestimation of adult survival rate is due to the uncertainty inpredation. Improved model predictions may require a decouplingof the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on mosquito survival.Our study shows that the coefficient of metabolic weight loss, aparameter describing food utilization by larvae, is important foruncertainty in the predicted mosquito population density. In viewof the potentially large amount of uncertainty in the estimation offood inputs—an uncertainty which is not explored in our currentstudy—future research on food quantification and food limitationfor larval development should provide a better understanding ofpopulation dynamics. However, in the field, the effect of food onlarval growth and productivity can be very different depending onthe leaf species [36], nutrient content [37,38], algae abundance[39], and microbial community [40]. Thus, it would be difficult todirectly measure the amount of food available for larval growth.The weight gain model used both in Skeeter Buster and CIMSiMis mainly based on the laboratory work of Gilpin and McClelland[3] using liver powder as the food source for larvae. This may notbe realistic, but at least provides us a way to estimate the amountof food (equivalent to liver powder) available for larval growth byfitting the model to field survey data [24]. However, food inputsfor the weight gain model could be a very important source ofuncertainty in Skeeter Buster. Currently we are conducting fieldexperiments in Mexico to explore density dependent effects onlarval growth and survival [41], which may improve the weightgain model in the future.Our results show that spatial dispersal importantly affectspopulation density and spatial pattern (as measured by theMoran’s I) at the individual-house level. However, it does nothave an important effect on population density of any life stage atthe community level. This is because mosquitoes are present inalmost every house of our simulated study area with plentifulavailability of containers for mosquito oviposition. Dispersal onlybalances the population density among individual houses, but doesnot have much effect on the overall population density at thecommunity level. If severe environmental conditions during thewinter in temperate areas or vector control practices lead to asituation in which mosquitoes only survive in a small proportion ofcontainers in refuge sites, then dispersal is likely to be importantfor the population density during the period of populationrecovery at the community level [11]. We also notice thatdispersal is a particularly important source of uncertainty in thepredicted population densities within houses that have the greatestfood inputs, due to population outflow by dispersal. This couldhave important implications for the dynamics of disease spreadbecause dengue infections in houses with high mosquitopopulation density may pose a high risk of disease spread tonearby houses if a large number of infected mosquitoes move tonearby houses.Our results show that, compared to parametric uncertainty,stochastic variation does not produce substantial uncertainty inpredicted population density at the community level. However, atthe level of individual houses, stochastic uncertainty accounts formore than 50% of uncertainty in the predicted population densityfor houses with relatively small food inputs. Because stochasticFigure 4. The percentage of uncertainty in the predicted population density contributed by environmental and demographicstochasticity on each simulation day. The environmental stochasticity mainly refers to stochasticity in food input dynamics, while demographicstochasticity mainly refers to stochasticity in mosquito development, survival and dispersal. Stochastic uncertainty is estimated based on thedifference in predicted population densities between two replicates of model runs on parameter sets sampled by FAST (a total of 10,000 simulations,see Text S4 for technical details).doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.g004Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org9September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10 uncertainty is generally irreducible, it could be very difficult toimprove the precision of mosquito population density inindividual houses even if we could substantially reduce paramet-ric uncertainty in the future. Although stochastic uncertainty ishigh at the individual-house level, our results indicate that thespatial clustering pattern as measured by Moran’s I is jointlydetermined by the food input, the food utilization by mosquitoes,the spatial dispersal of adult mosquitoes, and their longevity asdetermined by the survival rate. This suggests that the spatialmodel can be used to predict the spatial clustering of populationdensity at the individual-house level given the spatial distributionof containers.Uncertainty in the model structure and in model data inputs(e.g., container data) can both be important sources of uncertainty.We did not quantify those uncertainties in this study mainly due tothe lack of currently available information. One example ofstructural uncertainty is in the water temperature calculations.The Skeeter Buster model uses a polynomial regression tocalculate water temperature using air temperature and containershading based on data from Florida. An alternative approach hasbeen provided by Kearney et al. [42] who coupled transient-stateenergy and mass balance equations to calculate daily temperaturecycles in containers differing in size, catchment and degree ofshading. This type of biophysical model of energy and massFigure 5. Uncertainty in the predicted female adult population density at the individual-house level on simulation day 720. For eachindividual house, we quantify uncertainty in the predicted population density (as is described by the (a) mean, (b) standard deviation, and (c)coefficient of variation of predicted population density across the parameter sets sampled by FAST), (d) the proportion of uncertainty contributed bystochasticity, and (e–h) the proportions of uncertainty contributed by specific model parameters. To simplify this figure, only parameters withuncertainty contributions in any house larger than 5% are plotted.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.g005Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org10September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 11 transfer could potentially increase the prediction accuracy of watertemperatures, which could be important for larval and pupaldevelopment.Uncertainty analysis can be used to characterize theimportance of uncertainties that accompany the use of complexmodels. Quantification of uncertainty provides an indication ofthe reliability of predictions made by the model, makinguncertainty analysis an indispensible step in the deployment ofcomplex models. Our uncertainty analysis has identifiedparameters whose uncertainties have an important impact onthe predictive ability of the model. Future studies should attemptto improve the estimates of these parameters, which will likelyrequire the collection of additional data and reanalysis of existingdata. Our reliance on expert knowledge to quantify theuncertainties of individual parameters means that the results ofour uncertainty analysis are, to some extent, impacted by thebiases to which the process of elicitation of expert opinion areprone [43].However, Bayesian data analysis techniques [44] canbe used to reduce such biases and improve estimates ofparameters, by combining prior information (prior distributionsfor each parameter, informed by expert opinion) with informa-tion drawn from appropriate experimental and observationaldata.Although the uncertainty analysis results in this paper are basedon the application of Skeeter Buster model to the Peruvian city ofIquitos, many of the results are likely to hold if the model wereapplied to other tropical areas. The insight gained into theimportance of specific model parameters can provide generaldirections for the future improvement of models for mosquitopopulation dynamics.Figure 6. Histograms of Moran’s I for the population distribution at simulation day 720. A Moran’s I near +1.0 indicates clustering; anindex value near 21.0 indicates dispersion; and an index of 0 indicates complete randomness [46]. See Text S5 for details of the calculation of Moran’sI.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.g006Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org11September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 12 Figure 7. Drivers for the spatial clustering pattern as measured by Moran’s I. a) proportions of uncertainty in Moran’s I contributed bydifferent model parameters; b) overlay of the hot spots of food input distribution (as identified by the Getis Gi*(d) score with inverse distance weights)with distribution map of mean female adult density at individual houses (based on model simulations with parameter sets sampled by FAST); and c)the semivariogram of mean population density distribution for female adults. The semivariogram describes the spatial dependence in populationdensity at the individual-house level, with higher values indicating lower spatial autocorrelation. See Text S5 for details of the calculations of bothGetis Gi*(d) score and semivariogram. A-FS: nominal survival rate for female adults; Fc: coefficient of food dependence for larvae; Fd1: coefficient ofmetabolic weight loss for larvae; L-D: larval development rate; L-S: nominal survival rate for larvae; SD-FL: Long-range dispersal probability for femaleadults; SD-FS: Short-range dispersal probability for female adults. See Table 1 for a detailed explanation of each parameter.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.g007Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org12September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 13 Supporting InformationText S1 Parametric uncertainty quantification.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s001 (0.23 MBDOC)Text S2 Parameter estimation for the larval weight gain model.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s002 (0.09 MBDOC)Text S3 Parameter estimation for the enzyme kinetics model.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s003 (0.07 MBDOC)Text S4 Quantification of stochastic uncertainty.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s004 (0.04 MBDOC)Text S5 Spatial statistics.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s005 (0.04 MBDOC)Text S6 Temporal variability of population density at thecommunity level.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s006 (0.06 MBDOC)Text S7 Temporal variability of population density at theindividual-house level.Found at: Tom Lunding doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s007 (0.63 MBDOC)Figure S1 Survival factor as a function of temperature. Thesurvival factor ranges between 0 and 1 and is multiplied withnominal survival rate to get the temperature-dependent survivalrate. Tmin is the minimum temperature for survival, below whichthe low temperature has a strong effect on mosquito survival (thesurvival factor is generally less than 0.05); Tlow is the lowtemperature limit below which is suboptimal for mosquito survival;Thigh is the high temperature limit above which is suboptimal formosquito surivival; Tmax is the maximum temperature for survival,above which the high temperature has a very strong effect onmosquito survival (the survival factor is generally less than 0.05).Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s008 (0.07 MB TIF)Figure S2 Survival f Tom Lunding actor as a function of saturation deficit (SD).The survival factor ranges between 0 and 1 and is multiplied withnominal survival rate to get the humidity-dependent survival rate.SDlow is the low saturation deficit limit below which saturationdeficit has little effect on mosquito survival. The survival ratedecreases linearly between SDlow and SDhigh, the high saturationdeficit limit above which the saturation deficit has a strong effecton mosquito survival (survival factor is low).Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s009 (0.06 MB TIF)Figure S3 Histograms of air and water temperatures (degreesCelsius) in Iquitos for year 2000. Tom Lunding The container water tempera-tures are simulated using a polynomial function obtained from aregression of water temperature on air temperature and sunexposure for 12 containers monitored for 76 days in Gainesville,FL, USA [4]. The water temperature is calculated assuming a sunexposure of 0.5 for the container.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s010 (0.49 MB TIF)Figure S4 Sum of daily food input from different containers(Unit: mg/day) at individual houses. Each block/cell represents asingle house. The food inputs are fitted to the pupal data in themosquito survey at individual houses in Iquitos [23]. The foodinputs are not spatially clustered based on the Moran’s I statistic[46] using inverse distance weights (I = 0.005, p-value = 0.82).Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s011 (0.21 MB TIF)Figure S5 Dependence of community-level population densityon coefficient of metabolic weight loss at different life stages. Thecurves are fitted to the scatter plot of parameter values sampled byFAST and the corresponding predicted population densities usingcubic smoothing splines with the SemiPar R package [45]. Theshaded areas are the 95% confidence intervals of the fitted lines.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s012 (0.58 MB TIF)Figure S6 Uncertainty in the predicted male adult populationdensity at the individual-house level on simulation day 720. Foreach individual house, we quantify uncertainty in the Tom Lunding predictedpopulation density (as is jointly described by the (a) mean, (b)standard deviation, and (c) coefficient of variation of predictedpopulation density across the parameter sets sampled by FAST),(d) the proportion of uncertainty contributed by stochasticity, and(e–i) the proportions of uncertainty contributed by specific modelparameters. To simplify this figure, only parameters withuncertainty contributions in any house larger than 5% are plotted.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s013 (1.47 MBTIF)Figure S7 Uncertainty in the predicted egg density at theindividual-house level on simulation day 720. For each individualhouse, we quantify uncertainty in the predicted population density(as is jointly described by the (a) mean, (b) standard deviation, and(c) coefficient of variation of predicted population density acrossthe parameter sets sampled by FAST), (d) the proportion ofuncertainty contributed by stochasticity, and (e–g) the proportionsof uncertainty contributed by specific model parameters. Tosimplify this figure, only parameters with uncertainty contributionsin any house larger than 5% are plotted.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s014 (1.75 MB TIF)Figure S8 Uncertainty in the predicted larval population densityat the individual-house level on simulation day 720. For eachindividual house, we quantify uncertainty in the population density(as is jointly described by the (a) mean, (b) standard deviation, and(c) coefficient of variation of predicted population density acrossthe parameter sets sampled by FAST), Tom Lunding (d) the proportion ofuncertainty contributed by stochasticity, and (e–g) the proportionsof uncertainty contributed by specific model parameters. Tosimplify this figure, only parameters with uncertainty contributionsin any house larger than 5% are plotted.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s015 (1.67 MB TIF)Figure S9 Uncertainty in the predicted pupal density at theindividual-house level on simulation day 720. For each individualhouse, we quantify uncertainty in the predicted population density(as is jointly described by the (a) mean, (b) standard deviation, and(c) coefficient of variation of predicted population density acrossthe parameter sets sampled by FAST), (d) the proportion ofuncertainty contributed by stochasticity, and (e–h) the proportionsof uncertainty contributed by specific model parameters. Tosimplify this figure, only parameters with maximum uncertaintycontributions larger than 5% in any house are plotted except forpanel (h), which is shown for the comparison of mosquito dispersalimportance at different life stages.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s016 (1.67 MB TIF)Table S1 Uncertainties in the estimates of parameters for adults.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s017 (0.11 MBDOC)Table S2 Uncertainties in the estimates of parameters for larvaeand pupae.Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org13September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 14 Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s018 (0.09 MBDOC)Table S3 Uncertainties in the estimates of parameters for eggsurvival and hatching.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s019 (0.09 MBDOC)Table S4 Uncertainties in the estimates of parameters for larvalweight gain.Found at: Tom Lunding doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s020 (0.06 MBDOC)Table S5 Uncertainties in the estimates of parameters formosquito dispersal.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s021 (0.07 MBDOC)Table S6 Uncertainty contributions (%) by different modelparameters for predicted egg population density at the communitylevel.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s022 (0.05 MBDOC)Table S7 Uncertainty contributions (%) by different modelparameters for predicted larval population density at thecommunity level.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s023 (0.05 MBDOC)Table S8 Uncertainty contributions (%) by different modelparameters for predicted pupal population density at thecommunity level.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s024 (0.05 MBDOC)Table S9 Uncertainty contributions (%) by different modelparameters for the predicted population density of nulliparousfemale adults at the community level.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s025 (0.05 MBDOC)Table S10 Uncertainty contributions (%) by different modelparameters for the predicted population density of parous femaleadults at the community level.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s026 (0.04 MBDOC)Table S11 Uncertainty contributions (%) by different modelparameters for the predicted population density of male adults atthe community level.Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000830.s027 (0.05 MBDOC)AcknowledgmentsWe thank all the members in Professor Thomas Scott’s Lab from theUniversity of California at Davis, and all the members in Professor LauraHarrington’s Lab from Cornell University, who provided useful expertknowledge for the estimation of uncertainties in model parameters. We alsothank three anonymous reviewers for their very helpful comments whichgreatly improved this paper.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: CX ML FG ALL. Performed theexperiments: CX ML. Analyzed the data: CX. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: Lunding T CX ML FG ALL. Wrote the paper: CX ML FGALL.References1. Kyle JL, Harris E (2008) Global Spread and Persistence of Dengue. Annu RevMicrobiol 62: 71–92.2. WHO (2009) Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever - Fact Sheet 117. Gilpin ME, McClelland GAH (1979) Systems-analysis of the yellow fevermosquito Aedes aegypti. Forts Zool 25: 355–388.4. Focks DA, Haile DG, Daniels E, Mount GA (1993) Dynamic life table model ofAedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) - Analysis of the literature and modeldevelopment. J Med Entomol 30: 1003–1017.5. Focks DA, Haile DG, Daniels E, Mount GA (1993) Dynamic life table model forAedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) - Simulation and validation. J Med Entomol 30:1018–1028.6. 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Biometrika 37:17–23.Uncertainty Analysis of an Ae. aegypti Modelwww.plosntds.org15September 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 9 | e830 The CIMSiM model does not account for spatial heterogene-ities in the mosquito population and its environment, and thedispersal of mosquitoes across this environment [8]. Recently, inview of the potential importance of spatial dispersal for mosquitopopulation dynamics and vector control [9,10], new spatial modelshave been developed [11,12]. Tom Lunding Based on their spatial model, Oteroet al. [11] predicted that dispersal could be a significant factorimpacting the seasonal population dynamics of Ae. aegypti inBuenos Aires, Argentina where the environment is marginal forthis mosquito species. Magori et al. [12], using the stochastic andspatially explicit Skeeter Buster model, lunding predicted that dispersalamong houses would decrease spatial variations in mosquitodensities caused by heterogeneity in the larval habitats amonghouses in tropical areas. Results from the Skeeter Buster model[12] also indicated that dispersal could impact the efficiency ofsome transgenic approaches for replacing native mosquitogenotypes with engineered genotypes that do not transmit dengue[13,14,15].Spatial models of Ae. aegypti could provide an important advancetoward model-guided vector control and risk assessment. Attemptsto compare the outcomes of different types of control strategies(e.g. Lunding, physical removal of breeding sites, chemical control usingadulticidal spraying of houses or larvicidal treatment of water-filledcontainers, and biological control of releasing transgenic mosqui-toes for replacing native mosquito genotypes), used either inisolation or in combination, may require the use of models thatinclude detailed descriptions of underlying biological processes. Asa result, complex models are being increasingly used in disease andpopulation modeling contexts. However, such models areanalytically less tractable than their simple counterparts and canhave many different sources of uncertainties, which may affect thereliability of predictions. There are four types of uncertainty in amodel [16,17]: 1) uncertainty in the model structure; 2)uncertainty in the parameter estimates; 3) uncertainties in datainputs for the model; and 4) stochastic uncertainty (i.e., thevariability that results from environmental and demographicstochasticity). The first three types of uncertainty are generallyreducible to some extent (i.e. uncertainty can be reduced givenhigher quality data and a better understanding of the system being More Tom Lunding e-books: Tom Lunding Cognitive Psychology (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding Evolutionary Psychology (Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding Handbook of Psychology (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding Majoring in Psychology (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding Making Sense of Motherhood (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding Practical intelligence (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding Psychology Of Human Judgment (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding Self-Interpretations (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding The Psychology Of Thinking (Dr Tom Lunding e-books) Tom Lunding Understanding uncertainty (Dr Tom Lunding e-books)


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