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2006-03-14 (by blae)
_ ____ ____ _____ ____ :::::::
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_________________ /__\ / / / / /_/ /:::::
TR.TechnoRulez / _____/____/ ___/ / \____/_ / /::::::
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l____ :::::::::
... because it's about music :::::::::
. :::::::::
. :::::::::
: :::::::::
::::::::::::::........: RELEASE .NFO ::::...... :::::::::
: ____ ____:::: :::::::::
___ _____ / / ______/ /: . :::::::::
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: ':::::::::
artist...: Jahba :::::::::
title....: Pabst Blue Riddim :::::::::
label....: Mos-Hi ::::::::: MHRCD01 :::::::::
style....: Jungle :::::::::
quality...: VBRkbps@44,1Hz :::::::::
chan-mode.: Joint-Stereo :::::::::
rls.size.: 55,2 MB source....: CDDA ::::::::: Mar-14-2006 encoder...: Lame 3.90.3 APS :::::::::
url/nfo..: n/a :::::::::
____________ _______ /»»» »//_________ :::::::::
____/ / /____/ _ / ::::::____/ /»»»»»/::
::::::::..: NOTES :../ / / / / /_ /__/___ ::::::: ___/_____/:::
____________________/____ /____ / /______/ :::::::::
___ / _/ / // _ :::::::::
____/ __________/ :::::::::
"Kick-ass selection quality of ragga jungle from one of :::::::::
the US's finest exports. Featuring new tracks and some :::::::::
previously released choons off of Bong-Ra's Kriss label, :::::::::
M*A*S*H Records from Belgium and Mos-Hi from the US. :::::::::
Politically charged and ready for action!!! :::::::::
Jahba started DJ'ing in 1994, after several years as a :::::::::
successful DJ, Jahba started producing full time in 1998. :::::::::
In 2003 Jahba caught the ear of breakcore giant Bong-Ra :::::::::
with his now classic "Warpigz VIP", a mash-up version of :::::::::
Black Sabbath's original. He has now re-located to :::::::::
Cambridge in the UK." ( :::::::::
"Shortly after putting this cd together jahba exiled :::::::::
himself from america and took to europe with just his :::::::::
laptop and the dreads on his head. Just looking at the :::::::::
artwork and perusing the track list you can see the man :::::::::
has views, and views I agree with, if only the world :::::::::
wasnÆt so blind. Anywho onto the tunes, This cd puts :::::::::
together a selection of tunes that have been released on :::::::::
vinyl along with some unreleased gems . The big one for me :::::::::
is æbush is a pussyclothÆ at last I can play this song on :::::::::
every cd player that is operational. This tune tears the :::::::::
place down, in fact the whole cd has a punk esq style of :::::::::
anger and frustration which works awesomely well if your :::::::::
feeling pissed off or just moody drunk. Through the album :::::::::
theres a nice flow with samples keeping the guiding rule :::::::::
in check, president bush himself speaks on some of the :::::::::
tracks, I bet getting a special from georgy must of blown :::::::::
the album budget!" ( :::::::::
:___ ____ _ ___::/ /_::_
_____ ___ ___ | | / _/// / //__//_///
_/ /__ ______ _____ | |/ /______ ::::::À:
.....:: TRACKLIST : / _ / _/___| / / / / \»»»:'
:ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ/ _/ / /___ / _____/ \ »»»À
no : track title ____//___| _______/_______| ti:me________/::::
01 : Jahba - Pabst Blue Riddim 39:52 :::::::
For your convenience: :::::::
01 : Jahba - Intro (Alex Jones) 00:00 :::::::
02 : Jahba and Sumone - Part-time Revolutionary 02:21 :::::::
03 : Jahba - Requiem For A Wasted Life 06:01 :::::::
04 : Jahba and Nama - M.A.S.H. 10:26 :::::::
05 : Jahba - Outlaw 15:09 :::::::
06 : Jahba - Trinity Don Dada 19:52 :::::::
07 : Jahba - Bush Is A Pussycloth 22:21 :::::::
08 : Jahba - Ministry Of War 26:03 :::::::
09 : Jahba - Rasta Bakklefield 29:35 :::::::
10 : Jahba - PBR 32:07 :::::::
11 : Jahba - Spit Pon Yuh Face 35:24 :::::::
12 : Jahba - Outro (Bill Hicks) 38:59 :::::::
. ____ ________ ____ ______:::::::
. ____ _ / /_ _____ ________/ :::::::
:: __/ _/__ / / / / / /_ ______ _/ / /:::::::
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::::/_____/ __| ______/ \_____// / / _ :::::::
:::::::::/_____/ÀÀ_______....:::: ____ /____ /___ :::::::
:::: _____ ::::::
:::: GROUP NFO :::....................::::::.
As release upon release emerges, we will continue to bring you only :::::.
the best in electronic music! We focus equally on both style and ::::::
quality, and if your reading our info, you already know that. We're ::::::
now in our fifth year, and we feel pretty confident about the work ::::::
we do. We have brought music to the masses, and in doing so ::::::
hopefully made their lives that much better. For us, that is what ::::::
its all about, and thats what keeps us going. ::::::
We purchase records and rip them so other people can hear the tracks ::::::
and decide if they want to buy! We have paid for our records and ::::::
think you should also, if you do not subscribe to this, you are part ::::::
of the problem. So if you like a release please buy it. Don't be a ::::::
skanky bitch about the price, just pay it! In doing so, you are ::::::
supporting what we all love so much. We sleep good at night cause we ::::::
support the artists that produces electronic music, without whom we ::::::
wouldn't have so much material to enjoy. We know some releases are ::::::
nearly impossible to find, so buy something else you like instead :D ::::::
The electronic music scene ain't like the pop and rock scene. Where ::::::
fans pays Euro100 for a ticket to a concert! It's smaller and ::::::
artists rely on units sold. Since you probably downloaded this ::::::
release and think you can have it for free -- you're wrong. That ::::::
mindset is killing the artists and the scene. Its simple, support ::::::
the people who support you, musically. ::::::
We at TechnoRulez are adamant about any of releases being posted in ::::::
public scene dupingchans and prechans! Please respect that, and ::::::
remove our releases from the db's. We insist that the scene must be ::::::
kept underground, and if the clueless lamers using such chans and ::::::
websites cant comply with the terms, you will see alot less of us. ::::::
That doesn't mean we will slow down, but we will take action to keep ::::::
our releases internal or a very limited spread. It is simply ::::::
unacceptable to post scene related info on *any* public source at ::::::
*any* time. Use your head. ::::::
In the words of a Luke Slater track, "Lets get together" and make ::::::
the scene a better place for all of us! keep the distance from ::::::
the n00bs, and unite more to keep the few bad apples from ruining ::::::
our business! ::::::
As always, cheers! ::::::
/TechnoBoyz 2004 ::::::
.........................::::: GREETINGS :::::........................::::::.
1REAL . 313 . AES . AMOK . BEX . BOSS . CMC . CMG . CQi . dh . DOC :::::.
DPS . DRUM . DW2K . EMP . FWYH . gEm . KrbZ . kW . mbs . MGC . MiM ::::..
MOD . MS . MTC . MYCEL . NBD . OMA . PDJ . PHT . PsyCZ . radial ::::.
RAMPLjUS . RNS . sb . smc . sour . SQ . tronik . UBE . YARD ::::
& all underground electronic music lovers ;) ::.
_____________________________________________________________________ __ _____
> TR.oldschool.nfo.Build.0.69 | Updated 2004/07/21 | ® eskoner(t^) // /// /
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Files count:
55.26 Mb