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The Book Of Eli 2010 TELESYNC H264 AAC-SecretMyth (Kingdom-Relea




Video Movies


The Book Of Eli 2010 TELESYNC H264 AAC-SecretMyth (Kingdom-Relea




2010-01-24 (by secret_myth)


The Book Of Eli 2010 TELESYNC H264 AAC-SecretMyth (Kingdom-Release) DESCRIPTION: Screenshots:


  1. Action | Adventure | Drama

Files count:



1524.68 Mb




 secret_myth (2010-01-25)

dont forget to say thanks and keep seeding after download finish.
Will play in any PS3 or Xbox !
Recommend playing h264 mp4s with KMPlayer or VLC Player.
Play on TV with PS3, XBox (2ch), WD HD TV, or Popcorn Hour.

31Romulus (2010-01-25)

Thank you!!!!!!

ipodmyth (2010-01-25)

Awesome work SM, never a let down! Long live the MYTH!

n1ck1216 (2010-01-25)


TommyBlade2018 (2010-01-25)

Thanks King

TommyBlade2018 (2010-01-25)

The First Movie For 2010
*In The Books.....
*Encode, *Loyality, *Respect

SlyRunks (2010-01-25)

You The Man!

ankjevik (2010-01-25)

you are a freaking genious secret_myth! how do you always serve the best quality!! i am sensearly impressed. keep up the extremely good work! long live secret_myth!!!
A:9 V:9
the best telesynch ever!!

FTL4 (2010-01-25)

WTF you're fucking genious but pls do AVI format films I want to play them on my home theater system :(

ankjevik (2010-01-25)

i agreee whit rathanek!!!
there is only one myth!!!

Kaka1991 (2010-01-25)

Seed please

beholder_62 (2010-01-25)

secret myth my hero, man enough said you are the best

u2r1 (2010-01-25)

chears sm

imjuzaguy (2010-01-25)

tyvm you are the man

jason4 (2010-01-25)

This is just like the NY Jets it was not good enough to make the cut. Too dark, wait for a better copy its a coming...

J4CK_THE_R1PPER (2010-01-25)

Great copy. Thank you. Quality +1
Audio: 7
Video: 7
Movie: 9

LifeSux (2010-01-25)

Thank you!

x8jason8x (2010-01-25)

Thanks for the upload, but I only got about 20 min into it before the audio was intolerable. Far too loud, and peaked with white noise often. V7 A2

WuCepticon (2010-01-25)

Why is this taking so long to download? it has 685 seeders and 5603 leechers. Wtf? I downloaded the IMAGINE copy, and it took a few hours. This keeps saying 2-3 days and shit, smh.

 .BONE. (2010-01-25)

very good 4 a cam lil dark here n there but fuck it its free 8/10 :)

daveybaby (2010-01-25)

the shittest film i have seen for a while.. was expecting it to be brill. but i would only give it 4 out of ten.. watch it if you have nothing better to do.

 secret_myth (2010-01-25)

The Informant! 2009 BRRip H264 AAC-SecretMyth (Kingdom-Release)
look here please :


coleydvs (2010-01-25)

secret-myth you are the man would you do something with legion pls

Beccaz (2010-01-25)

Thanks SM nice one as always, but Daybreakers?? We need a better copy,then the ones out there right now..
Plzzzz!! Be our lifesaver...

FTL4 (2010-01-26)

Hey guys you're really miss understand me I love Kingdom release but I don't know a lot of thing about this video things but now I learned please don't be a dickhead

tommydisco (2010-01-26)


DonNguyen (2010-01-26)

for some reason, i'm not getting any audio when playing with VLC

paulderby (2010-01-26)

is this better then Jambo's??

Olavmannen (2010-01-26)

the movie is AWSOME! but this download has bad quality, C A M.
A 5
V 3

LeGra (2010-01-26)

This is the BEST version........yet!!!!!

paulderby (2010-01-26)

not as good as Kambo release, this is almost black and white

Tris21 (2010-01-27)

Wow that audio is horrible, it crackles all the time and sounds hollow.

immacedonian (2010-01-27)

tnx secret_myth
great copy and is a good movie

marrymaculate (2010-01-28)

this print is worst than "imagine's"
A 3 V 3
here are some screenshots :

chrijoha (2010-01-29)

The whole movie is about the bible... need i say more? it sucks!!!

 SceneRlz (2010-01-29)

Holy crap! that's maybe the best telesync ever released bro. Of course audio could be better but thank anyway...

nwgreenking (2010-01-30)

When I try to burn the movie it says there is only cover art in the file? What am I doing wrong?

Newnoob (2010-01-31)

really bad quality, didn't see anything and the sound sucks

Jedidad (2010-01-31)

SM Thanks!! Great Movie, Great Rip!! Awsome Job as Always. Thanks!

bychance (2010-01-31)

I've just burned this movie to DVD using Nero 7.
It played back perfect. Nothing wrong with the
sound. The picture is sharp enough but the color
is mostly washed out, so is that the way it's supposed to be?.
Thanks for the upload anyway S.M..

mlj25 (2010-02-01)

wats the quailty on it?v/a

totalcrush0606 (2010-02-01)

Good Job ! Thanks.

devinezqui (2010-02-01)

Very nice movie, Thank you.
Good move
Audio: 8
Video: 8
Movie: 10

ptv83 (2010-02-02)

LOL at all the people saying "cam" in there comments... i don't think any of them know what a telesync is... LOL noobs are funny :)

necromanc212 (2010-02-03)

Hey secret i dont like requesting but could you do me a favor and upload ninja assassin? ive been wantin to see it and no one has a good copy but urs are always gr8

SIlentOmen (2010-02-03)

Hi all just thought id let you know after downloading this i received a copyright infringement notice from Worldwide Sony Pictures Entertainment Acquisitions Inc via my isp. There are a few torrents like this out there, they are collecting our information which with torrents is extremely easy.
Everyone speak out against copyright and patent laws, seriously cancer could have been cured by now if companies hadnt patented chemical structures (preventing others using them).
Copyright is just as bad, why should we have to pay for ideas?
Although in this example (a movie) there is no way to justify getting it for free, cept that the producers are already rich as.
If you think copyright etc sucks some big balls check this out:
RIP: A Remix Manifesto
Utube it

ogge84 (2010-02-03)

A: 8

oziel (2010-02-04)

lol, sony wont be sending me anything in Mexico lol

SpiritualWar (2010-02-04)

One of the worst audios i've ever seen. Its not possible to understand. Video is not good though. Wait a few weeks more and download a better version. Not good for 1.5 Gb...

42000 (2010-02-05)

A: 6
V: 8.5

za1no (2010-02-06)

v 4/5
A 3.5/5
[for a cam]
very watchable.
audio goes out for a few secs durning the movie a few times.
crackling in "action" scenes.

rcres (2010-02-07)

Good Work buddy..........................

haxxHog (2010-02-07)

A:3 V:8
very good video but sound is f'ed up. + its a mp4 had to run it on VLC.... but i guess its okay if you dont mind cam quality

lmathew (2010-02-07)

Thank You

Stambrcna (2010-02-07)

TPB RULES for all of you unfinished jerk-offs!!!
1) do not spam comments with your bullshit. We don't care if you run a site full of trojans and malware with the promise of ~streaming the video online~ your site is not better and is full of adware and viruses. gtfo and quit commenting every goddamn top 100 torrent with your advertisements.
2) Stop spamming with the OMFG DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS THE PARTYVAN IS WATCHIN U bullshit. Columbia/Paramount/Tristar/FBI does not give a shit. You won't get fucking V& for downloading a torrent. The worst that will happen is you'll get a cease and desist notice or they'll block you at your IP and you can just switch providers. STFU and GTFO. Why are you even here, you noobs.
3) Don't expect to get any A/V quality better than a TS or a CAM if the film's still in theaters. Jesus, are you people retarded? either wait for it to come out on video for a better rip or stfu until you can contribute something better.
4) the main purpose of comments on these sites is to warn other users whether a torrent is legit. If it's spam, if the sound or video quality is so bad it's unwatchable, or if it's got malware. This is not he site for your shitty, pseudo-intellectual review tripe. Save that shit for your emo livejournal. Any other comments are useless here.

mika4576 (2010-02-09)

A-8 V-8 M-10. there is one part for less than a minute where there is no sound, but you don't miss anything so its not really important.

dlarrym (2010-02-11)

To secret_myth: No doubt many of your uploads are very good. Having said that, I would wait for a Rip or Screener to show up. This is just my thoughts on this subject. I guess am trying to say, WHY??? use a TELESYNC/"CAMERA in a theater" copy and use a high quality H264 format to encode it ??. So many people out here downloading do not understand that a TS or TELESYNC version is still a CAM, the TELESYNC part is that who ever made the TS copy had access to the projector room and were able to DUB the films ACTUAL AUDIO onto there CAM produced VIDEO. I don't see the point to take a film that is made this way and then encode it with the BEST format available. It would be like buying a 1984 HONDA civic and then putting the most HIGH PERFORMANCE Rims & Tires onto it. The 1984 Civic is not able to take advantage of the HIGH Performance Rims and Tires so it would still never corner better or go faster then a 1984 Honda Civic no matter what Rims or Wheels it has... Right??? so No matter what container you put a CAM in, it will never be better then a CAM. SO... following this logic, Why put a CAM made film, even if the AUDIO is perfect into a H264 format?? If ANY change happens, it will be that the H264's superior imaging qualities will only expose the flaws in the CAM and make the Video seem worse. Flaws will stand out even more then they would have if you posted it "as is"... ALSO you KNOW a RIP is going to surface at some point, they always do... So, save your efforts and your clearly excellent encoding skills for that RIP or SCREENER when It does emerget. You are going to do this anyway.... "This" being that you KNOW you will post a H264 version of a screener or true DVDrip when you get possession of it.... So knowing your going to do this, why waste your time with an inferior quality movie file if you are only going to make a truly excellent copy once you get your hands on a true RIP. Just an observation... You have great skills, I am not questioning this fact, I just question the time spent on a flaw filled original, when a Rip or screener is almost certain to show up, then with these better original copies, work your magic!!! ALSO..... CHROMA vs2009.1 is a execellent PLAYER by mirailabs and is far superior for PLAYBACK then even VLC or KMplayer. It is written just for the MAC OS. TO NOTE(1): Mac's OS versions 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 have been made for the PC. This is due in a large part to the fact that a few years ago, APPLE began using INTEL processors in its POWER MACS and pretty much all its newer computers from the Mac Mini onward. Some early generation Mac Mini's used PPC chips by motorola NOTE(2): There is another APP called CHROMA that is an "ADOBE PHOTOSHOP-like" program for WINDOWS. This is NOT the APP I am referring to when I speak of CHROMA.

dlarrym (2010-02-11)

To: trntz_man... I TOTALLY disagree with your comments on AVI being some old ass process and its now MKV or H264 (which is really an MP4 format). 1st off AVI isn't a "format" it is a container in which several formats can be placed in. MKV files are also containers... just like a box or giant envelope. MKV is a container used on the XBOX. I have some XviD and DivX movies that were packaged as AVI and I bet you anything if I played these on a screen and then the identical film in the H264 or MKV files on another screen, I bet you would never know the difference. You can even put a MP4's (same thing as h264) into an AVI container!!!! PLEASE don't speak of what you do not understand, it makes you look like a total fool or idot.

Cyprusx (2010-02-11)

I have WMP 11 with the latest CCCP, and i can't play the video ( only audio). any ideas or codecs i could use?

BrotherT2010 (2010-02-12)


dlarrym (2010-02-13)

Look Mother F&%ker..... A cam made copy of a movie with so so audio, is by no means the same "product" that is copyright protected by certian laws in certain countries. Think about it... A movie that ends in the middle of the credits.... no extra goodies like ALL movies you by come with. LOOK in ANY purchased movie once it is loaded on your dvd player. In the menu, you can watch interviews with the director or even play the entire movie with comments being made as the movie goes in real t ime by the writers and cerain cast, etc, etc,etc,,,,,,,.... SO HOW is some HACK movie made from a CAMERA that some dude sneaked into a theater some where on planet earth.... HOW I say is this movie made on a camera sneaked (if sneaked is even a real word????) anyway we all kbnow what I mean... SO This movie ends pre maturely, people walk in front of the camera guy.... the sound cuts in and out..... it has ZERO extras...... IT in fact NOT!!!!! .....the same product that is stamped with the copyright symbol by its name. It is NOT the same product in quality or in content.... it is really a joke to even call it a "COPY".... LMFAO!!!!!! OH my god..... The record companies in the 70's and 80's owned chains of music stores like RECORD BAR and SAM GOODY and MUSIC LAND.... CD SUPERSTORE.... etc, etc.... they sold BLANK cassette tapes and DIGITAL tapes.... at the counter where you paid for purchased CD's... Did these owners of these music labels and music stores believe that people wouldn't make copies of these CDs they sold.... They even SOLD THE BLANK TAPE.... Digital tape makes an exact copy of a CD... it transfers the digital encoding, not actual analog music like a microphone catches... so even back before CD recorders and DVD burners, it was possible to copy CDs perfectly if you spent the money and time to do it.... I don't recall ANYONE EVER getting suied for 250,000.00 per track like that poor bastard in Raleigh NC in the USA did back in like 89. Things are f&^ked up.... It does't take a rocket scientist to figure it out????? take care all... RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE!!!!!!!!

dlarrym (2010-02-13)

To: Stambrcna - I agree with EVRY word you posted.... Seriously.... Some people are INSANE!! I know My comments get drawn the heck out, but I hope to get to someone.... You tell 'EM' Stambrcna !!!!! :~)

greythorne (2010-02-14)

not good better to wait for a better release.
this is shithole. maggot

GreyHuman (2010-02-15)

Religious crap

h3u (2010-02-15)

So true man... So true.

panosol (2010-02-15)

thanks...very good quality!!

meliboo_x (2010-02-17)

All your are of an amazing quality, you are highly valued secret_myth.

flank11 (2010-02-17)

A: 5.5
V: 8
Good movie, audio gets crackly during louder sequences and cuts out once in a while but the clarity is not bad. Video is actually really good i think (compared to theater rips and cams). Could see what was going on the whole time.
TO FIX AUDIO SYNC ISSUE: Use VLC player and when the audio is noticeably bad (around 1:25 in), manually re-sync it by pressing "J" until the audio delay is at -400ms. Then, smooth sailings.

Lunatum (2010-02-17)

THX :)

fiat lux (2010-02-18)

n1 secret_myth.
this one has been on my list for a while, appreciate the great upload

pfytpb (2010-02-18)

Thank you very much!

disco99 (2010-02-19)

Thank you for this upload V9 A8 :)

smellmy (2010-02-19)

aye tell me why these spammers or whatever say the stupidest stuff "movie is okay but no download watch it on our site" so stupid lol makes me laugh

Jyc921 (2010-02-19)

One of the best TS I've ever seen.
V. 9
A. 8
M. 10

Ind0 (2010-02-20)

If you feel like some Christian propaganda, watch this movie.
Never have I seen such self-indulgent crap like this, as if religion could save the world. (Besides fucking it up in the first place!)

Ind0 (2010-02-20)


Stubidmonkey (2010-02-22)

Quality and audio just ok, but you can still watch it if you dont mind a cam movie !

ASAD1 (2010-02-22)

One of the greatest movies I have seen in a long time.

wookietid (2010-02-22)

Worst Fucking Audio Quality I've heard in a long time. The video isn't bad and the movie is good. but the audio is shit. total and complete...

agathecosta (2010-02-22)

@ pimpmobile 2010-02-22 07:45 CET: are totally right *however* it takes EVERY human to get together to:
2) see further than their noses
3) not want anything materialistic
4) start growing vegetables all over the place
5) sit in groups and be happy just sitting there
6) continue to evolve, learn, undo the bad
5) but too much greed in the human brain
4) back to the ways already set in motion
3) can't see further than our noses
2) want this, want that, things you don't need
1) GO

gls420 (2010-02-23)

Got a letter in the mail today. I live in the texas area and i have suddenlink. I would suggest you don't download in this area. The letter is all about false threats of fees and wanrings of shutting off my internet. Its not even that good of quality.... at least wait untill the dvd/bluray version comes out so you can get a legit copy (and you won't get a stupid ass letter for it either).

fuckheineken (2010-02-23)

Hey great uplaod thanks there
Could you maybe upload a dvd rip, cam or screener from the movie "splice". It came out last year and it's not playing in theaters in europe yet. The movie is from cube director Vincenzo Natali.

bigmoviefreak (2010-02-26)

hey secretmyth can u get shutter island? you are the best thanks!!! this movie is very good pic and sound

Andozer (2010-02-26)

V- 5 (poor colours, looks nearly black-n-white)
A-7 (decent, but almost a little echo, or reverb)
I'm not going to watch this because of poor quality, I'd rather wait a little for better things.
Download this ONLY if you accept watching cam recording, otherwise you'll hate yourself for downloading this :-P

iamhelix (2010-02-26)

1) do not spam comments with your bullshit. We don't care if you run a site full of trojans and malware with the promise of ~streaming the video online~ your site is not better and is full of adware and viruses. gtfo and quit commenting every goddamn top 100 torrent with your advertisements.
2) Stop spamming with the OMFG DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS THE PARTYVAN IS WATCHIN U bullshit. Columbia/Paramount/Tristar/FBI does not give a shit. You won't get fucking V& for downloading a torrent. The worst that will happen is you'll get a cease and desist notice or they'll block you at your IP and you can just switch providers. STFU and GTFO. Why are you even here, you noobs.
3) Don't expect to get any A/V quality better than a TS or a CAM if the film's still in theaters. Jesus, are you people retarded? either wait for it to come out on video for a better rip or stfu until you can contribute something better.
4) the main purpose of comments on these sites is to warn other users whether a torrent is legit. If it's spam, if the sound or video quality is so bad it's unwatchable, or if it's got malware. This is not he site for your shitty, pseudo-intellectual review tripe. Save that shit for your emo livejournal. Any other comments are useless here.
This should be a template for every comment page on TPB, Good one to whoever wrote it. I'm going to post this shit on every comment page i touch...

startedby (2010-02-28)

thanks.. man

LeSet (2010-03-01)

I wouldn't touch this piece of shit movie with a ten foot pole.
probably danzels worst movie ever.
i rather have a rootcanal done then to watch this.
the best part of tpb however, is to read the comments.
talk about comedy *lol*

livenowman (2010-03-05)

hows the quality

FreePlayerRR (2010-03-05)

Quality = Shit

robjbay (2010-03-06)

umm i tried to dl this and it has files missing so it wont play on the cpu? i dl;d all is there sumthing i dont know?
but from wat i did get to see v10

robjbay (2010-03-06)

ps refering to the prblem i had if its something i did would you plz let me know thnk you

 cclloyd (2010-03-12)

I dont get how this was such a popular movie when i thought it was a little slow moving movie.

bbats (2010-03-14)

Thank you!!!!!

kristalclear (2010-03-14)

Thank you!!!!!!

bryan_acst (2010-03-19)

Vielen Dank... Auf Wiedersehen

snuffyluv (2010-03-20)

this movie is so fucked up it aint even funny. please dont say this is anykind of DVD rip because it isnt!!!! this is a freakin cam rip and it sucks major rocks

tsafa (2010-03-20)

thank u my friend!!!!!b well!!

natho30 (2010-03-22)

thx myth

nated0323 (2010-03-28)

Ill watch it just to see Mila Kunis fine ass

EstiloNovo (2010-03-29)

Lookin good, thanks for the subs!! (Dutch ^^)

GetTheMusic (2010-04-01)

This is a CAM recording!!!
Audio goes out in this a lot, and the speakers in the theater were so loud, you get static clicking sounds in this a lot. The credits at the end are cut off, and the video quality is very poor (BECAUSE IT IS A CAM RECORDING)
Thanks for the up load. It saved me a $1.75 that the church will not get from me.
My favorite film by Denzel Washington was "Fallen", and this movie "Book Of Eli" was a disappointment. Perhaps if he just burned the damn bible or if the other guy wanted to burn it, then it might have been a better movie. A movie like this should have pointed out all of the contradictions in the bible and how it's all B.S. for crazies and hypocrites to follow for their lack of being able to think for themselves.
In a way, it did have a hidden message in the film. Like when he mentioned it was the last bible because everyone killed each other over it. Then what does he do, he kills everyone to keep it, and the people that want it only want it because they can't have it so they all kill for it without knowing why. The whole time I kept waiting to hear someone say "thou shall not kill", but it never happened, ha ha ha ha.
This movie is a really good example of how the blind truly leads the blind. Anyway, it has a very unhappy ending. The Bible lives.
I want someone to make a movie about a perfect community in the future where everything is fine and then a person with a bible comes along and ruins it. It could be a family movie to teach kids about the dangers of people that read bibles and associate with religions. Not just bashing one religion, but all religions and from an intellectual perspective that cannot be argued with.

thehj (2010-04-02)

thank you very much

 cclloyd (2010-04-05)

How are more ppl downloading this than Avatar, which was 1. Way better than this film, and 2. more popular than this movie?

lyther01 (2010-04-13)

when is the DVD comming out for this?

KNIGHTWATCH903 (2010-04-13)

DVD Will be out on June 15, 2010

jelmertjuhh (2010-04-16)

Very good Quality, audio is less but okay :)
But why is it all black and white? Is that just a part of the film ore not?

patisallano (2010-04-23)

Religious propaganda. Lame and predictable.

patisallano (2010-04-23)

This movie is best burned... With gasoline!

pheonixrisen (2010-04-25)

First I want to say that this was a great quality dl as they always are from SM.
More importantly, what happened to you Secret? No new downloads since the end of Feb. Please come back, you always have the newest and best quality. Definitely miss your contributions to the site.

bastrdx (2010-04-25)

yes gr8 torrents but everyone is allowed a break lol :)

Dfewer (2010-05-02)

Dang I liked this movie. Felt like a live action Fallout 3. Also realized I had missed a ABSOLUTELY HUGE thing about the main character even after watching the whole thing through. I think movies like Avatar have desensitized me to the subtly filmmaking can achieve. When you watch this, really analyze what is going on and see if you catch what I completely missed.

USMC4LIFE (2010-05-03)

Hey, patisallano, no one gives a fuck what you think, so piss off.
Thank you, secret_myth.

cpt_acid (2010-05-06)

People have rated this anything from 3 to 9 in both audio and video quality. They have literally call this the best TS ever and the worst shit ever recorded...
Well, at least I know it doesn't deserve a 2/10 mark.
I know standards differ but c'mon... this is senseless!

Questionmarq34 (2010-05-07)

The picture is way too dark for me. I'll have to wait for a DVDrip. Thanks anyway, Secret_Myth.

katiegreek (2010-05-14)

It is very good quality

Pirate786 (2010-05-19)


nittany (2010-05-25)

Why are there so many seeders and leechers when a DVD rip of this movie has been out for awhile now? Screw telesyncs people, get the DVD or bluray rip!

as14ever (2010-07-03)

Movie request to any one that can do it. I have a request for some very hard movies to find as mpeg4 BRRip H264 AAC3 in resolutions: 1280x544 or 1280x720 or even 1920x1080p
The Movies are: Appleseed 2004
Tron 1982
Brazil 1985
Naked Lunch 1991
Conan the Barbarian 1982
Conan the Destroyer 1984
The Dark Crystal 1982
King Kong 1976
The Secret of NIMH 1982
Spike Lee School Daze 1988
Spike Lee Mo Better Blues 1990
If any one can find these movies in the format mentioned above, or can create them in the same quality as secret_myth I would be very appreciative and can maybe work on some type of compensation if needed.
Let me know at

jwynne (2010-08-26)

secret myth has a lot of good movies (great uploader :)) but i was really disapointed in the quality of this one (i guess because it is telesync) and to the peeps who rated this A:9 V:9 what kind of standards do you have? id give it about A:3 V:3 but love your work myth wish youd come back with more ;) thanx for the great movies

Early_Riser (2010-09-19)

Still watching it. Personaly I am enjoying it, great video quality, but the audio is clipped during loud scenes. Thank you secret_myth for the upload.

skyfire67 (2011-03-24)

Hi secret_myth,
I think you do a great job!
Do you happen to have the witchcraft movies
1-5 ? Could you please place it on your list to upload? I can't find them any where.
Thank you:

Sn0okk (2011-07-16)

a : 3
v :4
just download a dvdrip... this is not a dvd or blu ray... its recorded with a camera...

j0nnyboy (2012-02-12)

This is a TS people. As soon as torrent was complete, initially, I was shocked that such a piece of shit rip came from secret_myth. After coming back to this page i realized that it was not a BD rip like alot of secret_myths other stuff. Uploader clearly states up top that it's a TELESYNC. Secret_Myth Bluray rips are absolutely top notch, but don't expect that with this TS.