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Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe






Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe




2006-06-23 (by silentthunder)


.d8888b. d8b 888 888 d88P Y88b Y8P 888 888 Y88b. 888 888 "Y888b. 888 888 .d88b. 88888b. 888888 "Y88b. 888 888 d8P Y8b 888 "88b 888 "888 888 888 88888888 888 888 888 Y88b d88P 888 888 Y8b. 888 888 Y88b. "Y8888P" 888 888 "Y8888 888 888 "Y888 88888888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 88888b. 888 888 88888b. .d88888 .d88b. 888d888 888 888 "88b 888 888 888 "88b d88" 888 d8P Y8b 888P" 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 888 888 Y88b 888 Y8b. 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 888 888 "Y88888 "Y8888 888 Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe this is the original roller coaster tycoon with both expansion packs ( corkscrew follies and loopy landscapes ) its all in one disk and works perfectly, small file. if you have a slow computer this is a perfect game for you to have, even if you have a fast computer, get it because it's a classic. Have fun and please seed, its an old game so this is going to be hard to keep alive.


  1. rct
  2. loopy landscapes
  3. corkscrew follies
  4. rollercoaster
  5. tycoon
  6. roller
  7. coaster
  8. expansions
  9. expansion
  10. deluxe
  11. rct1

Files count:



501.13 Mb




Salomon1260 (2006-07-09)

You did'nt include a CD crack????????

silentthunder (2006-07-10)

I dont think there is such thing as a no-cd crack for this game. It can easily be burnt to a cd, it's old enough that anyone with a cd burner can make a copy of it. Alternatively you can mount it to play.

lappekake (2006-07-13)

does it work?

silentthunder (2006-07-15)

yes it works, i tested it

morsels (2006-07-30)

awesome, thank you. THis brings me back.

Asmogriff (2006-07-31)

Works fine. I love this game.

menance (2006-08-26)

well done guys. super selection. keep it up and seed a bit more please

Ronette (2006-10-07)

Why does it say that I have to install the original game before installing deluxe?

silentthunder (2006-10-09)

Ronette, you must be mistaken. This is the original game with both expansions. There is no need to install anything else. Just mount or burn the disc, install and play.

tribeccarose (2006-11-13)

How come it says I have to unistall the original game before I install this when I don't have any roller coaster installed

unlivingsummer (2006-11-26)


area41 (2006-12-24)

nice one but does it have to take so long plz seed

Bokske (2007-03-12)

Hey Silentthunder,
I'vd downloaded your torrent "Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe". But it doesn't work. I've installed the game, but when I want to start the game it says that I have to put the Rct Loopy Landscapes CD in my computer. Can you please help me? Thanks...

silentthunder (2007-03-16)

I can't imagine why you would encounter that error. I have been running the game for years and have never had that problem. The game is all on one disk, loopy landscapes is on the disk. Sorry I can't help you, I can't think of an explanation.

ChrillDeVille (2007-03-24)

Could someone seed? I'm not getting any download speed at all, even tho tracker is OK

Tj199 (2007-08-12)

can someone seed me please

Kasualty123 (2007-08-21)

I downloaded it and ran setup.exe and autorun.exe, but when I click on the icon on my desktop it says I have to insert a CD. I don't kno what to do, am I suppose to burn all of the files onto a CD? I am at a loss, please help me.

silentthunder (2007-09-04)

You can either mount the iso to play or burn it if you want.
If you have the disc mounted or in your drive, and it says "insert disc in the following drive" rename the drive in that box to whichever drive the disc is in, then press ok.

grimm42 (2007-09-19)

I love you so much, this game brings back so many fond memories of mass pixelated murder :D. Thanks for the torrent Silent!

guylaroche5 (2007-09-19)

hey silent thunder iv recently doanloaded RCT and im having one problem, whenever i try 2 install it from setup it says i need to uninstall the original roller coaster tycoon but iv never installed it, can u help me out mate?

shadowdemon213 (2007-11-01)

ya it says the same thing for me need to uninstall the original rollercoaster tycoon but i dont have it installed dude silent thunder can u help me out?

silentthunder (2007-11-10)

For anyone with the problem where it tells you to uninstall previous versions that arent installed, try this. Go to start, click run. Type "regedit" in the box and click "ok". Look in the "software" folder (under hkey local machine). Scroll through the folders and find "Fish Technology Group". (why it is fish and not infogrames, i dont know). Delete that stuff, restart your comp and try installing the game.

gonzothegorilla (2008-01-11)

Hey can someone seed me please?

dudemangili (2008-02-12)

Hey Silent...i was freaking out because of the stupid uninstall the previous one...thank you for the fix...YOU ARE FREAKING AWESOME

goof12 (2008-02-23)

I know that it could seem stupid but... im not really good with a computer.. What does mount mean and how we do it ?

xjosefiine (2008-03-13)

plz seeed ! i love this game, and i hope its work

soggyorigami (2008-03-31)

This one installs without having to have the cd in your drive or mounted:

coolguy852 (2008-05-17)

plz people seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jdansby1 (2008-05-26)

What do ya'll mean by mounting?

dmonite (2008-07-11)

ok this is wierd i am trying to find this so called fish technologies folder and i can't find one i am having the same problem as the other guys with the uninstall the original one
i don't know what to do i can't find the dagum folder

dmonite (2008-07-11)

nvm i just did a system restore and it worked!!! im a genius lol jk but anyways thanks alot for the file man this game brings back memories of when i was younger playing it with my dad and bro

Jeepeh (2008-08-01)

well it seems like all like this torrent i download it and i will seed after

mercenary02 (2008-08-03)

plz seed and for the ppl that dont know what mount is u need deamon tools , alcohol or any kind of virtual drive

The_puppet (2008-08-04)

Wtf does mount mean and how do you do it?

FreakOMan (2008-08-05)

how can i ''seed'' ?

eyefusion (2008-08-23)

I also got the uninstall the previous rct error while installing, i deleted everything in the fish techology group folder in regedit except the (Default) one because it says "Unable to delete all specified values." And I still cant install it, does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Pretty333 (2008-08-25)

Works great! Thanks. To mount, download daemon tools and use the program to mount image. As long as it is mounted you can use the desktop game icon to play as normal. You can use daemon tools to mount iso files. ; )

Vaulree (2008-09-03)

Thanx for the information about the regedit and Fish stuff, I needed it.
You're great!

zyrek (2008-09-27)

sux man
really slow

Rekss (2008-11-03)

hey can someone give me a step by step on how to play this now that iv'e downloaded it?
im not to good with computers and i have daemon tools but i dont know how to use it can someone please help me?

bignoob613 (2008-12-07)


6r33n (2008-12-30)

HOW TO MOUNT: youtube com/watch?v=UoFuF8Pv0mo

6r33n (2008-12-31)

Btw, this torrent works perfectly. Although, there is no crack so you'll have to mount it each time you want to play.
Thx uploader!

6r33n (2008-12-31)

Sorry about all my comments but I've found a working way to crack it, via the Register.
Follow the instructions on:
(with . instead of ,)

DjMuzik (2009-01-20)

Does anyone have RCT 2 + Expansions?

silentthunder (2009-03-06)

Thanks 6r33n for sharing the no-cd fix.
DjMuzik, I have rct2 and wacky worlds but i'm missing the time one. I would make a torrent but it seems theres already one on TPB for all of them, search "rct2".

dorkwad (2009-04-19)

1. Copy all the files from the data directory on the cd to the data
directory in your game file, use the data directory from which ever
expansion cd you are using, if any. You can overwrite the existing files if
you wish.
2.Use your registry editor and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FISH
to fit your game directory (example c:\games\Roller Coaster Tycoon
3. Enjoy the game without the cd.
P.S. "Regedit.exe" is usually found in the Windows directory, and be careful
using it.

Dhfhy (2009-06-09)

For everyone who does not know what mounting means, I Will explain it for you.
NuMbEr OnE: Go To

The Purpose of downloading this is to mount the game.
Once you download it, it prompts you to restart your computer. Do So. Once you restart your computer it will fully install and uncheck all the things you dont want daemon to install, Like making your home page the daemon homepage and the toolbar and all that junk.
Now before you mount your game you need to find the .img file that is in the torrent you have downloaded. I Find it, Right Click Copy and place it on my desktop for an easy find.
Once it is downloaded you need to find a blank CD. Put the blank CD in. Open Daemon. Look down by your clock. You Should see an icon that looks like a CD With a lightning bolt in it. Click on it. 2 Options should come up. Click the second one.
Find the .img file.
and there you go open the .img file with Daemon and you will be able to install the game.

rwoelich (2009-06-12)

Thanks dorkwad, but on Vista 64 Bit:

is where the registry key is. By default the path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Infogrames Interactive\RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe so you should set the SetupPath key accordingly.

Macoco (2009-07-11)

my original cds where all undreadable, thanks for allowing me to play this wonderfull game again!

JMMNATE (2009-08-03)

what a great game! brings back memories...

silentthunder (2009-11-04)

this version of rct does not require a cd key, if you download this torrent it will work

w4tchme0wn (2009-11-07)

After i mounted the .img file i wanted to launch the setup. but for some reason it won't launch.. Any suggestions what i should do?

ericss710 (2009-11-18)

I'm having a problem with installing. I mounted RTC.iso and then nothing happens. when i go to click on it it says "error in command line"
I was thinking that maybe because I'm running vista 64-bit? Please someone help me with this problem ive gone through so many torrents of this game trying to make it work!!

mrpaige (2010-01-08)

im getting a message saying that i have to install the original cd before i can install this one. can anyone help me?

bored12 (2010-01-22)

Roller Coaster tycoon came out when 64-bit wasn't really available to non-businesses.
So probably.

lisanne_001 (2010-01-23)

The game works perfectly..
One question: Do you have a site where you can download the dutch language file?

James1613 (2010-02-05)

Everytime i shutdown my computer than tried to play it agian. It said it needed a disk

jose_jackson1502 (2010-02-08)

can anyone help a noob out i cant find the img file after i dl'ed it can anyone tell me which folder it is in or whatever

jose_jackson1502 (2010-02-08)

never mind i saw the iso file and mounted it thanks uploader

Arg_the_pirate (2010-03-15)

Ah nostalgia. I remember playing this on my Windows 98 computer.
Thank you for giving me these memories. Can't wait to relive them again.

Zambini845 (2010-08-07)

w00t w00t!

orchlon (2010-10-01)

i have this game in a portable pack.
i have windows 7 x64
i had windows vista x64
this game works on both

orchlon (2010-10-03)

if the game is causing a complete system lockdown play in windowed mode

Fantasy_Legend (2010-11-01)

Brilliant upload silentthunder! Loved this game and grew up with it for years!
The only problem I have to address is the name of most of the roller coaster tracks, for example; u(0010) is the name of 1 of the tracks which is obviously set as a default; is there anyway of retrieving the original roller coaster names so that I know what i'm building? Would appreciate some advice and thanks again for a great upload!!

Cat183 (2010-11-01)

TY so much!

GeneralRed (2010-11-06)

Works great on vista (i think i have 64bit) thanks Silent!

myastas (2010-11-28)

I did everything to mount the game, but when I try to install it, I get an error message telling me I need to uninstall my old roller coaster tycoon first... Thing is, I only downloaded a free trial, and I uninstalled it alright, but I'm still getting this message... Anyone can help?

Fantasy_Legend (2010-11-29)

@myastas - Had the same problem myself mate!
All you got to do is search your whole comp for anything called 'RCT', 'roller coater tycoon' and 'unifish' and delete all of them. Chances are it still won't work so I then downloaded Regseeker found here
which allows you to delete any registry keys that are still on your comp after you installed it.
Start up 'Regseeker' and untick the bottom left option that says backup because you don't want to backup anything. After that click on 'find in registry' and make sure all of the 'HKEY' options are ticked then search for the 3 things I mentioned above individually and delete them all. If this doesn't help then you're in shit street mate because there's no other way round it! Oh and don't forget to untick the backup option everytime you make a new search on Regseeker. Hope that helps kidda!

alcid34 (2010-12-01)

wow very fast! 1.9 mb!

MAH33R (2011-01-06)

Refering back to Dhfyh.....
I cant find the file .img. Reading the other comments they are talking about ISO, am not sure.
Can anyone help me find this file so i could open up in Daemon so i could finish the install of the game.
You help would be great!

MAH33R (2011-01-06)


TheSarj (2011-01-29)

I love this game. Thanks for the upload.
I will seed for a long time

TheSarj (2011-01-29)

Wow that was a really quick download.
Unfortunately after searching and searching there seems to be no exe crack out there for the Deluxe version so i shall be mounting this from my Expansion Drive.
Cheers Thunder, great release!

bsborrow7 (2011-01-31)

umm i have a problem, my laptop can run this easily but it keeps freezing whenever i play, am i doing something wrong?

larsaaby94 (2011-02-05)

Played (Win7 Ulti x64)
Closed game
Reopened game
I can't load any games, it just does nothing when I click Load saved game...

voronin (2011-02-20)

clean install windows 7 x64 home premium (licensed copy)
no modified settings, no cracks, no patches
saving/loading works (the dialog looks really bad with the low colors but no issues otherwise)
alt-tab works
every once in a while the colors will be fucked up but this goes away after alt-tab
the only other quirk is that after closing the game, the left mouse button does not do anything. if i click the right mouse button it works, and after that the mouse works normally.
love this game, very glad i can still play it on 7.

PanicATtheDisco (2011-03-30)

love this game thnx thunder

WesSideKid (2011-03-31)

my save load isn't working.
when i click it actually exits the game completely...
can anyone help?
voronin you say your save load works...

sza100 (2011-04-10)

any way to route this to mac?

CoZoXo (2011-05-10)

Don't Forget To Seed!
I'll Be Seeding Too!
Havent Downloaded It
Fast File.
It's Good!

CoZoXo (2011-05-10)

Seeded Myself :P

da9li (2011-05-21)

i downloaded, installed, and when i double click on the .exe on my desktop it just load. the game doesnt show, it just load and then it stop loading. any help to get?

da9li (2011-05-21)

nevermind, just started it in 95 mode

midge600 (2011-06-29)

this might sound stupid but... i dont no how to download it i have tried everything and it wont work :( help me please

MrDavide (2011-08-01)

Wow thanks for the upload! I remember when i was in like 1st or 2nd grade playing this. Fast download easy install. Great Upload!!!
1. Download
2. Extract
3. Install
4. Enjoy the game =)
PS.) no DTL required. No problems

ry.lev (2011-08-02)

Great speed

Fukmor (2011-08-15)

Downloaded fine, works fine, seeeeed.

SammoSammy (2011-08-17)

This game is my childhood. It is the single game that I played with my sister that I have positive memories of. Shame she's a drunken fucktard with no prospects.
Thanks for this epic torrent reminding me of better times.
Fantastic Game. Fantastic Torrent.

maggotrape (2011-09-03)

Jesus christ SammoSammy!!!! I feel dirty and sad that I laughed my ass off when I read that. Man you just made my day.... Bummer about sis though....

Rosarioedu (2011-09-09)

seed Please *---*

krissh (2011-09-12)

100% Clean and Working :) Love the Game
Click Setup, Run that
Waahooooo Enjoy!!!!!

laysphone (2011-09-14)

does it work for mac?

gunther7 (2011-10-07)

awesome download speed. avg. 2.7 mb/s ill seed for a day. works great if u run in xp sp3 compatibility mode and use magic disc to run and install.

Lrix (2011-10-16)

Fantastic download. Thank you so much. :)

sprinterd (2011-10-18)

quick download works pefectly thank you

craigbrian (2011-10-31)

IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! to ANYBODY who is getting the error "RCT.exe has stopped working" preferably for Windows 7.
click the Windows logo button in the VERY bottom left, right click computer and select "Properties" a window should pop up click "Advance system settings" now another window should pop up under "Performance" click "Settings" once again another windows should pop up select the tab named "Data Execution Prevention" click Add and ONE more window will pop up. go to were Roller Coaster Tycoon is installed for example "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infogrames Interactive\RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe"
now SELECT RCT.exe and click open click apply then Ok
NOTE!!!!!!!! this also works with other programs that CRASH such as if you have "Flash Decompiler Trillix" and it wont open ADD it to the list then try running it.
NOW try to open Roller Coaster Tycoon :) have fun
I have a Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

jp198811 (2012-01-21)

i mounted the iso and tried installing, but when i click continue to start the install.. it just disappears and does nothing...?

Demence (2012-04-07)

Thanks. Awesome torrent.

Viraj24 (2012-04-10)

hey Silent manh.. thanx a lot.. i also encountered the uninstall problem.. but got through it with ur help.. :) n thanx a lot to other ppl who commented n helped.. :)
n the game works completely fine..

adighraiz (2012-05-20)

game work fine
read @dorkwad comment in previous and no cd problem will solved
cd chick will gone and no need for mounting
game work in 32 vista and 7 enterprise
thanks @silentthunder for bring-up some memory,such cute game
1+ rate is add :)

Gotpwnage520 (2012-05-30)

Gotta say thanks to craigbrian. Now i can play this awesome game thanks to his help with playing this game on Windows 7.

Freeemind (2012-06-07)

Everything works fine except when I try to create a custom ride, the docking section(dont know how to call it) doesnt appear i cant choose where to start off if you want... i can build the ones already made but cant design one... any idea on how to fix this would be gladly appreciated
Thanks to silentthunder for this upload

Freeemind (2012-06-07)

Very sorry about that, it seems I only needed a reboot lol
Thanks again to uploader great torrent

madness992 (2012-06-17)

for those who have trouble with opening save do this
C:Program Files(x86) Infogrames RCT Saved Games and click on the park you want to play
and BAM!!! your playing your saves!!!

underred (2012-07-11)

Running on Windows 7. Game runs fine and not so much having a problem loading saves as that the save files themselves completely disappear. I cannot locate them anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?

dustinhxc (2012-08-03)

YOU ARE THE FRICKEN MAN!!! First off.. I have all 3 of these bought on discs and the expansions wont even install on our windows 7 64bit. On the 32bit it will. The Game itself installed but it gets an error every time I try to run it. Tried to figure it out with patches and compatibility issues for a couple hours. Then I found this, downloaded within minutes and installed within minutes then opened right away! Plus it includes both expansions. You are the best!!!!!!!

lazylion2 (2012-09-04)


beau75 (2012-10-23)

@lazylion2 Did you even bother to click on the get more info link?
"PowerRegScheduler is a product registration system used by some legitimate software programs."
Not to mention most pirated games will have a "virus" in them but it is necessary for the game to run and it won't harm your computer.

Finwald (2012-11-03)

I get a stupid VPN installer with the roller coaster tycoon file name how do i get the game?

tbraybrook (2012-11-13)

Thanks! That tip does work so that the CD isn't needed to insert. Not sure why I didn't think of that trick! lol
I downloaded this and burned the image using Power ISO. No problem. I then scanned the disc with Avast Internet Security and NO virus was detected so probably clean. Game installs and plays without problems. Fast download. Thanks silentthunder! And again, thanks for the tip dorkwad.

lauregasm (2013-04-21)

Works perfectly! Thank you!

MorbidMommy (2013-04-27)

The game won't load any of my saves no matter what I do :(

bsims4860 (2013-06-23)

i extracted the files or whatever and installed it and everything. whenever i go to start a new game, i click on the park to start at and it won't go. it will flash dynamite dunes or whatever i select and go back to the start screen. also if it means anything when at the start screen you know how in the background it shows the parks? well after showing the first one it shows the second for about a second maybe two then starts back over. if someone could please help you would be saving my inner child a lot of crying.

bsims4860 (2013-06-23)

ok now it is crashing on me, when i try to do anything else

hitreca1 (2013-07-19)

Everyone who has problems when trying to save/load in Windows 7, here is your solution:
1. Go to Roller Coaster's installation directory, where RCT.exe is located.
2. Right-click on it, select Properties and after that select Compatibility.
3. Click on Change settings for all users.
4. Make these changes:
- Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows XP Service Pack 3
- Disable visual themes
- Run this program as an administrator
Click OK and you should be ready to play without any more troubles!
Tested and verified on Windows 7 64 bit.

xxblackmoonlightxx (2013-07-27)

I'm new to all of this, so please don't hate one me, but how do you seed?

Forefor (2013-08-09)

I'm running Windows 8 and it says that setup is unable to locate a file to continue? How do I fix this?

jellychic26 (2013-12-19)

I tried all the suggested troubleshoots, but when im trying to save it the game crashes >.< can't save any of my game >.< HELP! PLSS!

jrisc00l (2014-01-16)

After running in compatibility mode with WIN XP SP 3, i had no issues saving/loading.
will seed!
@ blackmoonlight
Dont remove the torrent from Utorrent, and the file will automatically begin to seed after downloading, as long a Utorrent is open.

hylia3 (2014-05-07)

ok i have an issue here the game runs perfectly BUT i am unable to install the drexler patch so i can use a trainer. any help would be great but other then that i am really enjoying playing this again

frostbite91 (2014-05-12)

@hylia3 You cant install Drexler for any version from Deluxe on up. The patch was...patched. the only way to get it to work is to find the original version from '99, which is near impossible since everybody just keeps re-uploading the deluxe version. I've tried searching from some few months, and still cant find a compatible version.

laislfontana (2014-05-27)

Hi, I've tried to patch it to use trainers, but it says it doesn't have any expansions. However, I see the difference between the original one without expansions and this one in the torrent.
Which version is this?

SueZan404 (2015-08-15)

ok, the torrent says it's a PC game, but the file downloaded within the torrent is .iso - What's that about?
I was planning to play it on my Mac with VmWare virtual drive, like I do any PC games, but now I don't know where to install it! Help please?


1. RCT_deluxe/RCT_DELUXE.iso 501.12 Mb
2. RCT_deluxe/rct readme.nfo 9.38 Kb