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Nero Premium With Keygen & All-Plug-ins






Nero Premium With Keygen & All-Plug-ins




2006-09-23 (by Jorrell)


Full Nero 7 Suite update to version (18th September 2006). Now with support for Blue-Ray HD Discs & Nero Media Manager. Keygen included with Blue-ray HD Playback Plug-in, MP3 Plug-in, DVD Multichannle Plug-In. Works 100% OK... Uninstall previous versions of Nero before proceeding with install (including any version of Nero 7) Excellent Application !! ENJOY.. The Black Knight.

Files count:



632.52 Mb




cutte54 (2006-09-23)

Many thanks!

tomrum (2006-09-23)

Nice ;-)

Joana8 (2006-09-23)

Nero 7.5 is better than Nero 7.0?? why reason?
Let me know thanks

squeeshymon (2006-09-23)

please seed!!

lislislis (2006-09-23)

Alla sitter på ca 69 %

wargen62 (2006-09-24)


Bullen67 (2006-09-24)

hörrö jorrell gå in och seeda dom sista 30

laharibhuvan (2006-09-24)

We could not finish. Please seed!! Without finishing how can we enjoy nero 7? Share ratio is 0.098.

irhillbilly (2006-09-24)

what is the serial #

irhillbilly (2006-09-24)

never mind

Norden_AN (2006-09-25)

Is it SWE-subtitle to?

mullhippiar (2006-09-25)

Norden_AN : LOL

p10nisse (2006-09-25)


Jorrell (2006-09-25)

This torrent has been seeding for 3 days, ive chekced and there are at least 5 full copies out there now 5.681 (at 25.09.06) ., The Black Knight

kenn_1 (2006-09-25)

Skulle vilja ha tag i ett svenskt cover till denna
Tips någon ????

The3some (2006-09-26)

Really Nice Dude:P Thx m8...

Glenning (2006-09-26)

Coverdesigner funkar INTE för mig. Någon som kan lösa det...??

Zub_Zer0 (2006-09-27)

seed plz !

gosa (2006-09-28)

coverdesigner fungerarar ej

settra (2006-09-28)

thanks.. much needed

keltic warrior (2006-09-30)

downloaded wont install

vinylking (2006-09-30)

Jag har en annan nedladdning av och på den funkar inte heller coverdesigner! Är det månne ett fel på alla

wpm1035 (2006-10-01)

I am new, but I did not think stupid, won't install - says installer has to be started with SetupX.exe file. Help?

siepkes2 (2006-10-02)

Take care! This is a ZIP-BOMB.

rakketman (2006-10-03)

Program and keygen are working perfect!
Nice, Jorrell !!
No spyware or adware found. (scanned with norton 2007 and Nod32)

155bpmikey (2006-10-08)

downloaded - no problems so far...

RapbYy (2006-10-13)


Yes_Free_Lunch (2006-10-18)

The website shows that there is 200 and more seeders, but it is actaully none, wut happen? Can some 1 seed for some times, thanks! wait, there is still free lunch on the internet! God bless you!

Jorrell (2006-10-19)

Why Has No-One Continued to seed this torrent I Uploaded!! I have re-activated this torrent and will continue to seed the rest of this week. Enjoy & PLEASE SEED AFTERWARDS!!

theripper71 (2006-10-20)

vaffö går de så ini helvetes långsamt när de e så jävla förbannat många seedare???????????????????????????

mogey (2006-10-21)

Downloading and seeding... :)
Atm there is 239 seeders...

lemonsqueezer (2006-10-22)

Thanx a lot!It's great!!!

soooftmaaan (2006-10-22)

siepkes2 skrev att det är en zip-bomb nå är det de eller och i såfall hur funkar en sån, har aldrig hört uttrycket förut.

rene241071 (2006-10-24)

Maybe I am stupid but how can I install this without a serial number??

rene241071 (2006-10-24)


roddisII (2006-10-25)

Jeg får ikke innstallert den. Får beskjed om at innstallasjonspakken ikke kan åpnes. Og at jeg må sjekke om pakken finnes og om jeg har tilgang til den. Hva skjer?

jaybee276 (2006-10-28)

Those people complaing about seeding!!! If I were you I would talk to your service provider.
Within 2 minutes of me loading the file request I had 22 Seeders and 48 peers. I was up to 35kbytes p/s speed in 5 minutes. What the hell are you all complaining about?

jaybee276 (2006-10-28)

@ Phasto
You think that people on here are mugs do you? The site you quote is just another pyramid scheme (even though they claim its not). $6 x million dollars how many countries will it cause to go bankrupt after a couple of thousand of US mugs have cleaned up $6 x 6million. Yeah you really think we are mugs... Just GO AWAY

sparr4761 (2006-10-29)

How do I open files that end with .rar

sindexxx (2006-10-29)

sparr4761: sorry m8 but NOOB! read carefully and think before u ask stupid questions

gr33k (2006-10-30)

det gick skit bra att ladda ner och börja instalera men min keygen funkarej så har inget serie nr , någon som kan skriva u ett , tack på för hand !! 421

bushcraft (2006-11-04)

installationen gick bra men sedan så måstae man ha serial MEEEENNNN VVAARRT EEE DDEN!!!

Aleksander91 (2006-11-05)

If you want the serial go in to and search on nero

Aleksander91 (2006-11-05)

But if you have to download enything dont. it is just virus

Aleksander91 (2006-11-05)

try this seriall 1C80-0006-19E5-MA2X-400K-555A-2MMC

victorramis (2006-11-06)

Thanx, that one worked for me.

Oblivion_4 (2006-11-21)

Alexsander91 is an idiot is filled with viruses and nothing authentic. The actaul install file here does actually work and I didn't find any viruses which is good enough for me

Macca-11 (2006-11-22)

Is this the demo?

Oblivion_4 (2006-11-23)

No Macca it is not a demo once you use the keygen you get the full program

Taurus373 (2006-11-24)

Windows Vista ready????

lallolallo (2006-11-26)

LightScribe Support ???

Brasse[SoHa] (2006-12-12)

snälla hjälp mig!!! varenda gång jag ska bränna nåt så måste jag spara den först på datan :S vet nån hur man gör för att få bort det?
min bror behöver inte spara på sin Nero men dt har vart så hela tiden för han så han vet inte hur man gör heller :S:S
PLZ hjälp!!

avseq (2006-12-14)

Many many thanks ! Works perfectly ! :D
Can anyone please tell me where the plug-ins are ? I can't see any folders named "Plug-in" or similar things . Perhaps the folder containing plug-ins has different name . Would someone please help me locate them ?

 olingskoG (2006-12-21)

Troligen måste du bara välja rätt bränningsenhet =), någon gång medans du gör inställningar till bränningen så kan du välja vart programmet ska bränna. Du har troligen valt till en plats på hårddisken..

a95096 (2007-03-20)

i have problems downloading this file. how come the link doesnt let me access the program? jst comes up with windows page. is there any 1 can help!!!!!! thanks

iansnaz (2007-05-26)

mny thanks

nessa250772 (2007-06-17)

I have download this file Nero Premium With Keygen & All-Plug-ins .
This program is not working very well.
I will disinstall this program and install another one much better than this.

nessa250772 (2007-06-18)

Guys Take Care thIs program is A VIRUS!!!!!
dont dowload.

mustangman09 (2008-01-10)

will this worki need the plug ins

cuirass (2008-02-29)

@ Alexander91 many tnx 2 u!!!

AlexChaddy (2008-07-20)

100% Working, no virus thanks Jorrell!