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2008-12-21 (by earthresident)
When sampling technology was in its infancy, samplers lacked the power required for high-quality interpolation and filtering. Analog-digital converters were primitive, and the sounds that went into these machines came out grittier and darker--but also warmer and punchier. The same qualities that degraded the audio from a technical standpoint had the effect of enhancing the audio from an artistic standpoint.
But where are these instruments today? Why do samplers nowadays endeavor to produce an exact carbon copy instead of adding their own touch? Whatever happened to character, to samplers that feel as if they belong in the hands of musicians instead of laboratory technicians?
We asked ourselves those very questions, and we couldn't come up with any good answers. So we decided to change that.
Enter Morgana.
Morgana is an authentic representation of a vintage digital sampler, designed to be musical rather than accurate while simultaneously free from the clumsy interface or sub-megabyte RAM limitations plagued by old hardware. Morgana doesn't try to boast the most impressive spec sheet, or the most transparent sound. By returning to a simpler architecture, Morgana actually transcends the limitations of typical software samplers, creating an experience that sounds and feels like an actual instrument--one that is inspiring and with a sound all its own.
(read NFO for instructions)
Files count:
63.73 Mb
Mr.Quested (2008-12-21)
Logic 8.0.2 dont work:(earthresident (2008-12-22)
there's no crack or keygen to using Logic 8.0.2 (10.5.4) and it worked fine. I just took this over to friend's house also who has 10.5.5 with Logic 8.0.2 and he installed this without any issues.
i've never heard of a DYNAMiCS release not working. In fact i have about 40 plugins from DYNAMiCS and every single one works great.
did you install to your startup disk?
did the au scan at logic startup fail validation? if so try rescanning your audio units. sometimes a failed validation can rescan and validate fine second or third time.
this installed without the slightest hassle for me. i love installs without any cracks or keygens to apply. short and simple
Mr.Quested (2008-12-22)
my AU manager write 112dB not valid,and my logic close from the ERRORFranti (2008-12-23)
Hi, Logic 8.0.2 work ok, but to be missing the Preset! Where are?Mr.Quested (2008-12-23)
i know that`s why. i do delete in my logic PPC code(prog X-Slimmer)(using intel mac),and now all AUprogramms working((((.....but logic work 30% quickly))))and start programm and redy to work 2sekwork fine :NI,FAW,IK
paren....and many moredont work:camelaudio,sugar bytes,and 112db
earthresident (2008-12-24)
Franti - you want to download - sample link.dmg - from the 112db website. without using sample link, you simply drop WAV/AIF samples in this thing and tweak them out. if you use in conjuntion with sample link, you can wire another virtual instrument into the morgana and sample that instead of using existing samples. such a great pluginMr.Quested - sorry you can't get this working but it seems your machine is having unique difficulties. perhaps check your startup disk with disk utility and repair any errors. if you have errors and cant repair boot to your install disk and run disk utility from there. or its possible you need a fresh install of OSX or Logic and start from scratch. all these plugins should work fine on intel or ppc mac. the only plugins i've seen that dont cross over to the intel macs well are IK Multimedia but they have an intel update for free you install to get all their plugins working.
anyone looking for specific AU MAC plugins let me know and i'll see if i can find it for you
frisher (2009-01-15)
Nice work earthresident.You said about other AU plugins... what about Redmatica Keymap (an ESX24 instrument/sample editor)?
earthresident (2009-02-14)
found redmatica exs manager v 2.49 - should have it up here soon...gorejuice (2009-05-21)
Cheers for this, sounds like my old Roland w30's sound may be attainable once more. EARTHRESIDENT, In response to your earlier statement about other Mac AU stuff, I've had Korg Legacy Collection for ages but only been able to use as standalone. I need update 1.2.1 apparently to allow it to work with Logic, for instance, on an Intel Mac. Can you help? Etenal thanks, in advance.sebastiencasier (2009-07-03)
hi earthresident, maybe you can help me with my audio units problem. All the installed plug-ins by Arturia (minimoog, arp2600 and CS80) work fine standalone, but logic 8.0.2 cannot open them (they fail validation). Jupiter 8 and Analog Factory demos which I got from arturia's website are validated however.. im on an intel mac, OSX10.5.7. I also tried wrapping my vsts, with 'vst to AU adapter'. The vsts can be wrapped but the audio units manager still can't open/validate them... I've been reading forums all day but found no solution yet.. if u could help that would be great :) thanks! (my email = [email protected])jazjetson (2009-11-16)
earthresident did you ever happen to upload redmatica exsmanager also do you have keymap also by redmatica.Thank you in advance