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FSX FS9 FS2004 : F1 ATR 72-500
FSX FS9 FS2004 : F1 ATR 72-500
2008-01-05 (by samayot)
Unrar the archive.
For FS9 :
Mount with alcohol the iso file in order to install the base pack
Install Flight One ATR Service Pack 2.1 (01 December, 2004):ATR_SP2-1_SETUP.exe
This service pack is required. This service pack contains all fixes from Service Pack 1, 2, as well as incremental fixes that will be in the SP3. This service pack can be installed on top of any earlier service pack installation.
Install Flight One ATR Service Pack 3.0 (31 March, 2006):ATR_SP3.exe
This service pack applies to all current purchasers of the product, whether purchased via CD ROM or by Download. Make sure you have the 2.1 version already installed if you do not have it.
For FSX:
The update and the SP1 are available in the FSX directory of the package.
Files count:
645.35 Mb
groundcrew (2008-01-06)
Does anyone have the LevelD 767 for FSX?? Please shareThank You!!!:-)
yo7 (2008-01-06)
request a crack for LSZH FS DREAMTEAMTosig (2008-01-06)
Does anyone have the LevelD 767 for FSX......palmofsweden (2008-01-06)
Level-D and Flight 1, most of their products cannot be cracked, so shut the fuck up all leechers and start seeding!Tosig (2008-01-06)
Tack för den ........palmofsweden.......DrOctaCoG (2008-01-06)
Thanks for the quality, Good $hit :)VoxAtc would be pretty sweet.
slugga (2008-01-08)
Yeah, I have voxatc, but im not sharing it with you req neewbies ;-)DrOctaCoG (2008-01-09)
Hahah thanks Slugga, your the best. :) I'm going to bake up a Boo-Cake for you.FlightSimerr (2008-01-09)
I have gotten the plane to load and initiate and no reported problems but I cannot get the ECAM or any other of the digital gauges to display. if i run my mouse over them it shows the information as a tool-tip but I have black windows on my panel. anyone have any ideas? I'm running FSX over vista home premium and did the install exactly as instructed in the included HTM file.Any help would be great. I"m not a leacher I up FSX files all the time and will fill a request to someone who can help if i have what they're looking for..
thank you!
zkalos (2008-01-09)
Turn up the brightnes pots in the ECAS control panel on the top of the pedestal panel. Study the manual. This software was not maden for beginner simmers!ricko16 (2008-01-09)
Nice uploadreq, Austria Profesional
yo7 (2008-01-12)
Helloplease upload
Isg simavionics 1.4 upgrade with new smith fms
far_isle (2008-01-13)
Great Upload! Need help with Bird's Eye View Vol 1 - Vol 5, ifUcanSeed, that would B great! FS community really knows how to keep things running! Thnx for-ever-y-thing, all of you!far_isle (2008-01-14)
You Guys ROCK! I made a request for the Bird's Eye View files Vol 1- Vol 5 and less than 24 hrs. later 1, 2, 3, & 5 are done and I am seeding these for folks 24/7 at least to a ratio of 4 or 5 to 1. Only the Hard Winter Vol 4 is left, stuck at 27.7%. Any reseeder to fulfill this wishlist would be MOST appreciated. Thnx for the fast recovery!far_isle (2008-01-15)
As requested, Vol 1 - 5 is done! Wow that is a FAST response! You people are AMAZing. I and 29 others are stuck at 28.4% on Just Planes Air Greenland for like - oh - 5 weeks or so. I can't wait to see who runs to the rescue, cause someone always seems to. Thanks everyone for working together.aradulo (2008-02-02)
Merci samayot !!!aircanada11231123 (2008-02-17)
I mean gosh guys!! i know if i wud have been taught how to crack-- this PLANE wuD have been the focus. but, jeez seems like somepeople dont want to help.. its the 767 MAN!! the LEVEL D 767!! why cant any1 crack this?? err :(.. its an amazing bird guys.. some1 please try to fix this so it can work with FSX. my email is same as my IM if u got yahoo messenger.. some1 contact me if they figured out how to fix it.. i know i know.. after readin this ull jus leave and sayy EHH who gives a ffuk about him.. but u all are in the same shoes when it comes to requesting a plane for fs9/fsx. so please as a fellow friend/pilot PLEASE get this plane working!!!goodluck, if i CAN HELP in anyway cracking.. please message me email or IM as given above.. ill do ANYTHING!
orangsibu (2008-03-14)
Great thanks to smayot.Phantoms7 (2008-03-26)
Thanks for great upload! But I have a problem, I load this aircraft as prescribed in manual and a line on both PFD and ND - "Incorrect file. Can't load FSUIPC.dll. Need version or higher". So I have v3.72 almost registred. I cant understand what is wrong with this thing... Waiting for your advise.Phantoms7 (2008-03-29)
Thanks for great upload! But I have a problem, I've loaded this aircraft as prescribed in manual and had a line on PFD and ND - "Incorrect file. Can't load FSUIPC.dll. Need version or higher". So I have v3.72 almost registred. I cant understand what is wrong with this thing... Waiting for your advise.KHAPP (2008-04-02)
What a waste of 645 mb and lots of time and effort..if your not a programmer don't bother,you wont get it installed.Phantoms7 (2008-04-09)
Well, may be you help me with this? Just write a little. I'll try to understand... plsdndv2 (2008-07-03)
Installation on FSX if you have it or doesnt have it FS91. Create a folder named "FLight Simulator 9" without the " " and a file inside the folder named FS9.exe
Its easier if you create the folder on C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9
2. Mount image Fliight_One_ATR_72_500.iso with Daemon Tool
On Install request Choose the path were you created " Flight Simulator 9 " folder and Install, Finish Installation if prompt to reboot is not necessary
3. Install ATR_SP2-1_Setup.exe , will also ask for Flight Simulator 9 folder, just locate were you created and install
4. Install ATR_SP3.exe , will also ask for Flight Simulator 9 folder, just locate were you created and install
5. This Download comes with a FSX folder , inside this folder there is a file named , extract the file inside that should be ATR-FSX.exe
6. Install ATR-FSX.exe , will ask to LOCATE for Flight Simulator 9 folder, just locate were you created and install (This will copy the necessary files from Flight Simulator 9 folder to your already installed Flight Simulator X folder
7. Install ATR-FSX-SP1.exe, this will UPDATE ATR-72 to latest release, Choose your Flight Simulator X folder
pirateant (2008-09-23)
Alert guys the latest AGV antivirus came up with this message.Unwanted Program
Rxnx21 (2008-10-01)
Thanks!I have a problem I cant see any gauge..., in the VC and in the 2D Cockpit... =S, what i have to do?
turdhr (2008-12-22)
thanks, the other atr torrent no one is seedingfsxfast (2009-03-08)
hay any one having trouble whats a Daemon Tool ?? i when i try and install ATR_SP3 it sais missing file??Cheers
Tooumas (2009-03-25)
I have the same problem! I try to install ATR_SP3 file and it says: "cannot install this program, a required file is missing" What should I do!?!? Please help me guys! I need this great plane.JasonVoorhees95 (2010-02-28)
to samayot:I've done everything exactly as you told us.When i try to fly with this the eicas and the overhead panel is white.PLZ FIND A SOLUTION.IM TRYIN TO FIX SINCE DECEMBERJasonVoorhees95 (2010-02-28)
by the way i'm using fsx/sp2JasonVoorhees95 (2010-02-28)
to those who have problem with the sp3 (i'm running fsx).You need to install all the service packs in the same folder(fs9)if it doesnt exist then create it.After that install the fsx update and service pack.JasonVoorhees95 (2010-03-01)
samayot;\:if u upload something then u must know a solution how to fix this problem,so please HELP US.....Cruzu (2010-03-26)
I followed the steps and installed succcesfull, but when I want to load up the plane my FSX will shut down...Does somebody knows how to fix this?
cogilvie (2010-09-08)
I have downloaded this fantastic aircraft, thanks so much and managed to install it and after lots of hassles (FSX) however, when I SELECT THIS AIRCRAFT I CAN'T START IT ( I did use config manager/ options/ ready for taxi... but to no avail') when the plane loads up a small notice appears saying "licence not found" that is the clue! what did I do wrong? PLEASE HELP ME thanks cogifgjhdgfashfjas (2010-11-07)
Watch out! Four trojans I've found in this torrent with avast:- Win32:Agent-AGNF
- Win32:Refroso-M
- Win32:Downloader-DGQ
- Win32:Crypt-DAR
scav75 (2011-04-06)
☠ thx ☠Rodrigopl (2011-05-25)
Seeds please!!!!nonnicus (2011-07-11)
dont listen to the trojan thing. this dont have a trojan so if u want to believe him then u have no life. Ik that this doesnt contain trojans and his name even says that hes gonna cpam people so just ignore the fag. :Dmattblah (2011-07-12)
whenever i load the plane my fsx crashes... any ideas?pkhorr (2011-08-03)
Hi GuysI downloaded the torrent but there is no .iso file in it???!!!!
ESA1178 (2012-02-09)
After installing into FSX I get License file not found!KevTheOne (2012-04-07)
fucking cunt uploading shit that doesn't workCaptainBus (2012-05-09)
Hey Guys !!Attention All TPB FS SimmersIve made a forum for us, even for requests and support
please join !!!
skyset dot tk forwardslash board =)
N1755L (2013-02-04)
CaptainBus... No worka... :-/NikitoGR (2013-05-08)
Plane doesn't load. It shows a message saying:"Aircraft Initializing and Navigational Data Loading, Please Stand By"
Any clue? Btw great torrent
Rodrigopl (2013-07-09)
Four trojans I've found in this torrent with avast:- Win32:Agent-AGNF
- Win32:Refroso-M
- Win32:Downloader-DGQ
- Win32:Crypt-DAR
false positive?
ApaSJ (2013-12-14)
works 100% for me. the iso file is in part 1 of this download. do not mind part 2 up to part 7. thanks samayot.williamjarb (2014-09-10)
thanks very muchFiles:
1. F1ATR72500/ATR.part1.rar 95.78 Mb
2. F1ATR72500/ATR.part2.rar 95.78 Mb
3. F1ATR72500/ATR.part3.rar 95.78 Mb
4. F1ATR72500/ATR.part4.rar 95.78 Mb
5. F1ATR72500/ATR.part5.rar 95.78 Mb
6. F1ATR72500/ATR.part6.rar 95.78 Mb
7. F1ATR72500/ATR.part7.rar 40.31 Mb
8. F1ATR72500/FSX/ATR-FSX-SP1.exe 12.35 Mb
9. F1ATR72500/FSX/ 18.01 Mb