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WinTools net v11.1.1 Ultimate Edition + Serials [ChattChitto RG]
Software PC
Title: v11.1.1 Ultimate Edition + Serials [ChattChitto RG]
2011-03-01 (by ChattChitto)
Description: v11.1.1 Ultimate Edition + Serials
.exe File Format (Setup File - Serials - Instructions)
*********************************************************************************** v11.1.1 Ultimate Edition
HomePage: is a suite of tools for increasing MS Windows operating system performance. cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives and dead references from the MS Windows registry. puts you in control of the Windows startup process, memory monitoring and gives you the power to customize desktop and system settings to fit your needs. Adds more speed and stability for your connection. Ensures your privacy and keep sensitive information secure. Ultimate contains tools: Clean Uninstaller, Scan Files, Scan Shortcuts, Scan Registry, Startup Manager, Tweak UI, Net Tweaker, Your Privacy, Invisible Man, File Shredder...
Clean Uninstaller:
When you uninstall different software, temporary files and files not deleted in the process of uninstallation often remain on the hard disk. These files are no longer used, they take up disk space and increase disk access times.
With the help of the tool Clean Uninstaller you can solve that problem. You can also control the installation process of program, monitor installed files and changes made to the Windows registry system files during installation
Scan Files:
When different programs are running, temporary files necessary for the proper functioning those programs are created on hard disk. Quite often these temporary files are not deleted. The temporary files remain on hard disk, occupy the space and sometimes slowing the work of your computer. The tool "Scan Files" is used for periodic cleaning of the computer from temporary and unused files.
When pressing the Scan button the tool "Scan Files" checks the hard disk for presence of unused temporary files. If a temporary file is found the tool "Scan Files" places it on a list.
After scanning you need to delete temporary files using the "Delete" button.
You can set your own criteria of searching for temporary files:
1.The "File masks" bookmark keeps the masks used for searching for these files. Using this bookmark you can add new and delete old masks.
2.The "Clean folders" bookmark keeps a list of files which will be marked as temporary (regardless of their type). The folders Temp and Cookies are usually kept here.
3.The "Excludes" bookmark keeps a list of files to omit from searches. Usually the folder History or important temporary files are kept here.
4.The "Options" bookmark serves for setting up the methods of deleting the files.
Scan Shortcuts:
The "Shortcuts" tab of the "Scan Files" tool serves for searching, correcting or deleting shortcuts with dead references.
The method of searching for shortcuts is similar to the method which is used for work with the "Scan Files" tool.
The Start button begins the scanning of the hard disk and placing of dead shortcuts on a list.
After scanning you need to delete dead shortcuts using the "Remove" button. You can also correct shortcuts. Choose one shortcut at a time and press the "View" button.
Clean Registry:
Clean Registry: Many programs store information about themselves in the Windows Registry. These programs add new file extension associations and install components of their own in the Windows Registry.
Far too often, the unistallation methods used by these programs fail to remove their information from the Windows registry adding unnecessary bloat.
After several series of installation/uninstallation, the Windows registry becomes bigger and bigger; computer power declines and program access times increase. The Clean Registry tool serves for periodic cleaning of the Windows Registry and for correcting incorrect registry records.
Before beginning of the work you need to choose the methods for scanning of the Windows Registry from list below "Choice of the methods for scanning". Then you can start scanning Windows Registry by pressing the "Start" button. Then you can delete unused Windows Registry keys by pressing the "Remove" button.
The Clean Registry tool contains six tool-tabs: Scan Settings, Applications, Uninstall Menu, Searcher, Backups, Options.
Clean Registry: Scan Setting - the main window of the Clean Registry tool. Contains a list of algorithms for scanning Windows Registry:
-Broken Volume References - Search and check volume references of Windows Registry
-Broken Data References - Search and check data references of Windows Registry
-Invalid CurVer Information - Search and check CurVer keys of Windows Registry
-Invalid TypeLib Information - Search and check TypeLib keys of Windows Registry
-Invalid ProgID Information - Search and check ProgID keys of Windows Registry
-Invalid CLSID Information - Search and check CLSID keys of Windows Registry
-Software Empty Keys - Search and remove software empty keys of Windows Registry
-Extensions Errors - Search and check broken extensions
-Bad Fonts References - Search and check broken font links
-Invalid Add/Remove Links - Search broken Add/Remove links of Windows Registry
-Scan HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - Scanning of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT of Windows Registry
Clean Registry: Software Entries - the Software Entries tab box keeps a list of the records in the Windows Registry. These records are created after the programs have been used. After uninstallation of the programs you need to check the list of the records. Records of uninstalled program remaining in this list indicate that the program was not completely uninstalled. You can delete these records from the Windows Registry using the "Remove" button of Clean Registry tool.
Clean Registry: Uninstall Menu - using this menu of Clean Registry tool you can uninstall the chosen program or delete the record about the program from the Windows Registry.
Clean Registry: Searcher - this sub-tool of Clean Registry gives you possibility to search any keyword in the Windows registry.
Clean Registry: Backups - this tool of Clean Registry gives you possibility to back up Windows Registry or restore changes of Windows Registry after registry keys deleting.
Clean Registry: Options - a lot of additional options which configure Clean Registry tool.
Startup Manager:
Many programs "consider" themselves the most important programs in a system: they place themselves in startup and in a System Tray of a system.
This leads to unreasonable using of system resources, of random access memory; and finally, to reducing processor power.
As a rule, such programs write information about themselves not in the Start section of the "Startup" menu, but in the Windows registry without leaving the option to the user and complicating the process of checking the autothread process.
The "Startup" tool monitors all records about autothread and allows to delete/add and temporarily disable records.
After temporary disabling the records you need to apply changes by pressing the Apply button.
For deleting, editing or adding records you can use "Delete", "Edit" and "Add" buttons accordingly.
Using the "Options" bookmark you can indicate which places the "Startup" tool will check when looking for records about startup.
TweakUI - a set of additional adjustments related to safety, system capacity and user preferences.
Adjustments are divided into six groups:
1. TweakUI: Global System Options - adjustments which allow for changing system files and registration information. The tool contains three tool-tabs: Registration Details, Windows Paths, Logo and Support Info.
2. TweakUI: Windows Desktop Enhancements - a set of adjustments that can be made to the desktop. The tool contains five tool-tabs: Desktop Tweak, Miscellaneouses, Screen Savers, Commands, Templanes.
3. TweakUI: Windows Operating System Options - system settings, ways of the loading of a system and devices. The tool contains five tool-tabs: General Options, Autostart Drives, Windows Loading, OEM Drivers, Hardware.
4. TweakUI: Start Menu Enhancements - a change of the interface of a Start menu.
5. TweakUI: Security Restrictions and System Policies - an adjustment of security of a system. The tool contains five tool-tabs: Start Menu, Explorer, Network, Printers, Display.
6. TweakUI: Control Panel Options - a manager of the bars used for the administration of a system.
A change of adjustments needs to be confirmed by pressing the "Apply" button. Attention! If you press the "Apply" button you apply changes of adjustments in the active window only.
Net Tweaker:
"Net Tweaker" tool is used for speed increasing of data transfer by changing hidden network settings. With equal speed connection on different computers different speed of data transfer is possible. The thing is TCP/IP is for transfer of packets of data. The packets can be of different degree of compression, of different size, time of life, can have different error repeats? That is why under different settings, equal speed of connection completely different speed of data transfer is possible. Changing settings with the help of "Net Tweaker" tool you can get more stable work with bad connection(at the same time you can lose some speed) or you can get higher speed of data transfer with good connection at the expense of stability which will be provided by good connection line anyway.
On default Windows network settings are optimized for moderate connection. While working with Windows some programs set these settings for themselves not notifying the user about that. In that cases you can have an impression that after Windows installation the connection was more stable but after some time of work with the system it became worse and it is not clear why. In that case with the help of "Net Tweaker" tool you can get original settings. To do this choose the option "Windows default Internet and Network configuration", do not forget apply settings by "Apply" button and reboot the computer. After settings application "" program will refresh all network settings according to the original system settings and the connection must be the same as it was after Windows installation.
For more thin setting you have to select option "Use optimum settings for selected configuration" choose connection suitable for your situation, apply settings by "Apply" button and reboot the computer. You can also edit connection settings manually and get greater speed or stability.
Note: You can always get back to standard system settings.
Your Privacy:
While you are working on your computer the system monitors the so called "history" and saves it. All information about your work in the Internet - when and which sites you visited, of what content, which programs downloaded, with which documents you worked, which and whom you wrote, what you looked for, which folders you opened, what computers you connected to - all that and a lot of other information is left on your computer. Any person who has an access to your PC can easily access this information and monitor practically your every step. Besides he/she can collect compromising information about you. In that situation confidentiality can not be guaranteed. So much accessible information about you not only destroys your privacy but also slows down your computer. All this information is kept on your hard drive, in the system registry. Besides the history of started programs, history of the search, history of last opened documents is constantly loading by the system and "eats" RAM of your computer.
"Invisible Man" is for keeping private information and its later restoring. This is necessary in that case when you wish to do some work on the computer which must not be fixed anywhere, but you need to save the information which you had in computer before your work. To do that first you need to create "Control point" by button "Create". In the control point private information is kept. Then you can do the work you do not want to be known. Having finished your work restore information saved in "Control point" by button "Restore". Now system is keeping only the information about your computer activities which you did before creating "Control point". Do not forget to delete "Control point" from the program by "Delete" button.
File Shredder:
"File Shredder" is for deleting documents, programs, and other files without possibility to restore them. While deleting files on the computer the file itself is not deleted - only a part of its header is deleted. All information from the file is still kept on a hard drive but at first sight it seems to be deleted. There are special programs which can restore erased files. If you delete some of your secret files by ordinary method or by using "Recycle Bin" procedure then the files still can be restored without any problems by "unwanted person" or by Special Agencies. While deleting files the "File Shredder" tool erases information in file itself and then renames it to even prevent access to name of the file and deletes it in an ordinary way. After that sort of deleting it is not possible to define the name of the file. And if this file is restored it will contain not the original information but trash data.
To delete files without the possibility to restore first you need to place files which you want to delete in the “Shredâ€-list. For this you can add files one by one by “Load File†button or you can add all files from the folder using “Load Folder†button. Please remember when you load files from the folder all files from subfolders will be placed in the “Shredâ€-list. You can correct “Shredâ€-list by “Remove†button: all files will be removed from the list. By pressing “Shred Files†button the unrestoring deleting process of files placed in the “Shredâ€-list will be initiated.
IE Favorites:
“Internet Favorites†tab contains a list of links which were placed in “Bookmarks†of “Internet Explorer†program. Here you can quickly delete unwanted links randomly or all at once.
Memory Booster:
This tool serves for monitoring, cleaning and optimisation of RAM. It is used for increasing of operation system performance and for releasing RAM for usage by other processes. Use this tool for working with applications which require maximum cpu priority and RAM exploitation.
System requirements:
-OS Windows 7/VISTA/XP/2k/2k3/2k8 x86 x64
-Minimum screen resolution 1024x768
-CPU: Pentium processor and above
-RAM: 128 Mb RAM
-HDD: 5 Mb free disk space
Tested And Working...
Scanned (With Kaspersky) And 100% Clean.
(If You Found Something "Un-Clean" In Any Of My Torrents, Consider That It May Be A False Positive(Alert) And If you Are Sure Please Report It To Me So I Would Remove It)
[Please Leave A Comment Confirming This Pack]
Files count:
5.89 Mb
ekarth22 (2011-03-02)
thanks man, your presence honors the application section on tpb.ja_iom_jedi (2011-03-02)
Excellent. Serials work fine. Just remember to block internet access for the program in your firewall. ThanksCCjaykapadiya (2011-03-09)
hey chattchitto, pls upload "guitar pro 6" & "guitar method 5"thanx for ur all torrents....u rock