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[Mag Game] Heroes of Might and Magic V






[Mag Game] Heroes of Might and Magic V




2007-09-16 (by RomanSPQR)


Heroes of Might and Magic V INTEL --- INTEL --- INTEL --- INTEL --- INTEL I finally found this and put it together for my fellow buccaneers. ------------------------ Here's how to set up: 1. Open the .dmg file and install the game normally. 2. Crack the game with the included crack by Blade. 3. update version 1.4 of HOMM5 with the included patcher to make it V1.5 play the game!! ------------------------ Known issues: there are some saving glitches with v1.4 solution: patch with included patcher or don't use [spaces] in your player name Some people report crashes at the end of some campaigns or after about 1-2 hours gameplay. my guess is that their machines aren't up to the task/ they haven't patched the game in the right order. Please post any solutions or problems here so we can solve them all thanks!

Files count:



1598.63 Mb




RomanSPQR (2007-09-16)

I am the only one seeding this so in order to speed up time and become a seeder yourself, you may find this faster:
download the HOMM5 .dmg file

then download the crack from the listed crack torrent which I've put up.
then download the V1.5 patch from the apple website.
put them all in a folder titled HeroesOfMightAndMagicV (no spaces, with same capitalization) and you'll be a seeder in no time.

RomanSPQR (2007-09-16)

just to be clear and to help people doing a search: mac intel version only ---not for ppc---

RomanSPQR (2007-09-16)

Also, I'm the only one seeding so please be patient, or follow the steps I outlined and become a seeder yourself!

RomanSPQR (2007-09-17)

I'm superseeding at the moment - so the more you upload as you download the more likely you will get data from me first.

MrFingers (2007-09-17)

thanks dude.
your alternative link doesnt work by the way.

MrFingers (2007-09-17)

oh no, yes it does, just need to remove "url" from the end.

Mikesh (2007-09-24)

works perfectly! include c-r-a-c-k...

rynb1n (2007-09-27)

Im downloading this now :) i hope it works.

Greison (2007-09-27)

Is there any cheats codes out there for the Mac version of the game?
I'm good ol' fashioned stuck!!!
Thanks for sharing BTW. Fantastic game and truly addictive... :-)

RomanSPQR (2007-09-29)


its for the pc, but since this is a ciderized game they may just work!
Hope that helps, if you find anything else, please post it here!

RomanSPQR (2007-09-29)

oh and if you're wondering how to get access to that part of the game, right-click the app and click "show package contents" then rummage around for the the file.

Dobik2000 (2007-10-02)

Well, HOMM 2 and 3 were excellent, and I've only tried this one for an hour or so, but looks good. But most importantly, thanks for the torrent and the instructions. I'd actually been hoping to get a taste of this, and now I have it. Thanks a lot...

swe_triad (2007-10-09)

Im a bit noobish..
But I cant find the serial number that is needed to install this.
Can anyone help me with that ?

ddrach (2007-10-29)

anyone know if they are going to port hammers of fate for the mac

silentuserr (2007-10-29)

o, and you have to exit restart the crack after each app you add

silentuserr (2007-10-29)

lol, wrong dl :P

silentuserr (2007-10-29)

ne chance of getting this seeded?
if you are already then i appologise, just aint getting ne love :)

andreyman3d (2007-10-30)

Can someone please explain how to crack this. I apply crack on app., says complete, I still get asked for registration code.. anyone help?

silentuserr (2007-10-31)

using a macbook pro with leopard and when trying the crack alll i get is it crashed unexpectedly.
ne help with this would be appreciated

silentuserr (2007-10-31)

this process doesnt work with leopard
needs new crack... ne1 know where to find one, i have google'd for a while now with no luck

silentuserr (2007-10-31)

ok so only way i could get this to work on macbook pro with leopard was to first copy files to another mac still on previous OS load it crack it patch it then copy it back.
now i go to play it and see wether it works.
cheers for the upload

silentuserr (2007-10-31)

cant load saved games...
ne enlightenment on this?

ihai (2007-11-14)

Can`t save...
What am I doin´wrong with the install ?

kcammoun (2007-11-16)

Hi I have the same problem as andreyman3d: Can someone please explain how to crack this. I apply crack on app., says complete, I still get asked for registration code..

kcammoun (2007-11-16)


RomanSPQR (2007-11-18)

I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, I'll be posting new games asap.
As far as helping you solve your problems I would make sure that you install this game on a 10.4.10 intel machine of mbpro or higher quality and follow the instructions *exactly* as listed and see what happens.
as far as losing saved games- I don't know how to help, but if you find something on another forum then please post it here.

RomanSPQR (2007-11-18)

I've actually just put some comments on the patch board for this game. (they may help, they may not)

Alphonse84 (2007-11-23)

the patch does not seem to work properly. It tell me it has patched everything, except one file.
When I start the Heroes app it asks for reg code. How do I bypass this.
Thank you

Alphonse84 (2007-11-23)

Examining File :
-> OK
Data of file : /Applications/Heroes of Might and Magic
can't be patched

RomanSPQR (2007-11-25)

try installing the game and patching under tiger rather than leopard. that seems to be the main problem.
after you've done it under tiger, move the game to your leopard computer.
hope that helps, i'll post if I find a better solution.

Scorpio(BE) (2007-12-02)

I'm not able to run the game. I did everything like acourding to the instructions. When I start the game I get a black screen for 3 seconds and then it goes back to finder ... What should I do ?

Alphonse84 (2007-12-06)

Hey. Thanks for the tip, but I´m using a Tiger computer and I still get the same error message. And I still can´t bypass the reg code window..
Any tips?
Thank you.

Bandorish (2007-12-08)

Could someone with good internet seed?
Im stuck at 20%...

flexfit- (2007-12-14)

PLZ guys Seed i realy want to play this game

StiBarca (2007-12-24)

Do I have to have "Mac" to play this game??
Pliz Answer;)

Greison (2007-12-30)

To RomanSPQR:
Thanks for helping out with the cheats.
Haven't got it to work I'm afraid. Edited the autoexec.cfg file, but when I play the game I'm not sure how to show the console so I can type in the cheats? Any suggestions on that one?
Thanks in advance!

DamsenCPH (2008-01-20)

Roman, on what board did u post the help for save game bug?

mrfreddy (2008-01-23)

seeders please i really want this!!!!!!

Dzhugashvili (2008-01-25)

There's a big difference between v1.5 and v1.5.1
1. Install v1.4
2. Install crack 1.4 No CD
3. Install patch 1.5
4. Backup Applications/Heroes of Might and Magic

5. Install patch 1.5.1
6. Restore /Applications/Heroes of Might and Magic

You can find the v1.5 patcher here:;8294017;/fileinfo.html

Dzhugashvili (2008-01-25)

Can someone share the extracted PC files from Hammers of Fate? The one you need to play this expansion on mac by putting them into the transgaming folder. That would be great for all of us. ;)

chunkylover216 (2008-01-28)

Does anyone have a seriel number. When i click the HOMM icon it want's me to registrate. Does anyone know how to avoid this or have a Serial?

Sixmax (2008-02-11)

Great game - everything working - but how to add maps to the mac version? I can't find a "map" folder when looking at the package contents :-S

olkawu (2008-02-16)

well hi, im a new mac user, and i dont know what to do to get it worked :/
i have a tiger, i installed homm V, then the crack, and then the uploader but it keeps asking me for a registration code :/

Henkiepenkieknalkonijn (2008-02-25)

OK for the ones who can't save the game. This worked for me.
When you create an account in the game do not use any [space] in your name. It has to be a short name either.
If that doesn't work check:/Home/library/prefrences/heroes of might and magic v preferences/p_drive/my documents/my games/heroes of might and magic v/profiles/youraccountname
Is your account name in that folder? Enter that folder and create a "saves" directory.
This worked for me. Got this info from freeverse messageboard.

Piipore (2008-02-27)

After playing The Cultist campain through the game stopped. Next campain does not open. What's the matter?

Crazy_Soldiers (2008-03-05)

Hello, I am French, and I would like to know how we can have a code of recording of the game or how cross it. The crack and the patch are crossed well.

moonboyo (2008-03-07)

Please seed

Andy_DK (2008-03-19)

does anybody have a Registration Code? it asks for one before I can start the installation... I'd appreciate your help, thx :)

soarele (2008-03-21)

Same problem here as Piipore...
everything worked perfectly until I got to the end of the second campaign of the cultist...the game closes and when i relaunch it, it shows me that i haven't played any of the 2 first campaigns of the cultist ...i really don't wanna restart them from the beginnin just to see that it doesn't work again at the end
did the patching of v1.5 and i'm on a macbook pro, leopard

Robert... (2008-03-22)


Robert... (2008-03-22)

Can some one extract this for me from a patched 1.5 (NOT 1.5.1)
Backup Applications/Heroes of Might and Magic

you can put it on limewire or create a torrent (Its really easy.) Thank you so much in advanced

Robert... (2008-03-23)

LOL dont worry i just deleted it and installed it all again

phanax (2008-04-02)

Can someone confirm that the patch 1.5.1 fucks up the game? And some more seeders would be great as I'm not getting any love right now :P

Spyke88 (2008-04-18)

wtf a mac game, bah why oh why didn't i read more closely..

waykurat (2008-05-06)

Hi! Having tons of fun with this game, on my second campaign now. Would just like to ask, however, if anybody else is having some issues with the sound. It's rather very distorted. Anybody got the same experience? All in all however, a really excellent upload. Thanks!

NGEQuo (2008-05-08)

Can someone tell me where the save games are stored? I cant find them ...

KAPP (2008-05-17)

Wich program should i use to mount it ? i tryed with Daemon Tools but it wont open it :S Plz help!

Crossaxel412 (2008-05-22)

cool, a 'MAG' game. i always wanted one!

GiantPanda (2008-05-23)


Youma (2008-05-31)

If it's a mac game, why does the descrpition say INTEL --- INTEL --- INTEL...

xsoniccrackersx (2008-06-06)

GiantPanda... you should not be allowed to torrent or even on this side of the website if you do not no how to open a DMG file on a mac...
You double click it...

ppgangster (2008-06-21)

I can't save a game while playing a campaign (neither can the auto save feature) is that ever happened to any of you. It's really frustrating when you play for a while and have to start again because of a stupid mistake...
Any fix on that (or thoughts...)

ppgangster (2008-06-21)

after 2 hours of research on the web (thanks to freeverse forum...
read the last comment)
Create a profile with no space or special caracters, and it should work!!!
Mine had a space, when I took it out for a single word, it could save. This is a bug that is known, but Ubisoft stopped making patches for that game for MAC... snif snif.

anonimo666 (2008-06-21)

razultull: The game worked and saved just fine, but crashed after about 3 hours. I tried to follow your instructions, but I didn't quite understand 2 + 3. What package contents are we talking about here? I checked both HOMM V and ipatch, but couldn't find any 212KB files.

MarcMol (2008-06-27)

Hey, I´ve downloaded it, now it´s working, finally. But its all dark, I cant see a thing, only if I boost the gamma alot. I´ve checked to see if my computer doesn´t match the requierment, but it does!

iNck (2008-06-28)

cant even get past step 1, need regn code

iNck (2008-06-28)

doh! nvm, figured it. :D

Tileo (2008-07-03)

yo guys!
Hav been working outy for more then an hour how to get pass the registration code. Would somebody like to be my hero in this aswell?! thnx!
love the game

blueblitz (2008-07-06)

When you open up HeroesOfMightAndMagicV.dmg, and the screen comes up..move the Heroes of Might and Magic icon (it has a horned mask picture) into your application folder. Then you can do the crack and update with no problem with the registration code. Worked for me.
Game worked perfect until I finished the 3rd mission in the 3rd campaign. Now it won't let me go to that mission, it just kicks me back to the desktop...anyone else experiencing this?

Runqen (2008-07-09)

But how to apply the crack then? As soon as i open the crack i get that "unexpected error" message. And when i start the normal .dmg file it wants a registration code, that i dont seem to have. Im kinda green when it comes to game cracking etc. in OSX Leopard so all help is really appreciated!

Davehill (2008-07-14)

Anyone know how to get more maps for this lovely game?

Lime81 (2008-07-16)

Can anyone help me find the serial for this game?

guswes (2008-07-23)

Why doesnt anyone include a registration code!? come on plz..

ironroses (2008-09-08)

First off, this game does not need a serial unless your going to play online and if your going to do that then buy the game!
This release works fine, graphics are fantastic.

trilow (2008-10-11)

i can't open the files.. it doesn't read .dmg files..:S
what should i do?

isoCasanova (2008-10-12)

Only Mac can read .dmg files..
you can see it like .exe from windows..
But a question for RomanSPQR;
I played for 2 hours and I can't load my games anymore from the auto save.. it crashes when I want to load my game..
is there a solution ??

ragesRemorse (2008-10-17)

doesn't work

Eokki (2008-10-18)

I am new Mac user and I dont know how to INSTALL crack :(. So I can't play this now.
Help please :).

tonyy1 (2008-10-26)

To those who have a Serial number problem;
if you just want to play single player and the game asks you for a serial key, please control that you did the cracking right, cause I had the same problem.
Move the icon to "crackhole" properly and wait a few seconds until it's succesfully cracked. After that you just start the game and it should be fine...

edho2010 (2008-10-26)

I did as it says, but then it says I need a registration number, and I dont have... help please?

karvatuppo (2008-11-12)

I got a nice virus.. (Worm) Thanks.. that file is copying itself all the time..

NilasAndersen (2008-12-02)

How do I use the crack?

olasaurus (2008-12-24)

it says that the crack works only with v1.4?

ViggoB (2008-12-28)

thanks a bunch roman you cockblock next time write mac game and not mag.. gawd... keep your shit OS off the internet

dexterdexterstjock (2009-02-07)

where in the HOMM5 package are the save games stored?
the game has started crashing every time i load a save game and i want to re-install. i'm about half way through the game though and don't want to have to do the whole thing over again. anyone?

dexterdexterstjock (2009-02-07)

read the instructions in the first part of this thread. or if you have leopard check a couple of pages later for how to correct the patch to work with leopard.

population214 (2009-02-10)

Thanks Roman! Everything works great - will seed this for a while..
If you are having problems with the registration then you are doing it wrong. Follow razultull's instructions if having problems with the patch.
Playing on macbook 10.5.5

Groatog (2009-05-20)

I was having trouble loading Saved games as well. If you're having this problem, I would try loading manually saved games and see if those work. On my computer I could not load Auto Saved Games, as it would crash part way through the loading screen, but games I saved Manually I loaded fine.
Sorry I can't be of more help, just letting you guys know just it case it happens to work for you as well.

Ryall (2009-06-07)

@ ViggoB
what part of "Type: Games > Mac" is hard for you retard? Learn to use the internets moron
thank you kindly for uploading this, you're awesome!

metsis (2009-06-12)

hey i cant find ANY file thats 212kb in the crack. how can i make it work??

Dwarming (2009-06-20)

The game keeps crashing on me, just after the film-sequence "the trap"... any1 know if and how to fix this or get past it?...

Dwarming (2009-06-20)

.... and it crashes other times too, but then i can just load the auto-save, but after the film-sequence the auto-save gets me to before the film and i cant get past it to the next mission on the campagin...

esjay12 (2009-06-24)

crack aint working. it reads: "The application Heroes of M... quit unexpectedly". any idea?

AcidJustice (2009-07-10)

How does one "crack" this game? I have all the files but when I open the crack .dmg I dont know what to do next. Do I have to drag and drop it somewhere? replace a file?
please help, I'm kinda new at this.

grisefise (2009-07-12)

Can anyone stop bullshitting us noobs and give us a simple guide how to crack this game? Please
We need to learn to :)

Plenoxia (2009-07-15)

For the people that got this to work:
I did this
1. Open the .dmg file and install the game normally.
but running the crack attempts to launch the game then quits, saying that the application quit unexpectedly. I tried patching it first then running the crack but that didn't work either.
what to do?

remy2you (2009-10-11)

When I try to start the crack, i just get the message that it closed down unexpectedly.
May it be because I have installed Snow Leopard?
Has anyone encountered the same problem?

harshd (2009-10-31)

SIMPLE GUIDE FOR ALL MAC OS 10.5.x versions - I am on 10.5.8 so I am assuming this will work for all previous versions as well.
We just have to follow "razultull" instructions which I am copying below with slight modifications:
1. follow step one of what RomanSPQR (torrent author)
2. if the crack doesnt work, you need to downlaod ipatch, click on show package contents (after rightclicking) then go to contents>resources>ipatch. Youll see a unix executable file. Should be 212 kb.
MODIFIED - Most probably the crack wont work as we have all upgraded from Tiger - to Leopard or maybe Snow Leopard for some. So you MUST download ipatch from - Its FREE.
Copy this Application to any folder on your computer.
Now click on show package contents (after right-clicking) on "ipatch" then go to contents>resources>ipatch.
contents>resources>ipatch (small icon) - (which is a small icon - application)
show package contents on this small one again then
contents>macOS>ipatch THIS IS THE UNIX EXEC FILE SHOULD BE 212 kb.
3. Open show package content in crack icon (after pasting it in the file location of heroes V app), then Contents > MacOS > ipatch. (208kb)
Now paste the Crack file in the same folder where you have saved the HOMM application.
Now, follow step 3 as outlined above.
4. THen replace this shit with the new one, yea? (the 212 kb one) .....kk
5. Now run the crack.
6. Update the game and minions.
7. So far so good.
8..yea its done now..
in point 2...
sry mates
I HOPE THIS WILL HELP OTHERS LIKE ME. I also spent 3-4 hours figuring out the above instructions.

Raudive (2009-11-27)

it works!!!
but not fast enough
i have a 1 gb ram
Intel Core 2 Duo
2.16 ???
snow leopard
sorry for my english
i am russian=)))

lyssaft (2009-11-28)

Can somebody explane how I am supose to crack this game? I need a real guide!
I use Mac OS 10.6

oraygan (2009-12-07)

dear harshd!
grat guide! worked for me perfectly!
However, i have a few corrections to anyone who uses this guide:
"contents>resources>ipatch (small icon) - "
the small icon is called ipatcher, not ipatch.
and when you download the ipatch software be aware that you need at least the iPatch 3.7.1 version. older versions do not work.
anyways, thanx for the help!

fuuu (2009-12-08)

thank you so much, harshd.
worked perfectly.

chlydpnt (2009-12-18)

Anyone can explain it in french????

jjallen (2009-12-29)

The crack doesn't work on Snow Leopard and I don't understand the ipatcher instructions. If you know how to use this, or have used it before I'm sure it's straightforward enough.
However the above guide is vague and in some respects - WRONG. Ipatch isn't free, but you can get a working crack for it here

The Unix exec file is called ipatcher not ipatch, and on my system at least is 217k not 212k.
The most important thing is, what files do you paste where? What does this mean:-
Open show package content in crack icon (after pasting it in the file location of heroes V app), then Contents > MacOS > ipatch. (208kb)
Do you paste ipatcher here?
We really need proper instructions.

NordWing (2009-12-30)

Hey, maybe I can entice you to create the file and then upload it?

jjallen (2009-12-31)

Okay, I have worked out what the problem is for Snow Leopard users. The crack was made with an old version of Ipatch. To get it to work, you have to replace the ipatcher application inside the cracked no SN file, with the ipatcher application from the latest iPatch version.
If this sounds confusing, iPatch is the name of the application that creates patch files for applications. It has a GUI which runs a smaller terminal application called is inside the file. does all the actual work.
The crack isn't working because it uses an old version of You need to replace this file with the newest version.
To do this, go through the following procedure:-
**** Install HOMM V ****
Install the v1.4 version from here.
****Get the latest version if iPatcher****
Download iPatch using the link above. Use the Piratebay link, it's NOT free.
Install iPatch.
**** Extract the latest file ****
Go to iPatch and right click on the application (on my system it's called 'iPatch cracked') and select 'Show package contents'.
A new Finder window will open with a folder named 'Contents'. You need to use Finder to go through the folder structure to >Contents>Resources>iPatcher.
Richt click on this, go through the folder structure again and find the following file:-
Copy this file to your desktop. This is the file that you need to replace inside the v1.4 No SN crack.
**** Copy to the crack file ****
Paste the Heroes of Might and Magic V into the >Applications folder
Right click the above file and select 'Show package contents'.
Navigate through the folder to:-
>Heroes of Might and Magic V>Contents>MacOs
This will contain a file called
Copy the latest from your desktop into the above folder, replacing the existing file in >Heroes of Might and Magic V>Contents>MacOs
This replaces the file that causes the crack not to work in Snow Leopard.
**** Run the noSN crack file ****
This fixes the problem and removes the serial number request.

adamruss (2010-01-02)

i have snow leopard.
i follow'd everyone's instructuons:
- fixed the crack
- crack the 1.4
- patch to 1.5
- saved the freeverse framework file
- patch to 1.5.1 (which told me that the game is still 1.4 ?! why?)
- put back the cracked framework file
NOTHING WORKED! ARGH!!! at any stage, the game did not start, or it asked for a serial, or it just didnt do anything.
anyone got this working on snow leopard 10.6.2?

NordWing (2010-01-02)

adamruss>> I have the same problem and have tried a little of everything, therefore I hope for a wiser person can help upload a crack that working with snow leopards SOME ONE!?!?! =)

matsfojo (2010-01-03)

when a open the crack and click on select Heroes of might and magic V_App, what program am i suposed to open it with? it doesent work with the gamefile in app.

adamruss (2010-01-05)

anyone having problems running this after the crack/patch:
if your home dir (specificlly ~/Library) is on a fat32 partition the game will not run. needs to be on a mac partition

Yoss7 (2010-01-16)

No, iPatch isn't free, but you don't need a registered copy to extract the UNIX executable to fix the Heroes 1.4 crack.
Works fine for me!

Yoss7 (2010-01-16)

Btw, updating to 1.51 breaks the crack. It works fine with the included 1.50 update, but the 1.51 reverts to asking for a serial number.
Curiously, both updates detect the application as being at 1.4, whether you're at 1.4, 1.5, or 1.51. Weird.

Yoss7 (2010-01-17)

It crashes on me just as I finish the third map of the campaign, the one with the two towns. Does anyone have any idea why this is or how it can be fixed?

Yoss7 (2010-01-17)

Backing up the freeverse lib file, updating to 1.51, and replacing the new lib file with the backed up one *does* preserve the crack, but my game still crashes after that one map. Maybe if I start over...

koolaidma (2010-03-09)

Hey harshd or someone who can help me, It isn't working for me. Maybe it's because i don't understand precisly what to do at
"3. Open show package content in crack icon (after pasting it in the file location of heroes V app), then Contents > MacOS > ipatch. (208kb)
Now paste the Crack file in the same folder where you have saved the HOMM application.
Now, follow step 3 as outlined above."

koolaidma (2010-03-09)

GUY'S DO NOT WAST YOUR TIME TRYING TO PATCH IT AND SHIT LIKE ON HARSHD no offense harshd, i appreciated it. GO HERE :D it works! i'm so happy

virgilaug (2010-05-13)

Works 100%. This torrent is real, stable and works right after install.
1. Open the Heroes 5 images and drag the app to the Applications folder.
2. Run the 1.4 no CD crack, then
3. Run the 1.5 patch
4. The Game will now work.

NordWing (2010-06-16)

virgilaug>> do it works for Version 10.6.3 too?

MsNazrix (2010-08-08)

can anyone explain in in Dumb language :|?
dunno what to do. i mounted the image.. what next?

Techjunkie (2010-08-08)

I used iPatcher in a terminal window on Snow Leopard 10.6.4 and it worked perfect.

Elfoen (2010-08-09)

Thanks you so much jjallen !!!!!!! it's working for me ... i'm on SnowLeopard 10.6.4 ans it's working !!!!! thank you, thank you ...
it's a little bit difficult but if you want to play it's the only way ! :D

murmur9879 (2011-01-01)

Hi everyone,
I use Mac 10.6.5
I followed jjallen's steps fine until...
"Copy the latest from your desktop into the above folder, replacing the existing file in >Heroes of Might and Magic V>Contents>MacOs
This replaces the file that causes the crack not to work in Snow Leopard."
My computer won't let me copy the file, and I can't work out why? It shows me the 'barred' sign whenever I try to drag the from my desktop to the file. Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks.

storeslem86 (2011-01-07)

Skulle gjerne spilt heroes over nettet, noen som vet av sted jeg kan finne det?
Would like to play heroes through the internet, anyone know where I can find that?

mooncc (2011-01-15)

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
anyone have an answer to murmur9879's comment
would be very appreciated if someone could help on this subject!!!

serpient4 (2011-02-17)


nocodex (2011-03-23)


kemz666 (2011-04-08)

Hey thanks it works perfectly with the alternate Snow Leopard patch!
Just wondering if anyone could tell me how to find the map editor? Apparently it comes with v1.3 so should be included here, right?

joshoogervorst (2011-04-12)

Hey guys! Works okay... Only real problem is the absence of the treasure map. Been to all the obelisks, but only reveals a black map. Any of you have any idea how to fix this?

joshoogervorst (2011-04-12)

Hey guys! Any of you any idea why I just get a black treasure map when it should be revealed? Thanks!

jeddej (2011-04-19)

I'm a complete moron according to MacBook. I have it from monday (it's tuesday today :P) and I really don't know how to skip entering the registration code. Please help me, otherwise I'll be forced to be back on Windows.

grexi (2011-04-19)

sorry im new to games on mac i have downloaded the package and downloaded the other crack suggested by serpient4, but i have 3 dmgs and i dont know how to proceed.. how to crack the game? can anyone help plz?

marjozz (2011-04-22)

hey! maybe im stupid but i cant find any serial!!
bought my mac yesterday do i need to mount?

jeddej (2011-04-25)

really? anyone who wants to help?
I am installing Heroes by dragging an icon to the application folder, then I should crack this game, but how? I am right clicking to show the contents but still I don't know what to paste into this folder.

marjozz (2011-04-25)

maybe i can help you if you tell me witch folder/icon you drag to the program folder!

Johnnyjn (2011-05-02)

after 1 week i finally figured out how to install it and its quite easy (new to mac)
so.... if you have snow leopard 10.6.7 this is how you do it in baby steps
1 download the game
2 load the image
3 drag and drop the heroes icon in the application folder (this is how you avoid the cd key problem)
4 after you finish with that don't run patch/crack
download this crack

5 run this crack and select the heroes 5 directory(witch should be in application or where ever you copied it)
6 after this run the 1.5 patch
7 and voilla it will work
IF this dosent work then you should go and just buy the game cause your case is hopeless
Hope this helps!
and does anyone know if the expansions are out for mac?

Jostein92 (2011-08-19)

Anybody knows if this or any other torrents works with OS X Lion?
I followed descriptions and instructions, but still have to enter a registration code..

anguyen93 (2011-09-25)

@ Jostein
I'm looking for games that can work on Lion too. :( So far no luck.. but let me know if you find any!!

dplum (2011-09-28)

Im new to downloading games for mac. I have a Mac book pro Mac OSX 10.6. After I dragged the icon into the application folder, I cant get past the register code window. Any help? Thanks

sneno (2011-10-11)

This creck working on Lion 10.7.1. Thanks

W105N4 (2011-10-29)

Please help! I can't get past the registration code! I've done everything and still nothing!

loerosve (2011-11-05)

Followed the steps provided by @Johnnyjn and it's working perfectly for me in 10.6.8
Much thanks to both him and the uploader (and the seeders)!

mennocch (2012-01-16)

I follow the instructions of @Johnnyjn but still need registration code. Can Any one help?

CaptainShrimps (2012-03-31)

Help.. why u's cant load saved games i cant even get into the game!!! what is the registration code some1 reply

Vaisya (2012-04-21)


koppen00 (2012-06-22)

hm, its strange how suddenly everyone starts to get problems with the registration code? including me!
Maybe its the crack? Can anyone help us? :-)

tiltklan (2014-10-10)

Has anyone gotten this to work on Mavericks? I can't even get it to load.

tiltklan (2014-10-10)

Anyone know how to make this work on Mavericks?

tiltklan (2014-10-10)

The other linked cracks are also not working for me on mavericks....


1. HeroesOfMightAndMagicV/HOMM5.v1.4.NoSN.Crack.dmg 488.75 Kb
2. HeroesOfMightAndMagicV/HeroesOfMightAndMagicV.dmg 1552.28 Mb
3. HeroesOfMightAndMagicV/HeroesV15Update.dmg 45.86 Mb