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Zeitgeist The Movie (2007) [DVD - NTSC - VERY GOOD MOVIE]
Zeitgeist The Movie (2007) [DVD - NTSC - VERY GOOD MOVIE]
Video/Movies DVDR
2008-02-04 (by lkobescak )
Zeitgeist the Movie
Format: NTSC/DVD
Zeitgeist, the Movie is a 2007 web film produced by Peter Joseph that presents a number of conspiracy theories related to Christianity, the attacks of 9/11, and the Federal Reserve Bank. It was released free online via Google Video in June of 2007. A remastered version was presented as a global premiere on November 10, 2007 at the 4th Annual Artivist Film Festival & Artivist Awards. The creator lists sources and an interactive transcript (which goes into more details) on his website (See link below)
Part I: The Greatest Story Ever Told
Part I evaluates Christian beliefs established in the Bible and critiques the historicity of the Bible. In furtherance of the Jesus myth hypothesis, this part argues that the historical Jesus is a literary and astrological hybrid, and that the Bible is based on astrological principles documented by many ancient civilizations, especially pertaining to movement of the sun through the sky and stars. The movie specifically mentions the story links between Jesus Christ and the Egyptian Sun God Horus. According to the movie, Religion and myths in general can be used to motivate people to be good or remember important astrological occurrences, but ultimately if the majority of people believe in something that is not true, then they are in danger of being controlled (or oppressed).
Part II: All the World's a Stage
According to Part II, the United States was warned about the impending September 11, 2001 attacks, that NORAD was purposely confused through wargames to allow the planes to reach their targets, and how the World Trade Center buildings underwent a controlled demolition. Additionally, the film argues that six of the named hijackers are still alive, that Hani Hanjour could not have flown Flight 77 into the Pentagon, that the Bush Administration covered up the truth in the 9/11 Commission Report, and that the mainstream media has failed to ask important questions about the official account. The movie claims 9/11 was engineered to remove the rights of the citizens and make more money for those in power.
Part III: Don't Mind the Men Behind the Curtain
According to Part III, powerful bankers have been conspiring for world domination and increased power and the rich of society have been using their wealth to increase financial panic and foster a consolidation of independent competing banks. The film details the Theory of Electronic Conspiracy and claims that the
Federal Reserve System, the central bank of the United States, was created in order to steal the wealth of the nation. It makes claims of war profiteering by
a rich few. It describes the goal of these bankers as world power over a controllable public. This section also claims that there is a clandestine movement
to usurp the American constitution and dollar by merging the United States, Canada and Mexico into a North American Union, a super-state similar to the European Union, which the movie maintains, together alongside with the African Union and the proposed Asian Union, will gradually be merged into a One World government. The movie concludes that under such a government, every human being will be implanted with a RFID microchip which will be used to monitor individuals and suppress dissent. The movie ends, however, on an optimistic note, expressing confidence at the overthrow of oppressive forces and the ultimate triumph of revolution.
Run Time: 1 hr 55 min
To purchase a DVD copy for $5 or to watch this video with subtitles in several languages, please visit the authors websites at: www zeitgeistmovie com
Additional information on September 11th, NWO and the great threat to you can be found at www infowars com or
Files count:
2987.29 Mb
lkobescak (2008-02-04)
Feel free to browse and download all the Sept 11th/Alex Jones/NWO/Federal Reserve Fraud/US Government drug running and Illuminati torrents I have posted from the link below:
Please help seed and distribute these films.
Kowalski1977 (2008-02-04)
I'm pretty non-religious but most of the religious theories in the first part of the film are disproven all the mythological figures were not exactly born from virgin mothers, their birth dates are not all the 25th of december (even the supposed christ was not born then, his birthday is only celebrated on that day), you can browse here to be given more in depth facts
kukenifitta (2008-02-04)
Fucking muslim cunts....thats what this crap caters to...kongdvd (2008-02-05)
Get the Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST, Part 1 here:
lkobescak (2008-02-09)
Hey kukenifitta, thats pretty clever, but that idea is getting kind of old and transparent isn't it? Its like when the US special forces dresses up in Sunni and Shitte garb and provoke and murder the other side to ensure that there's a resistance to be fought. Can't occupy if there's no enemy eh? The same way the US government 'licenses' out the drug sales in the US and then teachs the police that we must fight this scorge. Imprison them in the new 'for profit' prison system. After all we must keep our streets safe, its a dangerous world out there and everyone wants to do you harm, haven't you turned on your Fox news lately? I guess the idea being as long as we keep fighting each other we will be too busy to ask who's pulling the strings? Well I guess asking you that question would be a waste, I'm sure YOU know the answer. You sound like one of those deeply religious people, the ones that want to kill in the name of your G.O.D.?YonderAnt (2008-02-10)
does it include an english subtitle? thanks.martialway (2008-03-04)
Michael Moore would be proud.DespertarPlanetario (2008-03-29)
Galactic Confederation of Light Official MessageReal message from a representative of enlightened benevolent extraterrestrials
Many life and beyond questions answered
Current hidden situation of planet earth and where we are heading to
Please pass this along
Osaka (2008-05-17)
This is not the remastered version, right...?lkobescak, do you happen to have access to the official DVD of the remastered version??
It would be really nice if you -- or someone -- could upload it.
There are a bunch of .AVI's and re-encoded customized DVDs of the Remastered Ver. floating around, but no one seems to have uploaded the actual DVD itself.
IndianChristian (2008-07-05)
The film Zeitgeist is the most profound anti-God and anti-Christ movie made till date. Zeitgeist challenges every single notion about Christ that we hold we hold as true and dear. The aim of this film is to shake the faith of the strong Christians and to make the nominal christian leave Christianity. This movie is specially targetted at children, youth and nominal believers so as to induce doubts in these young minds so that they reject Christ and stop believing in God. The idea about the movie is that there was a mythical creature called Horus whom the Gospel writers copied to give rise to the character and storyline of Jesus Christ. The movie makers make the statement that this Horus had 12 disciples, was called messiah and son of God, was crucified, was in his grave for 3 days, and was resurrected. What they forget is that the power of Christ is not of the past but of the present. Here in India ordinary missionaries are doing mighty miracles like driving out demons and healing the sick all in the name of Jesus (as Jesus Christ had promised). Gospel of Asia site gives a lot of these incidences.It is the Devil's conspiracy to make the only way to salvation non-accesssible to mankind. If there is only one door to a building and I bolt the door and flush the key down the toilet sink, then how do I get out? This movie does the flushing for you. Beware of it if you are a Christian.
The movie is in three parts. Only part 1 pertains to Christianity. If you want a detailed analysis, then see this link
lurkerguy (2008-07-24)
Strange.... this movie improves my relationship with god. I stop thinking about all the religious control systems and and start moving forward with my relationship with god.Nothing hindered me in my growth so much as thinking that I had to look outside of myself for a relationship with god.
I urge people to do this. Find your own truth. The difference between someone else's truth and your own is like the difference between fast food and a home cooked meal made with love with food that was grown in your own garden.
ejputz (2008-07-28)
I did a bit of my own research on this movie. I concluded that, apart from a few historical references relating to America's financial interests, MOST of this movie's assertions are complete fabrications (part 1 being the greatest offender). For anyone serious about learning America's history, and the TRUE situation it is in; this movie is a hindrance, at best.But don't take my word for it. Research it for yourself.
{-Rise-of-the-Truth-} (2008-08-17)
lkobescak, do you have the Remastered Edition official DVD...? if you do, please consider uploading it :)lkobescak (2008-10-19)
no I don't but I will try and get it.lkobescak (2008-10-19)
Wanted: a new financial order---------------------------------
The Globe and Mail (Canada)
October 18, 2008 at 12:05 AM EDT
BRUSSELS ? A week ago, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel found themselves strolling together through the cobble-stoned streets of Colombey-les-Deux-Églises, a tiny village in the northeast of France, where they were attending a war-memorial ceremony.
The town is known as a place where French leaders, from the time of Charles de Gaulle, have gone to escape the world and restore their energy. There was much retreating and restoring to be done last Saturday: The previous day, their finance ministers had rushed home early from a Washington crisis meeting after stock markets had crashed dramatically and expensive national schemes to restore the credit system had failed.
None of the patchwork of plans appeared to work and the world economy was threatening to seize up. A few hours earlier, the head of the International Monetary Fund ? a Frenchman ? had declared that the world financial system was "on the brink of systemic meltdown." Both leaders had been on the phone with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and they had agreed to follow his plan for governments to purchase major stakes in their countries' failing banks, at huge expense. With that done, anything seemed possible.
It was during their stroll, and over lunch afterward, that these two often-feuding leaders arrived at another conclusion: Nothing would be truly fixed, they believed, until there was a new world financial system in place, a new economic watchdog supervising the world's economies.
Enlarge Image
A picture from the U.S. National Archives released by the International Monetary Fund show U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau welcoming delegates during the opening meeting of the Bretton Woods Conference. (U.S. National Archives/AFP/Getty Images)
That was a view that had been pushed strongly by Mr. Brown, in a memo that he had begun circulating among associates and leaders, and it agreed, on the surface, with something similar to what Mr. Sarkozy had been saying for weeks: That this was an unprecedented global crisis, beyond the scope or powers of any national government.
The next step, they agreed, would have to involve the whole world, and would require rewriting the rulebook of global capitalism.
With that lunch, Europe had reached a consensus, at least superficially, on a solution that had not been attempted in 64 years: a major global meeting that would attempt to redesign the world-finance system. It was an acknowledgment, at a high level, that with the current crisis, the entire postwar economic system may have come to an end. What comes next will be a matter of heated disagreement.
By Tuesday morning, the Americans were on board, at least as far as attending the proposed meeting ? expected to be held in New York shortly after the Nov. 4 presidential election. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, fresh from his re-election, said Friday he also supports holding the meeting. All the G8 industrialized nations have agreed to attend, at least on paper, and it is expected that China, Brazil and India will take part.
While there's no consensus on what the new financial order should be and there are signs of deeply divergent views, these countries appear at least willing to talk about a new international order at a meeting the three European leaders are calling Bretton Woods II, after the 1944 meeting that started it all.
"Merkel became convinced at Colombey that Brown and Sarkozy were correct that the whole postwar system of finance does not work any more, and something new will have to take its place," said a European Union official involved with the talks.
Saturday morning, the Europeans will try to take Washington a step further. Leaving early from the Montreal summit with the Canadian government, Mr. Sarkozy and European Union Commission president José Manuel Barroso will fly to Camp David to sit down with President Ge
lkobescak (2008-10-19)
profit-making instruments, free from interference.Until this week, that is, when government and money came crashing back into one another. Suddenly, governments are the major providers of loans, and the major shareholders in banks, and the ability to keep the money flowing is beyond the authority of any one country. The idea that central banks can quietly stick to keeping inflation at bay is gone. Once again, we are aiming for the prevention of catastrophes.
On Monday, Mr. Brown arrived at a meeting of the 15 countries that have the euro as their currency and laid out, behind closed doors, that vague but sweeping set of proposals he would make public two days later.
"We now have global financial markets, global corporations, global financial flows," he told them. "But what we do not have is anything other than national and regional regulation and supervision. We need a global way of supervising our financial system."
The idea became surprisingly popular in Brussels on that day, partly because Mr. Brown's vagueness turned his seven-page plan into something of a Rorschach test on which could be projected each country's economic fantasies. Italian President Silvio Berlusconi talked about a world without the dollar, where the euro might become the reserve currency.
The otherwise conservative Mr. Sarkozy declared in a grandiose speech that "we need to found a new capitalism, based on values that put finance at the service of companies and citizens, and not the reverse." Such lines play very well in France, but are not likely to win any high-fives from Mr. Bush this morning in Washington.
Before a meeting date could even be set, the leaders squabbled over who had invented the idea. Mr. Sarkozy, through his aides, make it known that he had been proposing since Sept. 23 that a new global regulatory system be built.
Mr. Brown, in turn, had his aides point out that in January of 2007 he had argued that international finance regulation was "urgently in need of modernization and reform."
All of this sounded a bit rich to a community that had watched these European leaders, notably Mr. Brown as Britain's finance minister in the late 1990s, participate in a deregulation and neglect of the financial system that had allowed the complex network of mortgage-backed debt instruments to spiral out of control and destroy the debt-burdened banking system.