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MechWarrior 3-with extras and goodies-NosTraDomus






MechWarrior 3-with extras and goodies-NosTraDomus




2007-09-20 (by NosTraDomus)


Publisher: Microprose Developer: Zipper Interactive Platform: PC·Genre: Simulation Release Date: 06/01/99 Front Box Cover: More info here: The third game in the popular MechWarrior series. Massive Mechs, awesome firepower, and 3D action combine in MechWarrior 3. MechWarrior 3 is a quantum upgrade on all fronts from the excellent MechWarrior 2, which is saying quite a bit. The tremendous attention to detail in the graphics, gameplay and virtually every other aspect makes this one of the best games of the 1990s, let alone 1999. It is the graphics that will initially grab you and pull you in. Flowing landscapes and wonderful animation are all well and good but MechWarrior 3 goes one better. Shoot off an enemy Mech's leg and you'll see the pieces go flying as the enemy crashes to the ground. Drop a Smoke Jaguar tank and you'll marvel at the intricate explosion. This is good stuff. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I compiled all the maps I had, so theres 302 @ 45mb..zipped alot of clanner maps and personal ones. this is just to get you started.. I also added a few..extras...some of mine i made that is compatiblewith WIN XP PRO version(P) Window XP installation Notes: To Install/Run Mw3, �click on setup.exe and goto properties. �across the top click on the "compatibility" tab. �click on the box "Run this Program in compatibility mode for" (Choose win98) �click the boxes that say.. "Disable Visuak Themes" and "Turn off advanced text services" do those to the setup.exe and after install might need it for the mech3.exe-so if u get an error, just do that to the file thats saying error. This way works..cause im using it right now and playing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Files count:



584.44 Mb




NosTraDomus (2007-09-20)

Now mech3 is available for download along with extras. No more MsN Gamming Zone? dont bother..i hated those mem+'s anyway.. they tried to ban me all the time..never
YOu can use a program called Kahli 2-
or use hotmail accounts to host game.

NosTraDomus (2007-09-22)

Looks like everything is going good- ill will prob. stop superseeding after 10 successful seeders are done, feel free to use anything in the file, share it,upload it to whatever-
even use this to deligate fights, schedule or challengs then go on any IM and share the IP and connect from there..This is a nice backup-have fun

NosTraDomus (2007-09-23)

around 10pm+4zuluhrs i will probaly stop ou might notice a slight decrease in data transferance, and mayb a pause..theres enough to make it go on even longer.

Tramp-O-Holic (2007-09-25)

Hey my man. Do you have a no cd crack for this ?

NosTraDomus (2007-09-28)

just use the image to run the cd off of...or google one, im pretty sure some1 has one...
so just mount this IMAGE of the games cd, click on the exe to run it...

NosTraDomus (2007-10-10)

I see everything is still Going..Its a Great Game..One of the Few made by Hasbro...Keep it up..Ive got Mw3:Pirates Expansion..if i get alot of Votes..HERE, then ill compile it and post it. i would compile the WHOLE mechwarrior Games from mw3-m4(all expansions, and al maps/tools/exe..stuff) but that would be big probably around 10gigs-i dunno reply back here...see what we can do

xexyzl (2007-11-21)

OK, i've got this thing working on XP Pro, albeit with crashes (understandable). However, I'm having trouble playing on Vista. No matter which options I try in Compatibility mode, I can't get it to run the installer without crashing or giving me the windows 95/98 message. I've even tried copying over the microprose folders and missing dlls from my XP partition, but it says I'm missing the Software Render Files. Any tips?

NosTraDomus (2007-11-25)

yea, using XP to run this game is pushing it, then usinig Vista, its not good, vista operates on a differnt scale then its predessors,mayb soo or some other hard core game has found a patch to make xp/98/2k gmaes run smoother on Vista- its a cool game, and Xfire supports it-

TylerCF (2007-11-25)

i have the file but i don't know how to install it, how do you explore the .iso file? Mine just keeps opening in my cd creator program, which program should i be opening it in?

TylerCF (2007-11-26)

never mind dude, figured it out, great torrent.

TylerCF (2007-11-26)

also, you may need to switch compatibility on the autorun as well, i had to.

AdriZ (2008-02-06)

only works in win 95/98 :/ Gotta install that shit again on a VM..

AdriZ (2008-02-06)

oh.. just do what tyler said :P

NosTraDomus (2008-02-14)

It might be alittle tricky to use compatibility on it, but it WILL work, also dont know if i mentioned this but, XFIRE does offer it..atleast it did upto a month ago..other wise you need DIrect COnnect thru IP w/o a Router, only thru direct connection.. ie, From Cable Outlet to Cable Modem to Computer..
if you need help just email me @, its opne of many emails i have...i do have heavy spam filter turned on, so make sure in the subject field you type mechwarrior.

NosTraDomus (2008-02-14)

i ment to say XFIRE does offer Hosting of the game...

Helikris (2008-02-18)

Thanx Nos...For another kick a** Torrent

ljmoore (2008-02-22)

ok got it to wark on my xp found a nocd
but in the campaign mode i can only play mission 1
please help
if anyone want to find me im on xfire

cylinderHED (2008-03-22)

If you could torrent the Pirate Moon Expansion that would be great.

geordacious (2008-04-18)

please torrent exp pack

geordacious (2008-04-18)

please SEED!!!! im stuck at 79%
this is an awesome game and i really want to play thru it again.

Tahlrok (2008-05-15)

Does asking for people to seed ever actually help? o.o

Samziel (2008-06-09)

Can any1 tell any website where i can get this work on xp... It says this works only at 95/98 and i have had demo of this on xp...

Samziel (2008-06-11)

Ok. How i can play more than only 1 mission in this??

NosTraDomus (2008-06-18)

For WINXP use change the compatibility mode of the .exe to windows 2000 (it worked for me) im on a P4 Processor on a winxp PRO svcpack2
just change it to win2000- dont change the colors or the resolution, just the Operating System
Getting past mission 1:
Its a Hardware Problem-ive gotten 3 emails,
some even bought the game, and installed it, and still had problems, so it might be a problem with the Processor maybe u have a AMD..Duron? or a AMD-

NosTraDomus (2008-06-18)

PIRATE MOON WILL BE ADDED. give me couple hours.

NosTraDomus (2008-06-19)

is ready for downloading !

synchronus49 (2008-09-11)

nod32 said there was a virus on one of the trainers on the cd, some keylogger or something

NosTraDomus (2008-09-18)

its a trojan keylogger for a TRAINER, it los the keys you press, and uses that info to inject the code for the desired trainer cheat, delete if you wish-
all my files, verified ones are 100% safe.

NosTraDomus (2009-01-04)

bad install

maxair90 (2009-03-10)

Hey there i'v dl both of your MW 3 & MW 3 PM,
the problem is when im installing your (Nostradomus) MW 3 PM, it needs MW 3 install this. I can't mount any disc image from your MW 3. Any help?

maxair90 (2009-03-10)

Ops i mean MW 3 install disc not 'install this' lol... help me please.

LowInMillion (2009-05-22)

Thank you NosTraDomus . I have trouble to play mech 3 for some time and you are the saver for me.
I follow your instruction on the mech3.exe icon and I can now play mech 3. I have completed mech4 merc and vengeance though.

DuhDaDuh (2009-06-10)

I downloaded the file and extracted it and I did all the compatibility stuff but when I click on setup nothing happens. It sits there and has the hourglass for like 10 seconds then it stops. Please help me.

melloguy319 (2009-11-02)

plz reseed

NosTraDomus (2010-12-04)

MW4 is offered for FREE (legibly)
MechWarrior: Living Legends is Out...though seems to be a user made mod...has SOME good things..
MechWarrior 5: was due, but since BattleTech series said the game had to many similar mechs like theirs, they SUED, so MW5 is on hold for now...they even pulled the Trailers...
nice to see some seeders...
there are other online tools to play older games online like hamachi or XFIRE

longtooth67 (2012-02-03)

Heres the newest news on the mech front


1. mech3_NosTraDomus.iso 584.44 Mb