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Need For Speed Underground 2 Romanian Language Edition M3 Softwa




Games PC


Need For Speed Underground 2 Romanian Language Edition M3 Softwa




2010-07-09 (by Anonymous)


M3 Software is back. Who? M3 Software(a.k.a. 3ogdy) - the one who translated Call of Duty, Vice City,San Andreas, Kaspersky Antivirus and some other games and pieces of software into Romanian. we are gonna see something even more interesting than a Call of Duty translated into Romanian. What are we talkin' about? Well....Need For Speed Underground 2. An M3 Software (a.k.a. 3ogdy) release. !!!!!!SCREENSHOT:!!!!!!!!!!!! 99% of the game(I just don't want the classic 100%) is translated into Romanian(talking about text here). name is 3ogdy. Yes, I work under the name M3 Software. Yes, again, I'm the first in the World to release a Romanian language edition of a piece of software. Yes, the game works. Yes, it's text-error - free. Yes, it was checked. Yes, the system requirements remain the same. Yes, I'm back Yes, I'll be releasin' some other games translated in Romanian - Maybe CoD MW2?....maybe NFS Most Wanted?...maybe some other game....BUT the thing is, that I'll be back....I'm here to stay So....apart from the bullshit and boasting: THE GAME WORKS - TESTED UNDER XP SP2 IT'S A SELF-EXTRACTING .UHA ARCHIVE !!!!!!!!!!!You need WinUHA to extract the contents from the archive:!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jocul este un release oficial M3 Software (a.k.a. 3ogdy). Sa spunem ca in proportie de 99%, tot ce este text in joc, este tradus in limba romana. Da, limba ROMANA, limba oficiala in ROMANIA. Acum, puteti juca un NFS destul de marfa in limba romana - merita luat. Textele din joc( la primirea mesajelor cand te angajezi intr-o cursa) sunt facute in stil clasic romanesc, deci poate ca va vor amuza, poate ca nu...dar trebuia sa scot in evidenta limba in care scriam mesajele,nu? Oricum...cerintele jocului sunt aceleasi, dat fiind faptul ca jocul nu are nimic altceva modificat decat limba. ESTE UNICUL UNDRGROUND 2 DE PE PLANETA IN LIMBA ROMANA. DA, PRIMUL SI SINGURUL UNDERGROUND 2 IN ROMANA DIN LUME. Sper sa va placa jocul si astept comentarii.., cei ce doresc sa lasa un comm, apreciez asta in cel mai sincer mod posibil. Poate in scurt timp apare si un CoD MW2 sau un NFS MW in romana....daca nu vreti sa lasati un comentariu...totusi..incrcati sa faceti macar pentru a-mi spune ce ar fii mai tare...Need For Speed Most Wanted Romanian Language Edition sau Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Romanian Language Edition?.... 'Till next time.

Files count:



1092.60 Mb




ponebt (2010-07-12)

merge si pe win 7 ?

Ray_Adu (2010-07-22)

Thx 3 Mbps download si...Need For Speed Most Wanted Romanian Language Edition

arnautusergiu (2010-07-29)

tareeee!!!il iau si revin cu comm!

parazitii20 (2012-11-23)

cu ce program se instaleaza?

still_3ogdy (2012-11-24)

Salut, iti trebuie WinUHA pt a dezarhiva jocul.
Citeste descrierea torrentului pt ca am pus link-ul acolo.
M3 Software - 3ogdy

still_3ogdy (2012-11-28)

Pentru cei interesati de alte posibile lansari , puteti gasi pagina M3 Technologies chiar pe FB - imaginea de profil reprezinta un set de vectori de culoare verde, galben si albastru - este o imagine abstracta.
Salutari tuturor si multumim inca o data pentru sustinere si descarcari!

still_3ogdy (2012-11-28)

Pentru cei interesati d alte posibile lansari, puteti gasi pagina M3 Technologies chiar pe FB - imaginea de profil reprezinta un set de vectori de culoare verde, galben si albastru - este o imagine abstracta.
Salutari tuturor si multumim inca o data pentru sustinere si descarcari!

still_3ogdy (2013-04-04)

Am lansat Need For Speed Most Wanted Romanian Language Edition.
Pentru cei interesati de alte jocuri lansate de M3 Software, cautati "romanian language edition" si "romanian anguage edition" da, "anguage", nu "language".

seven_4ever (2013-04-13)

nustiu ce trebuie sa fac ajutatima va rog pleaseee help!!!

seven_4ever (2013-04-13)

gata am gasit..imi trebuia un extractor universal :)))

still_3ogdy (2013-04-16)

In descrierea torrentul am specificat urmatoarele:
So....apart from the bullshit and boasting:
!!!!!!!!!!!You need WinUHA to extract the contents from the archive:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers & Enjoy the game!

fcsb (2013-05-25)

la fel de bun ca si call of duty .. tre sa incerc si most wanted in romana. :)

still_3ogdy (2013-06-12)

fcsb, multumim de comentariu.
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