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Max Payne 2 The Fall Of Max Payne [PCFullGAME][Crack Incl] KaYz 2008
[PC] Max Payne 2 The Fall of Max Payne [RIP] [dopeman]
2007-04-21 (by 420dopeman)
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"Rippin da shit." DOPEMAN
GAME: - Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne - Rockstar(c)
Release Date: DFC Game Genre: Action/FPS
Release Notes:
In 2001, Max Payne arrived to set the benchmark for action gaming, earning
countless awards and revolutionizing the genre with cinematic combat sequences
fuelled by the groundbreaking use of slow motion and compulsive narrative-driven
gameplay. Now, with Rockstar Games'New York-based production team,
Remedy has combined Max Payne's hallmark gameplay with all new innovations
and unmatched production values.
A bad-ass game. Period. -Wicked story, gameplay, and special effects.
One of the best ever -IMO
Ripped----> NOTHING , Nada, Zero <----- It's all here.
unrar Max Payne 2.7z with latest winrar
start with MaxPayne2.exe
more info:
Ascii Art by: GMSi
"Install Nothing, Play Everything."
Files count:
1054.49 Mb
iguana69u (2007-04-23)
just a note to tell ya...hey the rips are great they are straight on with no bullshit attatched. i have been getting your stuff for awhile and i just wanted you to know that it is greatly appreciateddaguanna
GTTG (2007-04-24)
Seed plz!Huja (2007-04-25)
Just wanted to echo what iguana69u said.Your Rips rock,everyone a winner.
Thanks man:-)
skimbzor (2007-04-30)
when quick saving pushing F5.. game crashes(SWE)ScarFace (2007-04-30)
dopeman your games sucks and dosen´t work goodyasin_belber (2007-05-02)
Great!blood_and_bones (2007-05-05)
Dopeman it seems the tracker for this has timed out(Very few seeds anyway). I Really wanna play this game. Could you upload this to megaupload(or another direct download site) if possible? If not that's cool but I thought I let ya know the tracker has timed out.Adoddode (2007-05-17)
Dopeman u are saving da DAY! Keep up the good work with giving us good games and easy cracks! (not that i'v ever had a problem to crack a game)Andrew Truly: Greatfull!
ksuju (2007-05-30)
I am forever grateful. awesome work. greatly appreciated.ksuju (2007-06-02)
this is a stupid question but after i shoot that mask man who i supposely assumed shot this guy lying on the floor... how the hell do i get out of the hospital? freaking, i'm stuck...LOL. and it's just the beginning... LOL. hahaha... i tried every door but they're all locked, the windows won't crack, and the elevator won't seem to go up or down...andreiclawhammer (2007-06-11)
this game really owns I'm gonna dld it till I buy itDOPEMAN GJ!!!!!! YOU OWN!
mekke92 (2007-06-13)
Cant start a new game the game just crashes any1 can help me? thxsteppwolf93 (2007-06-30)
one of the best games ever made seed dudes!! :)stathis85tpt (2007-07-01)
i have a problem after unrar and try to play shows me a message which writes:
"This application has requested
The Runtime to terminate it in an anusual way.
Contact the application team support team
for more information"
What he hell is going on?
anybody with this problem?
steppwolf93 (2007-07-03)
this game is best seed !!!aands (2007-07-07)
All of the games I've downloaded from you work flawlessly. Thank you for these awesome rips. Keep up the good work.And all you newbies who say it doesn't work- it's because you simply don't have the patience to follow the directions or spend 5 minutes reading the readme.
(sigh) so many stupid people on torrent website these days.
eddy_boo (2007-07-08)
Hey, stathis85tpt, I've got the same problem.Also, during unpacking some errors appears.
Aands - if you're so smart than maybe you could share your wisdom with us - pathetic, dumb newbies.
50Cent961 (2007-07-10)
But plz 8 seeders and 0kb/s whats this+
50Cent961 (2007-07-10)
omg 11 seeders and 10kb/s jesus christPainkiller911 (2007-07-10)
Great game and works but, when i go to the police station (prologue) nobody comes to the line up..stathis85tpt (2007-07-14)
aands i have a degree at computers...what do u have?
if it works on u, shut up and let someone who knows the solution to speak.
Poztmortem (2007-07-16)
Please seed for a few more days. There are only few seeds left. Help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!Jani5992 (2007-07-19)
it works 100% thanks again dopeman :DZachriel (2007-07-20)
OMG i fucking love this game this might be the best third person shotter game for PC everEspecially with the cinema mod
Love it thanks dopeman :D
martih2707 (2007-07-22)
I have download a max payne 2 game, and somewone have told me that I get the crack at I download the crack and replace it whit maxpayne2.exebUT IT DONT WORCK TO REPLACE IT, IT SAYS "YOU NEED 1,41 KB TO REPLACE THIS FILE"
can somewone plz help me .. and hope u andrestand my english :P .. Its bad :P
Zachriel (2007-07-23)
U don't need a crack u just download and playBenny_V (2007-07-24)
awesome game, works perfect, except one thing.when i wanna use the cheats and type in the developer bit on the properties i cant open the console :(
can anyone help?
bushyredneck (2007-07-25)
WoW DOPEMAN your the Shi-Io-tbad assist game riper i ever seen where do u find the time ....? My hats off for all the great thangs you have brought to us .
BOW....BOW....BOW.... :)
spadagoal_93 (2007-07-31)
classic game...mehmet6 (2007-08-01)
Dopeman, we cant send PM's to u on piratebay so i have to write here. Hope ure seeing this. Can u rip Uefa champions League 06-07??? Please ive downloaded Razor but it doesnt work on my computer, its something about directx but i dont get it. Anyway, if u could post it here on piratebay im sure that we will appreaciteaty(?) Anyway, hope youre hearing my voice. Its important for me, or my little brother, hes jelling at m. I reallly need this game Pleaseanders49 (2007-08-06)
Thanks! dopeman! and all U at Pb, from swedenTj199 (2007-08-08)
Seed pleasRoob_nr1 (2007-08-08)
Kan nån seeda lite kanske? tack på förhand!Roob_nr1 (2007-08-08)
Kom igen nu ? seeda jag vill gärna spela det nån gång , Tack på För Hand!Roob_nr1 (2007-08-08)
kom igen nu vi e 62 seeders jag kan la få lite mer en 2kb/s?=(Roob_nr1 (2007-08-08)
Kom igen nu gubbar haha:DRoob_nr1 (2007-08-08)
Great Speed in the end thank you;)!Tj199 (2007-08-10)
seed seed seed seed seed seed seed see. Pleasprivatelab (2007-08-12)
How should I install this game??? I've downloaded 7z. which file should I start?? those 8 MP files with .ras?sorry I'm stupid...
privatelab (2007-08-12)
I did it with WinRAR 3.70Everithing works fine now...
skull9490 (2007-08-13)
omg, 94 seeders and ive been downloading 15 bytes per second......... SUPER SLOWskull9490 (2007-08-13)
MORE SEEDERS ONLINE PLZ :(JustLopez (2007-08-13)
I have unpacked the .rar file with the latest Winrar version, I start the game but when I start to play and the first story strip ends, just when the actual game is about to start, the screen turns black and I have to manually restart the computer, what's wrong?MightyMouse957 (2007-08-14)
Hey all you assholes that are downloading the game and then not seeding...BURN IN HELL!
I'm downloading at 4Kb/s and uploading at 118Kb/s
Fucking seed it so we can all enjoy it assholes
Enorus (2007-08-15)
Pleaseeeeee seedkebabman86 (2007-08-26)
jesus fuck reading all the retarded comments is more fun then actually playing the fucking game, hahaha i am laughing my ass of here, seriously!- Kebabman
Lashmush (2007-09-04)
I didn't download it... SO I'M NOT SEEDING LOLOLOL!Srsly, seeds are fine, you suck balls.
Pericles555 (2007-09-05)
I thought about downloading it, but haven't thought about seeding it yet.Lilozzie (2007-09-14)
The seeder and leecher list is totally incorrect. I've been leeching from a person or two for the past 3 days and seeding to, roughly, the same amount. I'm pretty well stuck at 98% now.thacause (2007-09-15)
loved the first game so i give this one a shot,thx to the uploader and seeders
will re-seed this one aleast 5 times
Ryhelios (2007-09-20)
does this work for vista... as in someone with vista can tell me and not some douche that makes his/hers usual "educated" guess? Great series! dopeman is the shiiiiit!!Geezguy (2007-09-22)
I really hope this one will work properly. Please seed.Gangster_47 (2007-10-03)
Please Help!It all works fine when I extract and shit but after the first movie the game closes and I get a wrong raport (Fel Rapport) Why!? What the heck can I do about it ?
Dani_Makaveli (2007-10-07)
Works!!!!!! 100%Thank you Dopeman
TheFreeOne651651 (2007-10-15)
Great game. Works 100%Thanks.
jonne_1 (2007-10-19)
dopemans game works i have download 2 of them and all wordsDVD-R-hunter (2007-10-19)
Thx man. Works perfectrexeser (2007-11-03)
im dowbnloading in 70-400 kb/s , not fantastic but okay , if you seed a bit more now ill seed to 10 ratiothx !
Jag laddar ner i 70-400 kb/s , inte fantastist men okej , om ni seedar lite till kommer jag seeda til 10 ratio!
rexeser (2007-11-03)
like a blixt from heaven hahaha some1 seeding now :D 650 kb/s thanx m8'sSom en blixt från himlen haha nån seedar nu :D
650 kb/s tackar m8's :D
-ja seedar till 10 ratio efter
Aryonas (2007-11-03)
Holy shit! I'm using bitcommet and I thought 70kb/s was fantastic!!!!!! How the fuck do you get it downloading that fast? I got Direcyt Line DSL with Ultra High Speed enhancment, plz tell me how to get speeds like that!! I'm pretty much used to like about 10 kb/s. Plz help.xample (2007-11-18)
comon guys...what is such a problem here?
seed this game plz
DannOrly (2007-11-23)
Great torrent! Quick download and the game works spectacular. Thank you dopeman!Seed, you blood sucking fucksticks! SEED!
2saugat (2007-11-28)
Fuck All The Peoples!!!!! Who dont like this gameTHX REALLY REALLY NICE GAME I LIKE YOUR ALL UPLOAD
cool_girl1 (2007-12-01)
THANKS FOR SEEDING ! :)))ammi453 (2007-12-17)
more seeds pleasethank u
ammi453 (2007-12-17)
more seeds pleasethank u
ammi453 (2007-12-17)
more seeds plzthank u
bigscipio (2007-12-18)
way to triple post ammi. great fuckin job. go jump in front of a bus you stupid ass fuck.oh and dopeman, you are a god.
roxor2 (2007-12-27)
I agree,dopeman is epic :D
seed plz.
Lunne93 (2008-01-14)
Dopeman Idoz3r197564 (2008-01-18)
I would call this game one of the best shooters of all time, it's just fucking here to stay forever!As always a good upload Dopeman. Would take my at of for you if i was wearing one. 10/10!
Daouwns (2008-01-21)
please seed :)jrpaz15 (2008-01-25)
seed please someone!dopeman is great!!!
Runekas8 (2008-01-29)
GREAT =) JUST DID UNRAR AND PLAY BUTTON =) SUPER HEIL 420dopeman !masterassassin450 (2008-01-30)
Dude, great upload man, works perfectly. :)TheGirlHunter (2008-02-02)
anyone knows how to enable cheats? i cant understand a crap of how to get them to work? much funnier with some better wepons at once =)Stevo24 (2008-02-21)
Seed peoplekasim850 (2008-02-23)
seed ppl seed thanxinstituut (2008-02-27)
max payne is shit why you play it at all men. racing in the best(Y)Reisti (2008-02-28)
Gr8 seeding.Im seeding right now, i dowloaded this game y-day.
Work fine :D
Thanks dude :)
adam7889 (2008-03-12)
seed pleaseadam7889 (2008-03-12)
seen please thx all Dopeman Respect! peaceadam7889 (2008-03-12)
i mean seed sry *adam7889 (2008-03-12)
more upload then download please help i really want to play this gamevexxation (2008-03-13)
dopeman is obviously a ninja turtleAaliyah2k (2008-03-14)
Just unrar and play!Thanx a lot Dopeman :)
game-ripper (2008-03-15)
dopeman u r the bestaxeonfluke (2008-03-16)
Anybody know if this works with Vista? I'm Downloading it but I'm just curious.Logan 5 (2008-03-17)
I cant get this game to work and I have followed the instructions exactly.I am getting the same error as 2 other people here have:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
"This application has requested
The Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team
for more information."
I also had unpacking errors/failed CRC checks on 9 files when trying to open it with either WinRAR or 7zip. It was the same 9 files:
In the Max Payne 2 Directory:
Under the Max Payne 2\Help\ directory:
All of these files are zero byte files.
Any idea why this is happening? or am I just a St00pid N00b who needs to STFU....
St0NeJon (2008-03-22)
thkz for seedingSt0NeJon (2008-03-22)
Logan 5 look on my pc the game went fineno crashes ---nothing i don't knw why it's doing that on yours
DanielVanhatalo (2008-03-25)
PLZ seed!!!!! =)Marmeladi_ (2008-03-25)
Very nice torrent, thanks! The game works like a dream. ^.^molle9494 (2008-03-29)
i dont know how you guys doing but i cant get the game to workhelp me please
punkstereo (2008-04-03)
thanks again for another download. I don't get how so many people don't know how to get these games to work. I've d/l-ed like 10 i've got all of them to work.This is a good game. I've already played through the first few levels and am enjoying. Again thanks very much for your generosity.
way2funky (2008-04-07)
Sweet torrent. Games worked perfectly for me. Thanks again.845672 (2008-04-13)
Good job mp tfomp worked 1000000000% for medirkzen (2008-04-22)
Works perfect. Just unzip and go.If you're havin trouble, its either not compatible with whatever version of windows you're runnin, or your video card sucks too much ass.
You want movies? Search for aXXo.
You want games? Dopemans' rippin the shit.
Hjalmar17 (2008-05-08)
Great torrent, but I'm the loser using cheats to some games, but I can't get cheats working on this. What can I do to get it working? Please.mindfreaker (2008-05-11)
he dopeman could you rip the sims 2 for me ???its a great game and I can't find any good downloads
So please help me ???
Superdownloader (2008-05-20)
Great game :P Just extract and play :Drevisionz (2008-05-22)
works greatgttaclu (2008-05-24)
Works GREAT! Thanx :)niko381 (2008-06-03)
Probably unrelated to the torrent, but whenever I try unraring it my computer just..shuts down. Could anyone give me a hand with this?Jroenn (2008-06-15)
Download time: 2 hoursWorking? 100% working version. Unzip & play!
Content? 3th person shooter game, reminded me alot of Enter The matrix (bullet time, time jumps etc etc)
pretty much hack & slash
finished the game in about 4 hours playtime.
KingPirate007 (2008-06-18)
Perfect everytime thanx Dopeman!!! To all you other bitches stop talking shit, stupid motherfuckers...Fyxxk (2008-06-19)
Best two games ever made In my opinion ! So looking forward to MAX PAYNE MOVIE , to be released 17 October 2008 with Mark Wahlberg as Max Payne. Thx from Sweden :]roryrattlehead (2008-06-21)
the download speed is diabolical,ive been down loading for 10 hrs and its only at 24% 218 seedsa and only 18 seeding,fucks sake :(Geezguy (2008-06-23)
Took me only 2,5 hours to download :D Now let's see if it works...roryrattlehead (2008-06-23)
this was the slowest torrent i ever came across,it took me over 2 days to download,but the game works absoloutley perfectly.simple to start up,theres no mounting an image bullshit,just extract and play,nice one dopeman :)Hachi86 (2008-06-27)
one of the best torrents ive dl'ed. no problem whatsoever.great upload dopeman!
Odd[x] (2008-07-06)
seed please :DP0RNFREAK (2008-07-12)
Thank you very much. Games works perfect. Just UnRar and play. Dopeman you're the best.heavenzmovi3 (2008-07-16)
fucking excellent. ALL torrents should be like this; no need for.ISO image mounting bullshit. & on top of that, this game is a fucking classic.VAGUU (2008-07-25)
Please please please someone come online and seed this! :D It's going so slow :(aekasiman (2008-07-27)
seed please :)the download is going too slow
Cupowar (2008-07-31)
Top stuff - Cheers for that, haven't played it in ages.Another great up.
d0zin0X (2008-07-31)
Can anyone seed please? be generous kind to me :)SpensiV (2008-07-31)
I extracted the game, extracted to desktop, started playing, but when I got to a certain level.. I got this:Exception:
Unable to read data "18_gognittis_lot.ldb
If anyone has a solution to this, please help me out.
SUPREMEBANDAi (2008-08-03)
Fuck you all you cocksuckers who said "Oh yeah, this torrent is working 100%" cocksucker dogshit taco dick sneeze crap. I cant even run the game, said i have no access!" Fuck you all confused emo goth motherfuckers, you make crappy music, get some sunlight!SUPREMEBANDAi (2008-08-03)
And oh yeah, im not sorry for this double-post,DOPEMAN you suck ripping games, Extract and play, ever heard of and iso image, 3 times better.
Pee-drippin, frozen tampoon! GOD DAMMIT!
Hiselor (2008-08-05)
Download with 4.0 KB :(Takes 4days..
ultimate_fluff (2008-08-07)
amazin upload dopeman...d best torrent ive downloaded!fluidpoint (2008-08-08)
SUPREMEBANDAi you fucking retard get rid of you PII this is perfect yall, I downloaded at 800kbs beat the fuck out of it in a day, cool game thanks
SUPREMEBANDAi (2008-08-08)
Chyeeah, riight. Maybe my computer is different from yours fluidpoint, but dont come her with your dickface "gangsta" language.SUPREMEBANDAi (2008-08-10)
First off... I did not call you a cocksucker, dicksneeze taco (but now I am).Second off... mc_majava (what kind off nick-name is that) i already have Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, I just wanted to see how DOPEMAN`s torrents was. The rest of DOPEMAN`s torrents is good, I do not know kung-fu, and I do not know whats wrong with my computer (it is my secondary gaming computer, so....). I`m not sure how I`m going to finish this comment so... (2008-08-17)
Mate, you are a legend. Couldn't possibly be any easier.Unzip, play... Thanks! Will be seeding this one =D
lovelf2 (2008-08-20)
I CANNOT fire with the mouse or move forwards with the "W" key, what s wrong? Please help.Odd[x] (2008-08-22)
SUPREMEBANDAi you are the biggest dipshit I know and I dont know you your computer/internet obviously sucks dopeman makes the best game torrents and simple what do you do ? nothing just bitch about games that have no problems and spam... anyways thanks for the upload dopeman, only a few hours to download a very quick setup will be seeding for a few daysxiyuno (2008-08-23)
Wow 1kb/sThis is the best torrent ever..>.<
99:99:99 time left ;)
Lordhypnos (2008-08-25)
Thanks for the upload. took only 3h :)delvin.friends (2008-08-26)
very good torrent. worked fine for me. no problems at all, just heded to the instructions.UNRAR AND PLAY.
delvin.friends (2008-08-26)
Thanks Dopeman.Vareywell done.
Biowolfer (2008-08-26)
Nice man thanks!!!Snorlaxen (2008-08-28)
please seed more... i've uploaded more than i've downloaded O.o (otherwise awesome torrent had this on my oold computer and everything worked perfect) ju a little bit more seeds and this would be pwning!amiotropic (2008-08-30)
seed please!!Overkill360 (2008-09-14)
game works perfectlyscwosh (2008-09-15)
SEED PLZ SEED!scwosh (2008-09-15)
5 KB/s :(scwosh (2008-09-15)
Works perfectlysoulreapermarco (2008-10-04)
stop saying seed you stupid bastards! anyway great upload! i wish other games were as perfect as this! :PBlackSt0rm (2008-10-05)
Works Great : )) Using Vista 32 bitThx to uploader and and Remedy Entertainment for sharings this game :D
Smallgekas (2008-10-05)
omg you asses need to stop saying SEED SEED SEED god its getting fucking annoying so shut up with your noob pcmaxkill (2008-10-05)
maxpayne inspired my name! max payne 4eva! ;)_counterweight_ (2008-10-05)
how do you seed?Demonio_del_Sleech (2008-10-07)
Smallgekas, what the shit are you talking about?sebaah (2008-10-09)
does it work on Vista?LuMiNeX (2008-10-12)
Works fine thankskuzmich12081 (2008-10-19)
I have dl a ot of games by dopeman and most of them I am able to get to work fine but some of them I am having trouble. after I install I go to play and i get a message saying that the comp needs the disk. obviously I have no disk so what do I do????? ANY HELP IS APPRECIATEDwrongmistakee (2008-10-20)
i have a problem,, every time i download torrents that have a 1gib or more size, it always says that it is an unknown format or maybe damage.. i really want to play max payne.. i already downloaded it 3 times.. and it still says unknown format or damaged.. i already tried downloading from different uploaders here in piratebay.. and it still says that way.. help me please..bayjurns (2008-10-21)
this is great, it was easy to run, and it works great, thanks a lot.Tremors12 (2008-10-23)
GO FINLAND, GO FINLAND !!!!wrongmistakee (2008-10-23)
i have a problem,, every time i download torrents that have a 1gib or more size, it always says that it is an unknown format or maybe damage.. i really want to play max payne.. i already downloaded it 3 times.. and it still says unknown format or damaged.. i already tried downloading from different uploaders here in piratebay.. and it still says that way.. help me please..Pulvermoset (2008-10-25)
Quick download, easy to get going, great to play. Perfect. :)maadzzbox (2008-10-26)
this is a lol question: Unrar does that mean that i will take the file out from WinRaR???please send me an awnser becuse the game is soon finished downloaded
nmhsjunk (2008-10-27)
maadzzbox, unrar means to1)Open the torrent file in Winrar
2)Extract the whole directory to a folder on your comp
3)Execute the MaxPayne.exe file
4)Enjoy =)
Jimmythehedgehog (2008-10-29)
You know. everytime I see a download game, people are so dumb about installing and the what not.AceOfSteaks (2008-11-03)
Good job once again Dope,kick ass game too!!!!savagecabbage (2008-11-06)
Hitting download speed of 600k damn need a faster router it'd probably go higher if i did, thanx to the guys uploadin :)jared550 (2008-11-07)
hi, im playing very well on my mac using crossover. but i have a question, how do i open the command line? its not the same on the pcbittorrentlover (2008-11-10)
Ok seriously, someone tell me STEP BY STEP what to do. I have Winrar and bittorrent. So, I click "Download this Torrent" from this page, right? I saved the torrent file in my accountname/downloads folder on my computer. I open Winrar and navigate it to my downloads folder. I now see a file folder titled "..", a torrent file with this torrents name. ([PC] Max Payne 2 etc.) and something labeled as a Configuration Sett... titled desktop.ini. EXACTLY what do I do now? Dont say "extract this blah blah blah", tell me what to click on in what order.Jimmythehedgehog (2008-11-11)
Gosh! everytime I go to a ripped game, someone is asking everyone how to this and that but its so obvious. RTFM.Xovrano (2008-11-12)
Thanks, workin perfectly!Vembi70 (2008-11-14)
Looking forward to getting this one. Keep up the good seeding! I'm at 67.0 now. :-)savagecabbage (2008-11-17)
wow some people are just thick.....unrar to any folder you like and play.....
how simple is that
PhilleTheKid (2008-11-19)
Seems like it works just perfect, thanks man!syk0inc (2008-11-23)
nice upload broGAVB (2008-11-26)
god i wish noobz wouldn't post daft stuff on here, dopeman posts good good stuff and people don't ever no what to do because there is so many noob comments saying this doesn't work just because they don't no what to do, at least learn how to install it before telling everybody not to download it, or even buy the game if u don't wanna learn how to use the cracked versionGameQude (2008-11-29)
I had no problems playing this game, except one, when I want to look up/down, its really slow, and if I don't move the mouse fast, it wont even go up/down.stevic123 (2008-12-04)
I see a lot of people asking really dumb questions here, if you cant figure out how to make a game work from the instructions given you should really think twice about downloading from torrents as sometimes people have downloaded from the piratebay and right when it hits 100% of the download finnished they get a phonecall from the anti piracy board of there country saying they will be notified in writing of their crime and will recieve a summons in the mail to go to court on piracy charges and theft which carries a huge fine in most countries.And if you carry on downloading bill gates will usually try to rape your internet connection or a small animal near your neighborhood.NOOBS
RR92 (2008-12-06)
@bittorrentloverThere's a difference between the .torrent file and the file you wish to download. The .torrent file merely tells your computer where and what computers (which have part of or full files) to download the actual files from.
Use a BitTorrent client such as µTorrent, Azureus, BitComet or (the ever-popular) BitTorrent to open the .torrent file you have just downloaded to start the actual download.
And to those scoffing at people's lack of BitTorrent knowledge I say that some, if not most of us who tried to use torrents for the first time were confused about the whole process - me being one of those people a few years ago.
SPuNKY_B_D (2008-12-08)
DOPEMAN!!!Please RIP True Crime streets of LA or Newy York please!!!!!11!!!!eleven
myrza (2008-12-09)
yo dop,good,i love your games,but i'll 'd like you to upload battlefield 1942 with loads of seedsdude_chronic (2008-12-11)
works like a charm man 1 of tha greatest games ever made man but is there ne way u can get san andreas uploaded like this on heresynsofthytimes (2008-12-18)
anyone figure out how to use the cheats with this ? i cant get the console thing to pop uphicks27 (2008-12-19)
Pity this guy seems not to download stuff anymore , his downloads are really coolpukkalover (2009-01-03)
Perfect thank you. using vista basicbodoyM16 (2009-01-03)
PERFECT GAME! NO VIRUSES, 100% CLEAN. THANKS dopemanbad_jester (2009-01-06)
thanks dopeman:D and all you seeders...keep up the good work:pSeton05 (2009-01-12)
Thanks dopeman Works great. Awsome game.V1X0 (2009-01-18)
Seed please, 15-20 kb/s ftl.LoLbasseLoL (2009-01-19)
works great ! thanks dopemanranaka (2009-01-23)
does this have the developer to use cheat codes? Would be fun to know cuz i cant freakin find it.ranaka (2009-01-23)
Or how do you open Max Payne 2 in developer?A619 (2009-01-25)
It is working perfectly using XP SP2, ram 1G
THANX DOPEMAN ... you the best
xCaptainAmazing (2009-01-29)
does dopeman still do rips? he hasn't uploaded anything here since '07 and am wondering if he's still around. he does awesome work.sebvon33 (2009-02-04)
my game does not work i just start it and it failxxxCaptainxxx (2009-02-07)
Excelent game, excelent torrent. The movie is a pity, dont waste your time with the movie, enojoy playing.Works so good
transitvan (2009-02-09)
excellent game. clean and fast dl. i'm a noobyand i had no problems installing and playing. it does what it says on the can. thx dopeman your ups are appreciated.
(Trantern) (2009-02-09)
fucking good game you are the best;)viperbo21 (2009-02-13)
One of the best PC games ever made. Works perfect.chooliscu (2009-02-24)
Hi dopeman just want u to know u are my man. i am seriously waiting for when u can help us all to upload the sims 3. keep up the gud work man.Huggster (2009-03-17)
Can somebody help my, I have problem with starting and extrackting. When i extrackt it stops on 70 protsent and get a error. When starting I get a Runtime error. Please help.mcsmasher (2009-03-26)
remember to seed people! amazing tor dopeman and good game! shame theres no kind of multiplayer =( when i heard about max payne 3 i started to miss it and desided to download the 2 one just for so long that i can wait till cristhmas when max payne 3 comes out! THNX DOPEMAN!!!amakkara (2009-04-19)
perfect, thank you again dopeman!Kevin481 (2009-05-03)
Perfect game thanks DOPEMAN jeeeah!!!!Jaffa1978 (2009-05-15)
Once again another gem of an upload,this is my 6th or 7th game from Dopeman and there all perfect and hassle free.Shame he doesnt come on here anymore:( maybe the messiah will return in 2009?owen4774 (2009-06-04)
dopeman you are the shit!! thanks for all these great games!bravo88 (2009-06-08)
thanx manthis is cool game
bravo88 (2009-06-08)
cmon guys seedgreat game
will seed when downloaded
mark2theandrew (2009-06-08)
there's no music...?mark2theandrew (2009-06-08)
what does RIP mean anyway?Yumacode (2009-06-23)
tnx dopemanplease seed
i download at 3kb/s only
please seeed
BoratXii (2009-06-25)
You guys that doesn't know what rip is I will explain a little short for them now! RIP is when you delete all the music and movies in the game so it will take less space.prakhar20 (2009-07-15)
Dopey,YOU ROCK =D19900606 (2009-07-18)
how to run as admin? to get the console thing out?kissmo (2009-07-18)
Wow....The game is awesome....Working good..Doesnt need the latest cards..God action game..mowe15 (2009-07-19)
thanks dopeman,, works great,..more power,...l33tfeeg (2009-08-01)
420dopeman you da man! Great download works flawlessly. :D :Dtrungeta (2009-08-04)
i must say that this is my first comment and also the torrent you have made is absolutely fantastic and als thamks for the good seeds.i have'nt run it but i am preety sure it will run.
muse_[13]_bliss (2009-11-29)
works perfectly!thank you dopeman!
cryzel40 (2009-12-01)
Thanks!! Dopeman! Your the best. Works perfect!!!!gb_2108 (2009-12-18)
great work man, tnxLagophtalmus (2009-12-23)
Keep up the good work man!!!Thanx!
abhistarr (2009-12-29)
worked perfect.....just ended d game in 2 hours......thnx for uploadingvaustin (2010-01-04)
This is Clean, and seeds okN1k0Bellic (2010-02-10)
WOO HOO! This game works guys! Download it! No viruses and no BS! Very fun and the ragdolls are awesome! It?s a ?dope? download! Download and seed! :Dvodeni_zeko (2010-02-26)
seed ppl PLS PLSGamerfreak55 (2010-03-06)
Seeding at 50KiB/s. Will seed whole file.Landerset (2010-03-10)
IS IT CRACK??Landerset (2010-03-10)
Great upload did it in 30 min!!!Keep up the good work!
cincuentaydez (2010-03-21)
seeding ;)ronben (2010-04-04)
bad torrentmarcusmenthol (2010-04-06)
Great download, thanks again dopeman.Sondris (2010-06-12)
More seeds would be appriciated.Will seed for some weeks after.
_xX_AJ_Xx_ (2010-06-17)
What more can I say after all so much, works perfectly! Got anything to speed up an old laptop? :-]AJ
thew78 (2010-06-20)
This torrent is:[][][][] [] []
[] [] [] []
[] [] [] []
[][][][] [] []
thew78 (2010-06-20)
It works, but SEED plz.thew78 (2010-06-20)
Lol, download is crazy:First, it is 360kb/s, and then its 5kb/s and then 360kb/s again?
thew78 (2010-06-21)
Mrajsma (2010-07-17)
Can\'t run on win 7oacer (2010-09-14)
Works great....thanks dopeman.ZeMovinPixxle (2010-09-25)
RAAAAAAAAAh why is the tracker responding 404?Kapri25 (2010-10-20)
Thank you to Dopeman for all the great games! Was wondering if your doing any more or if there are any other people like you that you can reccomend?N1k0Bellic (2010-10-27)
This game rocks and so does this torrent!No mounting and ISO s*** here! Unrar and play 100%!
The mods (FPS mod FTW!) and the cheats are AWESOME! The graphics are amazing considering how old this game is! The physics are AWESOME and make for some funny moments.
Havok physics all the way!!
One of my favorite things to do is to go to certain levels, use the "coder" cheat, choose the Dragonuv, and either quick-scope or no-scope! It's good practice! Go ahead, download this game and try it!
I will seed forever!
sp1kenson (2010-11-25)
Runs in processes in Windows 7 but doesn't come up on desktop... tried compability mode and installed dx9 but cant play :(magnum2007 (2010-12-21)
sp1kenson:Runs in processes in Windows 7 but doesn't come up on desktop... tried compability mode and installed dx9 but cant play :(
Just run it again the second launch (.exe) will display but the first one will stay useless. You can close it from task manager if necessary.
dan2090 (2011-02-01)
Work great on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 ed. Thanks dopeman for saving us time to install ... just dl and play :Dcheers m8 ;)
MartynReeves (2011-04-14)
so fast man it only takes few minutes.Thanks dopemanProudlittlebear (2011-04-19)
YOU ARE ALEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gamer1994 (2011-05-01)
hi....anyone can tell me when max payne 3 will be releasing......
KalmahFTW (2011-05-08)
Dopeman, maddest cunt outadangarza (2011-05-29)
gracias por el aporte dopeman funciono perfectamente, aunque al principio le di en descomprimir en 7-zip y no descomprimio nada, pero le de en la otra opcion donde dice descomprimir aqui y esa opcion si funciono me lo descomprimio, y ya solo hay que darle en el archivo MaxPayne2.exe y a jugar pues nuevamente gracias dopeman eres el mejor entre los mejoresherecomestherain (2011-06-09)
nice gamestef619 (2011-07-14)
Good game ............. :)deaderman (2011-07-19)
Dopeman, you dope. In the good way.ganjababy1st (2011-09-14)
man your a good uploader i like these kind of game you have any more shooting games ?ganjababy1st (2011-09-14)
good game thanks man ..........somrock (2011-10-28)
the game is the bestsomrock (2011-10-28)
nice game!!!!!!!!1 really worked great!!!!!!!!! thanks dopeman........megakil (2011-11-05)
game i excelent and torrentSackAttack445 (2012-01-02)
Works great. Thanks dude.ani1000 (2012-01-02)
SUper game U rok dopeman :Dxorkatoss (2012-01-11)
awesome!! :Dsumitg (2012-03-10)
Hahahhaa you wrote FPS in Genrebut I suppose Torrent would b nice coz all ur torrents are awesome
And yes doe it contains MaxED??
xXJalapeno1Xx (2012-04-14)
HELP when i play i cant use my keyboard how can i fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!distinctkid (2012-05-20)
i have downloaded the game extracted it and everything but when i try to run the game but there is a warning that says 'max payne 2 requires microsoft direct X 9.0' does anyone know where i can download direct xsati777 (2012-06-01)
yeah@ microsoft u can download directx, btw. dopeman is inactive, hes the best ripper, always helpin the low bandwith community, thx0BS0L33T (2012-06-29)
They better give you a skull man!KFpcGAMER (2012-07-14)
@sati777 can u plz help me find an active ripper like dopeman..i mean some1 who does the torrents "Unrar & Play" ...cause i need help...i dont really like torrents like "copy that to the game dir" and such...can any1 help me out? plz? xDe7add9 (2012-07-20)
thanks man! I fucking love this game so much.rs4o (2012-07-22)
game works perfect!!!thanks!
prateekz8 (2012-07-31)
i did every thing that was asked to be done but still i am getting this error''Max Payne2 requires a Microsoft DirectX 9.0 compatible display adapter. Please consult the troubleshooting readme in the installation folder.''
and i couldnt find any read me regarding troubleshooting!!!!!!!!!! HELP NEEDED
boots2asses58 (2012-08-27)
@prateekz8 Can you give more info about your PC? If your PC had Windows XP when you first bought it, have you installed ALL the drivers? All Windows XP and above cards of my knowledge are DirectX 8.0 or 9.0 compatible. Also try enabling hardware acceleration on your PC. Lastly, please be noted that Max Payne 2 requires AT LEAST 32 MB RAMKrokietPL (2012-12-10)
Great torrent!mrtailsluver1 (2013-04-20)
magnum2007: sp1kenson:Runs in processes in Windows 7 but doesn't come up on desktop... tried compability mode and installed dx9 but cant play :(
Just run it again the second launch (.exe) will display but the first one will stay useless. You can close it from task manager if necessary.
it doesnt work, ive tried it on my win8. any help?
mrtailsluver1 (2013-04-20)
i tried what magnum2007 said, it comes up in the possesses one second (the second one) then shuts down. any help? (i have win8 btw)pagiesuecorgi (2013-06-18)
can't begin part 3 due to a missing 'image'-file of a "building" using win7 and ur game runs properly until that point... T_T PLS FIX...pagiesuecorgi (2013-06-18)
CORRECTION: cannot continue to part 2 chapter 3 of the game due to a missing file named "delirict bulding" or something pls fix this thnx... T_TCompactusdiskus (2014-06-05)
Can someone help me?I just unzipped it on Windows 8, I made the shortcut onto my desktop, double clicked it and nothing happened
I tried doing it on compatibility settings for
Windows 98/Me
XP (Both packs)
Windows 7
and Windows 8
1. [PC] Max Payne 2 The Fall of Max Payne [RIP] [dopeman]/dopeman games.url 280 bytes
2. [PC] Max Payne 2 The Fall of Max Payne [RIP] [dopeman]/dopeman.nfo 3.00 Kb
3. [PC] Max Payne 2 The Fall of Max Payne [RIP] [dopeman]/Max Payne 2.7z 1054.49 Mb