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Lock On: Modern Air Combat Flaming Cliffs




Games PC


Lock On: Modern Air Combat Flaming Cliffs




2006-01-28 (by M33S3)


In response to problems with my other upload for LOMAC GOLD, this is a redone image of disk 2, with all the bells and whistles Alcohol 120% has to offer, and left with the original disk name, read at 4X (pretty much the same as the other only done slower). There is nothing more I can or will do, so for those of you with problems with the iamge, either figure it out or hope for a fixed exe. I haven't done any testing with any of the images simply because I don't have the time. If you don't want to download any part of my other upload of LOMAC, you can use any copy of disk 1 out there, just install the original, then install Flaming Cliffs (you will use the Flaming Cliffs disk to run the game). For bypassing StarForce, there are several programs included with the game UFO: Aftershock, which also has the only fixed exe crack I know of for a StarForce protected game.

Files count:



831.74 Mb




TheProphetD (2006-01-28)

Thanks you a lot! I really hope it will work.

DFP (2006-01-30)

can anyone confirm that this works?

tungxxx (2006-01-30)

"make the image w/ RMPS in Alcohol", do you mean we MUST have the original disc to make a .MDS that works? or we can made this .MDS from our image (to another image w/ RMPS)?

Zack2k (2006-01-30)

Yeah it would have to be the original disc. Unless you can find an MDS file somewhere that is specifically for Lockon Gold version (not the Russian or FC standalone). If you did then you could probably use that one. There's actually a Russian version floating around that apparently works but I haven't been able to get a hold of it. File names are lockonflcl.mdf/mds for that one.

DFP (2006-01-30)

cant run here either, bloody starforce.
has anyone tried downloading the download version of the game from emule and trying the registry key that's available there too?

tungxxx (2006-01-30)

omfg, M33S3 doesnt want to help us anymore. M33S3, we beg you to make an image following Zack2k's instructions, we only need a MDS made w/ RMPS enabled, a tiny file that u can upload on a free host. Can u?

ResonanceX2 (2006-02-12)

Still doesn't work... I hope someone could make a working image (And test it before uploading!)

allanman (2006-02-17)

starforce asks for a disc key. anyone got one?

MrSoul (2006-04-21)

seeda? någon? snälla?

Ulster-Podge (2006-05-25)

Has there been any progress on cracking this one?

Kaldun (2006-07-22)

Hey, someody, how can we crack this? Is it possible yet. If it is straforce ver 3.xx then it is unpossible yet. M33S3, you probably know something if you seeded it?

colinroyce (2006-08-06)

I havent downloaded yet, but I think the game came out in 2003, I think I could put everyones mind at ease, try running it under win2000 compatability mode, that just might do the trick.
Just check the properties of the shortcut and alter compatability mode.

dinja_86 (2006-12-31)

Guys, we must be the biggest idiots on the world... Just update the game and play, worked as hell for me

grim-viking (2007-01-15)

Okay can you guy´s explain that better b`course i don´t know what you are talking about im not good to english im from denmark and i cannot understand what you are saying Pls explain better ..... PLS

grim-viking (2007-01-15)

And where can i find LockOnPatch101To102

op001 (2007-06-13)

It CAN'T BE ANY CRACK FOR StarForce! You can only make an image of the disks and play using VIRTUAL IMAGE.
Here is some link to LockOn Flaming Cliffs (RUS!!!)

(Registration needed)
34SHARE! :)
P.S. You can write me in english or russian to My nick is op003

op001 (2007-06-13)

What I can say to you guys.... learn russian to play this game ;) if you have bought legal CD's of this game just make a note. I'll help you to grab and share it :)

coleusrattus (2007-11-21)

This torrent works, I tried following:
1. Dowlnoad (duh)
2. Burn Image on CD with ImgBurn
3. Install Lock On: Modern Air Combat (or Air Combat Simulator, it's the same game)
4. Install LoMAC Patch 1.02
5. Install LoMAC: Flaming Cliffs of the burned CD
6. Install Flaming Cliffs Patch 1.12b
et voilá, it works flawlessly.

JackieDan (2007-12-20)

Combat Flaming Cliffs does not work! We need a crack that can eliminate starforce. Anyone got it?

-LonelyWolf- (2008-01-28)

What did you actually?

Msciw (2008-02-05)

can we get any help here from u 003?

Rayovak2.5 (2008-02-06)

can´t just somebody upload the installer instead of having to pass trough this fucked up shit of nero burning rom and all that stuff; hey im not a computer programer, im not very good at computer stuff either......

spud110 (2008-03-05)

i have it going, installed lock on , update to 1.02 , installed FC over network(only coz my cd is dead) , update to 1.12b , mount image with latest deamon tools lite , run thru anti blaxx manager 1.18 securom 7 mode. and it actually works !! ive been trying to get this going for ages , so im very happy..

Ymmot_991 (2008-03-10)

Have anyone actually made this game work?? if u did make it works pls share with rest of us

spud110 (2008-03-10)

yes!!! read the post previous to yours!!

kollumer (2008-03-14)

Spud 110, your the best!!!!!!
Got it up and running, thnx to your guide. But keep in mind, that you have to use the right 1.12 update, or it doesn't work. I believe it was euro gold.
Good luck to everybody who is gonna play this game!!!

thatguykalem (2008-03-20)

Holy crap!
Thanks to the seeders! Because I've got a terrible internet connection, the best I usually get is 10-15KB/s, but for this I'm getting 20KB/s!
It's only gonna take 22 hours! Thankyou guys!
I will seed the hell out of this when i'm done...

kollumer (2008-03-20)

Did the following thing:
(mount images with alcohol 120%)
- install lockon
- install 1.02 update
- install flaming cliffs
- install flaming cliffs update version addon gold euro
- install and run antiblaxx
- put lockon image (not flaming cliffs!!!) back in virtual drive
- put the alcohol path in antiblaxx
- set the lockon.exe in gamepath and put securom 7 on.
- press close
- use right mouseclick on antiblaxx in bottom right corner and start your game!!
Good luck to all

Svedan1991 (2008-03-21)

kollumer: which version of 1.12 should i install

hollycrap (2008-03-25)

"ERROR! failed to indentfy disc in the driver. please insert a licensed disc." This is what happens when the ACTIVATION ends. I used this Anti blaxx thing with alcohol 120 ....and when tried to use with my daemon tools ( PRO 4.10.0218 ) Antiblax dont find the DTools.exe.....

hollycrap (2008-03-25)

Yeah.....made it run UFA! ALELUIA!......ok...
1st.......I think that the best way of running it is burning with Nero or ISOburn like coleusrattus did, but i didn't have CDR here....
" coleusrattus at 2007-11-21 16:05 CET:
This torrent works, I tried following:
1. Dowlnoad (duh)
2. Burn Image on CD with ImgBurn
3. Install Lock On: Modern Air Combat (or Air Combat Simulator, it's the same game)
4. Install LoMAC Patch 1.02
5. Install LoMAC: Flaming Cliffs of the burned CD
6. Install Flaming Cliffs Patch 1.12b
et voilá, it works flawlessly."
2nd.... Try with this Antiblaxx like spud110 or kollumer did.
" kollumer at 2008-03-20 14:37 CET:
Did the following thing:
(mount images with alcohol 120%)
- install lockon
- install 1.02 update
- install flaming cliffs
- install flaming cliffs update version addon gold euro
- install and run antiblaxx
- put lockon image (not flaming cliffs!!!) back in virtual drive
- put the alcohol path in antiblaxx
- set the lockon.exe in gamepath and put securom 7 on.
- press close
- use right mouseclick on antiblaxx in bottom right corner and start your game!!
Good luck to all "
If it still doesn't work try :
1...Install lomac (lock on moder air combat)
* Install ALL the files the setup ask
2 Download and install patch 1.00 to 1.01
3 Download and install patch 1.01 to 1.02
*( I didn't test it with 1.00 to 1.02 )
4 Install LOMAC Flaming Cliffs (1.10), StarForce will be installed with FC.
5 Download and install patch 1.10 to 1.11
6 Download and install patch 1.11 to 1.12b, This Patch "update" the Starforce protection.
7 Install Patch 1.01 to 1.02 again or 1.00 to 1.02, this patch will "break" the StarForce Protection.
8 Play
This is the most "Patched" way, you DO install patch 1.02 again, BUT the changes and benefits of versions 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12b stay on your LOMAC.
Good Luck to all

kollumer (2008-03-26)

When i wrote my guide, i was installing it to. So it is good. The 1.12 update version i used was:

And don't mount the flaming cliffs image when you start the game, use the lockon image!

kollumer (2008-04-04)

Hi guys.
I'm having a strange problem here. In my last post, i said that it was easy to install. But now i have a new xp install, and i can't seem to install it properly again. Also, i have to use the 1.12b us gold patch to update the game, but i am sure i used the eng patch before. Any ideas?
The fact that it can be played when patched to 1.12b without starforce problems indicates that there now is room for people who want to make a fixed exe. just spread the word.

badroz_2008 (2008-04-05)

to member (hollycrap) :
u r one son of a bitch for writing the previous comment about ((PACH Downoading - installing)) cause we both knows that it'll never work , not with anti-blaxx , not wit DemonTools , not with Alchol120 , no matter what u use ..
YOU Fucking FAGOT , wasting people's time for no good Reason !

hollycrap (2008-04-05)

sorry man.... i was trying to help.....I think you should try running lomac with anti blaxx... But just in case, the only thing that doesn't work in my tutorial is the training video session called TOP GUN. All the other features are working perfectly.

kollumer (2008-04-06)

Got it back to work!!!!!!!!!!!
Did a normal install like i wrote before and patched it to 1.12b using the usgold update. After that i did not use antiblaxx, but securom7burnerloader. Download here:
Unzip this file, run ''secu_7_burner_load'', load the the game exe and play!!!

badroz_2008 (2008-04-06)

hollycrap ..
u dont need to apologize , i did over reacted on my comment, anyway we still need a crack , the game wont lunch with that bitchy securom on it !

Crayola67 (2008-04-06)

you guys know theres a starforce removal tool available at right?

Please note that the Starforce removal tool is only to be used if you want to remove Lockon from your system. First uninstall lockon then run tool. If you run tool without uninstalling Lockon, Lockon will automatically install starforce drivers the next time it is executed. 1.12 patch does NOT remove starforce protection but reduces CD check to once a week instead of every time you run lockon.

hollycrap (2008-04-08)

actually i didn't ....ill try.....thanks for the tip

thatguykalem (2008-04-28)

I try to install it, but everytime I click INSTALL, the window freezes and I can't do anything else.

Anthony817 (2008-05-12)

This worked for me.....
1.install game LOMAC
2.Install flaming cliffs
3.Download and install patch 1.11 to 1.12b, This Patch "update" the Starforce protection.
4. Install Patch 1.01 to 1.02 again or 1.00 to 1.02, this patch will "break" the StarForce Protection.
Just basicaly what kollumer said earlier, but with fewer staps lol. It was very easy for me to get runing.
Where the fuck are the servers now on Hyperlobby? I always get disconnected?

Anthony817 (2008-05-13)

Starforce remover tool

Can some tallented people hack the remover to make our addon work?

doniking (2008-05-13)

there is still no crack for this game.
If you apply 1.02 patch, you can't join hyperlobby.

doniking (2008-05-13)

for those who has successfully run this game, did you select YES or NO when asked to install starforce library?

doniking (2008-05-14)

I got this:
You may be trying to access the old design site, which has been removed, please use the links under ?Channels? to the left to find what you are looking for in the appropriate sections.
when trying to download
ANd i have googled until google sent me a bill.
But I got nothing. Anyone please give me URL to this file. Thanks

Anthony817 (2008-05-16)

Should we give up on this or what?
It doesnt look like this will ever work correct.

qsdfg123456 (2008-05-23)

Hey, somebody still trying to get this work? i got mine work and used nothing from the above solutions because they just didn't work for me :s

killingsnake (2008-06-08)

I simply did this and got it to work: First Download the first cd of his previous upload, LoMAC Gold:

Then download this cd for the addon, Flaming cliffs. Burn it, and install. Download the 1.12b patch from the lock on website, and install.. When you run the game, it'll probally ask to install starforce, just let it. Restart, and after that the game worked fine for me.. Let me know if this helped, and have fun!

killingsnake (2008-06-16)

Hmm... I've Never been asked for a serial ever, and i've installed this a couple of times... Try installing Y.A.S.U. (yet another SecuRom Utility). It perhaps? I noticed I have it running while i play it.. I know, it's designed for securom and safedisk, but its one of the tools i almost use all the time to get around security... Let me know if this helped!

killingsnake (2008-06-16)

Forgot on my last post: Patched it with the EURO version..

Bugfur (2008-06-21)

Flight sims are dying as it is. Buy the damn thing, you cheap pricks.

DaNoob (2008-06-29)

So this makes it 1.1... where do i download 1.11 and 1.11b

DaNoob (2008-06-30)


DaNoob (2008-06-30)

wtf is yet another SecuRom Utility and where do i get it...

killingsnake (2008-07-05)

Have you ever even tried google? It's probally the first hit! The patches for the game can be downloaded from the lock on website.. You'll have to make account, but you don't have to really own the game to do so..

DaNoob (2008-07-05)

I gave up... Lock on 1.02 is fine for me and i can still play online with the lobby. Its not that bad and there is almost 8-25 people in there anyway. and if there are no games its really easy to host but i have problems when i make the name 2 or more wards long.

zcolek (2008-07-08)

look i tryed evry step, i downloded locon gold 1st cd, flaming cliffs from here, install gold 1cd, instal parch 1.02, install flaming cliffs, patch 1.12b, tred with anti blaxx, demon 4 lite, sf nightmare, burn wit image burn, all all all but nothing, can enybody help me. how. plz... :)

zcolek (2008-07-08)

And why we should bur with image bur when we must load it from virtual, i tred to desable virtual an to run from cd, but it say's cant find cd... :(
Starforce evry time says faild to identify cd..bla bla bla, sometimes it aks me for disk key, i tryed EVL0000412, i was thinkig that is the key, but no... what to enter there, and how to bypass the fucking SF.... :(

meridianalpha (2008-07-24)

another try:
install all games & patches to flaming cliffs v1.12b inclusive starforce. Mount this Image in Deamon Tools (4.10?) emulation items unchecked . Start Lock On (Flaming Cliffs), while Starforce checks the disk you have to copy all files from the image to the harddisk. Let Starfoce checking out the image (ca. 3 min!)... I dont know why, but in this way Flaming Cliffs works for me

alphapilot (2008-08-01)

this worked for me too...
i'm using version 1.1 of flaming cliffs (without patch). using this method i tryed to open the game 3 times and just one gone bad (good rate. before this it was probably one in a hundred).

alphapilot (2008-08-01)

lomac was v1.02 than i installed FC with this iso rapid share dot com/users/882IHC using daemon tools 4.30.1 with emulation items unchecked. copied all cd files to hd than duble clicked on FC icon doing it again 3 secs after. SF checking starts but stucks in the middle. it ends when the file transfer ends. SF said it failed than i clicked finish. automaticaly the game started.
i think this method is all about put your cpu to work at 100% before run the game twice. at my pc this takes about 15mins and i dont know if this works with 1.11, 1.12 or 1.12b
p.s. i opened and closed task manager some times to check out the cpu usage wile wating file transer ends.

vacaap (2008-08-15)

Install LOMAC Gold and Flaming Cliffs
Download and install 1.12b update
use the newest YASU to overrun the LOMAC protection
mount the FIRST (LOMAC Gold) CD with Deamon Tools
run the game
This works for me I hope it works for everyone else, enjoy!!!

geoweb26 (2008-08-16)

this image its working thanks M33S3.
instalation steps:
1.burn this image with alcohol 120 and -Burn "RMPS" to recordable media - enabled on a normal cd.
2.install first cd (lock on gold cd1 or Lock On: Modern Air Combat )
3.apply patch lock_on_v1.01_to_v1.02
4.install this image flaming cliffs from burned cd (EVL0000412)
5.apply patch

6.after all instalation use sec7burner_loader(google it) to start lockon.exe or use antiblaxx 1.18 with securom7 enabled.
excuse me for my english :)
any news for release Lock On Black Shark Addon ?

vacaap (2008-08-16)

they said that it will be released in 2008, bu they didn't give out any specific date, damn

vacaap (2008-08-16)

damn, a few days ago it worked just perfectly, now when I reinstalled the game it just doesn't seem to work, I really don't see whats went wrong here!

DaNoob (2008-08-20)

K i got YOSU and daemon tools... i installed FC and patched it but when i run it it asks for a cd key. It does not do any checks so i end up having to uninstall everything and put it back to 1.02.

geoweb26 (2008-08-20)

danoob use this patch :Patch ver.1.12b for LockOn Gold released in USA only and for CD installed english language version of LockOn 1.1: Flaming Cliffs from lockon website and put your burned cd in dvd-rw . i think you use Patch ver.1.12b for LockOn Gold released in UK, Germany and France and ask for activation

geoweb26 (2008-08-20)


vacaap (2008-08-21)

where can we find this 'specific' patch???

Helen_Sanders (2008-08-25)

Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen.
I THINK I have the solution:
Burn the imagefile to a DVD using BlindWrite:

In BlindWrite, set the configuration to Automatic Profile and lowest burn speed available for your system.
Burn, install the game and play.
By the way:
I use Vista SP1, so I had to update the Starforce Protection driver. The update is here:

This, believe it or not, worked perfectly for me.
No need for a, b or whatever update.

Combichrist (2008-08-25)

Another one solution without burning CD'S:
1.get the latest Daemon Tools Lite from and install it
2.install LOMAC (first image)
3.apply lock_on_v1.01_to_v1.02 patch
4.install Flaming Cliffs (second image)
6.get Anti-blaxx 1.8, install and go to Settings, under Daemon Tools field find daemon.exe,then select Securom7 as protection and under Game field find lockon.exe and press close Daemon-tools, mount second CD
8.apply lock_on_upgrade_all_v1.02 patch the game through Anti-blaxx and have fun ;))
P.S. In-game "Top gun" training section doesn't work
U can find patches here
and here

geoweb26 (2008-08-26)

i found a excelent program like daemon to make and mount this image.(Farstone VirtualDrive 11.5)

airsangel (2008-09-17)

seeed plz

DaNoob (2008-10-23)

Hey i think i found a way to crack this...
1. type in black shark and download the game from TPB
2. make sure no starforce drivers are on your computer
3. install game
4. open up the antistarforce folder then unpack the files
5. use windows add hardware to add the driver on your computer
6. mount with DT with the rmps on
7. run the game by clicking the exe
And now you have black shark on your computer... it should work with lock on...

DaNoob (2008-10-24)

No... the driver saddly does not work... But there is a driver that will work but i havent found one yet /cry

milance74 (2008-12-20)

All theese years I've been trying to start this simulation with no luck and now you made me do it.I don't have words to express my gratefulness.
Helen_Sanders would you merry me?

Rixan (2008-12-22)

I tried Helen's method, burned a DVD using Blindwrite with automatic profile and slowest speed, updated SF and launched the sim.....but same error with SF not recognizing my dvd as original. Did I forget something?
My OS is Xp Sp3, instead of Vista like Helen_sanders.

Rixan (2008-12-22)

UPDATE: Helen_Sanders IS RIGHT!!!
As I said before, I followed the instructions but... I didn't update FC to the latest version.
So THIS should be the DEFINITIVE method:
1. Burn the imagefile to a DVD using BlindWrite:
and setting it to Automatic Profile and lowest burn speed (mine was 2.4x and took about 5minutes)
2. Install Flaming Cliffs FROM DVD. No Daemon Tools or Anti-blaxx needed!
3. Update SF with

5. Download and install Lock ON Patch - 1.1 (CD installed) to 1.12b

6. Launch Lock On: FC and as it will ask to reboot, answer YES.
7. Enjoy this beautiful Sim and think if it's worth to support these guys with just $14,95 for the original one.
*Grazie/Thanks Helen_Sanders!*

alphapilot (2009-01-12)

Helen_Sanders method worked for me too...

ionpopabc (2009-01-18)

Thanks Helen Sanders and Rixan. I'd like to improve the explanation a bit, because I didn't make it from the first try.
1. Get the first CD of the game, which is not in this torrent, but in the Lock On GOLD torrent. Install only CD 1 now. This will install the 1.00 or 1.01 version (it doesn't matter).
2. Download and install this patch
which updates the older 1.00 or 1.01 to the more recent 1.02 version.
3. Burn the CD 2 (Flaming Cliffs) imagefile to a physical CD using BlindWrite:
and setting it to Automatic Profile and lowest burn speed.
4. Install Flaming Cliffs (CD 2) from the physical CD you burned. Do NOT run the game yet.
5. Because you may not know if you already have StarForce installed by another game, it's best to uninstall the StarForce by using this utility from

6. Reboot/Restart your computer.
7. Now run "Lock On.exe" from the game folder (or your desktop shortcut). The game will NOT work now, but will install StarForce and after that it asks for reboot. So just say Yes to reboot.
8. After step 6, you know that StarForce is installed so you can now update it using this utility from

9. Reboot you computer.
10. Download and install the patch 1.12b from this link

11. Run the Lock On.exe from game folder or desktop shortcut. This will ask you to install some libraries for StarForce. Accept it and click Yes when it asks to reboot.
12. Put the physical CD in the drive and run the game. It should run and pass the CD check with success. You can now put the CD out of the drive for a week because the checking is done once a week.
This method has more steps but I am confident it works every time (unless you don't even know how to extract files from an archive).

ZEDAWMN (2009-01-23)

I don't want to wait to check the disc at the start of the game. The check is too slow... and it check the disc every time I start the game.

BookieM (2009-02-04)

Ion, Milance and others with sucess of turnaround SF, which type of widows runing for ya? and service pack please?

BookieM (2009-02-04)

I mean windows heh sry

ionpopabc (2009-02-05)

@BookieM: I have Windows XP with Service Pack 2. I am sure it works with Vista too but maybe you'd need to try turning off UAC (User Account Control) if you have problems. To turn it off go to Start -> Run -> type "msconfig" and hit then go to the "Tools" tab, select "Disable UAC" from the list and hit "Launch". Then hit "OK" and reboot your PC. Then just try to reinstall from the beginning.

strangerben (2009-02-06)

I tried the "Helen Sanders and Rixan" way of installing as written down by ionpopabc however it doesn't work for me. I ve written the image file of CD 2 to a CD-RW (I dont know whether it may be the problem) and the speed of writing was 10X, cause I had only this option. I start the game with the CD-RW in the drive, the Checking Disk windows appears and after about 4 minutes the following damn message appears: "Failed to identify disk. Insert a licensed disk."
Anyway the linked patch
is a patch of version 1.12a.

ionpopabc (2009-02-09)

@strangerben: I am almost sure it would work with a CD-R instead of CD-RW. By the way, notice i wrote CD and not DVD, because I'm not so sure you can write the image of a CD onto a DVD (and if you could, would it work ???)
In case my method doesn't work, try Rixan's or Helen Sanders' method. The point is don't give up too easily.
Warning : The method with Anti-Blaxx (posted by Combichrist and others) is NOT correct, as it only installs version 1.02 of the "LockOn.exe" in the last step, so you can't play with Su-25T. The only Su-25 you can fly is the older non-"T" version. I know it because I already tried that.

strangerben (2009-02-10)

I've written the image file of Flaming Cliffs to a CD-R but it does not work either. The Checking Disk comes up when I start the game and (like with the CD-RW) and after approx. 4 minutes it finishes and the next appears: Failed to identify disk. Insert a licensed disk. Like with the CD-RW. The image file was written with the Blindwrite you recommended. It was written with a speed of 8X (the min.) and with Automatic profile. Dunno what the problem is. Last summer I managed to launch Flaming Cliffs with a CD-RW, which was written with Alcohol120% with the StarForce Datatype. But now that CD-RW does not work. :S
To solve the problem I would be grateful if ionpopabc and the others, who wanna make this game work gave their MSN address. We should pass StarForce.

ionpopabc (2009-02-10)

My e-mail is [email protected]

fdr123 (2009-02-10)

ionpopabcss way worked for me its all down to the 1.12b patch if after 1.12b patch you see the orange starforce check its the wrong patch after patch it shud be white with a blue border i also burnt it with nero on to a dvd rw so it DOES WORK IF YOU DOIT RIGHT IVE HAD THIS GAME YEARS AND NOT BEEN ABLE TO PLAY TILL NOW
1. Get the first CD of the game, which is not in this torrent, but in the Lock On GOLD torrent. Install only CD 1 now. This will install the 1.00 or 1.01 version (it doesn't matter).
2. Download and install this patch
which updates the older 1.00 or 1.01 to the more recent 1.02 version.
3. Burn the CD 2 (Flaming Cliffs) imagefile to a physical CD using BlindWrite:
and setting it to Automatic Profile and lowest burn speed.
4. Install Flaming Cliffs (CD 2) from the physical CD you burned. Do NOT run the game yet.
5. Because you may not know if you already have StarForce installed by another game, it's best to uninstall the StarForce by using this utility from

6. Reboot/Restart your computer.
7. Now run "Lock On.exe" from the game folder (or your desktop shortcut). The game will NOT work now, but will install StarForce and after that it asks for reboot. So just say Yes to reboot.
8. After step 6, you know that StarForce is installed so you can now update it using this utility from

9. Reboot you computer.
10. Download and install the patch 1.12b from this link

11. Run the Lock On.exe from game folder or desktop shortcut. This will ask you to install some libraries for StarForce. Accept it and click Yes when it asks to reboot.
12. Put the physical CD in the drive and run the game. It should run and pass the CD check with success. You can now put the CD out of the drive for a week because the checking is done once a week.
This method has more steps but I am confident it works every time (unless you don't even know how to extract files from an archive).

ionpopabc (2009-02-11)

I promise to put some pictures (maybe tomorrow if I have time) with each step of the installation of this game (in Windows XP Service Pack 2). It will probably be my last comment on this torrent.

DaNoob (2009-02-15)

What someone needs to do is make an antistarforce driver for this game, or crack it like they did wit hthe russain version of DCS black shark. Yes starforce can be cracked its just harder cause you need to crack a assload of dll files.

DaNoob (2009-02-15)

for anyone who can crack look at the DCS black shark crack on because it might show you where to look and what to crack.

panter4 (2009-03-04)

finaly... after hours of working on this... i got it to work
i have made 2 diferences from the instructions posted
1. (fairly obvious but not written down) you have to disable all daemon tools virtual drives
2. i have vista so the starforce drivers wont install before the patch so first install the 1.12b patch and then try running the game for the first time to install starforce drivers and libraries
3. newer versions of blindwrite wont work (atleast the newest one) get the exact version posted

DaNoob (2009-03-21)

You can crack this it just will take someone who knows what they are doing. Most of the people with the skill who can crack this game dotn even know about it.You dont just crack the exe you also have to crack a few .dll files just like whoever cracked DCS black shark russain...

airsangel (2009-04-17)

seeeed this awesome torrent

airsangel (2009-04-20)

seeeeeeeeeed plz 5 kbp is nothing

airsangel (2009-04-21)

nice ppl started to seed but need more

DaNoob (2009-04-23)

I want to upload it to TPB but they are having problems with the upload thing. I have a working version of flaming cliffs the patch and the full russian to english conversion files i made.

airsangel (2009-04-24)

where r the seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeders

Steam.Machine (2009-07-19)

Anti-blaxx method works fine but is useless for Multiplayer through hyperlobby as it attempts to open the main exe...
Still fun in SP though! I'm just too lazy to go through the other methods just now xD
Thanks for the upload!

theo.ask (2009-08-09)

I downloaded Russian version of Flaming Cliffs from piratebay. I need to download the Russian to English patch 1.1 from this site (torrent). But then which 1.12 patch should I pally ? The EU gold one? The USA? There is a Russian one from the official lock-on page but it's in Russian and I don't understand Russian. Then how do I make the game work to bypass Starforce? I have Lock-on installed too.

4n41yz3r (2009-10-04)

It works!!! Helen_Sanders, Rixan, ionpopabc, fdr123 and panter4 method works! Thx alot guys! Seeding 10x!!!!!!!!!!!
The KEY is to WRITE this image to a DVD (I used DVD+R and BlindWrite), and after that you pretty much have the original disc since Starforce cannot tell the difference!
Second, you MUST also DISABLE ALL virtual drives and RESTART your machine. Starforce will NOT run the game even from the ORIGINAL disc as long as there are any virtual drives enabled on your computer.
How to disable drives if you are using DaemonTools: Right click on DT tray icon -> Virtual CD/DVD -> Set number of devices -> Disable. RESTART computer afterwards.
I dont use Alcohol or others, but for a start its good idea to uninstall any emulating software you might be having.
Many thanks to the uploader!

mimorqleko (2010-03-17)

I had issues with the CD check using the methods described previously... But finally I managed to run the game properly.
Follow this 10 easy steps carefully.
1. Use StarFoce remover "sfdrvrem.exe" to remove any trace of StarForce (the CD protection used by this game).
2. Install Lock On v1.0
3. Run the update v1.02
4. Burn THIS TORRENT's CD image on a CD (CD-R or CD-RW) with Alcohol 120%. (YES, a CD!!)
Write Method: DAO/SAO
Write Speed: 4X (600 KB/Sec) or less.
Leave all the other setting as default.
Alcohol120% trial will do it. ;)
5. Install "Flaming Cliffs" from the CD you just burned.
6. Install the patch 1.12b
7. Run "Lock On.exe". The protection system will ask to install additional stuff. Press YES.
8. Reboot
9. Install StarForce Update "sfdrvup.exe" (to enable weekly CD checks)
10. Disable any virtual drive and insert the Flaming Cliffs CD. Run "Lock On.exe" and Enjoy!!!
Remember, no need to insert the CD each time you run the game, just weekly. ;)
some linkz:

mimorqleko (2010-03-18)

The success of passing the protection depends a lot in you CD/DVD reader.
* First try using a CD-RW, if it doesn't work then try burning a DVD-R, and so on, always using the minimum burning speed available.
* For those under windows 7 just follow the steps carefully and you won't have any trouble. ;)

TheProphetD (2010-04-23)

What about a crack for FC 2.0?

the deed (2010-04-28)

What about a crack for FC 2.0? +1....

gumidekcz (2010-04-29)

How can I burn CD-RW with 4x or slower speed?
I was trying to burn on two computers with no luck.
10x was the minimum speed =( Please help.
DVDRW drive:Samsung SH-202N, LG GSA-H44N

TheProphetD (2010-04-29)

It doesn't matter that much, burn it on 10x.

gumidekcz (2010-04-29)

I did, on CD-RW, with Alcohol120 (Write Method: DAO/SAO, all the other setting as default) with 10x speed. Starforce scheck didnt pass. Now I found regular CD-R and burned with 4x speed. So Im courious if it will works..
Sorry for my english

gumidekcz (2010-04-29)

Even 4x speed burned CD didnt help,
but than suddenly.....tadaaaaaa =D
Rename FlamingCliffs.mdf to EVL0000412.mdf
mount with Alcohol120(RMPS,ignore media type emulation)
Play!! and shoot!