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FSX & FS2004 - Horizon Sim - VFR Generation X (Ver2.0): Vol 2






FSX & FS2004 - Horizon Sim - VFR Generation X (Ver2.0): Vol 2




2008-07-17 (by spiders96)


About VFR Generation X Version 2.0: VFR Generation X Version 2.0 includes content provided in Version 1.0 (aerial photography & terrain data), as well as night-scenery, interactive inland water body updates, a new terrain mesh, and a number of other goodies that we think you'll like. Using real aerial photography for scenery means that the views you see from your virtual cockpit are literally transformed into the real thing - you see exactly what the pilots of the survey aircraft saw when they acquired the aerial photography. Explore the UK, go sight-seeing, rehearse flights, practice VFR navigation techniques (using real aeronautical charts), or simply enjoy spectacular views from your virtual cockpit. The resolution and accuracy of the aerial photography and terrain data alone make VFR Generation X the most detailed and accurate flight simulation scenery ever released commercially for a flight simulator - including those sceneries used by civilian and military flight training institutions that costs thousands of times the price. VFR Sceneries are currently being used by thousands of private pilots across the globe, and by commercial and military pilots from some of the world's most revered flying institutions. High-Definition Photographic Scenery: The imagery of choice for the world's leading defence contractors and simulation professionals, Getmapping's aerial photography is second to none for simulation applications. This imagery is included in VFR Generation X at 16 times the detail of that used in the original Award Winning VFR Photographic Scenery for Microsoft FS2002/4. Unparalleled Terrain Detail (5m Terrain Mesh) Generated from Intermap Technologies phenomenal NEXTMap Britain (the most detailed and accurate terrain survey ever undertaken for the UK), VFR Generation X gives users minute topographic detail that shows every lump and bump in England & Wales. Never before has such a terrain mesh been released for Microsoft Flight Simulator on a national scale. Custom Night Scenery: Using new night software and techniques created by Horizon, VFR Generation X gives users incredible scenery to enjoy even at night - you can now practice VFR Navigation at any hour. Real Water Textures (Exclusive to VFR Generation X): Flight Simulator X now provides very much more realistic water effects and allows considerably more freedom in the way that such scenery is created. Gone are the days of Caribbean blue water in UK scenery - VFR Generation X water bodies will give you very realistic water colours (individual to each water body), will provide a moving, reflective surface, will allow float aircraft operations, and will even let you see through to sub-surface features like sand bars and underwater channels. No other scenery for FSX provides this. Enhanced Performance: Smooth frame rates with crisp, sharp photographic scenery - VFR Generation X has been specifically designed to optimise performance and reduce the effects of blurry scenery textures even on lower spec systems. This package is SWEET!!! Here are a few things you should know: * This package is for both FS2004 and FSX * It's over 28 GB with 4 DVD-ISO files * Framerates for this package are surprisingly good! * I will post the 3rd volume once I see enough people are seeding the completed fileset

Files count:



28841.47 Mb




spiders96 (2008-07-18)

OK, this is Volume 2. Enjoy.
Volume 3 to follow in a couple of weeks.

zaodrze244 (2008-07-18)

so way waste timeto download the vol 1.0 when vol. 2.0 has the same as vol 1.0???? please tell why??

spiders96 (2008-07-18)

There are a total of 3 volumes in the complete set. Volume 1 covers South England and South Wales. Volume 2 covers Central England and Mid Wales. Volume 3 covers North England and North Wales. Each volume can be used separately, but you need all 3 volumes if you want complete coverage of all of England and Wales.
I've already posted a torrent for volume 1 a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm posting volume 2. I'll post volume 3 in a couple of weeks.
Here is a link for a description of the software.

hayley_f (2008-07-18)

Firstly, Thanks so much for making these available 'spiders96'
So kind of you, and I for one realy appreciate what your doing.
To all downloaders:
Please seed after downloading, this is a large file & will benefit from as many seeders as possible.
To 'Zaodrze244':
READ Instructions on volume One, and spiders posts, and you will answer your own question.

spiders96 (2008-07-18)

Thanks Hayley

zaodrze244 (2008-07-18)

thanks for the answer, i'm not good in english and yesterday i was lite drunk hihihhi sorry i will help seed

Mr.Sim (2008-07-18)

thanks spiders

zkalos (2008-07-18)

req: VFR USA-CHICAGO from Horizon Sim for FS 2004 please.This was never uploaded in TPB.

Mr.Sim (2008-07-18)

already requested that from spiders and he don't have it

zkalos (2008-07-18)


antiriad1974 (2008-07-19)

thanx for these spiders96, you are a legend...
to anyone wondering whether these are worth downloading, they are. The textures are basically taken from Windows Live Local, so it's an exact representation of the England and Wales.
Can't wait for Volume 3 - I'm going to fly over my house!

flyboi708 (2008-07-19)

is ANYONE good at cracking Captain Sim products??? I have block F and version 1.4 of the 757 for FSX, but no one can crack them...

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-20)

Please Someone out there release MegaScenery X Southern California. This is highly wanted.

Mr.Sim (2008-07-20)

quote***Please Someone out there release MegaScenery X Southern California. This is highly wanted***
Shut the fricken hell up!

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-20)

Mr.Sim grow sum balls and stop talking shit on the internet it really makes you look a moron.

Mr.Sim (2008-07-20)

f**k you and shut up, your the moron

borak stiller (2008-07-21)

Hey Mr. Sim....welcome to the wild and wooly world of torrents. It's kinda like one great big profane pissin' and groveling contest isn't it?
This is a very nice upload spiders.

Mr.Sim (2008-07-21)

lol, hey borak

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-21)

You've proved my point. Enough said.

yeoldecaptain (2008-07-24)

Wow. The leeching world prevails.
Seed, folks. Seriously, this file is not THAT big. It should not take 5 days (volume 2) and 11 days (volume 1) to download a lousy 30 GB. Even on a P2P network if folks were actually seeding that'd be -- like -- an hour or two to download.
Seriously . . . . seed.

borak stiller (2008-07-24)

Nonsense, how can you download 28 Gb in a one or two hours? Most of the delays were because the very generous uploader wasn't always seeding, which is his prerogative, and the torrent would stall for a half day or so.
It can't be downloaded if it's not there in the first place.

yeoldecaptain (2008-07-25)

T'wasn't aimed at the uploader. I seriously appreciate spiders contribution. I was aiming the comment mainly at the ratio of leechers to seeders. Apologies if it was misinterpreted otherwise.

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-25)

I'm sedding I'm seeding!

yeoldecaptain (2008-07-25)

If yer seeding then I am in love with you.
((DISCLAIMER! Please don't take that literally! My wife would kill me. :-P))

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-25)

Don't worry I'm married too lol

madasahatter (2008-07-26)

@spider96..What happened to number 3 on demon it seems to have vanished?

Mr.Sim (2008-07-26)

He hasn't posted Vol3 yet so just stop asking

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-26)

"He hasn't posted Vol3 yet so just stop asking"
..Yes Vol3 is out there and im downloaoding right now.You can get it at demonoid..

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-26)

Looks like its in the process of being uploaded but i already have 30% finished so its getting there

Mr.Sim (2008-07-27)

Well I just looked over there searched for Horizon Simulations and found nothing

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-27)

It's there. Just type in FSX in the search and there it is. Vol3 :o)

BadMotivatoR1 (2008-07-27)

Ok you are right I just went over there and it has vanished. I swear it was there yesterday. I wonder why they pulled the post. I'm still downloading it on my other box though hmmm.

spiders96 (2008-07-27)

Hey everyone.
I'll be posting volume 3 here in a couple of days.

madasahatter (2008-07-27)

@ mr sim and badmotivator.....Can/did any of you two read my comment...It says "What happened to number 3 on DEMON it seems to have VANISHED?"

madasahatter (2008-07-27)

@spider how do you manage to stop people seeing you as seeder. I can see you seeding but you aint on 100% ..Or is there a setting in your torrent app..

neslesman (2008-07-28)

I wondered about that too madhatter. There never is anyone seeding but it's always being seeded. I wonder what the trick is. I use uTorrent.
As to part 3 you guys need to sharpen up your search skills over at Demonoid. Try searching VFR_GENX_3. I've been downloading for two days also and will help seed when it comes up here.
Thanks again to spiders96 on both forums. With all the bitching and whining around here I don't think a lot of people really appreciate what a gift it is for someone to package up, archive and upload 28 Gb. [3 TIMES]

spiders96 (2008-07-28)

Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I'm using Bittorrent, and yes I am seeding Volume 3 through Demonoid. I've wanted to start with just a few people, so I posted it there first. I've been having problems with my Internet connection, and I didn't want to have lots of people downloading from Pirate Bay then get upset if my connection failed. I think everything is fine now, and I will try to post Volume 3 here tonight.
Best wishes to all.

spiders96 (2008-07-28)

OK...volume 3 is now posted.

Thalinor (2008-08-08)

Thank You spiders96!!!
The size of this torrent looks intimidating but for those who really want it you CAN get it with a little work. I am at 50% on all three vol's and have been DL now for 3 days straight. Not too bad if you keep things in prospective. Today things started to slow down a little though; I hope that people don't give up.
Those who have the torrent PLEASE KEEP SEEDING and those who want it, put in the effort and you will get a nice $150 addon for FS.

SX-II (2008-09-08)

FSX Eaglesoft Citation X 750 1.0

FSX Eaglesoft Raytheon Premier 1

Mr.Sim (2008-09-22)

This one is no good, you dont get the NightLighting or water masks

FUCKWOS (2008-10-13)

Mr. Sim you fag, stfu nOOB
get your facts straight,
go back to your WOS family TPB don't need ya :)
go answer to your nig boss!

MajorWales (2010-06-12)

i'll be seeding as long as i can, but i have to limit my up speed to 40k coz otherwise my internet will be cut off.

fuzdemon (2012-03-04)

tvm. i had to buy a new hard drive to down this, then I accidently fried it and had to buy another one lololol