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808 iPhone/iPod Touch Applications / X-Mas iBrain Pack / ipa
808 iPhone/iPod Touch Applications / X-Mas iBrain Pack / ipa
2009-01-01 (by Korich)
X-Mas iBrain App Pack
It's nulled iPhone/iPod Touch Applications and Games
Just drag it to iTunes and use ;)
!!! Happy New Year !!!
Made in Ukraine
and reed more at
speed 2mb/s
This is updated App from
FusionX Manual
How to install those custom applications:
1. Install OpenSSH through Cydia...
I'd also install the 'SSH toggler button' avaiable in the Cydia packaging.
SSH remains on by default even after you are done using it. SSH can drain
a lot of battery, so you want to disable it when you are finished!!!
2. Enable WIFI on your iPhone, log into your network, and write down its IP address
3. Open CUTE FTP.... and set it up as SFTP on SSH2
4. Put in your iPhone's IP address
5. Put in your iPhone's credentials - username: root password: alpine
6. Create a folder called Documents in /var/mobile/ and set permission to 777
7. Create a folder called Documents in the /Applications folder and set permissions to 777.
This will fix the Disk Full error message seen when launching certain games
Note: You will only need to create these two Documents folders onceâ
8. Go to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework
9. Rename the file MobileInstallation to MobileInstallation.bak
10. Locate the patched MobileInstallation file inside this release
Note: The MobileInstallation file works for both v2.1 and v2.2 firmware!
11. Place the patched file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework folder and set the permissions 775 for the patched MobileInstallation file
12. Reboot your iPhone
13. Download at least one App from Apple App Store and sync it (Free or Paid)
IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! [Only need to do this once]
14. Now you can download cracked .ipa Games and Apps
15. Double click on the cracked .ipa you downloaded for it to show up in the iTunes applications
16. Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy
IMPORTANT: Remember to turn off SSH when done [stays on by default and drains battery]
Files count:
5536.58 Mb
eliotschreiner (2009-01-02)
Do these require a jailbroken iphone? Are there ANY that don't require a jailbroken iphone?karltech (2009-01-02)
@eliotschreinerFat chance, all of the cracked ipas require that the mobileinstallation is also cracked otherwise the iPod/iTunes will reject them. And of course you can't crack the mobileinstallation file without having jailbroken the iPod. So tough luck if you're on a 2nd gen iPod Touch (just have to wait til they figure out the hardware).
Shunnabunich (2009-01-04)
Just to point out, the MobileInstallation patch can be applied from within Cydia now, just as easily as you'd install any other software (just with the added step of getting somthing legitimately from the App Store to "warm it up"). But yes, unless your device is jailbroken, it's not getting any of the apps in this torrent.Limewir (2009-01-04)
Hey, just a quick question. Does this include the game ''Hero of Sparta"?najmite (2009-01-05)
@Limewiryes.hero of sparta is included.
Limewir (2009-01-06)
Hey, I'm getting the error when I try to put the application into iTunes. I'm kinda confused on how to fix this, can I do it all on my computer or do I need to get wi-fi for my iPod Touch and do that process?najmite (2009-01-08)
just follow the will work!
Spironic (2009-01-08)
Why are the free apps in here? Doesn't that seem like a waste of bandwidth when we can already get them from the app store for free?karltech (2009-01-12)
@SpironicIt helps to have them, because you never know when Apple will decide to remove one (hence part of the reason behind jailbreaking), or when the free version will no longer be available in lei of a paid version.
Bobalobe (2009-01-12)
What is "CUTE FTP"? Is that a separate program I have to download?Bobalobe (2009-01-13)
To Mac users, I would suggest downloading Cyberduck instead of CUTE FTP. It works a ton better. :)The apps and your tutorial worked PERFECT, Korich. Thank you!
maxxqs (2009-01-14)
how do i set permisionlol0101 (2009-01-15)
For cracking and jailbracking and much more use:
this site will guide you whit everything!
Jasnator (2009-01-18)
Can you download updates to the apps if a newer version is released in app store?Korich (2009-01-20)
@Jasnator, I Allways put new version in new release iBrain Packsee for more info on russian language or with google translater ;)
Korich (2009-02-02)
@i_am_nobody you can use iphone manager or put file in your device via sshPirrePuder (2009-02-12)
I don't understand ".... and set it up as SFTP on SSH2" I've never used Cute FTP before so please help me out a bit.Thanks
PirrePuder (2009-02-12)
Ok, i did not know that i had to download Cute Ftp PRO. But it is still not working. Am i supposed to put in root as username and alpine as password? Or is it something that i am missing? Please help me out.PirrePuder (2009-02-12)
Ok, i get an error#0 every god damn time, i do everything right but i cant connect to my iPhone! I'm not using anti/virus or a firewall. I am forwarding port nr.22 on my router but it is still not working. Please answer Korich!PirrePuder (2009-02-12)
I just want to add that i am using 2.2.1 firmware. Could that be the problem?PirrePuder (2009-02-12)
I successfully downgraded my iphone to 2.2 for this, but i still cant get CUTE FTP to work, it fucking sucks. I used WinSCP and it found my iPhone on the first attempt. But when i reboot my iPhone it gets stuck on the Apple logo. I think it has something to do with the program i used "Win SCP" I have been trying for 4 hours now, im getting sick of it. Please help me on this!!an0nym0us001 (2009-02-13)
Can i do this on a mac?an0nym0us001 (2009-02-13)
oo yeah dose it have to be jailbroken?cyber_pete101 (2009-02-21)
iphone 3g also? or noTheWierd86 (2009-03-05)
Had some problems with connecting to my IPhone 3G with FlashFXP and CUTE FTP, but managed to connect to it with WinSCP(free).Works like a charm m8, thanks!
armin84 (2009-03-10)
Hey Ive downloaded the whole thing and unlocked my simcardless iPhone 3G with QuickPwn successfuly but as I open the files with itunes and install it on my iphone it goes halfway and gives the the error msg "can not verify file" can u guys help me out pls? tnxsirstovetop (2009-03-14)
Worked perfectly. thank you very much sir.kico77 (2009-03-16)
Is there any way to install this without WIFI, because i don't have it at home? I'm sry if that's stupid question.kico77 (2009-03-16)
... and what about 2.2.1 , is it work to?jozo0511 (2009-03-17)
@kico77: Of cource this works for firmware 2.2.1, just has to be jailbroken.@kico77: If you install it via itunes theres no need for wifi, just an usb connection.
@armin84: You need to search for "miPatch MobileInstallation firmware 2.2.1" or something in Cydia.
Or do it manually with a tutorial(google iphone 2.2.1 MobileInstallation patch)
mayoxy (2009-03-28)
Great!!! thanks man!Barnes59 (2009-04-30)
Okay, I hope this will help some people:1. Your iPod needs to be jailbroken.
2. Go to Cydia, and add ""
3. Search for "Mobileinstallation"
4. It is not an application, it's just a patch, that will allow you to install applications that were purchased from another account. SO if you get a message saying "can not verify file", it's because you don't have the patch installed
Sometimes, you might not be able to start an application, even though it's on your iPod. If that happens, just download any free application from AppStore, and launch it. It should be fine from then on.
AdrianDib (2009-05-27)
Hi.. if my iphone is jail broken can i install these apps through itunes or do u really need to set it up over FTP? and do i need to make the documents folder etc like these instructions say?eab1974 (2009-05-30)
I followed your instructions and now my ipod is stuck the apple logo. I can´t get it to work. Do you have any ideas how to solve this problem?Thanks!
eab1974 (2009-05-30)
I´ve just undone all the steps and it my iphone works again... fuck me what a relief!! ...Anyway, i´m very persistent I want to make it work...
The only thing that I didn´t follow was the "setting of permission to 777"... how do I do that?
many thanks!
eab1974 (2009-05-30)
Found out how to set the permissions, so now I know how to do everything.... the only problem is that it doesn´t work for me... any tips why this could be?I follow all your steps (one by one) but my iphone (once is rebooted) only shows the apple sign and doesn´t do anything.
Help would be appreciate it !! Thanks
marex87 (2009-06-23)
What do i do wrong i downloaded the things from cydia then i tried to install the apps and it says unkown error help plzzzzpatrickaghadjani (2009-07-22)
A new MobileInstallation patch is required for iPhone users who updated to 3.0. While some people report that you can use the MobileInstallation patch for 3.0 beta, there is also another solution.Simply go to Cydia and add the following source:
Then install the application called AppSync. This will patch your MobileInstallation file.
patrickaghadjani (2009-07-25)
Ok guys, here is my guide if you have the iphone 3g and 3.0 firmware...1. Install cydia by using (search for it on this site.)
2. By using cydia, install openssh and sshtoggler.
3. Enable WIFI on your iPhone, log into your network, and write down its IP address.
4. Download cuteftp (free 30 day trial) and go to new > sftp ssh2 file.
4. Put your iphones ip in and put root as username and alpine as pass.
5. Connect with cuteftp, edit the iphone's files as stated in step 6 and 7 above.
6. Go to cydia and add source : cydia(dot)hackulo(dot)us and install appsync.
7. Install any game from itunes (create a free account by clicking install on a free app)
8. Download ipa's, drag into itunes and sync with iphone.
12shotz (2009-07-27)
I dont want to be a leech so please show me how to seed.slayers_jung (2009-11-10)
Hey do you think you can upload NINJA TD or Bloons TD?? Thanksdjordje_33 (2009-11-28)
I hve a problem-can't connect on Cute FTp with my Iphone 3GS,,,PLS help!!! it's something like psw is wrong or shows this :
Can't read from control socket. Socket error = #10054.
and when i put SFTP using SSH2 it says:
Can't connect to 192.***.*.*:21. SFTP21 error = #4.
what should i do?