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2010-01-22 (by thethingy)
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 contains;
Adobe Encore CS4 v4.0.1.048
Adobe On Location CS4 v4.0.3.005
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 v4.2.1
Adobe Air vn/a
Adobe Bridge CS4 v3.0.0.464
Adobe CS4 EN Speach Analysis Models vn/a
Adobe Device Central CS4 v2.1.0
Adobe Extension Manager CS4 v2.1.112
Adobe Media Player v1.1
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Functional Content vn/a
Adobe CMaps CS4 vn/a
Adobe Extend Script Toolkit CS4 v3.0.0.41
Adobe Media Encoder CS4 v4.2.0.006
Files count:
1936.43 Mb
abrach (2010-01-22)
Hi,Please can you tell me how I can load photo shop? yhanks
jersson (2010-01-22)
Great upload, thank's. Looking for Acrobat Reader latest 9.3, any chance ?thethingy (2010-01-22) (2010-01-26)
Hey I'm trying to copy and paste the "" list onto the hosts file but its not letting me save and giving me an "Access Denied" message...I'm the only user on my computer and I'm running on Windows 7 (I don't know if this matters)...what should I do? Thanks for the torrent btw, everything's been working perfectly until this part...thethingy (2010-01-26)
check your hosts file is not read only first, then right click it if you still cant save and select properties, security, edit, your user, take full control by ticking the full control box, click apply, then you can do what you like with the hosts, or if you cant be bothered with that download this one and replace your existing one;
once you have saved or replaced your host, restart and then open the hosts to double check it has all of the required details b4 starting your adobe app.
NYer21 (2010-01-27)
Your the man dude...everything worked perfectly...thanks for the awesome torrent...exeodus (2010-01-28)
This was a wonderful install. Thanks for being so thorough!!!justinisloco (2010-01-29)
This torrent worked great... for a dayI kept getting the ERROR 130:3 Error after a day... I uninstalled and restarted, and redid the installation, and nothings helping.
I ran the cleanups app, and i think it works... it doesnt seem to do much, it goes byu so quick. Could it be because my hosts file is always like the finalized copy?
I know its not the torrent, its gotta be me somehow, and your the only uploader to seem to respond to questions. Running Windows 7 64bit
thanks as well for the upload
thethingy (2010-01-29)
open your hosts file with notepad and post what appears after;# ::1 localhost
justinisloco (2010-01-29)
::1 localhost127.0.0.1
justinisloco (2010-01-29)
although, when I searched my comp, adobe media player was still installed just now. I uninstalled it and may try to reinstall one more time. I just need to make sure, should I reset my hosts page back to default? and what was default again?thethingy (2010-01-29)
use this to remove all adobe apps;
then reinstall, your hosts is fine.
justinisloco (2010-01-29)
Thanks, ill try it when i get home from work.Why/what would cause it to work for a day then give me the error like that?
I must say, you have to be one of the best uploaders, helping people out with their installation problems.
Thanks again!
thethingy (2010-01-29)
one of your adobe apps talking to the mothership or previous adobe reg entries conflicting with the new install.justinisloco (2010-01-29)
so how do i get rid of that?justinisloco (2010-01-29)
oh i get it... so i used the install and reset, ill reinstall tonight, thanks again!!!SneakerFreak (2010-01-31)
EPIC FAILProgram throws error 130:3 and cannot start after a few working sessions.
thethingy (2010-01-31)
eppic fail on following the readme, eppic fail in reading the torrent post;
SneakerFreak (2010-01-31)
Thanks thethingy. Your torrent does work, if you follow directions. EPIC WIN now ;)I cleaned everything out with your tool set and went through again. You are right, this n00b learned to READ. I missed the last step in the install manual and Adobe smacked me.
A+ Filez, everything works without having to dl the entire Adobe Monster Pack if all you want is to edit and learn at your pace before spending the cash if you like it.
Don't get p0wned like me, RTFM!
bluesguyjon (2010-02-01)
any idea why the 2nd update keeps freezing? right when i click install it stops responding. usually these things work flawlessly for me >bluesguyjon (2010-02-01)
just checked, they all stop responding at the same spot, not just the 2nd one.gromjell (2010-02-01)
PLEASE, SEED, PLEASE!! :)thethingy (2010-02-01)
thethingy (2010-02-01)
gromjell, its got 150 seeders stop posting bullshit comments.mim23 (2010-02-02)
Hi,I need some help with this app. I install this app and everything is fine. the app opens and everything is OK until here. When import a file (any type of file), after a while the app froze and not respond any more. I try again but the same result come back.
Please can you tell me what can i do?
I am using OS Win 7, 64 bit.
PS. Sorry for my poor English.
thethingy (2010-02-02)
what are you trying to import?mim23 (2010-02-02)
I import a video file in a project and it is imported in the sequence. But whenmim23 (2010-02-02)
I import a video file in a project and it is imported in the sequence. But when i put the video file on the Timeline, for editing the app froze and not respond. Wht i am doing wrong?mim23 (2010-02-02)
And also I can't see the video file in the monitor of app playing.thethingy (2010-02-02)
what type of video file?, how big is it?, how much memory have you got?mim23 (2010-02-02)
I used mts files, wmv, mpg and generally much more of the supported media. The media is from 70 mb to 200 mb and I have got 4 MB memory.btw to inform you that i was working with premiere pro cs3 before and everything worked perfect. But the cs3 don't support ACVHD files, from SONY camcorder, so i want go to cs4 without success until now. I hope you can help me.
thethingy (2010-02-02)
the support websites say its best that the item you are editing is on a dedecated drive and to remove all of your codecs, like klite NERO, Ulead, Line21, TS Strider, Radlight and Dirac, then try again if it fixes the problem then reinstall 1 codec pack at a time till you get the error again.mim23 (2010-02-02)
Hi again.First of all i have not any other codec (klite NERO, Ulead, Line21, TS Strider, Radlight and Dirac) in my computer and second... what means "on a dedecated drive"?
The problem that mention above, develops before i try anything. Just after import a media file and put that on timeline or try to preview it in the app.
jan12th (2010-02-03)
GREAT POST!!!I do have one question / problem that I hope someone can help with. Everything is loaded and running, however, I cannot get into premiere. If I click new project, open project or help, nothing happens. All I can do is hit the X to close. Any advise? Anyone else have this problem? Thanks all...
jan12th (2010-02-03)
disregard question / comment ... if anyone runs into the above problem, just create another account and it will work like a charm! Thanks again for this torrent!thethingy (2010-02-03)
mim23, try the sugestion by jan12th abovemim23 (2010-02-03)
Create another account before install the app. or after? Because now i have uninstall app and i am ready to install it again.thethingy (2010-02-03)
mim23, after if you run into the same troubles with your reinstall. if your using nvidia graphics card then update to the latest drivers and uninstall the 3d driver and get the latest quicktimemim23 (2010-02-03)
OK i will install later and inform. And i am using ATI Radeon graphics card with the latest drivers.thethingy (2010-02-04)
thethingy (2010-02-04)
mim23, the above link covers the issue in question.mim23 (2010-02-04)
It's done! I create another account and it works just fine! Everything works fine!I must say a lot of thanks to the "thethingy". Your help was great and the torrent too.
Thank You again.
Also thanks to the jan12th.
Snowhiter (2010-02-04)
Hi - did everything as specified in the instructions but was not 100% sure re Step 8 'add the last line of the below hosts file to your own one.'Of course, premiere - onlocation and encore don't work - pop up states licence expired
Could you explain further
thethingy (2010-02-04)
download the hosts file from the torrent description and the toolkit, use that hosts and follow the licence has expired steps in the toolkit.humm1290 (2010-02-04)
hey,i downloaded this torrent today and went though the instructions but by mistake i only edited the "hosts" file at the end with the final line included, and not in the middle of the process. This is because I didn't know how to update the file as an administrator and I only found out how to do so after I had done the other steps. now when i try to run the program i get this error:
"this product has encountered a problem which requires that you restart your computer before it can be launched. if you continue to see this message after restarting your computer, please contact either your IT administrator or Adobe technical support.... Error: 130:3"
humm1290 (2010-02-04)
When I restart the computer I continue to get this error. I assume that I'm getting this error because I updated the "hosts" too late.
humm1290 (2010-02-04)
is there a way to fix this/start the process over?thethingy (2010-02-04)
download the toolkit from the description and follow the error 130.3 steps, dont start the steps till you are sure your hosts file is ok4cor3s (2010-02-05)
dosent work says adobe premiere pro cs4 cannot be installed plz helpthethingy (2010-02-05)
it does work, just not yet for you. Read the description for the link for the toolkit.theunc69 (2010-02-06)
its a thing of beauty, tricky on the install but works ok, running Vista (wishda.... I had better) basic one question...premiere device control can you leave that hooked up to the net or as I have it now dissconnected Thanx for your hard work.thethingy (2010-02-06)
you can leave it connected and you can use all of the online services.zdan59 (2010-02-07)
seed please..ia123 (2010-02-07)
hi, i am getting an error after launching Premier pro, it is error 130:3. I have tried doing what u said to other people to solve the problem but its still not working. I think its a problem with the host file. Once i edit the host file it turns into a text document... and once i put it into C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc it is a text document. Is this the problem? How do I fix it?thethingy (2010-02-07)
that is theproblem, use this one;
then do the error 130:3 steps in this;
thethingy (2010-02-07)
delete the text version of hosts that you now haveia123 (2010-02-08)
thanks! but after i did the steps to reinstall the Adobe Primier Pro CS4... my microsoft office 2007 stopped working, and its not even lettting me reinstall it. do you know what the pproblblem is? did the widows cleanup affect this?dmtao (2010-02-08)
GREAT TORRENT!! Thank you very much thethingy! Everything worked like a charm, except... Device Central which will not start because it claimes that amtlib.dll is missing, even though it is in the Device Central directory. Thanx again :)mim23 (2010-02-09)
Hi, now i find that i have the same problem, as ia123. My microsoft office 2007 stopped working, and its not even lettting me reinstall it. Any help?thethingy (2010-02-10)
office 2007 is unrelated to adobewetWeasel (2010-02-10)
Wow I'm impressed. lightening fast download, clean files easy extraction, clear concise directions Great addition to my video editing suite.banjomanCO (2010-02-12)
Hello all. I have downloaded the main file twice. During extraction, it registers many "cannot create file..." errors in the unpacking window, and at the end I am told that the unpack failed and that I should retry it after restarting Windows (XP Pro in my case.) Any ideas?thethingy (2010-02-12)
banjomanCO, xp is crap, use 7, but use ccleaner to clean and reg clean (all options), restart and re-extract.theFlam3 (2010-02-14)
I seem to be unable to get past step 2 -.- For some reason, running the set up just sits there, almost at the end of the checking system integrity or what ever it says, and doesn't budge for hours... I let it run for a few hours and it didn't change from that spot... Any ideas? Sorry if I'm just being a noob -_-thethingy (2010-02-14)
do the clean install steps in this;
nethermit (2010-02-15)
EVERYTHING Works perfectly. Just follow the easy-to-follow instructions (included) and you will be just fine!itdoesntwork (2010-02-15)
This ruined my previous Flash CS4 installation. Error 130:9thethingy (2010-02-15)
it will do, the first thing the instructions tell you to do is remove ALL adobe apps that are part of this suite, installing software over the same software is never a good idea.Read theinstructions before you post negative comments.
if you can read you will find the soloution to your problem in the torrent description.
theFlam3 (2010-02-15)
You rock man! Fix works like a charm :)itdoesntwork (2010-02-15)
I installed Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver before trying to install Premiere from this torrent. I followed instructions carefully including removing adobe apps. Premiere installed succesfully but Flash now wont open (Error 130:9), however PS and DW do open. In a few words, this ruined my previous Flash installation even though I followed steps correctly.itdoesntwork (2010-02-15)
BTW I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just telling what's happening, I appreciate your work very much.thethingy (2010-02-15)
first off adobe installations are rarly straight forward, this torrent dident mess up your flash the adobe installer did, error 130.9 is a new one, got this software (legit) at work so i can talk to adobe and post the soloution for you, bare with me.RaZorWriSt (2010-02-15)
Currently running Matzuki CS4 Master Collection. Is this software compatible with it, that is if the programs in this suite are removed first? 2nd, I saw a note about a registry cleaner. Whats the purpose of that? I have used one before and I did not have good results with my OS after running it. Please advise.Also, could you write a crack for a 64 bit OS for Avid 4.0.4? There is a huge demand for it since the last person only wrote one that worked on a 32 bit OS.
769552 (2010-02-16)
after installing cs4, and find the host file and edit it accordingly am i supposed replace the existing host file or save a new host text file in the same folder? cos it wont let me replace the existing one...!thethingy (2010-02-16)
RaZorWriSt all of these apps you already have in the master collection769552 read cant edit or save hosts file in this;
thegege (2010-02-16)
This torrent isn't working for me. It won't start downloadingRobinotje (2010-02-17)
In step 9 you say that you have to uncheck to auto updates. I had a look at all the programs but couldn't find any which has auto update checked. I didn't find auto update at any program... Can I just use it now?thethingy (2010-02-17)
yseMrZviking (2010-02-17)
Dear Mr Thingy,i'm lost, i'm not an expert but really tried to follow your setup instructions. I get stuck with Step 2, i never get to the point where i have to fill in a serial code. Before i get the notification (and i try to translate it from Dutch as good as possible) "Setup has found an error and cannot continue". Please contact..." well let's not contact Adobe help but Thingy help :-)
i also downloaded your Adobe Install & Licence Toolkit, but i wonder which error is the error i have. I already used Clean Up, 1 & 2 clean script tool, turning off auto updates and a part of: ERROR "Licensing for this product has stoped working" till point 18, i didn't know what to do there anymore.
I have Windows 7, 64 bit...i hope you can help me! thanks in advance!!!
MrZviking (2010-02-17)
in addition, i also adjusted the HOST file, installed Windows CleanUp and deleted all programs with the word Adobe in it. But still my Photoshop CS3 works?!?! Is that because of the 64 bit windows? Should i also remove the software Backup Manager Advance or is that not Adobe software?Following to that i also used the 1 and 2 clean script tools, but that didn't have any effect either...
thanks again for your answer
thethingy (2010-02-17)
what 64bit windows is it?Robinotje (2010-02-17)
Ok, thanks!Can you help me with this:
Got this error after one day...
Vista, 32 bit.
thethingy (2010-02-17)
remove the fonts and retry, if its ok put the fonts back 1 by 1 till the error occours againMrZviking (2010-02-18)
Windows 7eddie48 (2010-02-18)
Thank you for Premier. Everything worked great until the last step. I turned on the internet then opened the different programs. Each one gave me the screen, "Licensing for this program has expired" I rebooted and tried to open the programs with the internet off, then back on. I still get, "Licensing for this program has expired" I thought I did everything right. I followed your instructions to the letter. Any suggestions? Once again thank you for Premier and I hope you can help me get it up and running.thethingy (2010-02-18)
open your hosts file with notepad and check it matches the one in the instructionsgoddamnpremiere (2010-02-18)
after running the windows cleanup toolkit i get bluescreen 5 minutes after startup. all the time. right now i'm reinstalling windows. let's hope that DO NOT RUN THE WINDOWS CLEANUP TOOLKIT.
goddamnpremiere (2010-02-18)
I ran the windows restore tool instead of totally reinstalling. I restored back to the point before I ran the windows cleanup and now it doesn't go blue anymore. ^^But still... DO NOT RUN THE WINDOWS CLEANUP TOOLKIT.
thethingy (2010-02-18)
if you need to run the cleanup tool then DO RUN THE CLEANUP TOOL,,its an official microsoft tool,,this guy clearly had other issuesMrZviking (2010-02-19)
hi thethingy, do you know what i have to do now?thethingy (2010-02-19)
i think you should remove the cs3 stuff then do the adobe cleanups then retry,,sorry for the delay i missed your commentiTaybb (2010-02-20)
For some reason, I'm having problem with premiere pro cs4.It runs well and everything, but when I try to click anything - it seems that nothing happens.
Where did I fail?
iTaybb (2010-02-20)
Just forgot to mention -I also have Adobe AE and it works perfect.
thethingy (2010-02-20)
iTaybb, greatings earthling, what are you clicking?, does the app run?, if so do the HELP, FILE etc drop down menus work?iTaybb (2010-02-20)
The app runs and gets to the "Welcome to abode preimere pro" window. When I hover the options, a gray border do shows up, so the app isnt stuck or anything. However clicking doesnt do a thing. The only button that works is the Close one (the windows default one). Even the "Exit" button down the window doesnt work.thethingy (2010-02-20)
go to the fonts folder and remove the fonts to another location and retry, and post back with the resultiTaybb (2010-02-21)
It didn't help. However, after I just clicked randomaly, it started working for some clicks, then doesnt react again.Perhaps it has anything to do with WindowsBlind im using? do you know about a conflict between those apps?
Thank you very much!
celoudin (2010-02-22)
Hello, I have a problem after having followed all instructions. When I start the program, very quickly an error message appears saying I have to restart my PC, and after having rebooted, same thing again.My hosts file was totally different to the one you gave, so I deleted the one in my system and replaced it by yours, but the pb is still there. What did I do wrong? My computer is assembled and was designed to have the same power as a Mac G5, so it should fully support Adboe 1ere Pro...Thx for any suggestions
HawtSawce (2010-02-22)
Hey Thingy,I downloaded Adobe Flash CS4 Professional from you but what I want is Adobe Professional in order to be able to edit photos and convert PDF to Word... Is this the correct application for that? Thanks!
thethingy (2010-02-22)
editing photos;
pdf to word;
this hereis mainly video editing
E.Sol (2010-02-23)
hey thanks so much man for this. now i can get back to makin the most ballinest movies eva. ha jk but now i am getting error code 130:3 which tells me to keep restarting my comp for the premiere to work, and i have but it keeps doin it. what do I do?thethingy (2010-02-23)
error code 130:3
E.Sol (2010-02-24)
Ok i read on at one of your other torrents and fixed and now it all works except for Encore. everytime i open it, it shuts down right away. any idea how to fix that crap?thethingy (2010-02-24)
take the fonts out the fonts folder and retry, if it starts put the fonts back 1 by 1 till it crashes againE.Sol (2010-02-28)
what do you mean fonts?johnnyd6 (2010-02-28)
Hi! thanks for Premiere, anyhow, I have a problem with installation. Simply to say it stops on 91% and doesn't go further at all. I tried already three times, so it isn't going to change in my case. I'm on Win7. Do you have any idea what can be problem?thethingy (2010-02-28)
read the failure to install in this;
jules2010 (2010-03-01)
hey THANK YOU!sorry i'am french .. don't have goods words...
i have a pb to import AFTER EFFECT files to adobe premiere :
WHere can i find it?????
please help me...
pegu06 (2010-03-01)
I removed all the adobe fonts and did all the things in your other torrent to fix 130:3 but Encore doesn't work at all and Premiere get 130:3 partway through use.Exess100 (2010-03-01)
I had premiere cs4 installed and it kept closing down on it's own. So I uninstalled it thinking it would fix the problem. Now I keep getting this error, "One or more required components of adobe premiere pro cs4 failed to install correctly".Errors: 1612, 1605 and 1625. Showing up on premiere pro, device central, on location and encore.
I'm hoping this is an easy fix. I've never had this prob with photoshop or AI. I hope someone can help. Thx
yushinzzo (2010-03-02)
Hello, I just downloaded the torrent and it works great no viruses, it has serials everything fine.I do have a good virus protections prided by my ISP. Maybe that is why i have no virus problems?
And for those of you have have trouble with adobe shutting down quickly are you sure your computer meets the proper system requirements?
Hellion87 (2010-03-03)
Awesome torrent thethingy and clear and ez to understand instructions. Thanks! Question however... How do we get the Encore CS4 Library content? There is no Encore Library in this pack and since updates are of course disabled... How do we get Adobe's CS4 Encore mistake fixed?Hellion87 (2010-03-03)
BTW Assuming you know but the Encore Library is required for menu choices for DVD creation.. so Encore works with custom menu but its very nice library is not there. This is an Adobe goof. Not sure how we fix it since we cant just log into adobe downloads. ?thethingy (2010-03-03)
Hellion87, that menu is in the extra content and resorces,
Hellion87 (2010-03-04)
Man you are the best! Thanks!Quantx (2010-03-04)
Working great, i used only keygen and firewall. No instructions needed. Thanks thethingy!theairthewick (2010-03-05)
hey man thanks for the torrent! youre really awesome for doing this for everyone and keeping up with everyones problems/requests.that being said, im having an issue every time i attempt to start up premiere pro.
ive followed your instructions exactly, but still i get a crash report that says "Adobe has detected that the application Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 has unexpectedly quit" every time i try and run the program.
ive tried re-installing several times. i am using windows vista 64 bit. thanks for any help you can provide.
E.Sol (2010-03-05)
hey thethingy how do I do the font thing you suggested?3plx (2010-03-08)
after installing this filei cant right click, if i do message pops up sayin "specific modul cannot be found C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Version Cue CS4\Client\4.0.1\VersionCue.DLL" and it closes everything, all files from 'my documents' are fucking GONE!
what should i do, thethingy :(
deusman (2010-03-08)
Everything goes well when I install but when I try tu use Premiere Pro it won't load: I get the licence agreement, accept and then nothing happens, same thing if I repeat.The other components work fine.
Any suggestions ?
thethingy (2010-03-09)
3plx, deusman, Xanothikan, do the clean uninstall steps in this then reinstall;
E.Sol, remove the fonts to another folder then put them back 1 by 1 starting the app each time untill you find the font that is causing the problem
3plx (2010-03-10)
thanks thethingy, it worked!!!Laser988 (2010-03-13)
where is the fonts folder?thethingy (2010-03-14)
in the dreamweaver programe folderthethingy (2010-03-14)
^^^^^edit, in the premiere pro programe folderloranga56 (2010-03-16)
Thanks thethingy. I installed your other torrent, photoshop cs4 extended w/o any problems. When adding this one, I get the 130 error and couldn't get out of it until I made a clean install of windows. Any suggestion on what to do to get both Premiere CS4 and Photoshop CS4 to work on Windows7 64-bit? Thanks.thethingy (2010-03-16)
install them as normal, if you get error 130;3 then use this;
even if you purchased this of Adobe youll run into error 130.3 at some point
stalyman (2010-03-17)
This appears to be a fantastic torrent, and congratulations for your work. Just in case I've missed something, could you please clarify the relationship between Premiere CS4 and Photoshop CS4. Do all of your instructions about licences, clearing down apps, etc apply equally to Photoshop as they do the the 'Premiere suite'?loranga56 (2010-03-17)
thethingy, many thanks, your help is much appreciated. i will give it another try.lucster (2010-03-17)
thethingy, first of all thank you for your active support for all of us with problems on Adobe products.I too have a problem. I confess I unchecked onlocation, device central and adobe media player during installation. However, everything went well, until I started premiere and imported a video. All I could see was cyan. The sound was perfect though.
I then thought to enter setup and told it to install adobe media player. After that it got even worse. For any video I try to import it says "unsupported format or damaged file". Any ideas? Thank you again.
thethingy (2010-03-17)
lucster, remove the app with this;
then reinstall the full app, there is extra content (codecs and stuff) for premier here;
torrentman818 (2010-03-18)
I tried to install and got an error: the following components have failed- Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and Adobe encore CS4 pleas helpthethingy (2010-03-18)
torrentman818, do the failure to install steps in this;
lucster (2010-03-19)
thethingy, I am sorry to say I have given up. I have reinstalled windows, did the full app install following your instructions to the letter, even updated to the latest video driver, and I could still only see cyan video and had a laggy / non-responsive Premiere. Installing codec packs didn't help either.I've uninstalled everything and installed the CS3 Suite. Everything works perfectly. Thank you for your help though.
wahtah05 (2010-03-20)
Hey, i'm having problems getting my exported file to look like what i edited it to be. Depending on the export setting and how i setup a sequence, every setting i have tried has not worked. Is there anything you can point me to to help me? do i need a HD codec or something?thethingy (2010-03-20)
wahtah05, there is "missing" features here;
javelkjell (2010-03-22)
Hello! I have some probs. I had no previously installed Adobe apps except adobe reader, flash player, acrobat reader. I installed you torrent and followed your instructions perfectly. I run win7-64bit.The installation went just fine, until the very last step that was to open all the apps and then accept licence agreements. (I could not find anywhere to turn the auto updater off, btw) The programs just started to shut down with the "ERROR 130:3" , as many here have already commented.
I downloaded the toolkit, and followed those instructions as I should. I made a clean uninstall, and then a new prob appear. When I start the installer again after a clean uninstall, it stops before initializing is finnished, and I get an "Setup Error - Setup has encountered an error, and can not continiue" message.
I googeled the error, and found many solutions (which seems to be related to vista and cs3) but they didn't work for me on 7 and with cs4. Can you suggest anything?
thethingy (2010-03-22)
the hosts file is located in a diferant location on 64bit, open it with notepad and check it has the entries listed here first;
Simmke (2010-03-22)
Hi,I'm having trouble with step 8 of your instructions. I add the line to the hosts file and try to save it, but I get an error saying "Can't create file, check if path and filename are correct."
what should I do?
Simmke (2010-03-22)
problem solved, sorry for bothering you..javelkjell (2010-03-23)
Yea, I find the host file, and I manage to change it into how it is supposed to look like. The problem with the installer still persists.javelkjell (2010-03-24)
Any ideas? I still get the message"Setup Error - Setup has encountered an error, and can not continiue", after initializing.
Thanks for your effort on this torrent btw!!
thethingy (2010-03-25)
javelkjell, do the failure to install steps in this;
shivyyy (2010-03-25)
Works like a charm on win 7 64 bitM0ndos (2010-04-10)
Thanks a lot!I got a school project and this is going to help a lot!
juuussi (2010-04-21)
Thanks for this! I had to go all the way with the toolkit but now it works great.One question tho, I also dl:ed photoshop, it says remove ALL adobe programs before installing in the instructions. How does this work? Do I have to remove Premier for photoshop to work? How do I get them both working in this case? Thanks!
tripplesix (2010-04-22)
Wow thethingy! I don't know how you did this but it is amazing. It is a lot of work to install, but I'm sure it will be well worth it. I just got it all installed and it is way past my bedtime to actually try it out.Nonetheless, everything installed on point, after my first big mistake that is. For anyone that installs this in the future (and/or who has problems like javelkjell), Make Sure You Uninstall All Previous Adobe Apps Before Even Beginning With Any Installs!! I deleted my Premiere Elements and Flash and such. But for some reason I decided to leave Air. Big Mistake! I tried all thethingy's fixes but none worked. I then tried to reboot my computer with an img. Didn't work. Luckily, I was able to solve this with System Restore. It worked! After that, I re-uninstalled the Adobe Apps including Air. And then followed ALL instructions from scratch. And it all installed perfect. I am using Windows 7 64-bit.
Thethingy, this is what's up! Thanks!
jdozer27 (2010-04-25)
WOWWW i need serious help with this one. no idea what to do all i know is its asking for a serial??jdozer27 (2010-04-26)
hey where do i find the instructions?E.Sol (2010-04-30)
so are the hosts files the same as the "fonts" you speak of. cuz I cant figure it out at all what those fonts are or where they are located and how to fix my problemtripplesix (2010-05-02)
jdozer27, you have probably figured things out already, but you have to at least download the torrent to get to the instructions.... lol (i don't mean to laugh but...). After torrent fully downloads, double click on it! It will extract billions of little things to the location you choose on your computer (it will take a while). Then go to THAT location and when you open the file, you will see all the various parts to this application installation, including the coveted instructions. ; )Follow the instruction to a tee!
Janed2468 (2010-05-04)
Dear thethingy, i have a few questions:I currently have the cs3 complete adobe suit running perfectly.
I want to upgrade ONLY the premiere.
1. do i need to clean up only the premiere cs3, or ALL of the cs3 programs (that would suck..)?
2. on STEP 7 of the instructions you write:
" Go to the updates folder and install all of the updates in the numbered
so again - since i am installing only the premiere, do i have to install ALL of the updates, or just the premiere update?
3. if i have to install ALL of the updates - will that damage how all of my cs3 programs will run?
Thank you very much for your time!
Janed2468 (2010-05-04)
same question about step 6 - do i have to copy the SAME file into those different folders?why do i have to do so when it is only the premiere im installing, those folders are of other programs as well...?
Mr.Apoc (2010-05-05)
First time commenting, and I have to, thethingy - Thanks - excellent instructions, every aspect of this works,using win7 64bit,just need to follow the instructions word for word people!Mr.Apoc (2010-05-05)
@Janed24681) Just the Premiere update if thats all your installing.
2) Does not seem to affect CS3
3) Only copy the AdobeLM file into any folders you installed from the setup file into (i.e Premiere 4)
4) I recommend uninstalling Premiere 3 before installing 4
E.Sol (2010-05-05)
dang i cant figure this crap out!!!! someone please help me. encore won't open and i keep being told to do something with some fonts but i have no idea what they are or where they are!!!!! argh i just wanna make movies hanikkiehunter (2010-05-05)
Hello and thanks for this torrent.. I downloaded and followed the instructions but i still cannot get it to work. My question is if I alrady have the trial version downloaded from teh website would that work still or should I just delete it and start over?Toppsekret (2010-05-07)
When I try to start Premiere Pro, I get this: "Licensing for this product has expired". Any suggestions?thethingy (2010-05-07)
Toppsekret, follow this;
amaurilondon (2010-05-19)
hello guys,i have a problem.after i downloaded this torrent and click on it with the mouse my windows explorer freezes and i cant do anything.Has anyone had the same problem?
thanks guys
krennyy (2010-05-21)
Guys, I need a little help here..When I start the installation, everything is ok, the license, but after I SKIP the 'NEED AN ADOBE ID'
There are these install OPTIONS.. Everything is clicked but the 'ADOBE PREMIERE PRO CS5' box..
I can't click it, there's this red X and it's written on the right side 'MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT MET'...
My system performances are:
Intel Core Quad CPU Q8300 2.5GHz
Can someone tell me where's the problem..??
Any reply appreciated.. =]
krennyy (2010-05-21)
I forgot my OS.. Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit..Thanks2ufromme (2010-05-27)
Thanks for the torrent. The only problem I have is it keeps saying "Adobe detected that the application____has unexpectedly quit" for Adobe Encore CS4 and Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Applications. Can you help me resolve this? Thanks again!Thanks2ufromme (2010-05-27)
Thanks for the Torrent. The only problem I had was that I keep getting the following message " Adobe detected that the application ______ has unexpectedly quit" for both the Adobe Encore CS4 and the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 applications. Can you help me resolve this? Thanks again!thethingy (2010-05-27)
Thanks2ufromme, do the clean install steps in this;
markym4rk (2010-05-27)
Hey thingy, first off thanks a million for uploading! I'm running on windows vista, and downloaded and installed the file onto one of my logins (that isn't the admin). Also, I forgot to unplug my internet when I performed steps 1) and 2) of your instructions.Questions:
1) Is it going to be a problem that I installed the file on one of the logins that isn't the admin?
2) Is it going to be a problem that I didn't unplug my internet before performing steps 1) and 2)?
thethingy (2010-06-03)
markym4rk, youll be fine :)markym4rk (2010-06-05)
thingy! thanks for the quick response. however, i'm getting the same problem as some others who previously commented. i'm trying to edit the hosts file in step 2 and it's giving me this error: "Cannot create the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file. Make sure that the path and file name are correct." I tried clicking on the link you suggested for them but it was no longer available. What's the next step?thethingy (2010-06-05)
markym4rk (2010-06-06)
thingy! I got the Error 130.3 but I followed all the steps you listed in the Error 130.3 folder and everything worked out! Thanks a million!!!pifts (2010-06-06)
When i run Premiere pro after installing it, the splash pops up but crashes in the middle and I get an error report?thethingy (2010-06-06)
pifts; download this;
Dessum (2010-06-12)
I had to use the tool kit and it took me a while to install it properly but now it works fine! Thanks for the great upload TT!DragonPhoenix (2010-06-12)
okay i have a problem, i installed adobe premiere cs4 everything worked perfectly, then when the "Licensing for this product has stopped working" warning came up, I ran the activation blocker and changed my hosts file. Then after I restarted my PC, Premiere would keep giving me the message "Licensing for this product has stopped working", I reinstalled adobe premiere 4 times and after its still the same, I even tried system restore but nothing works. Any solutions to this, i need this program!DragonPhoenix (2010-06-12)
and what is the clean up thing for?thethingy (2010-06-12)
DragonPhoenix, the clean up thing prepairs the pc for a clean install, you need to do the "licence stoped" steps in this;
Beepboxx (2010-06-15)
Works fine, Thanks!weirdduck88 (2010-06-15)
Download and installation was great! Thanks thethingy!The only thing I'm having trouble with is that Premiere Pro keeps freezing (it'll say it's not responding and then I'll have to close it) and I can't seem to edit for more than a few minutes. Is there a way I can fix this? Is it my computer?
newsletter (2010-06-16)
Going through all the programs after install to disable auto update, I found none that had this feature. I wonder if this is going to cause any problems or if I would need to manually block internet access for specific .exe files?Also was wondering if anyone knows if there are any compatibility issues when you also have Photoshop CS5 Installed which already comes with multiple CS5 variations of the same types of software, for example I now have both:
Bridge CS4 and CS5
Device Central CS4 and CS5
ExtendedScript Toolkit CS4 and CS5
and Extension Manager CS4 and CS5
Would having both cause compatibility or stability issues and also being that the install process with copying the .dll file for Premier CS4 to multiple directories and the install process for Photoshop CS5 being different not having to change the .dll files, will cause any problems later.
In any case, thank you 'thethingy' for yet another great upload.
Everything worked wonderfully, installation could not have been easier. No restarts necessary with Win7.
dramacore (2010-06-19)
thanksbig.molla (2010-06-20)
is that 32 or 64 bit?thethingy (2010-06-21)
^^^bothdavidmasta (2010-06-28)
Great torrent I suspect it works fine, but when I try to load Premiere an error box comes up and says, "Licensing for this product has expired."thethingy (2010-06-28)
davidmasta, you can fix that error with this;
coalhada (2010-06-28)
Installed easily, almost missed turning internet off during install, but now it´s fine and working perfectly... I was wondering if anyone did auto update, did it ruin the instalation?thethingy (2010-06-29)
coalhada, updates are fine :)samsonscott (2010-06-29)
I just wanted to say Thank You. Hat's off to you, Thethingy.I followed the instructions, and although it took some time to understand them and complete them in the right order, complaining just doesn't seem appropriate when you have obviously gone out of your way to provide us with top-of-the-line software. (I still favor Premiere over FCP or Avid any day of the week, so this is huge for my student and professional lives.)
If something goes wrong, I will try to comment here quickly for my own feedback and for everyone else, whose comments have helped me in the installation process, too.
Once again, thank you.
akhildude (2010-07-05)
Thanks a lot to thethingy.. Just what i was looking for.fotonow (2010-07-07)
Dear ThethingyI couldnt change the hosts . when I wnated to save the things that I changed on it , it never let me save them . please let me wht can I do ?
thank a lot
Schpok (2010-07-16)
Dear thethingy, nnIt seems to work perfectly for me !! Thanks very much for your job. I\'m really happy that someone like you provide us adobe products ;)dabigguy85 (2010-07-22)
I'm kind of an idiot but I can't find the file with install directions. Someone please help me.jordzen (2010-07-27)
thanks a lot for this thethingy.i installed perfectly and then got the 130 license error. i've downloaded the adobe clean install & error toolkit and followed instructions.... but now i can't even get past the first step. ie" when i click Setup it checks my system profile and says: "Setup Error": setup has encountered an error and cannot continue"
i've edited the hosts files, have disconnected from internet, have uninstalled aps and used the clean-up tool. no luck... pls advise!
jordzen (2010-07-27)
ps: in step 2 of the registry rest process i get a cmd message which says "subinacl is not recognized as an internal or external command" etcthethingy (2010-08-03)
jordzen, ive uploaded a new tool kit, its v2 here (2010-08-07)
hey thethingy.i had your torrent installed and running. was just on it yesterday, worked great. went to go get on it today and the 130:3 error popped up and i did the first step with changing the host. then started up adobe and it worked but then in the middle of my use the error popped up again and closed it. and now it wont load. i just keep getting the error. and i did all the steps accept uninstall reinstall because i can't get it open to deactivate. would it make a difference? plus i have an unfinished project in there that i don't want getting deleted. their a way to save it?
thethingy (2010-08-07)
Pheenom, you ffix error 130.3 / app closing with this: (2010-08-10)
i downloaded it and it still didn't fix the error, aside from me uninstalling and re installing yet.would it matter if i uninstalled without deactivation. because its not letting me even open cs4
jimbeans (2010-08-18)
I this torrent worked flawlessly on my desktop, but now I can't seem to install it on my laptop. I keep getting the "Please insert Premiere Pro CS4 disc 1 into drive" prompt after I input the serial. It's most likely something simple that I'm doing (or not doing). I don't know if its relevant but desktop is running Windows 7 Ultimate and lappy is running 7 Home Premium. Please help.aglat6 (2010-08-18)
I had this bloody 130:30 error but fixed it but now the dinamic link in premiere and AE doesn't work. It says I need Adobe Premium. Before the 130:30 error occured Dynamic Link in premiere was ok. any ideas?kbertole (2010-08-21)
hey far everything has been good until i try to add the necessary additions to the local host file. When i try to save, or save as, or replace the host file it says i dont have permission to save in the location and to contact administrator, but i am running windows7 and i am the please...?kbertole (2010-08-21)
hey nevermind...i tweaked with user settings and saved the updated host all worked great! wonderful directions! thank you very muchlionheart2005 (2010-08-26)
Thank you for the upload!!Its a wonderfull program, i have downloaded it, and installed everything step by step, I can run the program nicely, but i have a big problem, that is bugging me, when I import a file to Adobe premiere pro, and try to play it, I can hear the sound, but no video, or the video lags badly and i cant edit like that :s
I dont know what I have to do, please help me!!!
Thank you!
cdmacd (2010-08-30)
Hi thethingy,Just having a problem...couldn't see a fix for it in comments but am possibly overlooking. Installed the package but screwed it up with host want to start afresh, so uninstalled and used the clean up program, but there still seems to be a program (Adobe Setup 2.0) that the clean up won't remove completely, it just comes back. So when I run install again from the top it detects installed components and stuffs up. Ideas? Thanks so much.
cdmacd (2010-08-30)
Scratch the above...managed to get rid of all Adobe related stuff but installation still fails after getting about 90% done.sampxxx (2010-08-30)
I have a problem in my installation.I have installed the full software in one pc.
I tried installing it on the second pc by giving the second serial number and just selecting leaving onlocation and premiere pro and everything worked fine. When at last it was trying to install Encore CS4, it showed
Please insert Disc 1 into Drive D:/.
My all installation files are kept on the d drive and the program is being installed at
D:/Program Files/Adobe
Please help me!!
Thanks in advance
shayd (2010-09-01)
does this work if your computer is 32 bit?premierep (2010-09-03)
when I start premiere and on location i get a box that says that licensing has expired for the product. I saw in the comments that there was a fix for this error but when i follow the link, it says that the file can't be found?zsombor6 (2010-09-04)
Please help. I did everything like you said, but the main program does not start, neither the adobe encoder cs4. When starting Premiere pro cs4, a window comes out when the splash screen reaches the audio only. in the window it sais that Adobe has detected that the application Adobe Premiere pro CS4 has unexpectedly quit. With the Adobe Encoder CS4 it's not quite the same issue, the classic error reporting window comes out.My PC specs: AMD athlon 64 3500+ 2,21GHZ
2 GB Ram DDR2
Ati Radeon HD 4650 512MB
Using Windows 7 32 bit OS.
Please help
zsombor6 (2010-09-04)
Hi!I'm haveing an issue when starting the main program and the Media encoder CS4.
When starting Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, when the splash screen reaches with the loading to Only Audio, a window comes out saying: Adobe has detected that the application Adobe Pr... has unexpectedly quit.
Allmoust same thing with the MEdia encoder, but there the classic error reporting window comes out.
Using windows 7 32 bit OS
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ 2.21 GHZ
2GB Ram DDR2
Ati Radeon HD 4650 512MB.
Please help.
zsombor6 (2010-09-04)
Sorry for double comment, I tought that windows' inernet explorer had something issue, and didn't submit my comment after pressing the button N nothing happened, so I tried with Mozzila too, and it look's like both were submitted :DSorry
Rataplan01 (2010-09-04)
I dont't understand step 9.1) Turn internet back on, Start each of the apps & accept the licence agreament
if prompted.
Turn internet back on? And wich apps?
Or do you mean that have to go to the links in the hosts file?
Links like these:
Icupalotlol (2010-09-05)
Hey thethingy! I have the same problem as premierep and the link is 404'ing on me also. May you please fix this? Much appreciated!estefi (2010-09-11)
Hi There.I have followed all the steps as issued, but in the middle of the instalation process, it appears that some components have not been installed correctly. whoever, the program itself appears to be ejecutable, then when I try to open it, an error message will pop up, saying I have to reinstal it or contact support.
also, when I try to correct de host file via notepad, it wont let me do it even if i am the adm. or it will say that the file extension dosent match.
please help mee, and thanks!
ragnarjoensen (2010-09-12)
So Premiere is working smooth as silk, but when I try to launch Encore, the window closes within a second or so.. any idea?ragnarjoensen (2010-09-13)
I found a solution to my problem.. I uninstalled encore (only encore), and then downloaded torrent which only included encore cs4 (no premiere pro), and then used updates from this torrent(adobe premiere pro cs4 [thethingy], and voila, it works :)thethingy (2010-09-24)
actyourrage (2010-09-29)
This just will NOT work.Got through the install fine, did all the steps, etc. and most of the software ran fine, with the exception of Premiere (the most important bit) and Encore. It just came up with a message saying the program couldn't start, something about licences (I can't remember the specifics).
So I uninstalled EVERYTHING, even Photoshop as there were various shared Adobe components I was unsure if they were related to Premiere. I even ran Revo Uninstaller Pro to check if there were any bits left over, and finally used CCleaner to wipe any left over fragments in the registry.
So starting again, got about half way through the install and it just said there was an error with the installation. I clicked "more info" and the log told me every component had "Error 2", with no further information.
This keeps happening. Even starting from a totally fresh install.
The most annoying thing is, I had Premiere working months ago, but lost the original installer in a hard-drive crash, now every one I try doesn't work.
aks_akshay95 (2010-09-30)
i installed every thing as give but wen i try 2 start PREMIERE PRO it says licensing for this product has expired! can sum 1 tell me a solution for this!Pepper-man (2010-10-01)
Are your trackers down because mines arencjmj123 (2010-10-03)
i did exactly as the instructions said, and i got the same message as aks_akshay95Filmerion (2010-10-03)
Hi!I have the program installed, which worked perfectly, but I have the Error: 130:3 problem. I have read your answer to someone else who had the same problem, but it didn't work for me.
Please help
Cheers, Filmerion
dapoxy (2010-10-04)
everything seems work fine. except one thing. when i am trying to encode a simple 3 minute greenscreen movie with a image for a background it is taking 7 hours. and thats with youtube HD selected and 5 hours with SD....everything works great but this....any advice thethingy?fraz_awara (2010-10-05)
hi,thingyi've installed everything but when i open premiere cs4 & on location says "licensing for this product has expired "help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
aegypticus2 (2010-10-09)
and how its cracked? its just the demo for me...Tyradra (2010-10-10)
i did everything all right but when i start it up i keep getting error 130:3 and i looked at all the other people with the same problem but your link said it was not found so can u help me plz?im running 32bit windows xp
opini (2010-10-10)
Hey thethingy, I'm also getting that 130:3 error you linked to a fix for. That link is gone now.If I understand, the error is caused by having other adobe stuff on your comp-- I have photoshop cs5.
The instructions I found said to blast all adobe products from the computer to get this working, but I seriously don't want to mess with photoshop, I use it constantly.
Is there a way to fix the 130:3 error without killing photoshop?
Chellz (2010-10-11)
@gingerttttHave a look at the security of that file(at its details), and change the availability for "all users", just V-check them all. Then you're able to "save" the file.
I made an account just to thank you for this file. I havent been able to let ANY thing work with cracks or keygens, So this was a great sollution!
For others, just read the steps VERY well! Then everything should work out just fine.
obnyguy (2010-10-21)
Hi thethingy. im a newb pls help. getting the 130:3 error. should i have removed adobe reader 9 before install? only encore, onlocation, premier pro giving message. pls help!!!drifterneo (2010-10-23)
Hello,I want to run the windows cleanup because when i open premiere it keeps saying to me that the licence has expired,I' m using a windows 7 (32bit),
however photoshop cs4 is a necessary tool for my work. If i use the cleanup program should i uninstall photoshop too will there be any problem reinstalling the photoshop cs4 (cracked). What am i supposed to uninstall? every programme that is related with adobe?
muradinjo3 (2010-11-01)
hey thethingy!!! the link you posted doesnt work for converting back to host files and the error 130: 3could youn pleaaZEEEE post another one or tell me how i could find the information otherwise??
muradinjo3 (2010-11-01)
my email is muradinjo@hotmail.comcap_t_cha (2010-11-04)
Does anyone now how to solve the "License for this product has stopped working" (error message) ?cap_t_cha (2010-11-04)
Ok Got it all figured out. for those of you with the same problem. Just go to the thingy's pirate bay member page and download the "Adobe Clean Install & Error Toolkit V2" which will fix this and all other problems concerning CS4 and CS5 errorsHotgardenstomp (2010-11-21)
I can't use cs5 becuse of xp 32-bit. Someone wanna seed premiere cs4?evilalex_16 (2010-11-23)
Hey thethingy i don't know why but when i open premiere pro make a new project creat the sequence and click ok everything loads and then it just crashes and it happens evertime what can i do to fix?darc44 (2010-11-25)
Hey thethingy or anyone that can help.Im have a problem with the activation blocker.
Iv had to uninstall premiere and when I attempt to reinstall it wont allow me to.
Is there a way to disable to the blocker so that I can start fresh or anyway for me to start over with the instructions
Since taking that step I cant go back :(
sweetp852 (2010-12-18)
Excellent, good clear instructions, works well, many thanks, thethingy(ps - before loading new progs, following a few disasters, I am being careful and using Acronis True Image to backup my system hard drive partitiion fully. If I have a problem I simply recover a previous backup version.
RobPinballDude (2010-12-21)
thethingy: This download worked great! Program works flawlessly! Thanks so much!!adrianR (2010-12-21)
Same Problem as fraz_awara. Help!!! I really need this program!davedave123dave (2011-01-01)
can some one please help me on something: what do you mean: "open your hosts file with notepad and post what appears after..."how to open a host file what is it exactly?
(other then that I have downloloaded everything but cannot follow this step since I dont understand what to do here)
thank you guys very much
shonuff79 (2011-01-07)
The serial numbers provided in the instructions no longer work. Is there anything I can do?JTurvey (2011-01-10)
The codes provided are no longer working when first installing or after clicking 'install as a trial'Any help would be much appreciated
BesKey (2011-01-16)
thethingyi installed this wrong so i uninstalled it and now when i try again it says setup encountered errors and would not let me install any adobe creative suit product :( please help
XM4N14Cx (2011-01-17)
I can't figure out step 10!! haha I'm kidding of course but for "the licensing for this product has expired" error can be solved if you change your computers clocks back to 2006 :) just thought I'd help out, also great job again thethingy, you have yet to dissapoint me :)timer_maker (2011-01-18)
dude...ur uploads r fuckin AwEsOme !!!!! thanx again!TheLoveDr87 (2011-01-21)
Ive gotten rid of everything adobe other then Photoshop and followed your instructions with the clean install etc but when using the set up it doesnt install anything and i get the following error:Adobe Anchor Service CS4
Error 1605. This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
Anyone know what im doing wrong and what i need to do?
aj502 (2011-01-27)
Looks like a clean install to me: All apps load/startup fine.I did not have to restart nor were there any "auto updates" to uncheck (perhaps this varies on each system?).
Can I assume it is ok to update Adobe AIR, Reader and/or any other Adobe prog that isn't included in CS4?
Will be looking for patches, if I think I need them, after I learn the ins and outs.
Thanks Thingy.
aj502 (2011-01-27)
OOp...As per updates I only had to disable one and that was Adobe Media player.carlosritchie (2011-01-27)
hey ive downloaded this programme and works fine untill i try to export it it wont link up, ive checked online and it says about manually linking it with dynamic link, but there is no dynamic link installed when i go to the folders, can you help with this problem?thebrains (2011-01-30)
I can't seem to find the setup exe :Stekclam (2011-02-02)
Where the hell are the instructions to install it? Kind of ridiculous...Rigrian (2011-02-05)
@ Thethingyalso have a problem, a few eole listed before.
First on my Win Vista it works great too bad it´s a notebook and HD work is to much for it.
On the tower I still have XP. did the same steps as you instructed ( and as with Vista ) But there also appears a license "no go " after.
Any idea?
Tried serveral things.
Rigrian (2011-02-05)
never mind. ( Older posts heleped )Rigrian (2011-02-05)
@ The ThingyYou posted quite often, the link ( if the 130.3 / license mistake occurs ) No one of them works.
Anywhere else?
GrawCube (2011-02-06)
Can't install it. Followed the instructions again (reinstalling Premiere Pro) and I ran the cleaner program, updated the internet white/blacklist, but whatever I do, it tells me the install of Premiere Pro and Encore has failed..tncditto (2011-02-15)
RightI installed it like you sayed, some of the updates dient work.
I can not find any of the .exe files in any of the installed programs folders.
I really needed this but now im just out of time.
igemigor (2011-02-19)
@ ThethingyThanks a lot. I've installed it on the first try surly due to your detailed instructions (although I didn't have to uninstall ALL the Adobe applications I had previously had on my PC - such as Adobe Acrobat 8 and Photoshop CS3).
But for yout efforts and support I should have spent days and nigths to find the app. I mean it! Tnank you again!
igemigor (2011-02-19)
@ ThethingyThanks a lot! I've installed it on the first try surly due to your detailed instructions (although I didn't have to uninstall ALL the Adobe applications I had previously had on my PC - e.g. Adobe Acrobat 8 and Photoshop CS3).
But for yout efforts and support I should have spent days and nigths to find the app. I mean it! Tnank you again!
Faisal2Happy (2011-02-26)
@thethingyI followed all instructions, but when i open locahost file windows/system32/drivers/etc/host its was not as u showed in the Instruction it was just
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost
i was correcting it by pasting
but file wasnt saved, it always shows a message access denied.. i restarted PC n Process again but same result.. now help me out....!!!!!
Faisal2Happy (2011-02-26)
you replyed the same problem b4, i checked the full control box, but problem remains same, and then i want to replace the host file with [Page Not Found] Message Appears...RAF16 (2011-03-12)
Hey the thingy i did everything it said but i get this licensing has expired when i open it, i've already uninstalled it twice.techsoftware (2011-03-17)
thething() thanks for the upload, ok i installed it and the serial key did not work so i installed as trail but when the installation finished it did not asked me for any key when i opened the adobe premier first time,, but when i start adobe after effect it asked for it so i entered one of they and it says the expired and after effect annot be open ,,, what is solution??????????passaroazul (2011-03-26)
Hello thethingy. I'm a great admirer of yout work. I used some of your ups always with success. It is time to say thanks.I ran Windows Install Clean Up to previously prepare the install of your Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. After two failed attempts, because of mysterious errors. I went for a cup of coffee. Afterwards used my small brain. I remembered of an existing folder in C ProgramData (not the Programs one ...) searched for the old Adobe file and wiped everything. On reinstalling, a great wonder! not a single hiccup!. I followed your instructions, strictly, and strangely enough, even the 64bit updates were accepted. I run the W7 Ultimate 32bit ...
In Preferences, none of the applications asked to register. Until this moment everything works beautifully and quickly. You are the best.
Thanks again!
mylumixcamera (2011-04-22)
Can somebody please help me?! I am in desperate need of help, this is what happened.I downloaded the torrent and it installed perfectly, but I slipped up on one little thing; I put in one of the serials during installation instead of clicking on the trial version, so eventually the system kept asking me for a new serial and eventually none of the serials worked anymore. So then I uninstalled the program and tried to reinstall it, only to get a message saying, 'Setup has encountered an error and cannot continue.' WHAT DO I DO??!?! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, I will be in serious trouble if I don't get this fixed!
hawkesk (2011-05-02)
Sucked on XP, working fine on Win 7. XP gave me that 130:3 error message after several completely clean OS and CS4 installs - that's right, formatted and fresh installs, errors still appeared. Win 7 works (although I prefer XP).hawkesk (2011-05-02)
Also, to get past the updating "hosts" file in Win 7, I had to pull the hard drive out, put it in as a slave on another pc, then updated the file and returned it as the master on the fist pc. They are making it harder every day, aren't they? ;-)AutoDeskMaya (2011-05-09)
thethingy I have your collection! But I am sad because Premire Pro cs5 is not for 32 bit ! But you rock Thethingy . Best Adobe Hacker !JudgeNot71 (2011-05-30)
Has anyone had the error "This PC does not have PowerPC architecture support" when the installation begins? Has anyone used the PowerPC emulators?skyxx (2011-06-03)
There seems to be an error when i extract, it says some files are corrupted when I extract the executable. Weird. Any help?uniboy (2011-06-03)
thethingy, i'm having a problem after I follow all the instructions perfectly.It's a pop up, when i try to Premiere.
Titled: Licensing for this product has stopped working.
(blah blah blah)
Error: 130:3
I've double and tripled checked your work. Any ideas?
Haru_of_Water (2011-06-04)
This is great, just some problems I'm having. First it says they're is a updated version of media encoder everytime I export media in Premiere with that it doesn't export, as in no file shows up, but no error notice. Also everytime I use Media encoder to import the project it says Dynamic link error, but no error code, does this also in media encoder cs5. I can't seem to install premiere cs5(some requirement thing that doesn't exist) Please, need help if any.nastynasta (2011-06-12)
hey [thethingy] thanks for all your torrent, i downloaded your aftereffects, photoshop, and premiere pro cs4 and i installed them just like in the instruction to change the host file and for each install i did change the host file even though the changes were the same... should i do that or leave the host file after the first adobe program i installed or keep changing it everytime i install each adobe program tnx.1985z (2011-06-25)
hey (Thethingy).. when i try to install it, theres message "Please enter Adobe Premiere CD 1 to the drive "what should i do?? need ur help man..
serbcrazy (2011-07-03)
OMG!!!ppl SEED!!!!!!!!!!!!PLSSSSSSS!!!saltyliam (2011-07-15)
Awesome torrent, everything working. Can't tell you how thrilled I am to get these programs so painlessly. TPB needs more uploaders like thethingy; no one else responds to questions, and few can write such good instructions. Great work.KyleKenx20 (2011-07-17)
whats this mean"Tracker for 'Adobe Premiere Pro Cs5.5 v5.5.0.exe' returned warning 'Your torrent client IP is"
never got that before and @thethingy dude your a great unlike those other uploaders who dont respond -____- Skidrow lol jk
Alexanor (2011-07-25)
A million thanks to you, thethingy. It works perfectly. A hint to others : follow very, very carefully the instructions given by the author, be sober, don't be disturb by a wife or your pet, take your's a bit long but gee, what a result !nonontech (2011-07-25)
Thank You Thethingy, everything I got from you worked..... Long Live!!Alexanor (2011-07-25)
You will find a very detailed tutorial (that I've done to help) me with screenshots. I hope it will help you to install and activate the very fine work done by "thethingy" with Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.Look for "Adobe Premiere CS4, installation (pour le site ADOBE PREMIERE PRO CS4 [thethingy])
Pulverpojken (2011-07-26)
Does this edit AVCHD?saket88 (2011-08-01)
Thanks a million "The Thingy".Its is working absolutely fine for me.
Only thing, the software lags a bit, may be because of my RAM which is just 2 GB. I'll upgrade soon.
Also, is it okay if I delete the extracted installer and activation files from this torrent after successful install? I already did that and no problems yet.
Once again, Thank you..!
matador64 (2011-08-02)
I am also having the same error # 130:3. do you know how can i fix it?cochern (2011-08-02)
Help!Any of this apps open, but "Adobe Premiere Pro CS4" link doest open. Is it correctly?
DiogoSwan (2011-08-03)
What is the serial code??By the way, I use Windows XP... is there any problem with the program in such OS?
saket88 (2011-08-05)
Oops..! Even I got the error 130:3.I created a new user account (admin) but the same error occurred.
The Thingy, please help.
saket88 (2011-08-05)
The Thingy, the link you posted for the error 130:3(
doesn't work.Scott_83 (2011-08-06)
Just finished installing, I followed all your instructions and it worked perfectly! Thanks a lot mate, I'll be downloading from you again :)LordMarbury (2011-08-08)
Hi TheThingy. I have just installed and followed the steps but am getting a debug error when I try to load it.It says:
Any advice?
Richard_Lewis_RFL (2011-08-12)
Richard_Lewis_RFL (2011-08-12)
Richard_Lewis_RFL (2011-08-12)
lol fucking loljklolzz441 (2011-09-08)
Hi, I am having some issues with this I read the instructions and I feel stupid when you say install premiere pro I try to go to the Premiere pro install> Adobe Premiere Pro CS4> Setup and it says when I try to run it "Setup has encountered an error and cannot continue. Contact Adobe customer support for assistance." PLEASE help I don't know if i'm doing something wrong or what.Yupiax (2011-09-21)
Ah, thethingy, you legend.Esyrex1 (2011-10-13)
Sweet, easy install and setup. Works like a charm!mihanolis (2011-10-17)
HelloEverything went fine until I tried to open Premier
the system poped a window telling that the licence of the program has expired, I use Windows 7
amanverma (2011-10-17)
Hi thethingy.. ur torrents are really gr8! But when i tried to install this one, and double-clicked on setup.exe in (C:\Adobe Premiere Pro CS4\Adobe Premiere Pro CS4\Premiere Pro Install\Adobe Premiere Pro CS4) folder, it shows a chrome dialog box that asks to save or open a file (main.html), i clicked on open. Then it opens a page in chrome with address(file:///C:/Adobe%20Premiere%20Pro%20CS4/Adobe%20Premiere%20Pro%20CS4/Premiere%20Pro%20Install/Adobe%20Premiere%20Pro%20CS4/resources/main.html).
And, then it shows a javascript alert which states-(Exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'platform' of null). When i click on OK, it shows nothing further. My windows is xp sp3. Can you help me with this 'thethingy' ?markobb (2011-10-18)
Following the instructions step by step, after entering the serial it's got a green check. Everything was good, i followed other steps and at the end when i wanted to start the app it said following: "The licensing for this product has expired". What to do?palomabarol (2011-10-21)
Thank you so much for this, it really saved me! I followed your instructions and up to now it's worked perfectly.markobb (2011-10-22)
hey if i run now tool kit for clean install will it remove my adobe programs that i have installed??? - dreamveawer, photoshop....adisyam (2011-11-01)
Thanks man...stualmighty (2011-11-12)
Hi thethingy. I downloaded this and installed a while ago, so I know it works perfectly fine :)Had to reinstall windows afresh recently and so have fully reinstalled today.
Premiere doesn't fully recognise avi and only imports the audio. I know that adobe has the fix for it available, but obviously I don't want to try the updater. Do you happen to have an update for the avi issue?
I have a work around using another program to covert the avi into a format that works, but when the file in question is over 1GB, it can take a while.
Any help would be brilliant, you are a champion
sander1024 (2011-11-15)
Thank you ! (Y)zorn1 (2011-11-18)
Installed fine. Instructions were easy to follow. Wonder why so many have trouble with this. Thumbs up for the excellent upload!SunTK (2011-11-22)
hi,when i import m2ts file and dropped into timeline, push play button on the preview and video lag is starting... whats going on? m2ts file was rendered...
OS: win 7 pro x86
RAM: 3.5
VGA: ATI HD 3650
CPU: T8300 (2,4ghz dual core)
strange: when i was opening the same m2ts file on vlc or media player classic for example, there are no lag. What is the problem, please help
Liltunechi96 (2011-12-11)
is this for 32 Bit??? please comment back!jamil28 (2011-12-24)
hii need some help am stuck on step 5 i can not find the hosts file
Please help
leomukesh (2011-12-30)
i have downloaded this torrent but it cannot be installed bcoz it is in .file format... help me pls!!!leomukesh (2011-12-30)
pls help me!!!!the downloaded file shows as .file format how to install???
marov (2012-01-13)
For some reason, the download comes up as 'Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.exe' and I can't run it.Am I missing something here? :/
finnyeung (2012-01-14)
STEP 81) Go to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc and open the "hosts" file with
notepad and add the last line of the below hosts file to your own one.
finnyeung (2012-01-15)
hi,i install the file in my portable drive。because my C: and E: drive have some adobe program i can't uninstall,(even with the windows clean up)(i used to have installed cs4 creative suite, i have it uninstall after failed install the premiere pro,but it still in my control panel) and when i get to step 8 ,i don't know what“Go to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc and open the "hosts" file withnotepad and add the last line of the below hosts file to your own one†mean
so i add the last line in the host file into my ip address。 than i try to do step 9
then“License expired†windows pop up
HELP ME PLEASE thethingy
easyrider77 (2012-01-21)
Hey thethingy, thanks for torrent but i cant see the "crack" mate.. i get only the .exe file..Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.exe i don't need anything else..?
yukisho (2012-01-27)
Anyone know how to get passed having to change the clock back to before 2006 to get this to work?HiddenVice (2012-01-30)
When I try and run the activation blocker as admin, it pops up for a split second, and then closes out. Can you help me out?LORDLORD (2012-02-08)
does this work for 32 bit windows xp ?skulldragon (2012-03-13)
Well, I have absolutely no idea what's goin on..I'm trying to install Premiere and After Effects CS4, but, Setup.exe-s just hang and eat up my CPU.
Fuck, I remember I once had CS4 Master collection and everything worked, but thethingy's shit doesn't work.
Win 7 better than XP? Hell, do you even know what a computer is?
skulldragon (2012-03-13)
Figured it out finally. Debug showed, that Setup program required something via IE, but which was currently not assigned to IE, so I reassigned it and Setup started to work finally.Ok, this time the problem was at my end and this magnet does work.
But still, XP is better than any newer Win OS! You only choose W7, because it looks "cooler", just like women pick men by cock size.
Stevenator74 (2012-03-13)
Love all your torrents thethingy.I have used this one on a number of machines and installs.
I have now come across the first and only error.
PPRO will not play anything in the project window or the timeline, I can scroll back and forth but nothing will play. I tracked it down to a software conflict and began uninstalling stuff.
Then out of frustration I stopped all windows XP services. Yay I got it working, so began to restart the services til i found my problem.
Windows Audio Service (when it's stopped PPro works as normal, when it's on PPro won't play anything).... but I need that to hear stuff.
Going to try your adobe clean install toolkit and see.
Stevenator74 (2012-03-13)
Yes it is definitely a conflict between 'windows audio' service and PPro CS4. Just tried reformat and clean windows install of XP Pro SP3. Got my drivers sorted, installed Qt and VLC then PPro same prob. Disabled 'windows audio' in msconfig, restarted PPro works like a dream. Machine is HP Compaq dc7100 tower with correct drivers etc installed. 3.0 ghz ht p4 2gb ram asus hd5450 pcie 512mb graphicsStevenator74 (2012-03-14)
Ok I finally solved it. Anyone experiencing the timeline not playing should try this!Open PPro goto edit>preferences>audio hardware.
open ASIO settings, disable the audio device in input and leave it enabled in output. Fixed it for me!
mrChe04 (2012-03-17)
I really tryed x10 times to make it but just cant get it work, get to the part where is sas one of more apps wont install, you have to restart ur PC and virus and firewall close, but done that, and still it doesnt want to install premier pro and 1 other program, the rest it installs but those two NOPreply
Thingy can u help ?
loombaron (2012-04-11)
Does this one work?inaneswine (2012-04-15)
I'm at a total loss at what to do now. Kept getting that 130:3 error message, so I uninstalled all Adobe apps on my computer, followed the clean-up instructions in Thethingy's other torrent, reinstalled everything according to the instructions in the torrent, and there it is again, that 130:3 error.The only instruction that I couldn't follow was the instruction to deactivate the app before uninstalling. The option in the Help menu was dimmed, and I couldn't click on it. Could anyone please help?
1995-wox (2012-04-16)
will this work on 32 bit windows 7?Arjun9999 (2012-05-28)
hi guys.. anyone help me plsi got an error 130:3
how to solve this??
anybody help me
uheardmebitch (2012-06-12)
CS5 is cracked and better than this, my advice is go get it [by the thingy] CS6 however is not cracked properly yetmazraf (2012-07-19)
does it work for xp 32 bit??zodseg (2012-08-22)
thanks, its a very great programm, thanks for the torrent!!!PriceDPS (2012-10-20)
the premiere update to 4.2.1 does not work for me. HELP!!!faiooonah (2012-10-30)
When I try to export file it says 'The Adobe product that installed Media Encoder has not activated.' and asks me to launch and activate before using it. Sorry, not too good at this stufffremenlaw (2012-12-23)
thethingy you definitely deserve all the praise your getting. This torrent saved my life. Super easy to install. Works perfectly. ThanxQ__boii (2012-12-26)
Thanks a lot for the good seeding, eventhough the program is a total pile of shit. It cannot handle mp4 files. Sometimes, it loses the sound of some mpeg files, until you restart the POS application. It saves the projects as itself wishes to. Nope, I will remove it, now and forever.Raizanoro (2013-02-09)
Greetings!! I have recently downloaded this, since I'm still on Windows Vista 32-Bit, but I'm having issues getting Premiere Pro to work. (Which blows, as it's the only one in the pack I had my sights on.)It's crashing at startup when it hits "loading Audio Only". I saw in other posts that you found a solution for it and had folks download from those links, but they're broken links now, so I'm not sure what to do.
meshkys (2013-02-19)
Oh, thethingy, it used to work just fine but now I keep getting 130:3 Error message. How to get around it?meshkys (2013-02-19)
Got some answer on how to find a way around 103:3 Error (I imagine it is caused by the serials, which have been blacklisted by Adobe, no? I usually have little to do with IT...) and Adobe Premiere CS4 works for now. I used a method described in thethingy's other torrents, although I think it does not guarantee updates. So be it.I uninstalled CS4, then installed it again but in a trial mode, opened and closed it once and swapped the .dll file with the one provided. Very simple, but will see if it lasts...
LFabre (2013-04-11)
Works perfect just like the usual thethingy torrent. For those wondering premiere cs4 does run on 32 bit systemsRequiemv02 (2013-06-03)
When importing x264 AVI's, it only imports audio.Am I missing a codec pack?
Griboye (2013-06-11)
Скачал, установил. Импортированный файл 1280х720. Но в окошке вверху с лева пишет 720х576 и выводит в таком же формате. Другая программа типа Pinnacle нормально импортирует и выводит. Что делать?howl0911 (2013-08-22)
the license has stopped working for this product. Error 130:3dasstrum (2013-08-24)
I can confirm with howl0911 ... the license has stopped workingLrosc (2013-10-31)
which languajes this available?promienie (2013-12-12)
Thanks a LOT!P.S.
Works fine on XP Pro SP3 x86 :)
udude99 (2014-06-26)
if you have any problems with the license error un-install and then re-intstall using this keygen and follow its intructions.It works. and thanks thethingy for the upload.
udude99 (2014-06-26)
updates work when using the keygen
fukitneedhelp (2014-06-29)
- Dear the thingy: Copied from page three of the comments for this torrent: -banjomanCO at 2010-02-11 22:12 CET:
Hello all. I have downloaded the main file twice. During extraction, it registers many "cannot create file..." errors in the unpacking window, and at the end I am told that the unpack failed and that I should retry it after restarting Windows (XP Pro in my case.) Any ideas?
VIP thethingy at 2010-02-12 14:58 CET:
banjomanCO, xp is crap, use 7, but use ccleaner to clean and reg clean (all options), restart and re-extract.
- End of copied comments -
Back to me then:
I have this same problem on unpacking the files: says some files could not be created so restart and re-unpack (or words to that effect).
I am running XP like banjomanCO is.
Thingy, when you say,
'xp is crap, use 7, but use ccleaner....',
are you saying 'xp is crap, 7 is better to use, but you can use xp as long as you use the ccleaner....'
are you saying that this torrent simply won't work with xp at all??
As far as I have learned from my own research, this version of Premiere will work on xp (with windows service pack (can't remember number) installed).
What did you mean mate? Sounds like you are recommending I change my entire operating system just to enable the loading of these files!!!?? Am I mis-understanding something? Would appreciate feedback. P.s. props for all of your hard work :)
1. Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.exe 1936.43 Mb