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GTA San Andreas:Reality Mod






GTA San Andreas:Reality Mod




2005-08-11 (by jasa2005)


I've created mod that include -hotcoffe mod (Author: PatrickW; Co-Authors : Craig Kostelecky, Hammer83) -all islads are open from start, same thing with shops, tatoos and barbers... -you can lock and unlock doors in you car -you can sit in a car as a passanger -all cars have petrol ( 16 petrol stations are useable, they are marked on the map with icon: user posted image) -you can crack cars with locked doors (even police cars) -all propeties are buyable since the beginning -police and other special clothes are also availible since the beginning Controls: when you press 'horn' and hold 1-2 sec to lock/unlock your doors when you near the car press 'change camera' button to enter it as a passanger when you near locked car press 'look back' and hold 1-2 sec to crack it Comments: Petrol cost in game (I take it from Xoomer stations where it costs 14.99) is same on all stations - 15$ SPANISH.GTX IS SAME WITH AMERICAN.GTX if you chose spanish language in game everything will be in english. Ok, so you've read the other readme, and fucked up all your GTA SA stuff, and now you want to do it properly ... 1) Re-FTP Game, or extract ISO, whichever. 2) Delete any San Andreas gamesave you may have, or copy to memory card then deleted, which ever. 3) Replace the 'spanish.gxt' file in the folder 'text', you must do this even if you're playing in English. 4) Click on 'data' then click on 'script' copy and paste 'main.scm' and 'script.img' into there. 5) You can safely jump up and down, spit on, shit on, whatever you desire to the 'script.bak' file ( Was removed from this release, but this is for anyone using this readme with the previous release which contained it ... ). 6) Boot up and hope it works :). This has all been tried and tested by myself on the Dagger release, by my brother on the Xwar release, and by a good friend on the Xtasy release, all off the HD, all working. Take Care y'all, and enjoy many more releases from the Lab! the one and only - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> GaMeShEaVeN <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Files count:



1.53 Mb




jasa2005 (2005-08-11)


krutan (2005-08-11)

Is this mod available to PC too?

jasa2005 (2005-08-11)

I think so but I dont know were,Try gta garage they have cool downloads!!!

Illuminati_17 (2005-08-12)

sounds very cool but does it only work on the dagger version?

jasa2005 (2005-08-12)

I dont think so.
10 mins later>No it works on all GTA Versions but I tried mine on Dagger!!

Illuminati_17 (2005-08-13)

ok thanks! gonna try it sounds cool...

jasa2005 (2005-08-13)


thirty eight (2005-08-13)

Sounds cool; are there real car names though?

Wompa (2005-08-13)

But i have to burn my gta for it to work... its dosent work just to FTP it over.
Its doesent boot, but i want this....
Help me someone :)

edsn (2005-08-13)

works with all versions i think. and it suits my version where my gang members are hells angels bikers and i cruise around on my custom chopper

luczinho (2005-08-14)

hey guys do you like how i play an old game with this mod? here when he's load the game, its crash...
any help? =/

jasa2005 (2005-08-14)

Read the description fuckers.You need to delete any Save game you have and then reboot.I didnt try from disk but from the HD on NTSC!!!

luczinho (2005-08-14)

sorry about the others 2 i posted before... the real question is: i can use an old save game with this mod?
thx for your help =)

jasa2005 (2005-08-14)

I was thinking on the real car names like
Super GT:Lamborgini
Banshee:Porsh(Dont know how to spell it)
Sound cool???

luczinho (2005-08-14)

jasa i made like you say, i have deleted the save, i reboot and paste the old save, then i try to load but it crashes on the load game =/

luczinho (2005-08-14)

any help? =(

edsn (2005-08-14)

i dont think that you can play with your old saves due to the game mods so im afraid you will have to start from scratch unless someone with the same mods uplaod a save.

edsn (2005-08-14)

have you tried playing it without a save to check that the game runs so that you know that you copied the right files

luczinho (2005-08-14)

damn it doesn't work =( i have all 100% =((
but thx for your help =]

jasa2005 (2005-08-14)

Does this mod work for any body

jasa2005 (2005-08-14)

You need to start from the begining.Delete all San Andreas Saves and Star from beigining!!!

luczinho (2005-08-15)

jasa i started from beggining and its perfect! but i want to know if its possible to play with my old save in the mod. its possible? thx

Rav10 (2005-08-16)

do u replace the spanish.gxt that u get first get with the spanish gxt in the San Andreas game folder text. or do u mean something else.

jasa2005 (2005-08-16)

Replace the spanish.gxt with the one in the text folder.

jasa2005 (2005-08-16)

I dont think you can play old saves,but I think if you start a new game then put your save in it should work!!!Also I will be posting a new mod that makes San andreas,Vice city and liberty city on the one game.And it will be on DVD5 Format not DVD9!!!

luczinho (2005-08-18)

look what i've made: i replaced the 2 files on "data" folder, and i replaced the spanish.gxt, but i've made the second step only 1 time. There should be that the problem for the old save can't run? thx for all your help ;)

#Commander# (2006-03-07)

Can some 1 find it for pc ? cant find it at gtagarage :(

martins_vision (2006-08-04)

locks up when my girl invites me in for coffee but still can pause the game everything else works fine can someone help?

tinytom1992 (2007-03-11)

hmmm. . .
looks like u stole this mod and are taking credit for yourself.

The Instructions and everything sound exactly the same.
infact heres a direct link to the download.

(or u could just download off the REAL OFFICIAL site

coxxen (2007-03-25)

seed pls

coxxen (2007-03-30)

seed pls need this now pls seed!!!

coxxen (2007-03-30)


tomworld10 (2007-07-19)

@jasa2005 :
It's very bad to steel mods from someone and giveyourself credit.
work by yourself before giving you credit.
@others :
Please read the official topic to have more infos, latests versions (regulary updates), screenshots, tips and many others goodies !!!!!!

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Have fun

Lolz_Damper (2008-08-07)

Lol.. stealing others mods ey? That is bad.. Anyway is this mod for PC or XBOX? :P


1. GTA Back To Reality Mod.rar 1.53 Mb