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Adobe CS4 downloaded from [Kryptic Chewie]






Adobe CS4 downloaded from [Kryptic Chewie]




2008-10-19 (by krypticchewie)


Thanks to fredsky for Here I got the links and instructions to get CS4 from [quote]You can download the FULL RETAIL Master Collection (7GB) directly from the Adobe servers: 1. Log out of Adobe/remove their cookies, if any. 2. Go to 3. Click link: DOWNLOADS then scroll down to TRIAL DOWNLOADS 4. Choose Lightroom "TRY IT" 5. You'll be asked to login - so login or register w/ fake details 6. After login, you'll be taken to the Lightroom trial download page (to select version/language etc) - enter this address into your browser's url bar: if you're interested in the extra content, also use this: try it for 30 days free, and wait for a keygen + crack... total bandwith avaible from adobe : 300kB/s. about 10h download. [/quote] But I kept getting disconnected and it was generally a pain. So here they are, the downloaded CS4 from I even have the extra content here too. Sorry but there are no cracks here. You'll have to find a good one when it comes out. Until then, use this if you are getting trouble with


  1. CS4
  2. creative suite 4
  3. adobe
  4. photoshop

Files count:



5704.64 Mb




geoken (2008-10-20)

thanks for the guide. I'm downloading at 600+KB/s off adobes site.

wildman69 (2008-10-20)

You will need this one to
download this the same way as the other two. I have a download speed at 900-1200 Kb/sec so it will take about 1 hour and 10 min. to download.

krypticchewie (2008-10-20)

wildman69, that link is in my description and in my torrent but I see my description needs fixing.

krypticchewie (2008-10-20)

Hey guys, I'm using µTorrent and have set the initial seeding option to hopefully get this torrent out faster to people with higher upload bandwidth (I'm on a 256 mbit up connection). So if you see no seeds this is why.
Look at

for those of you who don't know.

wildman69 (2008-10-20)

And i see it's fixed. And thank you for the Adobe adress, I downloaded it all in 1 hour and 2 min. I have a 100/100 line that helps.

crchickadee (2008-10-20)

does not work

krypticchewie (2008-10-20)

crchickadee, it should but if not try this torrent

zaqaz (2008-10-20)

All links in the description worked fine for me, downloaded it all from Adobe at approx 500kB/s.
Thanks a lot krypticchewie!

krypticchewie (2008-10-21)

WOW!!! Look at seeders!! Thanks guys.

jokeri1971 (2008-10-21)

thanks man works great

WarLuigi (2008-10-25)

FINALLY! After 4 days of download I finally got it.
Use XFROCE Keygen to get a valid serial and use the amtlib cracked file to avoid activation issues.
Works like a charm but was a bitch to extract and install. (TOOK A LONG TIME)

Glud (2008-10-26)

You say: "You can download the FULL RETAIL Master Collection (7GB) directly from the Adobe servers"
7 GB?
This one is only 5.57 GB?
Home come?

bourretapipe (2008-10-27)

Thanks. Works great in French Canadian with XFORCE keygen + host tip (Vista 32).

chippyorjames (2008-10-27)

Please seed people, im stuck on 99.9%! Typical really...

chippyorjames (2008-10-27)

I tried the link thing but every time i just got sent to a page asking me to put in my email address so they could email me when the trial was available to download by everyone. Also people are seeding but im not downloading, im new to this seeding business... but why arent I?

pugpuppy (2008-11-08)

Lol this will take a while.. Thanks for posting this!

qzex (2008-12-06)

TY for the guide! I spend 24 hours downloading a torrent only to discover it was for Mac. >.>

frozenvegtables (2008-12-06)

let mke get some seed man

Unicron29 (2009-11-06)

Can you post something other than a .rar file? My uTorrent isn't handling it very well.

JamesJohnCGI (2010-07-16)

Thanks alot Your Worth a Mill!!