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Buffy - Buffy 2nd Season
Buffy 2nd Season DVDrip
Video/Movies DVDR
2005-03-06 (by Johosc)
Buffy Second Season
2x01 - When She Was Bad
2x02 - Some Assembly Required
2x03 - School Hard
2x04 - Inca Mummy Girl
2x06 - Reptile Boy
2x07 - Halloween
2x08 - Lie to Me
2x09 - The Dark Age
2x10 - What's my Line, part 1
2x11 - What's my Line, part 2
2x12 - Ted
2x13 - Bad Eggs
2x14 - Surprise
2x15 - Innocence
2x16 - Phases
2x17 - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
2x18 - Passion
2x19 - Killed by Death
2x20 - I Only Have Eyes for You
2x21 - Becoming, part 1
2x22 - Bacoming, part 2
Files count:
8659.33 Mb
tissemann (2005-03-09)
Tack så jättemycket! Jag hade laddat 98,2% från loki, och sen slutade det funka... 10 av episoderna var inte kompletta även om jag bara saknade 1,8%. Ska hjälpa med att seeda denna och sesong 1. Tissemannthermofish68 (2005-03-14)
Hej, finns det någon som kan seeda lite?holloway (2005-06-19)
could it be that the last file is missing in the torrent ? plz help thxbugalicious71 (2005-06-23)
I donno bout you guys but they all skip like alot..yea i was very upset..the 1st season was good then i d/l this one and up to season 4 and yea they skip.. :(Bellona (2005-06-25)
seed!Silverskugga (2005-06-29)
Seeda, plz?miskatonic (2005-07-07)
snälla seeda!aznvfgirl (2006-04-01)
Not a very good dvd rip. Somebody should've cleaned their dvd's before ripping them. They skip like hell and it's impossible to navigate to the part you want.Johosc (2006-04-16)
Sorry, it's not chaptered like a DVD rip should be; it's straight video files I'm afraid. However, they don't skip at all on any of my systems. Check your codecs?baldie_ (2006-05-12)
Good rip, thanks. the guys who say they skip are morons who need to learn how to install a codec .. fucking idiots.PsychoGo (2006-05-17)
Thanks for the Buffy. =Dwhither (2006-05-31)
Can we get more seeds, please? Thanks in advance!XoSkeLLeT (2006-06-17)
how about if some1 started to seed? btw Johosc! thank you again for these rips =)reg21 (2006-06-25)
hi!can somebody seed it for a while? I need just 5%. thanks!!!
alisson (2006-07-03)
ursäkta men är det inte mer avsnitt än så här på första sesongen. För jag får det inte att stämma när jag börjar titta på andra sesongen och om det finns fler avsnitt kan du lägga upp en länk ä du snäll..... tack på förhandRammstein90 (2006-09-28)
Your the buffy God....keep on seeding it goes slow as shit 44/kb :sbshamster (2007-01-26)
Thanks for uploading this, been looking for season 2 for quite awhile. Pls keep seedingazrx (2007-03-14)
Amen, I've been looking for this as well! Thanks!Exorph (2007-04-11)
Anyone knows where I could find English subtitles for this release? The only ones I can seem to find are out of sync and I hate having to resync 22 subtitles..dougsan (2007-04-26)
Para os PT-BR e PT-PT! A extensáo é .AVI e não a indicada no torrent.babybaboon (2007-04-28)
Thanks for this torrent! I'm having hard time downloading this, so seed please :)phil smith (2007-07-02)
stuck at 12%mememe24 (2007-10-21)
if 9 ppl are seeding why am i still at 0%???? I really need season 2!!Redhairedguy (2007-10-29)
please seed people, I really wanna start watching season 2.....Redhairedguy (2007-11-09)
There are a lot of people waiting for this, so please people seed... I'm going crazy without a bit of Sarah Michelle to oogle... :(dark_theunforgiven (2008-01-13)
seed pleasedilliebillie (2008-02-03)
Nice upload, pitty its so damn slowuploading 1.8-2.2 MB/sec
downloading 83 kb/sec
totally ridiculous, at 50% and still doin it.
if your leeching (share rate below 1) please get a better connection
Will seed when done
nice rips. season 3 goin faster (500-800kb,sec)
HighestHigh (2008-04-24)
Please seed, you guys? Pretty please? :)greylion (2008-08-09)
Strange why this is so popular.One of the few TV-series I got tired of during 2nd season.
Don't get me wrong; the first season was good, but this hits very low on the entertainment-meter.
tuvan0 (2008-12-23)
plese seedfunkyDL (2009-07-27)
stop writing swedish..little bitchesweedman1984 (2009-11-25)
SEED PLEASE....Mister_C01 (2010-01-27)
C'mon people, be fair! After you download, please seed at least a little bit!BTW, great torrents Johosc!
PlatinumChaos (2012-05-09)
Hey It's missing an episode? 'Go Fish'PlatinumChaos (2012-05-09)
Oh sorry my mistake the episode was there, just wasn't in the files description. :vMany thanks for the download!
You_Muppet (2012-07-28)
This took a while to download, but it all came down in the end. Be patient, my Gen Y brethren :)Thanks Johosc and my seeding fraternity.
axo666 (2014-03-29)
Really great rips, great picture quality (as good as it can be for a show which was shot on 16mm film).Awesome release. Thanks a lot!
Took about a day to dl the first 3 seasons, that is quite swift, I think.