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By the People The Election of Barack Obama HDTV XviD-SiNGULARiTY










2009-11-30 (by cenkota )


By.the.People.The.Election.of.Barack.Obama.HDTV.XviD-SiNGULARiTY BY THE PEOPLE: THE ELECTION OF BARACK OBAMA is a moving record of the Obama campaign's history-making odyssey to the White House. Interwoven with the drama of the campaign is never-before-seen footage of Obama behind the scenes, as well as interviews and candid moments with wife Michelle Obama, the couple's young daughters, Malia and Sasha, and senior campaign staff, volunteers, reporters, supporters and opponents.

Files count:



707.46 Mb




whatwhohow (2010-01-17)

Watch "The Obama Deception" before watching this. It'll help put things in perspective. A president who hasn't delivered on any of his promises.

FRivera (2010-09-24)

@whatwhohow yeah, unlike the other last presidents. He's better than Bush, at any rate.

Einrik (2011-09-28)

How is it possible to be worst than Bush but having a donkey level brain ? BTW, U.S peoples are very good at electing U.S. global company's dollars puppets for presidency, than keeping complaining that government doesn't focus on their actual needs... Very weird. Kennedy was your last true independant president. You're on the run to be finished by your own egocentric and greedy peoples... Still, you don't want to see. No better blindman than the one who do not want to see then. No better deafman than the one who do not want to hear.
Do not complain, when you are the ones letting your country to loot the world... Somedays you will face the bill.

lattari (2012-06-30)

Yes. Americans love their illusions. Normally I don't feel I'm in any place making comments on how people live their lives, but with them the problem is they inflict such a staggering amount of pain and loss to other people. Its hard not to become emotional when you see that a nation as a collective travels around the world bombing people and toppling governments, murdering supposed threats and at the same time project the ugliest image of them selves, as ignorant and fanatical people who cry foul and injustice when they get hit but at the same time so no regard what so ever to people in other countries. Influential people with strong values in humanity there seem to be portrayed as weak and not desirable as leaders because they don't protect america. I'm done watching their films because it makes me only bitter. How can millions be so ognoratn and impressionabloe? In what fantasy land to they live in? What is that they think is worth 'defending' that it justifies a massive army on a non-sstop world true? It often seems their hypocrasy is the only thing theri defending.

...TPB... (2012-08-11)

Obama's sure come through on all his promises! It doesn't matter if you agree with his ideals or not, this president has been the biggest failure since the great depression. A great president pulls people together (i.e. Clinton, Reagan), makes Americans on both sides want to work together. Instead he's torn this country apart using class warfare and personal attacks on his rivals. His presidency has been a total disaster, no matter how you look at it.
PS - I voted for him too. I fell for his charm and personality like everyone else. I was hopeful for change, just not THIS kind of change (America going from being the richest country in the world to becoming a 3rd world nation). Countries around the world are getting ready to switch from the dollar backing their currency to the Chinese Yuan because America is so far in debt. When that happens, we won't be able to print as much money as we want anymore. It WILL BE the end of American as we know it. We've been spoiled by being able to print as much money as we want to cover our debt, but that will change soon. Do the research yourself if you don't believe me. You can thank Obama when gas is $10 a gallon.

AlexLibman (2013-01-28)

USA deserves to be destroyed for electing a commie actor like Obama.


1. By.the.People.The.Election.of.Barack.Obama.HDTV.XviD-SiNGULARiTY.avi 707.46 Mb