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Channel 4 - Pagans 4 of 4 Sacred Landscape - Richard Rudgley
Channel 4 - Pagans 4 of 4 Sacred Landscape - Richard Rudgley
Video/TV shows
2007-08-01 (by 3bord3)
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Pagans 4 of 4 Sacred Landscape
General Information
Type.................: documentary - dokumentär
Production...........: Channel 4
Author/Presenter.....: Richard Rudgley
This series of documentary is essentially a personal view by the well known anthropologist Richard Rudgely of the history of Pagan heritage of Northern Europe before Christianity. I found the series to be really interesting because it forces you think of things from an other perspective than you are used to. Rudgley believes for instance that the heritage of the Pagan culture still effect people of northern Europe in a major way.
The term Pagan is from Latin paganus, an adjective originally meaning "rural", "rustic" or "of the country." As a noun, paganus was used to mean "country dweller, villager." In colloquial use, it could mean much the same as calling someone today a 'country bumpkin' or a 'hillbilly'. Paganism is a term which, from a Western perspective, has come to connote a broad set of spiritual or cultic practices or beliefs of any folk religion, and of historical and contemporary polytheistic religions in particular. The term can be defined broadly, to encompass the faith traditions outside the Abrahamic monotheistic group of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Soruce: Wikipedia
Before Roman culture and Christianity arrives in Northern Europe, including places that are now known as France, Germany, Great Britain, the Baltic states and Scandinavia, the people who lived there where by definition all Pagans believing in Pagan religions with Pagan culture. In other words, from the perspective of the Christians we were all Hillbillies who lived here in northern Europe. The Vikings in the far north was among the last people who converted to Christianity in Europe. When groups of people convert to another belief system and an other religion. That never comes easily. Think about it in terms of yourself converting from Christianity to Islam or the other way around for instance.
One of the main reasons of the bad reputation of the Pagans and their culture and religions is in fact the product of Christian propaganda over the decays. Through history and prehistory, the representations of the ancient gods and traditions followed by pagans have been marred by propaganda from other religious groups eager to rein in those they defined as wild barbarians.
Author/Presenter - Richard Rudgley
Richard Rudgely is an Oxford-trained anthropologist and critically acclaimed author of "Lost Civilisations of the Stone Age" Also winner of the Prometheus Award, British Museum. He has presented three series on Channel 4.
Tillägg till texten ovan på Svenska
Själva tanken på att vi skandinaver/nordbor var de sista i Europa att anamma kristendomen förklarar en hel del varför vi här uppe i norden sågs som vildar (barbarer) och som senare kallats vikingar. Dessutom som jag skrev här ovan är det en dramatisk förändring i människors liv att gå från en religion till en annan, från en kultur till en annan, från ett trossystem till ett annat. Till exempel är ofta människor av annan religion/kultur sedda som man inom psykologin kallar för en utgrupp. Detta kan ha lett till att vikingar till de kristnas förvånade fasa inte tänkte två gånger innan de rånade kyrkor och dödade präster där det dessutom genom kristendomens effektiva skattesystem (tionde) samlats en hel del skatter. Förutom det var det mest präster och kyrkfolk som skrev historien, eller som över huvudtaget skrev något på den här tiden. Vi här i norden har behållit en hel del av vårt pagan-arv i och med till exempel vårt heliga midsommarfirande där midsommarstången ju till och med liknar en fallossymbol som befruktar moderjord.
Pagans 4 of 4 Sacred Landscape
A strong pagan belief is that the natural world is embedded in all of us. One method of defining the landscape is by building monuments. The construction of tombs at the boundaries of territory illustrates to outsiders that the area is rightfully yours, since it belonged to your ancestors. A succession of ritual monuments known throughout prehistoric Europe, from wooden trackways to henges (stone or wooden circles), suggest the strong influence of altering the landscape as a way of defining territory within the pagan belief system.
So what happens when people cannot lay claim to their territory by marking it with the graves or other signs that their ancestors lived there? In 874 AD Viking leader Ingolfur Arnarson threw two lengths of timber into the sea and swore that he would settle where they came ashore. They landed at the site of present day Reykjavik in Iceland. At the time the island had virtually no links with any past society, but this last new pagan European society survived because its members lived with the natural world rather than fighting against the harsh terrain. By 940 Iceland witnessed the first parliament of leaders in a pagan general assembly at a time when the rest of Europe was gradually becoming Christian.
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