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Stand and Deliver (O Pre??o do Desafio)






Stand and Deliver (O Preço do Desafio)


Video/Movies DVDR


2008-09-05 (by zecarlos )


Description: Based on a true story, this low budget movie opens with the background of East LA. In an environment that values a quick fix over education and learning, Jaime A. Escalante is a new teacher at James A. Garfield High School in Los Angeles County, California determined to change the system and challenge the students to a higher level of achievement. Leaving a steady job for a position as a math teacher in a school where rebellion runs high and teachers are more focused on discipline than academics, Escalante is at first not well liked by students, receiving numerous taunts and threats. As the year progresses, he is able to win over the attention of the students by implementing innovative teaching techniques, using props and humor to illustrate abstract concepts of math and convey the necessity of math in everyday lives. He is able to transform even the most troublesome teens to dedicated students. While Escalante teaches math 1A, basic arithmetic, he soon realizes that his students are capable of more than the expectations set forth by the school board. Despite concerns and skepticism of other teachers, who feel that "you can't teach logarithms to illiterates", Escalante nonetheless develops a program in which his students can rise to take AP Calculus by their senior year. This intense math program requires that students take summer classes, including Saturdays from 7:00 AM to noon, taxing for even the most devoted students. While other students spend their summers working or becoming teenage parents, Escalante's students learn complex theorems and formulas. The vast contrast between home life and school life, however, begins to show as these teens struggle to find the balance between what other adults and especially their parents expect of them and the goals and ambitions they hold for themselves. With Escalante to help them, they soon find the courage to separate from society's expectations for failure and rise to the standard to which Escalante holds them. Taking the AP Calculus exam in the spring of their senior year, these students are relieved and overjoyed to be finished with a strenuous year. After receiving their scores, they are overwhelmed with emotion to find that they have all passed, a feat done by few in the state. Later that summer a shocking accusation is made: the Educational Testing Service calls into question the validity of their scores when it is discovered that similarities between errors is too high for pure chance. Outraged by the implications of cheating, Escalante feels that the racial and economic status of the students has caused the ETS to doubt their intelligence. In order to prove their mathematical abilities and worth to the school, to the ETS, and to the nation, the students agree to retake the test at the end of the summer, months after their last class. The students are given only one day to prepare and Escalante gravely tells them that the test will be harder than the first. The students all pass and Escalante tells the school principal that he wants his students' original scores reinstated. Character biographies * Jaime "Kimo" Escalante: The math teacher who prepares his students for the AP Calculus test. (played by Edward James Olmos) He brought his students from doing "bonehead" math, to algebra in the first school year. Then he decided to teach them calculus. This required him to teach the students trigonometry and math analysis over the summer. Then he spent Saturdays, breaks, and mornings teaching them calculus so they could be successful. * Tito: The cool rocker played by pop singer, Eliot, (billed as Mark Eliot). * Angel Guzman: A troublesome, but brilliant, Spanish boy who must help his grandmother because he does not live with his parents. He struggles with math and juggles studying and hanging out with his delinquent friends. He wants to learn but does not want his peers to know that he wants to learn. (played by Lou Diamond Phillips) * Francisco "Pancho" Garcia: A stronger character who experiences much difficulty with math because of his limited study skills. * Ana Delgado: A shy, quiet girl who excels at math. She aspires to go to college and become a doctor, but is discouraged by her father, who wants her to support his restaurant. She is one of the few that inspires Mr. Escalante to teach the Calculus class (Vanessa Marquez, the actress who portrays Ana, later turned up on ER as a student nurse) * Claudia Camejo: The resident beauty. Everyone (including Pancho) wants to be with her, and her love life, much to her dismay, is constantly joked about by Mr. Escalante. She takes the calculus classes to prove that she is more than just another pretty face and that she can rely on her own skills, unlike her mother. * Guadalupe "Lupe" Escobar: A student who must take care of her mother's children while also juggling with school work. She refuses to be Pancho's girlfriend, as he expects her to be his "girlfriend on command". * Rafaela Frentes: A Transfer student (from another class) brought later on into the movie. A história real do professor de matemática Jaime Escalante, cuja experiência didática em meio a delinqüentes de uma escola de Los Angeles, terminou nos tribunais e gerou desconfianças de racismo. Com um método que fugia do convencional ele conseguiu, em 1982, que dezoito de seus alunos fossem aprovados numa difícil prova de especialização em cálculos. Acusados de fraude devido à semelhança das respostas, os alunos decidem aceitar o desafio e provar à justiça sua inocência. Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos, em atuação inspirada) é o novo professor de matemática da Garfield High School (Ensino Médio), uma escola situada nos subúrbios de Los Angeles que tem uma reputação nada agradável quanto à disciplina e resultados de seus alunos. Escalante trocou um emprego rentável e muito mais tranqüilo numa indústria pelo desafio de lecionar. Estava destinado a introduzir seus alunos ao recém lançado mundo da informática... Ao chegar a escola foi surpreendido pela informação da não existência de computadores naquela instituição. Por esse motivo ficou encarregado de dar aulas de matemática. Ao entrar na sala de aula pela primeira vez, outra surpresa: os alunos circulavam de um lado para outro, não se importando com a presença do novo professor e, menos ainda, com o estudo que deveriam então realizar. Escalante teve que, literalmente, se desdobrar para conseguir fazer com que os alunos participassem de suas aulas. Para isso, tentou cativá-los com a utilização de técnicas diferenciadas em relação ao que eles conheciam, mostrou interesse real pelo aperfeiçoamento de cada um dos estudantes que freqüentavam sua disciplina e, acima de tudo, mostrou a todos que eles eram capazes de superar as dificuldades que se colocavam ao longo de seus caminhos, a despeito das dúvidas que pairavam sobre suas capacidades, pelo fato de serem hispânicos. Não foi tão fácil quanto se possa imaginar. A rebeldia de alguns fez com que o professor passasse por situações difíceis, sendo inclusive ameaçado quanto à sua integridade física. Porém, respaldado pelo apoio daqueles estudantes que entenderam sua proposta e seu trabalho árduo, resolveu propor ao grupo um desafio ainda maior: aprender cálculo e conseguir passar nos exames de admissão para as melhores universidades a partir dos resultados obtidos numa prova nacional de matemática (fato inédito para aquela escola até esse momento de sua história). “O Preço do Desafio” (baseado em fatos reais) do diretor Ramón Menéndez nos apresenta uma história arrebatadora, onde as possibilidades de um grupo de estudantes são colocadas a prova diante de um grandioso desafio que poderá lhes fazer entrar não apenas no seleto mundo universitário, mas também, demonstrar que as discriminações as quais eram submetidos escondiam toda sua força e capacidade...

Files count:



4264.45 Mb




fabiopl (2009-08-14)

A dublagem é original??