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Adobe Photoshop Cs2 v9.0 English + Keygen






Adobe Photoshop Cs2 v9.0 English + Keygen




2007-07-16 (by el nico)


(this is my first torrent) a full working adobe photoshop CS2, with Key Genertor. this is the Read-Me: Use the key gen to generate a serial numbers then install full version leaving the keygen open. After install choose activation options and choose activate by phone. You will then be given a code (down the page) which you then enter into the keygen and this will generate another code to activate the program. Enter this and away you go!! when you finished the download, open the folder \\\"Adobe Photoshop Cs2 v9.0 English + Keygen\\\", scroll down and open \\\"Setup.exe\\\" (with the adobe-logo). have fun!!

Files count:



447.73 Mb




el nico (2007-07-18)

already 115 downloads, but does it works?
if not, i will make a tutorial-video :)

HulkAngry (2007-07-21)

d/ling now. Will tell you if it works.

Ettann (2007-07-23)

works fine!!! nice job el nico!

Redrum1987 (2007-07-23)

Keygen is brilliant. Works great.

feelaydruid (2007-07-27)

hmm... i am having lots of p2sp mirrors uploading to me.. whats that??
Else there is many good uploaders ^^

mrfishswe (2007-07-28)

great speed :)

me_leet (2007-07-29)

Nice speed! Will seed after download!

bavster (2007-07-30)

this works fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hazonko12 (2007-08-03)

thats the best speed i have ever seen, good torrent keep it going..o and i will seed when finished. =)

papabob2 (2007-08-08)

Thanks thanks thanks...I saved so much money not having to buy this software. works a treat !!!!

apple_1024 (2007-08-09)

how can i find the serial #......

shittyhoe (2007-08-10)

thank you very much! well done!

jerale (2007-08-12)

Great downloud, thanks (:

Mokke_92 (2007-08-15)

NICE WORK El Nico!!! Will seed :)

JustLopez (2007-08-16)

thank you so much :D it worked perfectly!

Bananturbo! (2007-08-16)

Very nice speeds! I'll make a new comment after i've finished it and installed to tell if everything worked out :)

Bananturbo! (2007-08-16)

Everything seem to be ok :D Thanks, but what on earth is up with all these "_____padding_file_"s?!? :O

xaross (2007-08-19)

yeah o have the same problem why all this padding files ???

Steve0417 (2007-08-20)

Downloaded- Worked once then corrupted my hard drive. Unformatted or corrupt haard drive, had to reformat and lost everything. BEWARE Torrent has a virus that shuts down hard drive.

RYU712 (2007-08-21)

80+ seeders wow.. waiting for download to finesh

Jon-Claw (2007-08-30)


Hosee221 (2007-09-09)

Now thats some real speed! 100% in 10 minutes! W-O-W! I RECOMMEND THIS TORRENT!

Hosee221 (2007-09-09)

What are those padding files?

bullgod6 (2007-09-09)

Really great speed! Havn´t tried it yet but im shure it´s ok!
Thank u for great torrent. You should put up more!

Mr-Ice-Man (2007-09-10)

That works great.
Thanks very much.

Takashi_Moto (2007-09-12)

"What are those padding files?"
the poster used Bitcomet to create the torrent,
which is banned on almost all private sites for
bullshit like this.

perssonFTW (2007-09-13)

thx u all 4 great uploading!

Th1nkZ (2007-09-13)

seed plx!

Th1nkZ (2007-09-13)

slow downloading, only downloading in 350kB/s

lalalalaa (2007-09-13)

where is authorization code ??

TrexiZ (2007-09-16)

is it anny virus in this? i realy whana know cuz my hardrive just got hacked and i dont whana buy a new one agien..

lasse92 (2007-09-20)

Nice seed its been at 150kb all the way

zalle_swe (2007-09-20)

that was a nice speed :D hope it works

lasse92 (2007-09-21)

Nice it works Perfect!
Thanks el nico

cygupi (2007-09-26)

Fast download and works perfectly!
Thanks! (2007-10-06)

downloaded in an hour averaging 260 kb/s, easy to set up. running perfectly:)

asfaltalven (2007-10-06)

Thx m8!! this is working gr8 + 300 kb/s
Keep up the good work

NeonNygren (2007-10-07)

This torrent sucks! Evrything was perfect until i open a new document i get this messenges "Could not complete request because of a program error"?
This torrent did not work.

uberman84 (2007-10-07)

Awesome torrent, keep it up

AMiNO88 (2007-10-10)

SEED Please!!

JacksonT (2007-10-13)

great torrent fastest download I've ever seen and installed great and no trexiZ virus free

potbellypig39 (2007-10-24)

This will not download for me, it says there is 75 seeders, but I only have two and no health (using bitlord). Why is this happening?

potbellypig39 (2007-10-24)

I would really really like to have photoshop, so someone please help me out.

belial616 (2007-10-30)

Setup.exe generates a program error when I try to open it. But most posts here say this application works fine. What's up?

James_A (2007-11-02)

keygen aint working for me, invalid serial apparently.

D3m0n3ss (2007-11-03)

Wow. Great torrent, thanks to all those that are seeding.
Program and Crack work, make sure to read the instructions and you'll have no problems.
i just deleted those annoying padding files :/
all in all, great torrent mate, you should set up more

godofatheist (2007-11-07)

700k+ wow

yowdog2 (2007-11-17)

it wont let me choose activation options after the setup, it says i need a actual activation code to go

guardian4orge (2007-11-22)

awesome! now i don't hav 2 pay for photoshop. the torrent works fine. keygen is excellent. basically it works!

TheBrownBear (2007-11-25)

Brilliant torrent. Thanks a lot el nico.
Works a treat with no ill effects after several weeks. Cheers!

AcTiv34ce (2007-11-26)

Awsome Man Thangs!!

SpliffOdyssey (2007-12-03)

all works great, i'll seed

JacksonT (2007-12-04)

Does anyone know how I could get this to work on Ubuntu Linux 7.10 via WINE

Lupeie (2008-01-02)

Thanks so much dude even with a working key gen!

ddjjRemi (2008-01-18)

A serial:

aprilshowerz (2008-03-02)

Works great! Thanks a lot! I will seed!

PiratingMonster (2008-03-02)

How you seed?

JEPPEDK (2008-03-22)

Me download is great ;]
I will seed.

zigzap (2008-04-06)

please help,
what is the auth code`?

bigdudenc (2008-04-14)

Worked like a charm. Thanks

lilmo3_2008 (2008-04-18)

how do i use it?im new to this
Write me back at

Undead505 (2008-04-18)


wikidtron (2008-04-19)

I just downloaded the torrent, and everything went fine until I opened up photoshop and tried to authenticate... it said I could not use the program because I lacked admin privileges even though there is only one account on this computer... mine, the admin. Has anyone else had this problem?

Stian1337hehe (2008-05-07)

Sooo fucking Goood :D
I will seed 4ever ;D Thax to the seeders when i download this :)

dangergirl (2008-05-08)

Finally, a working download. Make sure YOU READ the READ ME and follow the directions. if the first activation code doesn't work just click 'Generate Auth Code' again and it gives a new one.

zackey (2008-05-09)

how to seed?

iwillskank4food (2008-05-14)

hey I'm new to this all and I'm not sure what to put as the activation number. Can anyone help me out. you can e-mail me at

kkrissuolen (2008-05-16)

what is my activation code when my keygen is : 1045-1084-9013-0144-6724-4780 ?
help me , please !

scordell (2008-06-03)

followed the instructions...worked like magic!
Excellent torrent. Will seed for sure.
thanks nico

ToxicPinkPoison (2008-08-28)

downloaded grate and everything appears to be in order but when i open the setup.exe all I get is a blank window that says "Adobe Photoshop CS2" at the top. Does anyone know whats wrong?

zirap_1 (2008-10-18)

how mutch it costs ?

torr3ntmast3r911 (2008-11-03)

w0w nice torrent, even i got the point how to activate this,but im totally nub doing that kind of things lolzz

nordicfreyja88 (2008-11-10)

hey i need a little help with this, I can't seem to make this work:s

weirdbloke (2009-02-07)

All works great, but you should disable your anti virus while running the keygen. Thanx to uploader.