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Grand Theft Auto IV Episodes From Liberty City 2010 MULTi Repack




Games PC






2010-04-18 (by xtracrossxx)


Title: Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City Released: 2010 Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person Developer: Rokstar North Publisher: Rokstar Games Publication Type: Repack language voice set / Interface: EN / GE / FR / SP / IT About the game: Not one Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4) left untouched. A fascinating story, serious themes, vivid characters, realistic city and an abundance of opportunities - without a doubt, the game was the most shocking of all parts of the series. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Episodes from - these are two full games, combined on one disc. The action takes place in the same Liberty City. You will meet with familiar characters (including the protagonist Grand Theft Auto IV), walks along the well-known streets and all the same variety and exciting gameplay Features: New impressions of Grand Theft Auto IV. With two additions, previously available only to Xbox Live, you will discover new facets of this great game - the cruelty of streets and mock glamor club life. Single plot. Stories Niko Bellic from the original game, as well as Johnny Klebitsa and Luis Lopez of the new episodes are unique and at the same time connected with each other. Just before the end of his way each character, you get a full picture of the enormous network of intrigues, enveloped in Liberty City. Additional transport. Each episode adds to fleet game. At your disposal will be the new motorcycles, luxury cars, and even special equipment, including helicopter gunships and armored personnel carriers. And do not forget about the long-awaited parachuting! Advanced arsenal. The new edge, a grenade launcher, advanced sniper rifle, sticky bombs - these and other kinds of weapons will add to your arsenal as a single, and in the collective game. Collective battle. The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony added in GTA IV new kinds of collective game. Music and TV! New TV shows and songs on the radio diversify your leisure time in Liberty City. Features repack: Do not cut TV is compressed by 60% / 20 FPS Installation time: half hour free of extraneous requests disk System Requirements: Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core 5200 + Memory: 2 GB (3 GB for Vista) Video Card: compatible with Direct X 9.0c, 512 MB free hard drive space: 16 GB How do I save the game 1. Start the game. 2. In the menu, press a key Home. 3. On top is lowered window, Press "Create a new profile. 4. Now we choose, to create autonomous profile. 5. Enter any name in English. and click Send. 6. Now click Finish. You can pre-configure your profile if you wish. Installation: 1. Mount 2. Set 3. Play The game does not have the crack included, just download a crack,appy it then install and play!:D comment,seed and enjoy!


  1. gta4
  2. gta
  3. im cool
  4. ballad
  5. gay
  6. tony
  7. lost
  8. damned
  9. episodes
  10. from
  11. liberty
  12. city

Files count:



8804.85 Mb




Jonez69 (2010-04-19)

When I install this, there are no .exe- or .dll-files in the root folder, what's the problem?

xtracrossxx (2010-04-19)

here are a few importents points to remember ONLY AND ONLY USE DAEMON TOOLS!!!mount the image then auto play will come,installation will take 90 mins!!!!so watch a movie,go to sleep or talk with your gurl!:P after installation is done apply a crack download from:

then enjoy!!!!!

Jonez69 (2010-04-19)

Sooo, PowerISO won't do the job?

xtracrossxx (2010-04-19)

NO!!!cuz no autoplay is dea!:D

Jonez69 (2010-04-19)

Nope, still crash at the loading ("Load failed, starting new game")

xtracrossxx (2010-04-19)

hmm try updating drivers,installing latest dx !its bound to work!!sum ppl had a prob with installation bt anybody who finished instaling the game appilied he crack and it worked smooth for them!

Jonez69 (2010-04-19)

Nah it says "The downloadable content required for this autoload is not available. Press ENTER to start a new game of Grand Theft Auto IV."
Then it loads for a few moments and crashes ("eflc has stopped working"-error)

xtracrossxx (2010-04-19)

sorry sus bt rite now im as clue less a you,les se if oyher ppl have the same error as you or not?if most have a problem ill delete this torrent!in demoniod almost al except 3 ppl got this working!

xtracrossxx (2010-04-19)

sorry dude bt rite now im as clue less a you,les se if other ppl have the same error as you or not?if most have a problem ill delete this torrent!in demoniod almost al except 3 ppl got this working!

xtracrossxx (2010-04-19)

Jonez69:aite,sry dude bt ur gna have to uninstall the entire game!this is what u do to fix the problem burn them both on dvds then installit,which will take 90 mins(sry) then after that install latest drivers,dx and dat redistributable C++ shit,apply the razor1911 carck or any other u find in here or demoniod! and voila itll work lik a charm(always wanted to say dat!:D)

Jonez69 (2010-04-20)

I'll try, thx for the advice

xtracrossxx (2010-04-20)

hey people seed!!!!!! dont hit and run!!!if u havnt noticed there r like 336 more ppl trying to download this!:@

boosool (2010-04-20)

I need help how I can install this Game?I am installing the first disc and then when it ask med to put the disk to but I dont how I do it....pleas help me.thanks

FeAriou (2010-04-20)


xtracrossxx (2010-04-20)

@boosool:just mount disk 1,when they ask for disk 2 unmount disk1 and mount disk 2,then click okay..but if this is ur first tym go with the more noob like method:P burn both the files in 2 seperate dvds and install the game!

Jonez69 (2010-04-20)

Finally got this working! Had to re-install 3 times but it was worth it :P

boosool (2010-04-20)

what did you do so it is working now.pleas help me jonez69

xtracrossxx (2010-04-20)

hey guys whoever fiishes downloading ,write down if it works so others can make sure it works and if your having problems just leve a message and ill c what i can do!:D

Jonez69 (2010-04-20)

Well I have no idea what I did different, I just mounted, installed and played, just like it's said to be done.

Jonez69 (2010-04-20)

And works _really_ fine now, thanks :D

boosool (2010-04-20)

What did you do when he asked about cd2

Mochok (2010-04-21)

You mount it with the Deamon tools just like you did with the first iso!

boosool (2010-04-21)

I know and I did but it is not an exe file om cd2 and when I mountet cd2 it come a like folder which I must öppen it

Mochok (2010-04-21)

You don't need to open that folder, it's only the autoplay messing with you! You can close that! You just mount the second image and press the okay button and it should continue the installing, and at the end you will need to "insert" the disc1 once more!

xtracrossxx (2010-04-21)

sheeshh sum people dnt know even how to install .ISO games???must be his first time anyways thanx for helping him Mochok!:)

boosool (2010-04-21)

tack men jag gjorde så här.Jag mountade på den första winrar som stor Gta disk 1 sen kom upp kör setup.exe.Jag gjorde det och väntade på att det skulle dycka upp en ruta där det står sätt in Cd2 och tryck ok eller avbrytt men efter jag vet inte hur ska man göra.Jag gjorde samma som ni sade att mounta igen på Cd1 men det kom från början och förssatt igen.....Tack

xtracrossxx (2010-04-22)

@boosool:waaaaaaaaaaaa?????sry man man i dont understand what u wrote!,hey can anyone who understands the language help him!

harshkill (2010-04-22)

installing problem fix:- close ur antivirus while installing and ur done.or copy both the dvd files into a folder on ur hdd.

FeAriou (2010-04-22)

Daemon tools won't work with windows 7

boosool (2010-04-22)

I am sorry.thanks for the Game and I want ask you why I cant save the game?When I want to save the Game he sign me to msn live and ask me about the key no.How can I save the Game without msn live

xtracrossxx (2010-04-22)

@boosool:just apply any proper crack first,then ull need to create a offline games for windows profile to save.they will save in the game automatically after a mission is complete or when u sleep!
this is from a guy in demoniod(darkone87),do what he says and ull be able to save:
I created an offline profile for those that dont know how to:

1.go to
sure that view hidden files is on)
2.unrar the xlive and paste it there.
3.enter eflc or any other game that requires gfwl and sign in to the profile.

xtracrossxx (2010-04-23)

wtf??wad hapened o all da comments???:S:S
bt gta admit whoeva did this is smart!!:Dbt seriously dude bring dem bac!:@:@

boosool (2010-04-23)

xtracrossxx where can I find xlive because I was there as you said but I found xlive like a folder.

boosool (2010-04-23)

what you mean with that pleas
enter eflc or any other game that requires gfwl and sign in to the profile

xtracrossxx (2010-04-23)

once u hav a offline profile it will be used in all your games for e.g street fighter 4,bioshock 2 e.t.c!
to find the xlive folder u hav to make sure u show hidden folders!

xtracrossxx (2010-04-23)

ohk now i understand what u mean! dude!!!just replace your xlive folder with this one!!!!

boosool (2010-04-23)

just replace your xlive folder with this one.My quastion is replace wich one

boosool (2010-04-23)

I have seen the xlive on microsoft but I am not underastand what you mean with
2.unrar the xlive and paste it there.
3.enter eflc or any other game that requires gfwl and sign in to the profile.

xtracrossxx (2010-04-23)

okay dude here are the answers forthe fowllowing!:
1)after you find the folder xlive in your microsoft folder,extract the folder u dwnloaded from 4shared,and replace your original file in the microsoft folder with the one you downloaded!!
2)now once u replace your original folder with the xlive file u downloaded ull never have to do it again !any other game that requires an offline xlive profile (e.g street fighter 4,bioshock 2)will save automatically using that profile itself!:D

xtracrossxx (2010-04-24)

hey karol888 plz dont post shit here!

boosool (2010-04-24)

Pleas can you explain more how eller what you mean with that.
Which one I have had download från 4share andra what I shuld do andre reaplace..thansk

xtracrossxx (2010-04-24)

okay,man one last time,1)first go to the link i posted and download the compressed file called xlive from there!!!2)extract the the compressed file called xlive which u downloaded from the link i pasted:
3)after extraction u will get a folder called "xlive" 4)find the original folder xlive in your computer go to
sure that view hidden files is on) 5)replace your original folder which is in your computer with the one you just downloaded and extracted 6)then start episodes from liberty city and you will be able to save!:D 7)scream FUCK YESS!!!!(out of joy):P:P

boosool (2010-04-25)

Thanks man but it says it could not find this page

boosool (2010-04-25)

I have found it thanks and I am going to test it......thanks my bro

boosool (2010-04-25)

I have done as you said but it is not saving to now :(

boosool (2010-05-02)

hey.Why it is coming this message for me when I want to reinstall this game.rror Code: -5005 : 0x80070002
Error Information:
>Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)
>SetupNew\setup.cpp (851)
PAPP:Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City

@Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (6002)
IE Version: 7.0.6002.18005
Can anyone help me thanks

Mysterious2k10 (2010-05-08)

Just wondering if this will work if you bought the game.. ? I mean I've already registered online and everything. So will I still be able to install a pirated copy of this?
I don't really want to pay $30 for the DLC packs when I already paid $80 for the game >.< That's a load of shit.
Thanks :P

thepsycohmar (2010-05-29)

the game works and i ve finished tlad but in tbogt i can't do a mission called "momma's boy" because it froze on the "loading" screen.

xtracrossxx (2010-06-04)

the vids r encoded to 50% and no tv!dats all!:D:D

lal_mirch (2010-06-07)


apply the patch and more problems...

idoug2006 (2010-06-19)

work perfectly! but laborious installation(3hours).u need
1-crack "EFLC-mbb.rar"exist in,and avoid online registration,no keys needs or cd.
3-xbox360 emulator gamepad

Last7th (2010-07-03)

why is it that other uploads are 14gb+ and yours is only 8.6?

piratesvk (2010-07-04)

lol, download speed: 6,10kb/s
pls seed!

obyf (2010-07-28)

hey dude how did u reduce the size of the game

shubh2012 (2010-08-27)

hey lal_mirch
how do i apply the patch

if any one else knows plz tell

royhere (2010-10-21)

Aliens vs predators 2010--Lossy repack.complete
seed pls and its English

xtracrossxx (2010-11-17)

this has the tv removed but nothing else is touched!:)

onweazle (2011-02-20)

I hope this one works, as i read it does.
Played other repacks, they suck imo.
WIll give comment if this works !

onweazle (2011-02-22)

Downloaded, unpacked with rar into 1 folder. Installed the game in other folder.
Took 3/5 hours. After install I replaced the Xlive thing as commented in this post and the crack.
Game settings all lowest, still lagging, game freezes up.
1 gig Ati Radeon, 2 gig's of ram on cpu, pentium 4, 3.4 Ghz pc. Still crashing :/
Problem isnt the rips placed here, problem is this game from 2005 even doesnt run on most 2010 PC's :/
It sucks, I am even scared of buying this original cause my pc wont run it.
Now i will try to update the game with the 1.0.1 and the .0.2 patch, see what it will do...

onweazle (2011-02-22)

Just aplied the 1.0.1 patch. It made my pc reboot whiles playing....

onweazle (2011-02-22)

Installed the 1.0.2 update, screwing up also.....
I hate this! Want to play it so badly but i cant!

ujjju (2011-03-12)

seeding now

dbc1997 (2011-04-08)

when i mount cd 1 it opens and everithing but when extracting runs it just standing on extrakting files won't move!!PlZ guys HELP!!!!

coolgogul (2011-08-29)

installation error during extracting one or several files

coolgogul (2011-08-29)

installation error extracting one or several files. my sys config [intel pentium 5700 dual core, ddr3 ram- 4gd]

kavatta (2011-09-04)

Will somebody plzz upload only the setup.exe file in the discs........i really need the setup.exe as i have the full game but my setup.exe file was captured by antivirus when my system was infected with virus...........plzz upload setup.exe file.....itzzz a humble request(i only need the setup.exe file)
or sent it as an attchment to (
Plzzz guyzzz plzzzz..

gnarlboych (2012-02-18)

Hi !
I have a problem with this torrent...
When I start the instalisation a message said :
"Error during extraction of one or severals files
ERROR : Unknow
CODE : 1"
What can I do ? I use PowerISO and I have space on my computer.
Please, help me !