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Tom Clancy s






Tom Clancys H.A.W.X [RIP] by Synergy




2009-03-19 (by Shroo)


In the year 2012, the era of the nation-state is drawing to a close. The nations of the future increasingly have turned to private military companies, also known as PMCs, to aid in their defense. These elite mercenaries provide clear benefit to the nations that engage them, but they also tend to take rather lax view of the law. Even so, the Reykjavik Accords have authorized the PMCs' right to serve in every aspect of military operations. As the PMCs' role is further legitimized the PMCs been granted too much power? And, if so, what will the consequences be for the world? RiPPeD: Nothing RiPPeR: Synergy Supplier: SKIDROW Installation: 1. Unrar with 7z or Winrar 2. Run setup.bat 3. Wait 4. Play the game NOTE: Can also release addon for German, French, Italian and Spanish languages IF REQUESTED! Publishers Minimum System Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2000+ / Intel Pentium 4 2.0Ghz Display Card!: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 128MB / ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB Memory: 1024MB Free Disk Space: 7GB Operating System: Windows XP (SP 3) or Windows Vista (SP1 only)


  1. Tom Clancys
  2. H.A.W.X.
  3. HAWX
  4. flight simulator
  5. RIP
  6. Synergy
  7. skullptura

Files count:



2631.98 Mb




TheGatherer (2009-03-19)

Wow! First Post! This looks great! Thx Shroo you rock!

TheGatherer (2009-03-19)

Hey Shroo just out of curiosity could you tell me what other games you have in mind to rip? P.S You Rock!

Caroline.87 (2009-03-19)

Awesome work indeed.

laz322 (2009-03-19)

I hope everyone seeds this torrent. So far it is downloading at a crawl. I downloaded another version earlier today didn't work. It was an iso and it has mysteriously disappeared.
Please seed people.

laz322 (2009-03-19)

Looks like things are speeding up! I guess I should have been a bit more patient. Thanks for the torrent Shroo!!!
Without people like you people like me wouldn't be able to play most of the new games coming out.

BigSniff (2009-03-19)

Well speeds were good. Got 180kB/s straight off the bat, now its 1.8kB/s.
Looks like the only person with 100% isn't seeding.
Not how peer to peer works in case you didn't know.

rowyncole (2009-03-19)

Thanks Shroo

U_C_IT (2009-03-19)

maybe this is a stupid question but do i have to convert a game to an iso file then uplod it ? it requires you to have the disc in when you run it ;does it matter? or can i just upload the game and whoevr d/l'z then mount s the file? sorry if th@ a dumb q. but im new to this and i just wanna shre summa wh@ i got

animex2k9 (2009-03-19)

thx for the rip. now i'll rip your soul

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-03-19)

Well in the shrooster, it is of my opinion that you are now leading the pack with regards to game uploads, you never let the slaggers get to ya mate which is a good thing cos certain people seem to have dissappeared and without you these good compressed games would be hard to come by. Excellent mate, it wont be long before you have more than 2 and a half pages worth of torrents, Keep em commin mate, C ya!

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-03-19)

Sorry that should have been 3 pages, last time i checked it was 2.

BigSniff (2009-03-19)

Does everyone have their torrent client set to upload 0kB/s or something?
None of you are seeding, uTorrent say 13 of you have 100% but none of you are seeding.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, uploading DOES NOT affect the game. You CAN NOT play this online. Seed while you are playing the game or while sleeping.
My fucking PC has not been turned off since I got a new graphics card, THAT WAS IN DECEMBER, so how hard is it for you useless cunts to seed? Really? I really want to know. Is it a epeen thing? Does your dick shrivel up and drop off if you dont have all your upload speed to rub all over your balls?
Anyone of you that turns off uTorrent or whatever you have when you have finished downloading, can you please tell us why. I
m sure as hell not the only person wanting to know.

BigSniff (2009-03-19)

And who the fuck took my scissors? I need to chop up

 Shroo (2009-03-19)

@CaptainJacSparrow thanks for the ups as always :)
@BigSniff the problem is that some guys reupload this torrent to POLAND torrent websites, POLAND leechers they never seed and i hate that I think I am going to start to block polish IP's.
Will try to give them a warning, or something. for my next release i will state it in my description coz its gettin annoing.
For thous who seeding and keepint it fair, sain sorry guys but some actions should be taken.

BigSniff (2009-03-19)

Well the 16 people in my list with 100% are not in Poland and none of them are seeding.
I'm gonna have to ditch this one. Started downloading the AiTB upload and already gone past what I was getting with this one and it's twice the size!!

 Shroo (2009-03-19)

speed will come back, they not seeding coz they giving all resources available to others and there was none of em left for you hehe thats why. anyways suit ur self ;}

BigSniff (2009-03-19)

1 seeder not sharing? Always happens. 10 not seeding? I can deal with it if peers can give a little, but I'm not getting anything from 1 seeder or 1 peer.. 0kB/s but I'm seeding at 110Kb/s

 Shroo (2009-03-19)

well keep giving and I think you will get what you deserve :]

Gingey (2009-03-19)

Shroo, thanks again for the RIP + Upload. You are the best!
Now if only all would seed so I can get playing this game asap!
Thanks again, Gingey

thepastisboy (2009-03-20)

Hello shroo can you please give us a french addon?
congratulations for your work, nba2k9 can be ripped?

 Shroo (2009-03-20)

@power_marks the x-blades no sound in the cutscenes came with a bad release i used.. All my other games are ok

svadilfari (2009-03-20)

too bad this game sucks...whatever happend to games like EF2000 or F22. D.I.D knew how to make combat flightsimulators and that was more than 10 years ago lol
KuDoS to Digital Image Design

BigSniff (2009-03-20)

Finally got it. Thanks for the up Shroo, great rip...
as for the game itself, massive fail. Repetitive and boring, like wanking to the same pron movies day after day.

 Shroo (2009-03-20)

@BigSniff haha funny post, this an arcade what do you expect..

Caroline.87 (2009-03-20)

Now how bout that RA3 uprising rip :P

BigSniff (2009-03-20)

I dunno, something a little more tantalizing.
*goes back to his 1970's porn*

sylh (2009-03-20)

hehe lol
anyway, i dled the game, so ill install it later and "review"

Caroline.87 (2009-03-20)

woohoo, speed dropped to 1kb/sec at 99.8%.

Russia1000 (2009-03-20)

??? ?????????

Russia1000 (2009-03-20)

Dajte skorosti. A to 10kB/sec.Obaldet.

BigSniff (2009-03-20)

I'll seed some more, but as soon as my ratio hits 5 you're on your own

BigSniff (2009-03-20)

Caroline.87, when did the speed drop?
I set uTorrent to stop seeding when my ratio got to 3, and I think it stopped about 6-7 hours ago.
Is that when the speed dropped?

 Shroo (2009-03-20)

DX10 for vista extract dx10.exe to the game root folder njoy :)

Horror-games-fan (2009-03-20)

Jesus Christ the game is perfect if u have the pilot contrroler

deturius (2009-03-21)

DirectX 10 not working. Get the saved to dumpfile thing. Any way to fix it? Read it was something with your 'my document's' location?

deturius (2009-03-21)

nvm, found it. Renamed the hawx_dx10 just to hawx and deleted the other. Now it works

Caroline.87 (2009-03-21)

Excellent RIP, if I may say so.

TheGatherer (2009-03-21)

Thx a great amount for this Shroo. I think you should rip a The Sims 2 Collection RIP that would be amazing. I don't really care that much about this I just think it would be cool. P.S Why does Skullptura say in his rips that you are just some re-tagger when you aren't?

sidaster (2009-03-21)

Skullptura just hanging on to old issues and being a kid, shroo's rips are all good!

svadilfari (2009-03-21)

works perfectly and doesnt take more than 15min to unpack.
thanks again for the great upload

na33m (2009-03-22)

why there's no INTRO MOVIE in the game :S i also missed those tutorial missions

lamefatal (2009-03-22)

Thank you ;-)

 Shroo (2009-03-22)

@na33m there is no intro missed that out, and there is no tutorial mission. tHE thing never existed...

420-Live (2009-03-22)

getting slow speeds not even 1kb/s

year1949 (2009-03-22)

hej can u plz rip codename panzers cold war its out but there is no torrent plz i really want to play the game

Beasthunter (2009-03-22)

Hey, Great Upload but I have a problem. When I try to run the game it says saved the dump file to a particular directory. I know this is the game's fault but maybe you know how to fix this.
My Specs:
Microsoft Vista Ultimate x64
AMD Phenom 9550 Quad Core
2.2 Ghz
ATI Radeon 3650
4.00 GB RAM

Ludbor (2009-03-23)

Seed plx!..

danny_christ (2009-03-24)

i have micor xp with updated driver and runtimes.
i can start the game but when i choose campain it stop working??!!
any ideas.
first game from synergy i have probs.... always quality releases!!

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-03-25)

Hello shroo any chance you can have a go at ripping that virtua tennis 3 my mate? Thanks.

Caroline.87 (2009-03-26)

Please RIP "Dark Sector".
Game's awesome from the looks of it.

 seao111 (2009-03-26)

I ripped Dark

 seao111 (2009-03-26)

Ripped nothing my ass

 seao111 (2009-03-26)

This d00d took out multi-lang audio! >:o

 Shroo (2009-03-26)

I have no idea what cauzes this kinda of error, try moving game to short path, some where else..

 Shroo (2009-03-26)

Its comming :) Not a band game btw
@Caroline.87 freeman or me will do it ;]]

Caroline.87 (2009-03-26)

This RIP was excellent, the game itself was fun as well. Finally an arcade flying game on the PC.

Ludbor (2009-03-26)

Works Gr8!! Fun as hell, Really... can be a bit frustrating with the controls, hard 2 learn IMO. xD
Truly recommended Torrent!!!!! :D

year1949 (2009-03-26)

sorry to ask this again but shroo your the best ripper can u please rip codename panzers cold war there is no torrent and its out it should be a good game wonder why noone did a torrent i counting on you shroo thanks...

cslarsen (2009-03-28)

yo, stupid to ask, but how do uninstall the game?
othervise great rip..thanks

 Shroo (2009-03-28)

Just delete the game, and use registry cleaners like ccleaner to remove leftovers.

Sror3d (2009-04-01)

Shroo thank you so much I know you get a lot of comments and don't have time to read them all but I really appreciate what you did here. Man to get a RIP from gizmolio would take forever! You are now #1 on my list.

ApofisSG1 (2009-04-01)

ahh so slow torrent :-/

ApofisSG1 (2009-04-01)

i hope it works perfectly

Cy4n0-Z (2009-04-02)

It's working fine on XP SP3
Runs fine and it dont requires that sys requiriments said to be recommended... 9600gt... 2gig ram and the game runs min 75fps max 137 with an average of 94fps with the settings maxed out...
very nice game to play, finally it came to pc =)
Ty a lot Shroo, one more nice rip for the list =)
Seeding now
Greetings from Brazil
(Sorry for my english)

xHomerduffx (2009-04-03)

please seed...i'm with 3kbp/s :/

 Shroo (2009-04-04)

@I)R()N what OS are you runnin? Try runnin setup as an admin if you u using vista.

kilotx (2009-04-04)

Ahh....Runs like a dream.

DevinBedari (2009-04-06)

thx man

Snaffer (2009-04-07)

Download sooooooo slooooww.
Plz ppl, don't limit ur seed

666himhunter (2009-04-09)

Hey, Great Upload but I have a problem. When I try to run the game it says: saved the dump file to a particular directory. please find a sulution
My Specs:
Microsoft Vista Ultimate x64
AMD Phenom 9550 Quad Core
2.2 Ghz
4.00 GB RAM

gamer4tv (2009-04-12)

The game installation works, but when I start up the game, it just goes into a blackscreen and I just hear the sound. I left it on for 1 hour and still nothing. My PC specs are good, so can anyone help me getting it running?

mariopiu (2009-04-15)

would u please make an update for this??
and thanks for the game

PcConquerer1399 (2009-04-16)


Sror3d (2009-04-17)

could more people seed please? :)

UltraMega (2009-04-18)

omfg get a new link up for the DX10.exe please, its not working anymore :O

hardkandy (2009-06-13)

Thanks-man!!! installing it now, im so glad someone knocked the size of this bad boy down from 6 gig... good work!!

Ermmm (2009-06-25)

come on seed! 3.5kb/s download!!!!!

Angerfist_DJ (2009-07-10)


ZERO_BS (2009-07-13)

Lol... no surprise BigSniff is here, playing a teeny-bopper flight action game.
A real sim would be "too hard".

sblonci65 (2010-04-30)

Please seed for one day the italian add on i have accidentaly deleted. Per favore rimanete in seed con add on italian per un po l'ho cancellato per caso

illusionxox (2011-09-24)


SpeXuz (2012-09-30)

How can i play the game after run setup.bat ?