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Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Full + Keygen
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 Full + Keygen
2008-10-30 (by Realsan)
Install the setup wizard and follow all the directions, it will install Adobe Photoshop 7.0
The keygen is included, just use that to obtain a valid cd key when it asks for it. Or just use any other valid cd key you have, doesn't matter.
Files count:
458.51 Mb
cocarlss (2008-10-31)
Attention!!!!!!!!This is not Elements 7.0
It is Version 6.0
turkey110 (2008-11-01)
This actually IS 7.0. works great for me. Great upload!Radiola (2008-11-01)
This is fake, don't download.Realsan (2008-11-01)
It is not a fake...wildwilly56 (2008-11-02)
ok,what gives here,this is Elements 6 not 7, nowhere does it say anything but 6wildwilly56 (2008-11-02)
This is Version 6.0(20070910r377499) same version I had before,Why the hell would I want it again.RisingOfLegion (2008-11-03)
Its fake its 6.0 liar liar fake ass bitchRealsan (2008-11-03)
No, this is 7.0.wildwilly56 (2008-11-03)
OK,now I am confused, The program says Elements 6.0, but you say it is 7. Now it seems somewhat different than the version I had before,not so much the interface, but how it operates. Explain.wildwilly56 (2008-11-05)
This is NOT 7.0,I have seen it and this is not it,it is Version 6.0MADesign (2008-11-05)
See the .NFO file: "Adobe Photoshop Elements v6.0 *INCL.KEYMAKER*" !!!This is the older version, 6, not the 7 (and not the 9:)!
ALBERTO1026 (2008-11-09)
LOL...rageagainstthemachine (2008-11-16)
stop being dicksgo out and buy it yourself if you're not happy you tight fags
willdenow (2008-11-16)
@rageagainstthemachineCan we please cut the homophobia? There's way too much on this site. Would you feel comfortable calling someone a nigger? chinaman? jap? spic? Then why would you think its O.K. to respond in disparagement with the comment "tight faggot." I generally let these things go, but they are becoming far too common. Be glad I'm not a moderator or I'd ban your ass.
schweet_09 (2008-11-16)
can someone explain? is this 7.0 or 6.0?AND PEEEASEEEE SEED BITCHES!
ast_ph (2008-11-18)
THIS IS VERSION 6!sciencepilot (2008-11-20)
well u guys should think for abit...with all respect but if this is verson 6, then GO to the ADOBE website and download the trial VERSON 7! and here just download the keygen...and then try to see if the key works with the trial 7...if it doesnt work then go here for a key: (be advice that this website is 18+ as it contains XXX images!!! SO DONT GO THERE IF U ARE UNDER 18!)...if u need anything else email me at (2008-11-22)
The two files are PHOTOSHOP 9.exe and KEYGENThe text file says:Instructions:
Install the setup wizard and follow all the directions, it will install Adobe Photoshop 9.0
The keygen is included, just use that to obtain a valid cd key when it asks for it. Or just use any other valid cd key you have, doesn't matter.
japanesepirate (2008-11-30)
shut the fuck up Realsan and all of you that fucking comments "This actually IS 7.0"... this is version 6 and the keygen has the exact checksum as version 6. piece of shit torrent and WTF is the filename named photoshop elements 9. Its time to grow man.. this is pure shitRealsan (2008-12-03)
you need a hug?Big_dude (2008-12-03)
Okay Realsan Sorry I have to agree with everyone else. This is Version 6.0 and not 7.0....Well what can I say I guess first off don't upload something with the wrong description and file information, Why didn't you simply say 'Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Full + Keygen'. And for some reason mislead everyone thats its 7.0 is beyond me. Maybe you shouldn't upload anything at all if your going to be this ignorant, or maybe you just are and don't know it yet. Who knows I would advise to at least try to be accurate in the info you provide for people in your torrents. That would be like me uploading nero 8 and saying its nero 9...duh stupid, I guess you can understand peoples frustration now.
Big_dude (2008-12-04)
Hopefully you don't do this sort of thing for fun.ProXez (2008-12-07)
Thx :Dninjabutt (2008-12-07)
AVG Scanned virus free.FanoFart (2008-12-08)
Regretfully, this indeed appears to be identical to ver 6, not 7, not 9 lol and not any improvement over previously posted and fully functioning version 6 uploads see for eg xxthugxx whose version also happens to be fully virus free.Volfie (2008-12-09)
Hii all....Where can i get the serial or crack for elements 7 swedish.
WhaeaZ (2009-04-01)
Downloaded great thanx, followed instructions & works great. Mine says its 7, I never had 6 so can't join the argument but I will say to those who constantly complain...all it has cost you is a bit of search & download time. I'm a 2 month newbie to TPB & am disappointed at the disgusting ungrateful behaviour from some members. If this wasn't available I'd have had to buy it so regardless I've saved 100's of $$. Thank you Realsan for your time & effort.spazpc (2009-04-10)
willdenowAlthough homophobia isn't a concern to me one way or the other, yes in fact I would feel very comfortable calling most anyone any darn thing. If it bothers you search yourself and your motives for feeling pain, regret, anger, or any other thing you feel about it and deal with it. What is it to you what other people say on a board committed to helping US do what other may feel is wrong because they are wrong in the first place for being greedy. So now I called people greedy too, do you have another objection for that. Dogs, Cat's maybe even fleas.
bertman5050 (2009-06-26)
try to download and gives me a runtime error when set-up wizard trys to run the program. Don't waste your time. Keygen may work on 6 but doesn't work on 7. And there is no 9, so I don't know what's up with thatdarkath11 (2009-07-10)
On operating system Windows 7 (release candidate- activated) it wont even run after install..... it says could not find ..... how come this works for you?je11yfish (2009-12-12)
seeders???! come on :Dthanks for the upload realsan
hope it works
irishman1874 (2010-02-18)
thanksRach2010 (2010-05-21)
Downloaded torrent easy, but once I get to the setup wizard, it asks for my email and just runs for forever. I don't know if it's my computer, or what because I just got it like 2 days ago.It says do no shut of computer, could take several minutes, but several hours is more like it and I'm not sure why. My computer is fast on everything else.
Rach2010 (2010-05-21)
Never mind. I uh, didn't shut off my internet lolaxayd (2010-09-03)
THIS IS PSE6!!!!!!it works perfectly but i wanna stay updated so REASLAN plz dont lie in ur torrents...
ipavkex (2011-03-16)
Thank you seeds! D/L'd in 3 minutes ^_^ Now to verify installation complexity.ipavkex (2011-03-16)
on Windows 7 64 bit, this works fine with no issues. thank you for a marvelous upload. btw, this is version 6.0 when you install it.Ecmbuster (2011-03-16)
The "rebadged" company is when you look at the properties of this download. This version IS 6.0 and NOT a doubt about that. The issue is Realsan and what this clown's true game is. Actualy it doesn't matter, that site is now down and in the history books as a somewhat "childish adventure" as a true and pathetic idiot that this site has allowed to post torrents. This version was never true work, except from another member. No matter at this point, there's much better in this site than this pathetic version.This version has flaws and tends to slow the computer during the install.
Pass this one by, along with anything else Realsan has posted.
Gryphes (2011-05-11)
if anyone got runtime error during the installation.go to the extracted folder and run the main .exe file
not that windows installation file. which is around 400MB is something. and yeah this is version 6.
theycallmenea (2011-06-26)
WhaeaZ, you have so right, many people aren't showing appreciation to all this. I can't say that i'm not a newbie and all that, 'cause i mean, i'm just a swedish 14 year old girl, but i think that everyone shouldn't complain THAT much, it's not such a big deal, but it's good that all of you guys mention it. Thanks Realsan for uploading, i haven't downloaded or anything i was just looking, i already have photoshop but still, thanks :)tbook7 (2011-06-26)
I just downloaded the program, thank you. However, I get to the stage to enter my email address and it just sits there forever. I don't have my explorer or any other programs running and I rebooted after download. Any suggestions? I appreciate it.nahte_detihw (2011-08-10)
this is to everyone who thinks they have to complain about the torrents people upload on the pirate bay... if you dont like it, don't download it. if you do, seed it. just arguing about how they did a shitty job isn't necessary and it makes you look like a dumbass so do everyone a favor and shut up and if you can't, then delete your account cause people are sick of hearing pointless complaints k bye.Luci666s (2011-09-26)
Hi, i just downloaded this about 2 days ago it only took about 10 mins to download on my bit torrent and it instaled up untill it said runtime error, i read below that i could go into where it is extracted and open the setup wizard from there... i did and that was to days ago its still installing :S what do i do i really would like this program,HearTofLucHe (2011-12-12)
as long as it works idont care what version it is!! :)johninleon (2012-05-27)
Just d/l'ed this and it seemed to be perfect til I clicked on the tools. Some of them have drop down boxes with different options but they don't seem to be working. Any ideas?johninleon (2012-05-27)
GOT IT! I need to RIGHT click!! DOH!!allexfrq (2012-06-10)
this is bullshit.. 2nd time I opened it, it says the serial number u entered is invalid. Buy now.. if I was gonna buy then what fuck am I doing at TPB?Gh057man (2013-07-17)
Downloaders have a right to be annoyed by torrents like this one. The program may be free but I know for da*n sure both my allocated download allowance, and the time I wasted downloading this, is not!. If the torrent title states the program as being APE 7.0 that is what it should be. Instead;1. The folder created for installation files states this as being APE 9.0
2. When installed it is actually APE 6.0 ...WTF!!!
I needed APE 7.0 because my son requires 7 to complete school work. It's not a want - it is a need. So yes - Realsan you are an a-hole for not adhering to the spirit of torrent uploading.
1. Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0/Adobe Photoshop.exe 458.50 Mb
2. Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0/CORE.NFO 11.06 Kb
3. Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0/file_id.diz 323 bytes
4. Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0/keygen.exe 4.50 Kb
5. Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0/Readme.txt 260 bytes