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MagicIso Maker v4.9+Patch




Software PC






2005-02-13 (by Platus)


Description: MagicISO is a powerful CD/DVD image file editor, CD burner, and CD/DVD backup tool. It can directly create, edit, extract and burner ISO files, It also can convert almost all CD/DVD image formats to ISO/BIN/CUE. With MagicISO, you can handle DVD image up to 10GB; make cd image files from CD/DVD-ROM; also can burn ISO files and another CD/DVD image files (BIN, IMG, CIF, NRG, BWI,VCD and so on) to CD-R/RW,DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW;burn CD image files in ISO9660, Joliet, and UDF format; edit properties of CD/DVD image files; it has the ability to correct volume serial number after editing original CD/DVD image file.can search files or directories with wildcard characters in CD/DVD image file; can extract, rename, delete, open the found files; improved CD/DVD image file detecting engine; supports burning CD on USB connection CD-R/RW driver; fixed some minor error. Features: 1.Process almost all CD-ROM image file(s) including (ISO,BIN,NRG,CRF,BWI,BWT,LCD,CUE,CCD,MDF,MDS,VCD,CIF,FCD,VDI,C2D,PDI,IMG,etc). 2.Ability to directly add/delete/rename/extract file(s) within image files. 3.Convert image files to the standard ISO format(Include BIN to ISO,NRG to ISO,CIF to ISO converter etc). 4.Backup CD to your hard disk. 5.Burn CD and DVD with most of CD image file(include ISO,BIN,NRG,CIF etc) 6.Duplicate disc to ISO file from CD-ROM. 7.Magic ISO maker embed with Windows Explorer. 8.You can convert almost all image file formats, and save it as a standard ISO format file. 9.Edit ISO file in many format(such as Nero burning ROM, Easy CD Creator, CDRWin, CloneCD, BlindWrite, winiso, reader etc). 10.Select some files or directories, and then create the ISO based on these files. 11.Make bootable ISO file. 12.Very easy to use interface but powerful enough for an expert. 13. Command line utility (miso.exe) for creating, editing, extracting ISO file on Windows Console14. Create Multi-Bootable CD/DVD image file. 15. Open/extract/edit floppy disk image file.

Files count:



2.12 Mb




gixxer (2005-02-15)

:bike: :cool: :bike:

Svalen_ (2005-03-09)

MAn Tackar för denna!

jwakeman (2005-03-30)

How do I use the Patch??

moekim (2005-04-07)

steikbra:) thanks a lot.....

OutlawServer (2005-04-17)

Work Great!!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
To Users That Can't Figuar Out Have To Reg And Patch
Its Simple.
1. Load Program
2. Click On The Reg Edit Icon. It Will Ask If You Want To
Reg. This Item Then Click Yes Or OK Whatever.
3. Right Click On The Program Desktop Icon.>Properties>
Find Target. This Will Open The Program . Copy
And Paste The Patch Into The Program Click
On The [S] Patch>Click The .exe File In The Little
Window>Click [Crackit]. Done
4. Sing - Hi Ho Fiddle-E-Dee A Pirate's Life For Me-
Thanks And Gratitude's OutlawServer

simme1991 (2005-04-25)


skippytroy (2005-05-11)

Followed your instructions for patching and cracking. Cracked it, but then what? You wrote "Done." But, everytime I opened MagicISO again, it continued to only give me the trial version.

sulaimani (2005-06-04)


tuck456 (2005-06-08)

i tryed what you said said cracked but is still doesent work please help

latinsnake (2005-06-16)

no luck with this patch . cant follow the instructions you gave

kvakken77 (2005-07-13)

plz seed... stuck at 84%

kvakken77 (2005-07-13)

how do i burn it?? iv got nero and magic iso..

DrGnu (2005-07-14)

Gr8 Share.. Thanx dude.. ;-)

LostHead (2005-07-15)

I follow the instructions, but can't get it to work..
Still being asked to register..
Help anyone?

rehan (2005-08-05)

Just copy the Reg.reg found in the folder to the installation directory and then double click and press OK to register.

Wargen89 (2006-01-15)

Var det någon som förstod hans förklaring? Jag har försökt göra det han skrev men det funkar inte. Hur gjorde ni?

roberth (2006-01-21)

seed plz!

magichampus (2006-02-18)

Thanks for this one! It runs without any probs for me. Just follow the cracking-instructions, and you will be ready to burn ISO-files in no time at all! The cracking takes maximum a few minutes! Great job old chap!

clashman (2006-02-21)

seed plz...

blue delta (2006-03-07)

it says that i can only create files under 300mb in the trayl version

dah_lonewolf (2006-06-17)

Seed please ^w^ !

hrdnyser (2006-07-13)

download files:
start whit pressing reg-fil and press yes:
now install magicISO in c/programfiles:
then copy the patch to the magicISO map in c/programfiles :
now aktivate the patch.
start magic again......
and ther you go :)

VonFrenchie (2006-08-14)

cant copy the patch. access is denied.

nalleglad_17 (2006-12-27)

seeda please!

brujopaine (2007-04-16)

please seed, I need this program quickly!!!

ilikepiratedthings (2007-09-19)

seed please