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2007-07-07 (by PANKAKSSMET)


Rollercoaster tycoon 3 Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Soaked Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Wild Keygan Crack Installations guid Crack not working any more, download new one!

Files count:



1733.88 Mb




stevenay (2007-07-08)

anyone know what this is like?

kaptenmange (2007-07-10)


Xmaximus4X (2007-07-14)

1 Seeder, and 76 Leechers?!? Damn, can somebody please get a 100% download and continue to seed for the rest of us??

jordanwb (2007-07-17)

I have RCT3 plus EP, Legit and it's not a super fantastic game. It only runs incredibly well if you have a powerfull computer with a RAID or SCSI array

pernoel (2007-07-22)

Please seed

Yeekaa (2007-07-25)

i'm stuck on 79,2%.. Please seed!!!

515sic (2007-08-01)

Works great tnx! Seeded.

layla999 (2007-08-03)

Once I installed RCT3 as described, when I tried to start the game I was presented with an error that the program had to close. I can't seem to play the game. HELP. If anyone has any idea what to do that would be great. I have the details of the error if helpful. Thanks.

Pieter87 (2007-08-08)

Thank you!!
Old memories with the RT serie! (A)

jui (2007-08-08)

Works fantastic! Thank you for seeding, and for the game!

NeonFreaky (2007-08-10)

Please seed!
And is it also in dutch???

trashbagnmbr1 (2007-08-11)

everytime i try to start it, i get an error. so it doesnt work. (at my comp.) any suggestions?

bladefinor (2007-08-15)

how much download-speed have you everybody?

Daasson (2007-08-26)

It doesn't work man, it says: PURE VIRTUAL FUNCTION CALL
does anyone know what to do? thanks

Hurr (2007-08-27)

Yeah, I'm getting the same thing. I was playing the original game for a while, wanted the expansions, but they broke them.

Daasson (2007-08-27)

Has anyone a solution for the problems from above?

Jolle_hack (2007-09-03)

So if im starting to download this torrent i will probebly not get the whole torrent??
Thanks in advance.

Andrijas (2007-09-06)

omg does this torrent work or not? somebody says yes some1 no :S

Andrijas (2007-09-10)

snälla nån hjälp, jag har instalerat spelet sen när jag vill spela så står det du måste ha en cd!
snälla hjälp!!

Svartskjorta (2007-09-10)

Andrijas, ersätt rct3.exe med rct.exe du hittar i 'crack and serials'.

paultjuh (2007-09-24)

Got i problem,
When i install RCT 3, it works fine (used crack)
But when i install Soaked and Wild (and i use crack again) it says: Runtime error.
I think i need a new crack, not sure.. plz help.

adams_000_000 (2007-09-25)

does this work
Theese games are all right but get boring after 30 mins

snnake (2007-10-03)

de funka inte för mig jag sate in den där RCT3.exe på program/atari men de står endå att jag måste ha orginal CD

Mulishatwist (2007-10-06) Besök den sidan, sedan klickar du på R, när du klickat på R så letar du upp RCT. Fanns på sid när ja tag ner den. Ladda ner No CD Crack till RCT Wild. När du tagit hem de så packar du upp de. Kopierar cracken. Och klistrar in den på Atari/ RCT. Sen är de bara att spela.... Visit this site. Click on the letter R, when u have done that click on page 15. When u have done that find RCT Wild No CD Crack. When u have downloaded it. Oppen it and copy the crack. Then paste it in Atari/RCT... Then its just to play...

kar-re (2007-10-11)

det funkar inte jag har instalerat och allt och använt crack och så har jag instalerat vatten saken och sen så när jag ska spela så står det så här
Runtime error! pogram:e:/rollercoaster 3/

kar-re (2007-10-11)

same thing happends to mee paultjuh

TechnoTorrents (2007-10-31)

works good man... thank you!

bufferboy (2007-11-07)

va fan e det för FEL på spelet???? jag har tankat 6 olika rollercoaster 3 men vid varje fucking installation står det: ERROR å sen en massa filer som inte mathar bla bla bla, så jävla less på att spelen alla lägger ut inte funkar. LÄGG UT NÅTT SOM GÅR ATT INSTALLERA!!!

noekk (2007-12-10)

This piece of shit doesn't work on Vista.
The InstallShield program doesn't even function properly.
Atari are a bunch of jew bastard assholes.

GrimReaper123 (2007-12-19)

Ok this is wat i'm ASSUMING. The reason the game doesn't work after installin the Soaked + Wild expansion, is cause the crack given in this
torrent is for Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 ONLY. I'm sure if u installed the Soaked expansion u would face the same problem :)
Since the Wild expansion is the latest expansion that has been released, u will need 2 download a Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Wild crack in order for this torrent 2 work. If u only installed the Soaked expansion, then u will need 2 download the crack 4 it. This is wat i ASSUME, (i hav not finished downloading this torrent nor have i played it yet XD). The same principle works 4 the Sims games and their expansions :D

jojjew (2008-01-03)

Några säger att det är Vista som det är fel på, vi vet säkert i alla fall att det är expansionpacken som får allt och strula, Crack har jag jobbat på, men inte kunnnat hitta ett bra. Prova INTE att avinstallera expansionpacken Soaked eller WILD! för att spela RCT3, eftersom det inte kommer att fungera, tro mig. Det går att spela RCT3 om du inte tidigare installerat expansionpacken. När någon har hittat en lösning, svara!
- And now in English for you non-swedish -
Sum says that it is Vista that haves the problem, we know that it is the expansionpacks that are "@£?££&#! I have looked for Crack, but not getting to find something, If yuou installed RCT3 Soaked och WILD! , don't try to uninstall them, because the game won't start if you allready installed them. If you wan't to ploay RCT3 without the expansions , uninstall ERYTHING. If somebody finds some crack, or anything else, could you tell me? Thanks, JOJJEW@

Roberito (2008-01-14)

why the fuck is it limewire? that is some gay shit

thebigguyconnor (2008-01-22)

do you have to BURN the disk, or can you just use an CD emulator like Daemon tools?
I downloaded another torrent with rollercoaster tycoon, and when i run it, it says, "Please insert rollercoaster tycoon cd".
Help me out here :)

thebigguyconnor (2008-01-23)

thanks to help from someone else here at pirate bay i found out how to do it. ignore my previous comment :)

oddwell (2008-03-23)

Installerade spelet för ett par dagar sedan, fungerade hur bra som helst. Men idag vägrar det att starta överhuvudtaget! När jag klickar på startfilen händer ingenting! Har testat flera olika crack, men med samma resultat... Någon som vet vad det kan bero på?

john4588 (2008-03-29)

ok so i downloaded this torrent and it took 3 days and i got the game to work but now when i click play game it goes to the screen and everything shows u but the background is black is there something i can change in the program files or something to help

chicucogarcia (2008-04-28)

I installed the rollercoaster tycoon 3 and wild and soaked but when i try to play it it says put cd in.. how do i put the crack? i tryed to follow the directions but its complicated to read...please help

chicucogarcia (2008-04-28)

when i try to play the game it says..insert the cd.. how do i install the crack..please help!

pmg124 (2008-07-28)

each time i try to open and play i get directx9 not found

PANKAKSSMET (2009-04-08)

thank u guys for seeding my shiiiiit

JStotde106 (2009-06-30)

Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
Seed men seed
plz seed all.its a nice game.