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50 Great 80s Synth Songs Vol.2 [re-upload]




Audio Music


50 Great 80s Synth Songs Vol.2




2010-03-26 (by neon)


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Gary Numan - All Across The Nation 10-lipps inc - funkytown 11-Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody 7' version 12-Blancmange - The Day Before You Came 13-Human League - Hard Times 14-Fiction Factory - Feels Like Heaven 15-Experimental Products - Who Is Kip Jones ? 16-unknown 17-The Bongos - Beat Hotel 18-Tears For Fears - Mad World 19-Poesie Noire - Starvation of a Mind 20-A Flock Of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song 21-Blancmange - Living On The Ceiling 22-Wagner - Dust 23-Modern Talking - brother louie (metro club mix) 24-Pet Shop Boys -Opportunities (Let's Make Lots Of Money) 25-The Twins-Ballet Dancer (12'' Mix) 26-Men Without Hats - Safety Dance (extended version) 27-Human League-Mirror Man 28-Blue Zoo - Forgive And Forget 29-Landscape - Einstien A Go-Go 30-New Order- Confusion (Single Version) 31-Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay 32-Real Life - Send Me An Angel 33-Ultravox - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 34-Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me (Like A Record) (Original Unedited) 35-Heaven 17 - Temptation 36-Robert Hazard - Escalator Of Life. 37-The Twins - The Game Of Chance (12'' Mix) 38-Lotus Eaters - First picture of you 39-Pete Wylie - Sinful 40-Ratata - För Varje Dag 41-Mobiles Drowning In Berlin 42-Heaven 17 - Come Live With Me 43-Sly Fox - Lets Go All The Way (12 inch version) 44-Ultravox - all stood still (12 inch version) 45-soft cell-what (12 mix) 46-talking_heads - and_she was (extended mix) 47-erasure-sometimes (12"mix) 48-Arabesque - hello mr monkey 49-The Pool - Where Did We Go Wrong 50-Fun Boy 3 - Our Lips Are Sealed if you want a real flavour of the 80s heres the link to 80zforever who has some fantastic bands and contributed to this compilation. Get the first 50 here


  1. 80s
  2. synth
  3. new wave
  4. synthpop

Files count:



344.05 Mb




Keldar67 (2010-04-12)

It says 26 seeders but everyone on there currently seems to be stuck at 99.1%...?
Anyone explain why...?

 neon (2010-04-13)

is it downloading ok now...anyone ?

Keldar67 (2010-04-13)

still got 5(29) Peers at 99.1%
Thanks for the uploads tho mate... don't mean to just moan... Top stuffs :)

 neon (2010-04-14)

i'll put some more trackers on this..hopefully it will sort it out...sorry guys