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Real Time With Bill Maher 2010 05 14 H264[quark]
Video/TV shows
2010-05-15 (by twentyforty )
"Home" of my torrents (for Bookmark/Favorites in your browser)
SCHEDULE for this week (and NO more requests):
Monday: The Pacific as 360p;
Breaking Bad as 720p and [quark]
Tuesday: Chuck, "24", Gossip Girl, Castle as 272p MP4 H264;
HIMYM and TBBT as 360p
Wednesday: Lost, "V" as 272p H264
Thursday: Criminal Minds as 272p MP4 H264;
Happy Town as 720p MP4 H264
Friday: FlashForward, The Mentalist, Grey's Anatomy as 272p MP4 H264;
30 Rock as 360p MP4 H264;
Supernatural, The Mentalist, FlashForward, The Vampire Diaries and Fringe as [quark];
Saturday: Smallville The.Ricky.Gervais.Showas 272p MP4 H264;
Stargate Universe, Smallville, The.Ricky.Gervais.Show, Real Time with Bill Maher as [quark]
Sunday: re-seed of week's episodes
DO NOT download if you watch on high resolution TV or monitors.
NOT for handhelds or phones, just computers.
Playable in VLC, WMP and MPC with CoreCodec and DivX 7 AAC DShow filter,
mplayer, KMplayer and of course, in QuckTime Player.
However, picture is better than 90% of CAMs and definitely watchable. Goal was "preview" quality, not the ultimate one - what is self-evident from redicolously small file-size. Trade-offs must be included.
And please, do not watch it with a nose in the screen, take proper distance to the monitor or TV (as advised in TV manuals).
For example; when I finish encoding, I always check out the file, do short preview, rewinding back and forth. It usualy looks ugly - but - then I move back and sit on the sofa, 6 feet away - and everything looks as it should. Nice and watchable, like on older, analog TV set. Not to force you, but take my advice regarding watching seriously.
a) If you are from developed countries, have download
speed above 15 KB/s, think twice what are you doing.
b) If you download [quark] to test your "equipment"
forget about it, on first sign of "malfunctioning"
or "misdoings" of any kind I will block you. (if you
change IP number, I will block your ISP, your region,
your country and even whole continent.
So, think thrice what are you doing.
Internet IS Big place and you can go anywhere else, true?
No one force you to download my torrents, right?
c) If you have FAST connection, HELP the people by downloading
- however NOT as you've done elsewhere, but by KEEPING your
UPLOAD SPEED at MAX. Any other behavior will be treated
d) When you finished downloading [quark] STAY TO SEED.
Anyone who can download - CAN UPLOAD too.
Ones who cannot - only because they are poor - are excluded.
Ones who are not poor, I beg you to show two things:
solidarity and perpetual goodness.
PLEASE, think about the ones who have Internet but cannot afford download of big files.
Every day I have 10% of my peers on dial-up and ancient hardware who need whole day to download a "normal" sized 350MB.
Please, I beg you for understanding of my work, let them through and if you can - help them by downloading and seeding afterward as long as you can. These people have slow download and it helps them a lot (please, be generous - on such file having ratio 9:1 is like 1:1 on normal-sized XviD)..
Example for the ones looking more on ratio numbers, than real and "generated" traffic (ones who need to save - skip this, its just an example):
>>XviD's downloading 350MB: giving back 350MB equals 700MB (1:1 ratio)
>>[quark]'s is ~70MB + 9 times 70 = 630 MB (well... 70 MB "less")
So, people who can give more, should not be focused on plain ratio-number too much - in "world" of [quarks] many things are different.
Thank you.
> ....... at 2010-04-15 22:59 CET:
thanks, i'll be seeding for the rest of the day, but my upload speed sucks and won't make a big difference.
>....... at 2010-04-16 06:09 CET:
P.S. I am having a problem understanding 'RATIOS'in relation to seeding.
I use uTorrent 2.x and it uses percentages for ratio of seeding.
>>>twentyforty at 2010-04-16 06:56 CET:
Ratios are irrelevant guys. They are "numbers" that mean something just - to you.
If someone pays, pays by the traffic (megabytes, gigabytes) not by the ratio, right?
The point I was trying to make was just: If you want... and can - seed - do not look at the ratio.
File is mostly in range 20 - 70 MB.
To seed few FILES back to the people, doesn't look too costly. And it doesn't looks complicated to understand too
Unfortunately, that's why [quark] torrent dies within 6 hours. Many little hands together can move the mountain. For instance, most downloaded [quark] is "The Vampire Diaries" - 1147 times. Could you imagine that ALL people stayed to seed - at 1kB/s? Just that. At least for a while. I do understand the problem of daily nature of the daily talk shows pack (shelf-life is built-in), but - for sake of god - not to stay on two-three seeders within few hours.
Any torrent with more than 8.4% Hit&Run people will die very, very fast.
Therefore, I delete the torrents loaded by selfish people. At cost of all others (including myself).
Please, after finished download keep the torrent active. Seed. I get lot of e-mail from peers who are on stone-age dial-up with 5 kb/s "speed" and they feel left out. As long as you can (24h suffice), as much as you can. World live all around the clock and your morning is late night somewhere else, where some of our friends eagerly (maybe more than you) wants to download and watch newest episode. Imagine disappointment when torrent is "dead" same day because anybody - is gone.
Please, do seed. You'll see how slow some connections are and it wouldn't cost you too much - money-wise.
But, you'll be payed back, one day, from some perfect stranger on way totally different. And vice-versa.
I beg you... it's not about me, I profit nothing, I gain nothing, I sell nothing too. It's about help, compassion and what was left of goodness in each and every human.
Files count:
99.79 Mb
FileError420 (2010-05-15)
Thanks so much for these small size downloads!!Yes, Movies and visual TV shows should have high resolution, but for talk shows, daily shows, etc., I really love having the quick, small size torrents.
Please keep em coming :)
Pothead808 (2010-05-15)
Love your ups of talk shows, such great quality for the size, thanks again 20.twentyforty (2010-05-15)
I must to quote myself, because what you're saying was exactly my "spiritus movens" for starting "Talk.Shows" daily-packs. Fact is: they do NOT NEED better quality, their shelf-life is ONE DAY and one who thinks otherwise probably should NOT watch these shows anyway - let put it nicely - he isn't "target audience".Let see what I have said on May 6th 2010:
NOTE: Last "Talk.Show.Pack". And yes - there is a great interest, savings on monthly basis could be immense.
There is one guy who releases some talk shows in very small sizes, little bigger than mine and definitely worse looking.
Such encodings can be played only on computers. [quark]s are more - versatile.
From time to time I have looked what going on with his torrents (he's not on TPB), puzzled by "Pack" unpopularity.
His torrent has 94 seeders after two hours and after 9 hours - 624 seeds.
I get two (2), three (3), four and up to 9. I am lucky when that happens.
So, you have saved even more. By cutting my "Pack" out."
It stands to every single word in it... Those "immense" savings I mentioned have been anticipated in 14 GB range JUST for the talk shows.But - my try has one built-in flaw: - smart people as audience. And by that I mean not 26 people who have signed their comments here last week, but more than 80 THOUSAND who just filled their bellies - and vanished. Not you guys, got that?
DMVIN (2010-05-15)
Thanks 20-40I try to seed as much as long as I get users downloading. As u rightly say, their life is one day and so I stop seeding and delete after a few days and no leehers
twentyforty (2010-05-15)
DMVIN: Yeah, but Packs stayed on few seeders (probably you, Jon and few and me, plus one to three guys who seeded occasionally) within 6-9 hours. That's what I'm telling. There is few Packs or RTWBMs which have been downloaded by hundredths and number of seeders were pretty much the same.As I explained earlier, torrents cannot "function" that way. It leads to serious depletion of seeders in numbers and their quality (speed) 'cause their bandwidth has been "eaten". Sooner or later seeders see what's going on (they have insanely high ratio) and morons just take and leech and - vanish, without giving back even 0.1.
I do not want to support leeching (true, blatant one) and Hit&Runs. Therefore I often begged seeders to sync with active torrents (if I delete one, they should stop seeding that too) and not to seed longer than 48h unless it's their favored show or movie. I know from the experience (not just mine) that after 12-18 hours any torrent "goes" Hit&Run only, rarely people who are "late bloomers" stay to seed, even for a minute.
And I keep repeating, it was never about you, few people who have logged-in and left comments. It never was - but it seems to be something that lot of regulars here do not understand. You are - just 0.001% of the people who have downloaded my torrents. It's about "others", not about any of you.
Somehow, I still "fertilize" my opinion that no one of the "regulars" is so double-faced, to speak one thing and actually do opposite, undermining not just my work, but generosity of others.