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Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium English By Adrian Dennis
Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium English By Adrian Den
2010-11-18 (by adrian-dennis)
[b]Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11[/b] lets you control your digital world by voice -- at work, home, or on the road. Turn thoughts into text just by talking. Tell your PC what to do and it does it. With Dragon as your personal assistant, you’ll accomplish more on your PC faster than ever before.
[b]Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium[/b] speech recognition software lets you control your digital world by voice -- three times faster than typing. Turn ideas into text at the speed of thought. Tell your PC what to do and it does it. Use Dragon to talk your way through your “to-do†list -- email, reports, spreadsheets, presentations, social networking, and more -- quickly and confidently. Use a digital voice recorder and Dragon will transcribe the audio files when you return to your PC. With Dragon as your personal assistant, you’ll get more done faster for less stress and more success -- at home, work, or wherever life takes you.
Key Benefits
* TURN TALK INTO TEXT Say words and watch them appear on your computer screen in Word, Word Perfect, Excel, Outlook, and more -- three times faster than typing -- with up to 99% recognition accuracy right out of the box.
* UNLOCK YOUR CREATIVITY Transform ideas into text at the speed of thought; don’t let typing slow you down. Play back what you’ve written for easy proofing.
* WORK COMFORTABLY Control your PC in a relaxed, hands-free mode without being tied to your keyboard. Say goodbye to repetitive stress injuries.
* USE VIRTUALLY ANY WINDOWS APPLICATION Create reports, spreadsheets or presentations; send email or schedule meetings; surf the Web; update your Facebook status or download your favorite music -- using just your voice.
* USE YOUR FAVORITE APPLICATIONS Dictate documents, send email and instant messages, surf the Web, and more -- using just your voice.
* MULTI-TASK LIKE NEVER BEFORE Tell your PC what to do, like “Send email to Jon Smith and Raphael Sanchez†or “Search the Web for Internet marketing companies in Boston, Massachusetts†to work faster and smarter. Complete multiple steps with a single voice command.
* WORK YOUR WAY Personalize Dragon with custom word lists and voice commands that reflect the kind of work you do; set formatting preferences, too.
* BE PRODUCTIVE ON THE GO Use a Nuance-approved digital voice recorder from anywhere, at anytime and Dragon will automatically transcribe the audio files when you return to your PC. Wireless microphone support delivers even more convenience.
Installation Instructions
Open The Folder Dragon NaturallySpeaking v11 By Adrian Dennis
And Run Setup.exe
To Install Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium English
follow The Onscreen Instructions By The Installer
When Ask To Enter A Serial Number Use The One Provided Below Marked [ 1.]
And Click Next, Select Your Setup Type, And Click Next, Then Click [ Install ]
When Finish Installing, You Will Be Ask To Register Select [ Remind Me In 7 Days ]
And Select [ Ok ], Untick -> [ Yes, Check For Program Updates ] And Click Finish
Now Start The Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.0, You Will Be Ask To Activate, Select
[ Activate Now ] Then Select [ Activate Automatically ], You Will Be Ask To Change Your
Key, Use The One Provided Below Marked [ 2.] And Select [ Ok ]
Done Enjoy !!! .
Serials By Adrian Dennis
1. K609A-H00-T2D2-AUUZ-NC
2. A109Z-X00-FJFD-BK5W-P4
For 8)Cool Downloads Head8) Over To My Site
Files count:
2270.45 Mb
jsingh33 (2010-11-18)
so many downloads but no comment...if any one is using this please write ur review...thnxSimpleSim0n (2010-11-19)
Oh my fucking god!Could you be any stupider? You actually posted your real name, a lame website and want donations?
Why don't you just call the cops and ask them to arrest you for pirating software and being a moron!!
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!
ashleycole12345 (2010-11-19)
Thankstommo39 (2010-11-19)
YOU sure are fucken SIMPLE SIMON!! get a life arsehole, leave your negatives in your stupid head!!mEmOkIrI (2010-11-19)
well said tommo buddy!awesome upload and works great!
UncleDaddy (2010-11-19)
Nice to share. Pirating other's work & asking for donations $$$ is plain ridiculousbenzofree2002 (2010-11-20)
Is this a cracked program or some kind of volume licence key? Is it activating online?SimpleSim0n (2010-11-20)
tommo39 & mEmOkIrIIf I wanted any lip from you I'd rattle my zipper you fucktards. You're as stupid as the retard posting his real name.
And idiots wonder why they get busted and sued when they do stupid shit!
RaaonGB (2010-11-20)
Does this work on 7 x64?rstp72 (2010-11-20)
first off , the dwnloaded file says it's version 10 ???NO it DOES NOT WORK ON 7 or 64bit os
jaytay (2010-11-21)
SimpleSim0n please name cases were large corporations have ever sued a individual over posting their name. Now adrian-dennis thank you for the torrent but asking for donating isn't a smart think to do. Notice no other (Real) warez group does this, so maybe you shouldn't either.hellinic (2010-11-21)
Thanx Adrian Kickass upload ......ekarth22 (2010-11-22)
If any one is having trouble in uninstalling v10 and applying the crack files, go through following torrent for detailed instructions
crossfire6 (2010-11-25)
I'll give this a try. The Dragon website, and also Amazon says that this program, in version 10 or 11, will work with Win 7 and 64 bit. Guess we'll see since I'm using 7 Pro 64 bit.Many thanks for the up.
crossfire6 (2010-11-25)
Many thanks Adrian.This works just fine. I'm using it on Windows 7 professional 64 bit. And it is version 11 not version 10. Some of you morons need to know what you're talking about before you start making comments. Again, many thanks Adrian, this is a perfect upload and we appreciate it.
hydernajihydernaji (2010-12-04)
This software is filled with male-wares and advice is don't think of downloading it and if u already dead dont install it.XavierJ08 (2010-12-05)
works great for me, took a bit of work but it works perfectly fine for me, thanks for the torrent (:Amegon (2010-12-05)
BAD FILE inside:Dont use Setup.exe (). Instead use the Unwrap.exe
Setup.exe tries to access a website and whatever else
everything else seems to work, so just assure to rename Setup.exe to another name that you will not start it by mistake som weeks later.
Amegon (2010-12-06)
If you have already used that Setup.exe, then better remove the file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Regw2.exe (check first if it is 1:1 the Setup.exe: same size, version, details) dont know if that is same location for non 64bit osacece (2010-12-07)
Working fineI confirm that is version 11
As Amegon mentioned run Unwrap.exe instead of Setup.exe
BillVero (2010-12-10)
Followed the instructions but opened with Unwrap.exe instead of Setup.exe as acece suggested. All went exactly as outlined until I got to the place where I was suppose to enter the second key. I was not asked to change my key. Nonetheless, the application seems to be working correctly.Thank you.
BillVero (2010-12-10)
Update: When I installed the application, I was not connected to the internet. Once connected, the application did ask for a license change - all worked perfectly. Thanks again.fmarzio (2010-12-15)
As people said, virus in setup.exe, run unwrap.exe instead.Deception45 (2010-12-18)
Well I guess Simon decided to shut up. What do you know, the torrent is still up. Amazing how little the police actually get involved and how little they can do huh dipshit?Downloading this and testing it on Win7 x64. I'll review later for all those concerned with OS issues.
Many thanks to the seeders!
Deception45 (2010-12-18)
As other said, I used Unwrap.exe instead of setup.exe The install went perfectly on both win7 32 and 64. As for the software, let's just say I'm glad I didn't pay $80 for it.um7974 (2010-12-18)
Tanx pal... works gr8!sexygirlrocks (2010-12-22)
Win 7, x64. Doesn't work for me.sexygirlrocks (2010-12-22)
Win7, x64. Doesn't work for me.sexygirlrocks (2010-12-22)
MY BAD, as Deception45 said, use Unwrap.exe not Setup.exe, and it works perfectly! Thanks adrian-dennis!(Excuse the earlier double posting)
Muzster (2010-12-22)
Anyone know where there's a torrent for the professional version "Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Professional"? It's $400 more than the premium so must be a lot betterstormy1 (2010-12-24)
I have version 10, my disk was scratch and it would not download any more. Dragon would not help me at all. I can always rely on the Bay, you all are the greatest. Fast download and easy install. It works great. Thank you for the download and thanks to all the seeders. Long live the Bay.AlanSharps (2010-12-25)
It works perfectly!Penelopeh (2011-01-05)
I am running Windows 7 - 32 bit - it took three attempts to get it to install - third time lucky it works beautifully - thank you so much.Amegon (2011-01-06)
Installed this version in December 2010 and now after reinstall. Both times Win7 Ultimate x64, so it should always work.But after training choose save profile. Mine got corrupted one time at the beginning.
BloodZero (2011-01-06)
Didn't work for me. Caused a goddamn conflict with my COMODO Firewall. So, be careful if you use this firewall too.deepstar912 (2011-01-13)
Nod32 - reports a QTP Trojan as soon as I click Setup...1/13/2011 10:39:06 AM Real-time file system protection file
Win32/Agent.QTP trojan cleaned by deleting - quarantined NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Event occurred on a new file created by the application: E:\Dragon\Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium English By Adrian Dennis\Dragon NaturallySpeaking v11 By Adrian Dennis\Setup.exe.Use at your own risk !!
deepstar912 (2011-01-13)
To Get past the Setup-Trojan.....Delete Setup.exe
Manually Install the VC++ Runtime
(It's in IsSetupPre-requisits\VCRuntime)
Then Double Click DragonNaturallySpeaking 11
The Follow the instructions given
iLikePie77 (2011-01-31)
Im running Vista 32 bit. The install seemed to go fine, but then when I went to start Dragon, it stays stuck on the loading screen and never lets me get to the activation part.jorgy001 (2011-02-11)
Hey guys I have this problem..please HELPError 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. Aprogram run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.Contact your support personnel or package vendor.’
knotoftoads (2011-02-13)
I'm writing this right now by way of the program from this torrent.I will not make any corrections so you can see for yourself the accuracy if you are not familiar with this product.It is working so far on my Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I would classify myself as a medium level user. What I did was copy and paste all of the comments and all of the instructions in all of the files into a document, and read through them several times while the torrent was downloading. I then took it slow step-by-step and double checked what I was doing at each step. My Windows security essential antivirus did pick up the infected file, and although I elected to not take any action while the RAR file was extracting, that file apparently was removed at some point because when I went back to remove it, it was gone.
I will run another VirusScan just to make sure. I think if one has patients(ha ha that was the only mistake it made so far) you will be able to get this to work. I have used Dragon NaturallySpeaking for many many years, and I could, but, would not do without it.
Thanks to the uploader, and all others who had any hand in this project.
katbas (2011-02-21)
works like a charm, but had to move the up ziped folder to a file closer to root, cuz the names where so long.CrazyAaron84 (2011-02-22)
@tremanrolls679 windows doesn't have a built in utility to extract .rar files.... what program did you use to try to extract it with?CrazyAaron84 (2011-02-22)
well i had no luck with it, i had to use the unwrap.exe file since double clicking on the "DragonNaturallySpeaking 11 .msi" work around kept telling me i needed elevated admin privileges to run it (though you cant right click on msi files to run them as admin, go figure)so all was good with unwrap.exe until the end where it kept telling me i had a bunch of jpg files missing, which i assume were for the UI by what they were named (-_-)
well i extracted the .rar file twice to see if it had extracted inconsistantly and both times told me i had a ton of missing files so i dunno what happened to the torrent lol
clarkieboii (2011-02-22)
it has installed properly, i used the unwrap exe instead, and no error messages popped up, but when i have made my account and it moves onto to the microphone setup menu, my whole computer freezes... like completley freezes, im gonna uninstall it and retry it again, does anyone know why it might be doing that?afidiri (2011-02-25)
DELETE SETUP.EXE, IT'S A TROJAN! USE "UNWRAP.EXE" INSTEAD! Apart from that, great upload.blackened696 (2011-02-26)
I installed this program using the setup.exe. Wow i really wish i read these commants befor hand. I installed the program and it worked fine i shut down the PC and went to bed. When i woke up i started the pc and everything was fine then things started to freeze so i had to hit the reset button on my PC. Well it wont start now just says BOOTMGR is missing. Now i have to spend however long fixing it. Thnx alot adrian but if your gunna help people by sharing software dont add shit that fucks our computers up i mean wtf. FUCK YOUdragongator (2011-03-01)
I tried all the possible ways to install using WinZip, but to no avail. Then I swapped to WinRar and program installed without any problems. I just clicked on unwrap.exe and the job was done within few minutes. Now just need to get proper headphones with mic and thats all. I've got W7 32-bit. It works.Farzin67 (2011-03-02)
SETUP.EXE file is infected by Trojan-Clicker.Win32.Agent.ryc.Workaround: As it's already been mentioned earlier by different users:
1- While un-compressing, let the AV to delete the SETUP.EXE file or delete it manually.
2- Locate and run UNWRAP.EXE with the Admin rights, follow the steps as described in the Instructions text file.
I installed it successfully on my computer loaded with Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit.
Thanks Adrian for this upload, but it would be great if you could get rid of the infected file and re-upload the application again.
Farzin67 (2011-03-02)
... and it's version, in case you wonder!itsfelix (2011-03-07)
I'm only using my voice to make this comment. If you train your profile for about 7 minutes it will be pretty accurate and to make it more accurate if you wish. This program works fine.techfun (2011-03-14)
I have installed as per the said procedure as i am disconnected from internet and have used unwrap.exe for installation but at the last step after installation completed successfully when i click avticate now and automatically system does not ask for new key instead it ask for creating profile and do not get chance to add new key. please help as i am student and need to type lot of project work. this could save my timeSnadeGod (2011-03-16)
Ok seriously everyone, its march 15 for reference, and people need to please seeeeddddownloading at 9kbs sucks, this should be a quick download so please seed
SnadeGod (2011-03-16)
for the record everyone, the professional version is better, it has more capabilities..... so if anyone has a safe download for Pro 11 let me knowsilverbirch1 (2011-03-16)
Hi peeps,@CrazyAaron84, I seem to be having the same problem as you.
on about 99% of after running unwrap.exe I get an error message 1309.
"content_back_alert.jpg.....Verify this file exists and you can access it"
Did you manage to overcome this?
Anybody else any suggestions. I'm quite Befuddled!!!!!!
silverbirch1 (2011-03-16)
Yeah is a bunch of missing image files!!!wtf??? :)
AntwonStarr (2011-03-22)
AWESOME DOWNLOAD @!! i was at 2.6MB/s for most of the download, program is grat n works as it should. thanks adrian-dennis !! oh, and its March 21st.NanoMan_777 (2011-04-02)
VIRUS IN SETUP.EXEtrollolol (2011-04-12)
how come i cannot run setup.exe?trollolol (2011-04-12)
never mind it works :) i have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and it ran successfully. i just wan unwrap.exe instead.The whole training to recognize your voice is a pain though.
rsiraantje (2011-04-13)
I have windows7 64bit to, dowloading was good and setting up ok. But it asks all the time to repeat myself, although I trained it with my dutch english accent, does any boddy know a solution for this?dOpeBanGa (2011-05-04)
waste of time, do not download. keys has been patchedsamnani (2011-05-09)
Does this work on Windows Vista 32 bit edition...? Please help...!Manojkup (2011-06-06)
Awesome chief.. it skipped the keyreplacement part the first go.. but after restarting it worked really great..Cant keep from mentioning, it was of great help for my bro who is challenged.. thanks !! real good work
iodemon (2011-06-26)
Hi thanks for the upload, it still works :)Thanks also to those who mentioned the virus workaround. Dragon is pretty accurate is what impressed me.
jeezy103 (2011-06-28)
Works Perfectly. Dunno about the guy above claiming the key's been patched already.The pain resides in "training" the prog to get used to you; more so if you have a "funny" accent.
Thanks Adrian.
M3RC4N3RY (2011-07-14)
oh my God it worked perfectly fine for me and I have been using it for three months and not one problem and I am using it to write this so it is perfectly working so learn to use torrentspshyeahh (2011-07-30)
Doest even work!! Dont waste your time!TexxUK (2011-08-05)
It works fine for me so far. Thanks for this upload man!slasher5 (2011-08-14)
TROJAN.ADH attacked my computer. not sure if it was from this file, but scan it first either way.bigg44 (2011-08-18)
Mine says that I'm missing some content_background or some shit?? why?! :(iluvdds (2011-09-09)
I am having the same problem as silverbirch1. Error 1309 cant read content_back_alert.jpg.Please post a work around if there is one. Thanks.
iluvdds (2011-09-09)
Ok people, I found the problem with the error 1309! Here is the work around.1. create new folder in your downloads named "dragon"
2. Unpack contents into that folder!
3. Done.
Winrar and other programs will not be able to fully unpack the contents because the original folder name is too long!
Hope this helps everyone!
lacacalac (2011-09-10)
I download a lot of torrents. I know how to follow instructions. This torrent was installed seamlessly on my Windows 7 64bit laptop. Good torrent.iluvdds (2011-09-13)
I have read through all 82 comments, and as far as I can tell none of them say "lacacalac" in them at all. If you don't need help installing, then don't read the damn instructions. There are still such things as newbies! Helping them is what the spirit of the bay is all about! My instructions were about an error message in winrar while unpacking the torrent. Take it or leave it lacacalac.iluvdds (2011-09-13)
I have read through all 82 comments, and as far as I can tell none of them say "lacacalac" in them at all. If you don't need help installing, then don't read the instructions. There are still such things as newbies! Helping them is what the spirit of the bay is all about! My instructions were about an error message in winrar while unpacking the torrent. Take it or leave it lacacalac.vanquished.innocence (2011-09-15)
Hey, hey. A bit of a noob here. Only been familiar with TPB for about a year now, if that.Anywho, I did install this and also had what I believe was the 1309 or somesuch problem everyone else was having and after reading iluvdds and being a bit tired of it acting up [I mean, it worked, but it would still act weird.], have decided to try reinstalling it. As it did the first time, MSE picked up a 'TrojanDropper' (Win32/FakeFlexnet.A). Says it's severe. Anyone else see this? Am going to allow it to remove, like before, but when I did this the first time around, it was almost like this ruined the first install a bit? No?
sunn42 (2011-09-15)
i followed the instructions and it installed flawlessly. but for some reason it keeps freezing during the microphone test. can anyone help me?masterbluestar (2011-09-17)
First of all unpack and delete the "setup.exe> file which contains the Trojan virus. Then scan folder to make sure it's clean with your anti-virus software. It should now be clean.Locate and run “VCRuntime†in folder “ISSetupPrerequisites†to install Visual C++ Runtime (regular or 64bit), when finished then launch “msiexe.exe†with Admin privileges (it will ask for permission) and this will launch the proper “Dragon NaturallySpekaing 11.exe†Installer - then follow the steps as described in the Instructions text file.
masterbluestar (2011-09-18)
OK folks I installed and updated to 11.5 (updater 11.5found elsewhere here.)Here's how (the torrent includes the instructions.txt file with 2 serials partially reproduced here except for the serial numbers):
As mentioned before, the original torrent file includes a backdoor Trojan virus in the "Setup.exe" file. To avoid it, unpack the original "exe" file and delete the "Setup.exe" file in it. Do not launch this file (!!!) Then:
1. Locate and run “VCRuntime†in folder “ISSetupPrerequisites†to install Visual C++ Runtime (regular or 64bit)
2. Launch “msiexe.exe†- it will ask for administrative permissions and this in turn will launch the “Dragon NaturallySpekaing 11.exe†installer - then follow the steps as described below:
When Asked To Enter a Serial Number Use The One Provided Marked [ 1.]
Click Next, Select Your Setup Type, And Click Next, Then Click [ Install ]
When Finished Installing, You Will Be Asked whether you want to Register. Select [ Remind Me In 7 Days ], and hit OK, Untick -> [ Yes, Check For Program Updates ] - Click Finish
Now make sure internet is active. Start Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11, You Will Be Asked To Activate, Select [ Activate Now ] Then Select [ Activate Automatically ], You Will Be Asked to Change Your Key, Use the One Provided Marked [ 2.]
Then do 11.5 update installation.
masterbluestar (2011-09-18)
The above instructions will give you a clean/ virus free 100% working installation with the latest 11.5 update. Yipee!cshwartz (2011-09-22)
Microsoft Security Essentials Cleaned the Trojan Immediately. it werked on Windows 7 64bit and is still werking Thanks again for the upload! I am a writer trying to break to the scene while taking care of a baby so this is a tool I wish I could afford to buy. If I sell something you bet I will buy this it's the bomb!!!! I'm seeding, I'd re-post it cleaned but I'm still too much of a noobClearer Step by step instructions:
1. down load the torrent
2. make a folder called (dragon) in your downloads folder
3. the original torrent file includes a backdoor Trojan Drooper virus in the "Setup.exe" file. Do not launch this file If your virus program doesn't detect it as soon as you unpack it, Update it and scan the folder to clean before proceeding.
4. Locate the ISSetupPrerequisite folder and run VCRuntime file( I ran the x64 bit version cuz I have Win 7 64bit) it will install Visual C++
5. Launch Unwrap - Windows will ask for administrative permissions select [OK] and launch the Dragon NaturallySpekaing 11 installer will launch-
6) When Asked To Enter a Serial Number Use [K609A-H00-T2D2-AUUZ-NC]
7) Click Next,
8) Select the Setup Type, Click [Next]
9) Then Click [ Install ]
10)When Install finishes, you Will Be Asked whether you want to Register-
Select- [Remind_ Me_In_7_Days], click[OK] 11)Un-tick- [Yes,Check_For_Program_Updates]
Finally Click Finish
12)Make sure your internet connection is active. 13)Start Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11, You Will Be Asked To Activate, Select [Activate Now]
14) Select [Activate Automatically],
You Will then Be Asked to Change Your Key,
Use [A109Z-X00-FJFD-BK5W-P4]
VERRRRRRY NICE!!!!! thanks for the upload M8 even with the Trojan Drooper it was really not that hard ;)
Please Make a Donation to Keep Alive.
For Cool Downloads Head Over To The Site
Sonnybrimon (2011-09-23)
I have problem launching this program..It says that NATURALLY SPEAKING ISN'T INSTALLED COMPLETELY. and down below says:One or more registry settings are corrupt and your registry permissions prevent Dragon NaturallySpeaking from correcting them. Please run Dragon NaturallySpeaking Setup and select the Repair option
I tried most option here,I ran a registry repair,clean my system, disable antivirus,ran compatibility,install again using the repair option..nothing..the only thing i didn't do is system way...
the first time i install this it was running like a charm...after a couple of days woah....there goes the problem...anybody knows about to fix this? thanks
B1WiNN3R (2011-10-06)
is this english only?tazluvstitle (2011-10-07)
Thanks! Works great on Win 7 64! Just follow the previous comments for installation....that easy!ljbew (2011-10-12)
Video on how to install Bored 2dayyoutube ljbew
majtophat (2011-10-26)
I dunno about anyone else, but I left this alone for 1 hours hoping that it would download quick and then seed a bunch... but I have over 5000 hashfails and have wasted close to 25 GB of data... Is anyone having this problem?MaddamVP (2011-11-04)
I know what keygen Trojans look like and i know what backdoor nasty trojans look like and this torrent is filled with the NASTY trojans that are sniffing for info all over my PC. Good thing I stopped it from executing into the root.wackyr34 (2011-11-04)
THANK YOU!!!! I am a newbie and even I got this to work. Read all of the comments and people have added other instructions that worked for them. It detedted the virus but It can be taken care of easily!!! Works awesome!! adrian-dennis its people like you that keep this aliveZ9llownerll (2011-11-05)
fist of all thanks for the fast download i will be seeding myself.@cshwartz thanks alot! after following your instructions carefully i got it working
crh21 (2011-11-07)
this works really well thanks for the upload...can i please request the Dragon Naturally Speaking Legal version? or does anyone know where I can find this as a torrent (I am well aware of the irony)crimson85067 (2011-11-13)
works just follow the stepsGuidoZ (2011-11-14)
I cleaned this up (no more virus - FU Adrian Dennis!) and wrote a batch file to automate the confusing install parts. I posted it here -
Peace. ~G
TomJMJ18 (2012-02-21)
Is this also Wireless, this will be for my laptop. So I don't have an headsetrobinp38 (2012-02-28)
Hey !Anyone got the serial number for dragon naturally speaking 11 home edition ??? if so please tell me...
robinp38 (2012-02-28)
Hey guys !Anyone knows the serial number for 11.5 home edition ?
r1725 (2012-03-02)
adrian-dennis FUCK YOU!! Stop posting virus's BITCHerwintalento (2012-03-28)
hi.. is it safe to install v11.5 update? thanks..MEFJD (2012-07-15)
For the life of me I don't know how to get this to install on windows xp 64. The link I've seen on so many postings doesn't work for instructions on how to do it.I need to use this to create a report and my typing speed is terrible. Please, if someone can help me, say something.
Again, I'm using windows XP 64 bit. I've seen people mention orca and I think I found the site, but I don't know what to do if I have to use that site to do anything. Thanks.
1. Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium English By Adrian Dennis.rar 2270.45 Mb