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911 Amateur Part 3 (update)






911 Amateur Part 3 (update)


Video/Movie clips


2008-02-10 (by 911Revolution)


updated Part 3 of Socialservice` 911 Amateur This refined version of 911 AMATEUR part3 was - ironically - inspired by the so-called "debunkers" of my research. As it became clear that what reflects Evan Fairbanks's "airplane" is indeed a car windshield, we have the ultimate proof Evan's shot is 100% fake. The ineptitude of the "911 video forgery team" is thus established. It may be difficult to take in that such incompetence could go unnoticed in such a well-funded military operation - but this is what we have and what emerges from the close scrutiny of their wretched false-flag operation. thanks also to TAGS: 9/11 911 aang accident acoustic amv animals animation anime art ashley asian atheism atheist australia avatar avatar the last airbender awesome babe baby band beach beautiful beer bible bikini bikini news blog blonde blue blues boy brady bush camwithher car cars cartoon cats celebrity challenge christian cliff comedy comment commercial cooking cool cover crash crazy cute dance dancing danny danny phantom death dog dogs drawing drunk dumb eddie entertainment extreme face family fight fighting fire fma food football friend friends fullmetal alchemist fun funny games gay girl girls god guitar hair heather help hilarious horror hot humor humour hunter intro introduction inuyasha iraq japan jazz jen jackson jesus joke katara kid kids kiss kitten kitty leah life live livevideo lol love mad magic model money motorcycle movie music music video naked naruto nes news nintendo nohogirls parody party people pets phantom piano police politics prank productions race racing random rap raven religion robin robot chicken rock sad scary school science sex sexy show silly singer singing snow soccer sokka song south of nowhere spashley spoof sport sports star strip stupid subscribers teen teen titans thong titans toph trailer travel trick truth tv ufo usa video video blog vipor231 vlog war webcam wehogirls weird winter women work world wrestling wtc wwe youtube zuko 2008 abstract Adverse-effects animals autism avian influenza Bioinformatics blog bone books brain breast cancer cancer chemistry Chinese citation citesme classification climate change commentary data mining database de Development differentiation Disease dynamics e-learning EBV educaci?n education elsevier envt enzyme evaluaci?n evolution expression fish fish oil Free gene expression genome geomorphology guide HIV human information internet IVIG job la language listings literature medical melanoma meningitis method methods migration modern Molecular mouse nanotechnology nature network news online pathology podcast Project publishing research review RNAi robot RSS scholarly communication science scuola semantic web Skin Social Software statistics stress TIC tips to transcription treatment venezia video wavelet web web2.0 wildlife Wnt 2007 2007 resolution 43 things 43things activism adventure animals appearance art band beauty birthday blog body book books business buy car career celebrity challenge change charity cheers children clean cleaning clothes college communication community computer computers confidence cooking craft crafts create creative creativity culture daily dance design diet discipline disney channel dream dreams eat eating education energy entertainment environment europe exercise experience faith family fashion fear film finance finances financial fitness food football freedom friend friends friendship fun funny future games garden gerard way goal goals god growth guitar hair hannah montana happiness happy health healthy help history hobbies hobby holiday home house independence inspiration internet job joy kids knowledge language languages learn learning life lifestyle literature live living lose weight love marriage mcr me meditation memories mental health miley cyrus mind misspelled goal money movie movies music my chemical romance nature novel organization organize outdoors party passion peace people personal personal development pets philosophy photography photos pictures play poetry politics productivity programming read reading relationship relationships relax relaxation religion romance run running school self self improvement self-improvement sex sexy shopping skill skills sleep social software speling spiritual spirituality sport sports study success technology time travel tv university vacation vegetarian verbose volunteer water web website weight weight loss work world write writing yoga 9-11 advertising america amusing animation apple architecture art astronomy audio australia batshitinsane bbc biology blog blogs books britain bush canada cartoon cartoons censorship children china christianity christmas cinema comedy comics copyright crime culture death design documentary drugs economics education election environment europe evolution fiction film flash flickr food france free fun funny gallery game games gay globalwarming google gop government health history humor humour illustration india internet iran iraq islam israel japan journalism katrina language law life literature london maps marketing math media medicine microsoft military money movie movies mp3 music nasa nature news newsfilter newyork nsfw nyc obit obituary oil painting parody philosophy photographs photography photos physics poetry police politics privacy propaganda protest psychology racism radio religion research rights rock russia satire science sculpture security sex silly space sports technology television terror terrorism torture travel tv uk us usa video videogames war web weird women writing wtf wwii youtube

Files count:



42.52 Mb




Crawling_Chaos007 (2008-02-16)

More 911 fruits? Hard to imagine how stupid some people can be...then again no it's not. Screw your little movie and screw your mindless stupidity.

hayman (2008-02-17)

huh, and here I always thought aliens caused 9-11. Next thing you are going to tell me aliens are faked by the government, too!

rob_trouty (2008-02-25)

dosnt matter who did it.
get the fuck over it and move on.

organeer (2008-03-28)

HAHAHA...HAHAHA...I keep hearing all these Conspiracy theories...Let me see!...we've had the "No Plane Theory"..."The Saddam Hussein"...The Elvis Theory (don't ask!) But the best by far..the one that cracks me up every time..the one that is such an insult to everyone,s intelligence (and i must say to everyone that believed need to stop licking the boogers of bus windows ) the one that even Dr Bernardo's reject kids laughed at is the "OSAMA BINLADEN THEORY" HAHA..HAHA
The people that believe in The official theory need only to start researching the FACTS and slowly but surly you will start to see a very similar pattern emerging within the US history, Question everything you read hear and see, take nobodies word as Gospel...Or you can bury your head up your ass(if you find this head up your ass position difficult to achieve..I'm sure BOBDASLOB will gladly show you how its done seeing as it comes naturally to him (ain't he a fucking inbred bush believing butt nugget) And before BOBDABITCH offers hiss 2 cents worth...try this for size...Who would you say is America's most wanted?...could it be Bin laden? you would think so wouldn't you...well go to the FBI,ss most wanted site and have a look for Bin laden and see what he's accused of ..THEN ASK YOURSELF ...WHAT THE FUCKS GOING ON?

lostboy69 (2008-04-20)

nonamedood (2008-04-20)

It's incredible some people _still_ believe the US government's story... One day your eyes will open - or maybe not.

TitoRush (2008-04-26)

guys, end of the discusion. Think about this: "Let's supose the theory is false, and that the flashing planes
are fake images and so on..." Forget about the footages, images, theories, everything, and let's just remember what
happened that day:
2 comercial airliners full with passangers and jetfuel slammed into the buildings (Twin Towers), causing fire and
eventually both towers collapsed,the first one in 56 mins, and the second one in 103 mins.
Do you guys think that a fire in a 110 floors building that spreads only in 4 floors, is going to collapse the building
straight down and turn it into a convenient pile of dust and melted metal,
"The Buildings were over-designed to withstand almost anything including bombing, high winds, hurricanes,
a 150 years storm, jetfuel burning at 2000 degrees weakened the steel and even the impact of a Boeing 707".
-Hyman Brown, World Trade Center's Construction Manager-
Come on guys, use your common sence, you don't even have to watch those "conspiracy theory videos" out there, just
look at the facts. What kind of fire meltes Tons of Fireproof metal and tons of concrete down into a dust without
damaging the sorrounding buildings.

theqool (2008-04-26)

Go bobdaslob! Spreading the truth.
Take a minute (actually, not even a minute is needed, it's more like two seconds) and think this through. What happened to the four planeloads of people that were on this flights when they left the airports? Don't tell me bullshit about they were empty. Tell it to their families, that their Daddy isn't coming home not because he was killed, but because he never existed. How can a government as poorly run as ours ever keep a secret? With thousands of people needed for a plot this size, surely at least some of them would get really drunk at some point and leak information. Yet in the six years since al qaeda attacked, not one shred of evidence has ever supported any of the fucktard conspiracy theories. The only people who support these "ideas" are those who have no idea what they're talking about. If a person isn't a doctor, I sure as hell don't want them operating on me; likewise, people living in their parents basement have lots of balls to claim expertise in why buildings collapse, how planes can morph into missiles, etc. This could go on all day...

TitoRush (2008-04-29)

Think about this: As you know almost everywere there is a surveillance camera, when somebody robes a gas satation or a bank, the police identifies the robbers by looking at the videos.
Now, The Pentagon is not a gas station, is the most surveillanced building in the world, the same way, if they release a video, they can show the world what hit the pentagon, that way they going to shut all our mouths up. But they can't do that, You know why? ...They hide something. And if somebody knows something, is not goint to say it because is just one against the people responsable of the attacks, and The Experts that support the version of the government, they didn't have a choice cause they didn't wanna loose their jobs or put in danger their relatives' lifes.
Now, maybe I'm wrong, but it's not my fault, they act suspiciously because they haven't released any videos yet, so judge yourself.

catchtwenty2 (2008-05-16)

What about the fact larry silversteen bought the whole complex 3 months prior and reinsured it against a terrorist attack 6 weeks prior, (which he got paid out twice for cost him 11 million to buy and got back 3.2 billion. Then there is all the fbi cia files in tower 7 that some were about to reinvestigated and the $73 billion worth of insurance claims, and he admited after lieing that they decided to pull tower 7 at 5.00 that day with just a few fires in it, so if they decided to pull why not save the important files rather than uniting them with the atmosphere and wiping it all AND how did it fall this admitedly pulled building 7 ...oh just the same as the other 2.
Experts say they need 2 weeks to prepae a controlled demolition, longer on a scale that big. But that would explain why workers were being evacuated the week prior and the day before and a big power down of the systems weekend priorto 9/11. And all the loud banging and dust appearing men in black going in the buildings floors being closed and guarded. I suppose its normal that fbi agents were escorting bin laden in a US hospital the weeks previous and how he and his family were allowed to fly out after the event and that its Laden connections who cleaned up the Ground Zero and the fact the steel girders were shipped off to Asia without inspection.
The complex was costing them a million a year, they had to bring it down, and they didn;t get the permission for the oil pipeline in nov 2000 from the taliban. Its all about money power and BULLSHIT.
Oh and get this get this...Then there was the news reporter, she was standing some distance away with the complex in the back ground, doing a news flash on how tower 7 has just collapsed...And it was still fucking there.
And the plane that supposedly took a nose dive cos passengers were fighting off the terrorists, if you do the research the mark the wings left (lol) were already there from a natural disaster (I believe), all that was new about that site was a bomb had been put in the middle to make it look like plane and a few dozen people looking for plane parts, people, luggage etc that were never found. All that was found remarkably, were passports of terrorists, wow what a suprise and one of those was also found at the twin towers amazingly with 2 or 3 others right at the foot of the footprint.
The terrorist drills they were holding in the pentagon simultaneously to the event to the detail, as did the london bombings. I could go on but I cant be arsed. British gov are no better at all or the royals.
With leaders like them, we dont need fukin enemys.
Governments have been doing false flag for years and power

dbrgroup (2008-05-20)

bush admin. had final (all say, actually) say in the 911 commission report. it makes absolutely no mention of the massive steel beams in the middle of the WTC. just a silly "pancake theory".
everything this president has touched has turned to mush for the american people. the only thing thriving in the usa is oil companies.
isn't the bush family in the oil business?
the only reason not to believe this was staged is because you can't let yourself believe our chimp of a president wouldn't do that to his own people. well thats what you need to get over because that's what happened.


1. 911Amateur Part 3 (update).rar 42.52 Mb