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Age Of




Games PC


Age Of




2004-12-24 (by Aruera)


Age Of Mythology (arquivo zipado com as Isos dos 2 cd's +crack+serial) By Croft - Grupo Shareappz

Files count:



736.90 Mb




DrAcula (2004-12-25)


Antze (2004-12-27)

Seeda tack!

willem1 (2004-12-31)

No seeder, everyone's stuck at 75% complete for days now.

markus89 (2005-01-04)

please seed i really want this game..... PLEASE
I'm stuck at 79,3% PLEASE :(

ferraa (2005-01-06)

Hm.. onödigt att lägga upp AoM igen när det redan finns på:
... Där är det Crack med också.. sen behöver man bara skriva i nåt när dom frågar efter cd key!

willem1 (2005-01-12)

I've been downloading for 2 weeks and it's still at 96.74% - for days now. The guy who 'seeds' this should be shot !

OldMan75 (2005-01-17)

funkar ju inte stannar på 97%

eggogbacon (2005-02-01)

Noen som har tips med å få denne versonen til å virke, så man kan spille Online ??

divers (2005-02-14)

Snälla SEEDa Det går såå långsamt

Anh_N.H (2005-02-27)

Äe spelet på Engelska?

h-chan (2005-03-01)

I unzipped the file and installed it by mounting it with daemon tools, however, when I try to play the game, it says asks for the CD. What do I do?

Mounta (2005-03-29)

H-chan. have you cracked it ? if not..put the crack i the same folder as the exe file..

renjigt (2005-04-25)

hey, I unzipped, installed copied the crack, Then when i run the game, the game just wont begin ? am i the only one with this problem..
Plz help :)

Meta_Tidus (2005-05-23)

where is the crack file? what name the name of the crack file?

snurvelhuvud (2005-06-14)

I don't get it to work... When I try to install, it stops at 45% and tells me to put in the disc 2.
Please help!

King-Reaper (2005-06-23)

I have a problem!!.the instilation stops at 45% and asks for disc 2. when i try to open disc 2, it wont open :(:(

whirlwind77 (2005-07-02)

To anyone having problems burn the CD's then install them or use a program like Alcohol 120% to mount them as virtual CD's. The No-CD crack is in the first CD in the Crack directory "AoM.eXe", copy it to your Age of Mythology directory. This release works fine.

brandonlink (2005-07-10)

your right just burn extract rar file and burn the extracted files then use the 2 cd's that u burned to install age of mythology. then go bak to cd 1 and open then copy the aom.exe in the crack folder to the age of mythology folder that the installation created for you then play. DONT WORRY I GOT COMFUSED AND SPENT HOURS DOIN SAME SHIT OVER TRYIN TO FIGURE IT OUT AND EVEN RAN INTO THE INSERT CD1 SHIT AND THE INSTALLATION STOPING AT 7 OR 45% BUT THATS NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO DO IT ITS SO MUCH EASIER THAN YOUR DOING IT. AND DONT COPY FILES FROM BOTH CDS INTO AGE OF MYTHOLOGY OR MICROSOFT GAMES FOLDER, IT WONT DO ANYTHING.

Jones130 (2005-07-16)

Någon som vet om man kan spela Age of Mythology online? Har ju fungerat med föregångarna, men med dom mehövde man ingen serial....

martin_carlsson (2005-07-18)

cant understand how the hell to insert cd 2 cuz I extracted the files and when to insert cd 2 I cant mount it or anything becouse there is just a lot of files, can some1 help? :S

djblingsingh (2005-07-28)

does this also have the expansion?

Kitabatake (2005-08-10)

ni ska inte alls vara oroliga över hur ni ska installera det. extracta bara det första över i en mapp och mounta sedan cd:na. MEN NI FÅR INTE MOUNTA BÅDA CD:NA SAMTIDIGT, EN I TAGET. så gjorde jag och det gick galant.(använde daemon tools). sen är det bara crack osv.

sahand10 (2006-01-04)


enator57 (2006-03-22)

Hur crackar man upp den?

enator57 (2006-03-22)


Orlando2 (2006-03-30)

this gave me a trojan some Bruno trojan fucking ruined my comp you fucker

WodiwKcalb (2006-04-28)

I must honestly admit I'm beginning to find this funny, after all the damn shit I had to go through to get this to work... And then all of the sudden when I thought I had gotten it to work (after watching the lovely little starter movie of AoM) - I get an error message saying "Initialization Failed".
That probably means my computer is too god damn fucked up, right? *kicks old crap*
Or, can anyone help, maybe? *sigh*

EkeyTesa (2006-05-20)

Downloaded V
Burned V
Installes V
Played X
"Please insert Age of Mythology Disc 1, selecr OK and restar application"
What shall I do??
Help please..

ayes91 (2006-05-24)

I downloaded it...worked fine though it took some time... started installing, worked fine until it asked for about using Alcohol 120% so i downloaded it but when i want to burn it unto a CD it needs an image file.... where is it located? i have not moved around on the files

ayes91 (2006-05-24)

try to write to me on my messenger.. plz...

fagelhalk (2006-06-20)

de funkar gö inte de står bara please insert disk ; 1 ?????
vet nån vad de är för fel kan nån hjälpa behöver hjälp!!!!!!

r3ptyl (2006-06-23)

SEED plz

r3ptyl (2006-06-23)

the download is stuck plz SEED i only need more 10% and than i'll SEED and you can continue ur life

mrboogieman (2006-07-21)

can someone just post the serial key..i already have the game and just need the serial+crack, but ill find the crack somewhere else... plz just post the serial

crossrelic 2 (2006-07-23)

-_-' vissa här e totalt pantade ......hur svårt kan det vara....

oshaugh2209 (2006-11-10)

The crack doesn't keeps saying "This application has failed to start because..RockallDLL.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"....WTF

kickback (2006-12-08)

hi i need the serial code or a keygen.can someone help me

Tempelmaster (2007-01-09)

var är cracken ngnstans? hittar den inte efter man extractat den, kommer bara fram cd 1 och cd 2 och serial? skriv o berätta!

haldope (2007-07-17)

I hate he people that cry for help and act like 5 year old kids when all they do is delete it from their client as soon as they get it to work...

Xeokym (2007-09-20)

I wish when people upload stuff they would specify what language it's in. Is this version of the game in english, or otherwise?
And if you want a keygen...quit whining and google it yourself. jesus christ, you're on the internet and you don't know how to do a simple search?!

XxSpadeOfAcesxX (2008-01-05)

There are a few keys if anyone needs them, good luck downloadin.

minimumhaste (2008-01-30)

Does this have music too??
what files are there inside this?
are there CD images

Ironfist_94 (2008-03-02)

Thanks a lot Aruera! Nice seed done in 50min and virus free too :D works perfectly fine with daemon tools. Here are some cheats for you all :D When u need to insert disc Unmount dmnTools and then mount nr 2 cant have both mounted at the same time... :/
1000 Gold - ATM OF EREBUS
Laser Bears - O CANADA
Show the map - LAY OF THE LAND
Lots of monkeys - I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!!!

Ironfist_94 (2008-03-02)

Oh forgot... It's in english and have all the things u want except for internet play i think :/

kimicg (2008-03-12)

This works only if you mount images on virtual (alcohol, iso, any...) but if you burn this images with nero dosnt work, i still trying to figure why? SOme waranty.word file are problems!!!

kimicg (2008-03-12)

At 7% stops and report problem with WARANTY file, maybe if you erase this and change first iso image and save new image without this file will work when you burn first disc. Cs you may ignore error with WARANTY file at 7% but then at 45% when ask second disc but dosnt recognise any file from second image!!!

kimicg (2008-03-12)

No, that is not the problem, i deleted all RTF files (readme, eula and waranty) and still got the same problem, maybe originall waranty file was corupted or something...

Roxas0092 (2009-07-01)

do you only need the crack ? contact me at

Avs270 (2012-05-02)

1. Create 1 virtual drive and mount AOM-CD1.iso
2. Go through the install process until it says "Please insert Disc 2 into Drive 'X'...
3. Unmount the virtual drive and mount AOM-CD2.iso
4. After installation it says "Please insert Disc 1". Unmount and mount AOM-CD1.iso and click OK.
5. Now go to My Computer, right-click virtual drive AOM-CD1 and click 'Open' or 'Explore'
6. Open folder 'Crack', copy AoM.exe and copy into game directory (It asks do you want replace existing file. Click 'Yes')
7. Unmount if you want and open desktop icon to play.
.....There....Step by step, for everyone. Hope it's useful.....Don't forget to seed, it'd help others.

Avs270 (2012-05-02)

Oops..I forgot type 'Extract the 3 files to a folder' and 'Use serial key given in Serial AOM.txt'
Anyway, serial is....