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The Simpsons! 15th full seasons!
The Simpsons! 15th full seasons!
Video/TV shows
2006-06-04 (by markmc)
The Simpsons are here to stay! =P
This Torrent includes 1-15 with all episodes.
No Sub! This torrent does _not_ include any episodes from seasons 16!
Have a Good Simpsons time! =D
Files count:
35846.81 Mb
Thai-N!sse (2006-06-04)
35 GiB!!!!!!!Too much!
MickDagger (2006-06-04)
w00tmarkmc (2006-06-04)
But you can choose which episodes you want to download! =)(At least if you using BitComet =P)
RaptorX666 (2006-06-05)
time to fill the 320 GB HDD.. =Dsimpsons!!!!
minibite3 (2006-06-09)
Good speed, but I can only download 0,3% because there is noo seeders.markmc (2006-06-12)
When someone has downloaded this torrent i'll stop seeding it! Then it's up to him/her to seed it!//markmc
markmc (2006-06-18)
I'm on a 5gbit connection to tuesday, so I'll haveing a speed _up_ on 5000kb/snisse222 (2006-06-18)
Wow great torrent!I have downloaded about 5 giga and will seed once I have all.
Only problem is I dont know if it is because the torrent is not finished, but some of the episodes dont seem to be working on my mac. Any thoughts?
markmc (2006-06-21)
nisse222, yes, it can be so sometimes when it's not finished.markmc (2006-06-22)
Two pepoles have downloaded this torrent now, why dosent these guys seed? I'm stop seeding now, so _don't_ be angry on me when you can't dwnload the whole torrent!magno58 (2006-07-07)
its onley sondsmagno58 (2006-07-07)
do i need power dwd or somethingmarkmc (2006-07-10)
magn58: No, i don't think so. I use VLC (VideoLan) to play these.Lindsy (2006-07-15)
Can you maby split it up in 2x17,5 gig??? =)Antievo (2006-07-17)
Are the video files of good/equal quality? Are these ripped from DVD's of TV?Ran4 (2006-07-18)
IF YOURE USING BITCOMET; GOD DAMN STOP DO THAT!Byt till uTorrent istället, sålänge du inte är en idiot.
bitcomet skickar fel data till trackern, vilket förstör både för dig och för andra.
Slanerislana (2006-07-31)
Skön Upload!Alla som älskar simpsons borde ladda denna!
När jag är klar seddar jag Forever!
markmc (2006-08-01)
Ser att en hel del har laddat ner denna nu, skönt att se! Det är en TV-Rip på dom, det finns subs till dom flesta avsnitten i säsong tre.It's a TV-Rip. The other stuff i wrote wasen't so important.
And, don't use BitComet, it's sending out wrong packets to the tracker so it wont work for everybody else. So please, use µTorrent or something else.
tysonayt (2006-08-01)
hehe if i'm gonna keep download shit like this one i'm soon gonna have to buy another harddrive =Stysonayt (2006-08-01)
hey everyone plz seed its suck a big file so need seedssupernova80 (2006-08-27)
Please seed this one, I just had a total crash on my back-up external harddisk and lost 17 seasons of Simpsons, I NEED this collection!!Linked78 (2006-09-04)
Can some more people seed please :-) ?Berq (2006-09-06)
Can some more seed please? 6.8%oceanofdarkstars (2006-09-08)
Hey Could Someone Maybe Mail this To Me Seeing As How I Have The Crappiest Dial-Up ConEmail Me If U Can. Do U Know How Long I've Been Looking For Just this Thing. Too Long.....Oh yeah The Email:
I'll Be Willing To Mail U Anything I Have
markmc (2006-09-09)
hey guys, there are 40 leechers who want this torrent. So you that have downloaded this, seed, there are zero seeders right now and it's have been downloaded 60times, aren't that weird? So if you have downloaded it, seed. Or i won't put my season 16 and 17 here as a torrent.gunnyhighway (2006-09-19)
Please SEED. THXgunnyhighway (2006-09-24)
Hey guys!! Please seed. I really need this one. Will seed for at least a week.transmission (2006-10-24)
can you convert in mp4 plzim ready to seed it 4 5 mounth if it is in mp4
sry for my english im spanish
markmc (2006-10-30)
I won't convert it =PI'm not gonna do anything with this torrent, if anyone want's something you have to do it yourself.
markmc (2006-11-16)
I'll seed for a couple of days just to be nice. I've seen the same torrent at some ther sites, it would be kind of them who puts this torrent on any other site to say that it was me who uploaded it. Cuz' i've put alot of hours in this man, just for you! :)LeXo90 (2006-11-24)
SEED!!!vvvv_ (2006-12-23)
Kan nån fixa text till alla säsonger för nån har bara Gjort till 1-2-halva3-5 ingen Maila om ni kan lägga ut nån bra text och till säsong4 har ingen läggt ut nå påmarkmc (2006-12-24)
vvvv_: Det finns antagligen på, prova där.markmc (2006-12-24)
vvvv_: och juste, som jag har skrivit i beskrivningen så ska det inte finnas några undertexter, för jag orkade inte förklara att det fanns i några säsonger. Kan du inte engelska, ladda inte ner, n00b. :Dthe boy (2007-01-30)
seed please!!!I want to see simpsons :D !!!
the boy (2007-01-31)
Please seedthe boy (2007-02-01)
what the f*ck is this shit??? i am seeding MORE then i downolad and i only have 128kb/s upload so ALL who download this: SEED!remz (2007-02-16)
seed pleaseznulz (2007-02-20)
can more seed plz... it will take weeks before done...i will seed this for a weak...
so plz seed guys....
znulz (2007-02-21)
Thx for seeding :)i promise i will seed until summer... :) its a damn nice collection...
markmc (2007-03-19)
Just wan't to say something. When I downloaded this from the beginning it took 2,5 MONTHS! So don't complain about the speed. :PeKi100 (2007-04-08)
All those "SEED" whiners, im pretty sure, that when they finish their dl's, they all just stop seeding instantly, like all whiner noobs who complains about speed, always! U downloading, PUT UR SEED LIMIT HIGHER --> U will download faster ;) Try it if dont believe..I got prison breaks newest episodes, dvd on one night, 10 hours, 5 gb, when i had my limits unlimited, so it seeded a lot, but downloaded lots more, best rate was about 400kb/s :)
Suck on that leecher noob fuckers & learn the basics of torrents, ITS SHARING/SEEDING!!! xD
All are fine quality, BUT season 3 is quite big isnt it.. other seasons u can fit onto dvd, but with season 3, u have to convert files/edit them, to make them smaller, now its 5,4gb season 3, so extra 700mb needs to be removed.. fustrating, im too lazy to do that.. :)
But thnx markmc, nice torrent anyway!
crazygoat (2007-04-12)
u are a god for uploading this! HAIL!tsw_gnaget (2007-05-01)
can someone just say about how fast the speed is on this torrent?BTW thx to the uploader...
markmc (2007-05-11)
The speed are not so good cuz' all the hit'n'runners. If you don't plan to seed, fuck off, then we all are gonna kill you'll bitches.Hope that you ohters like it. :)
ivar____ (2007-05-13)
The Simpsons this is wallpapers and icons and more