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Final Cut Pro 7.0 [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]




Software Mac


Final Cut Pro 7.0 [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]




2011-03-14 (by Cyberpiraten)


Final Cut Pro 7, NOW WITH WORKING SERIAL!!! ------------------------------------------- NO ZIP, NO RAR, Just Setup and Instructions Release Name.........: Final Cut Pro Release Version......: 7.0 Release Date.........: 14.3.2011 Type...........: Professional Video editing Developer......: Apple Inc. Platform.......: Mac OS X Language.......: English Website........: TORRENT INCLUDES: ---------------- * [Software] - Final Cut Pro 7 *Instructions (Text file) INSTRUCTIONS: 1.) Run "FCP7_Install.toast" 2.) Install the software. (Do Not give up your real names and that shit) 3.) When asked about a serial, copy one from below and paste in. 4.) At the step "About choosing Applications" you need to uncheck alle the other boxes than "Final Cut Pro" 5.) Finish the install. 6.) Your Welcome! Enjoy it! SERIALS: ---------------- Working serial can be found inside torrent (working @ 14.3.2011) Fuck this overprised shit, Enjoy it free! Lets share the world! Seeding and Positive comments are highly appreciated.


  1. Final Cut Pro
  2. 7.0. Mac Os X
  3. CyberP
  4. boss!

Files count:



3561.47 Mb




minychit (2011-03-21)

Has anybody tried this yet?

Duardo (2011-03-21)

Yes it works perfectly
because CyberPiraten is a boss

minychit (2011-03-21)

i have a slight problem
Ive tried downloading this already and used another serial that diddnt work.( but another torrent)
When i run the .toast it doesnt even ask for a serial probably because i already inserted for the other one....
How do i make it go back and let me put the serial included in this torrent??
thanks for all

 Cyberpiraten (2011-03-22)

Delete the file "Final Cut Studio System ID" from /Library/Application
Support/ProApps/ This should cause Final Cut Pro to re-register and ask for
the serial number again.

TijmenDal (2011-03-23)

It doesn't work for me. Halfway through the installation it just aborts and that's it. No report or something.
I followed all instructions... really weird. Some would be appreciated. I'm on 10.6.6, but will be upgrading today as I just saw 10.6.7 was released.

Duardo (2011-03-23)

Most likely because you are trying to install Applications you do not have. I do believe all of them are Livetype, Final Cut Pro, and compressor. Basic math will be very beneficial if it says installing 50GBs of software and you downloaded 3.48 GBs of data, something is very wrong. If you hit install and add it up and install 3.48 everything will work perfect.
This is NOT a full Final Cut Studio just the cool parts.
Big Thanks to CyberPiraten for the upload,

minychit (2011-03-23)

Thanks cyberpiraten
Except that file isnt there...
Ive checked my other libraries aswell but nothing...
really weird

 Cyberpiraten (2011-03-23)

You just need to uncheck te check boxes cause you only got Final Cut but not the others.

minychit (2011-03-23)

Yes i read your installation advice but i have been doing that every time. I need to find a way to put your serial in but i cant find that file so that i can reregister. I think the serial is for another version of final cut pro so it doesnt work.
It tells me the installation has failed each time.

minychit (2011-03-23)

i always uncheck everything except final cut.
I just need to find that file so that i can reregister... i just dont know where to find it.
I downloaded another torrent before this one and used a serial that didnt work... so now im stuck with that one until i delete it...

 Cyberpiraten (2011-03-24)

Have you uninstalled it first? Don't really know about that.. But try googeling it or you can write a thred at suprbay.

minychit (2011-03-29)

arghh wrote a thread on suprbay and no one is replying yet...
I have a feeling my problem is unique lol

 Cyberpiraten (2011-03-29)

Use this FSC Remover to uninstall, then install using the serial provided in the torrent.

gr8motive (2011-03-29)

When im about to install and check/uncheck, im not able to chk the final cut pro part, why?
I have FC6 from earlier, does that mather in anyway?

 Cyberpiraten (2011-03-30)

Try uninstalling the previous version then :)

yap_toshi (2011-03-30)

I'm having this problem can I do something about it? • Final Cut Studio Installer requires that your system have 128 MB of VRAM; this system has only 64 MB of VRAM.

gr8motive (2011-03-30)

Cyber, are u just assuming, or do u know it, because if youre not sure ill rather keep my old vers than nothing, and since it takes amount of time to install i just wanna know if thats the reason ;)

nicoleruo (2011-03-30)

hi cyberpiraten, i have finally download this app, but is the serial number out of the date? since it keeps saying that the SN is invalid. SOS ... :)

 Cyberpiraten (2011-03-30)

You need to upgrade your Video RAM, might cost you a little :)
I'm assuming it. You could try to googleing it or make a thred on suprbay about it :)
Serial works fine here :) (30th Mars 2011)

nicoleruo (2011-03-31)

Hi Again, this is what i got form my 'utorrent'
... and it still doesnt work... it took me 3 days to download the whole thing.. and i definately wanna keep it. can you please help in this case? my Mac is brand new with nearly 0 added Apps.

 Cyberpiraten (2011-03-31)

What do you mean with "This is what i got from utorrent" ? If you downloaded the whole thing you got the files from inside the torrent, or?

ragefresh (2011-04-02)

Hey quick question, I got the serial to work and unchecked all of the boxes except for the Final Cut Pro Box. When it comes down to installing it, it will stop almost Halfway through the installation and says "There were errors with the installation. The installation Failed."
Please help me with this. I have a 64 bit macbook pro 4gig ram plenty of harddrive n such

ragefresh (2011-04-02)

Ok I got it to work now, soooo nvm :D thanks
@TiJmenDal what you have to do is, even though you uncheck everything but finalcut pro, Click ALL of the arrows so they drop down, a few of them have hidden boxes that remain checked. So click the arrows and uncheck EVERYTHING
once again Thank you Cyberpiraten, I will check out the after effects torrent next

mtorresr (2011-04-02)

Do you guys know if this version works with Lock&Load Plugin?

xjasonpx (2011-04-03)

Everything Works Perfect Man. Your a BOSS lol. I Just Downloaded Your iWork Also. Flawless. Keep It Up Man "Lets share the world!" - Cyberpiraten

Shonyc (2011-04-05)

its leading me to Frost wire.... can anyone help me with further instuctions... plzzzzz

DKneal (2011-04-06)

Thank you very much Cyberpiraten! This works like a charm!
Software update is recommending an update, is that a good idea?
Thanks again!

blurbish (2011-04-08)

Having some trouble finding the serial number in the download. Am i just totally blind? Please let me know.

JimmyKim0817 (2011-04-08)

guys this torrent actually works!!!!!!

DKneal (2011-04-08)

I believe the serial is in the instructions file.

9100_be (2011-04-11)

I have one little problem, I do not know how to open the setup Toast fail. Please help someone. Thanks in advance

9100_be (2011-04-11)

I have one little problem, I do not know how to open the setup Toast fail. Please help someone. Thanks in advance

9100_be (2011-04-11)

I have one little problem, I do not know how to open the setup Toast fail. Please help someone. Thanks in advance

BretHart0074 (2011-04-12)

install failed

DalittleBIGmen (2011-04-13)

@Shonyc, first you need to download a torent download program such as transmission or xtorrent. Both pretty good. I prefer transmission cuz its simple interface, and you can select which files to download easily.
Download the .torrent. Do not open it. Second click the file and go to get info. Un the menu select Open with-> choose the program you chose. Then click Change All and there you go.
Gor easy acces go to preferences and choose automatically check download folder and delete torrent files.
Hope it helps.

Syllith (2011-04-14)

For those of you having trouble at the installation screen (It says it fails) you need to uncheck all the boxes at the installation type screen except for Final Cut. Then hit install and it should work perfectly. Saves a ton of space to. Like 55 gigs

alexstudio117 (2011-04-16)

After installation, it took ages to scan all my audio plugins, i have removed those that were causing problems, but now I get a crash report regarding KGCore plugin, that is actually a framework inside the final cut application itself. What can I do about that ?

bluewhite (2011-04-21)

Cyberpiraten, you rock! Installed flawlessly, serial number works. Thanks a million!
Should I allow it to update, in case it asks me?

lordxtra22 (2011-04-22)

awesome!!, tnx man

 Cyberpiraten (2011-04-22)

I would not recommend you to update it, I haven't tried to update myself :)
Thanks btw! :)

ray-dog (2011-04-26)

CyberPiraten -- Thanks, you're the bomb. I installed and it worked perfectly. I later re-opened the TOAST to try to install DVD Studio Pro and it said I needed the installation disks ... is there any way around this?

 Cyberpiraten (2011-04-26)

You need to uncheck all the plugins and all that while installing.... I just uploaded the "software" itself.
Uncheck them and you will be able to install, with other words "go around it" ;)

yac85 (2011-04-27)

mine is stuck at 99.9% despite there being 30 seeders online. Anyone else have this problem? Or know why it would be happening?

gchenfc (2011-05-01)

wow, this site says theres so many more seeders sthan there actually r and so many leechers exist than are listed. theres like 3 online seeders and like 30 leechers 4 me right now...

ApocalypseZer0 (2011-05-02)

Where exactly is the serial number?!?

 Cyberpiraten (2011-05-03)

Inside the instructions file....

ugichaz (2011-05-03)

It's telling me the serial is invalid. Any idea as to why?

ApocalypseZer0 (2011-05-03)

maybe im blind but i really dont even see a serial number...the closest thing to an instructions file i have is the Installing Your Software pdf file. then i have Install Final Cut Studio, Extras, and Documentation folders....?!?!

Shenzhen (2011-05-03)

Thanks to Cyberpiraten! I cant get the SN to work though....

Shenzhen (2011-05-03)

Disregard. Now it works! Thx a lot and fuck this overprized shit.... :-)

sportchic88 (2011-05-04)

I have read through the instructions file, which I think is the Installing your software pdf. And I have not found a serial number. Too make it easier for evryone can you just put serials up? Or please tell me EXACTLY where to find the serial number. All the folders I have are; documentation, installing your software, extras, and install final cut studio. I don't know where the serial is. PLEASE HELP!

 Cyberpiraten (2011-05-04)

Serials is in the freaking instructions file, is it so hard to get?!

sportchic88 (2011-05-05)

im sorry but, WHERE in it?

classic83 (2011-05-06)

@Cyberpiraten i know this is random but are any of these files encrypted because my internet provider (comcast) sent me a letter saying that someone in my house downloaded an encrypted music file off of a torrent site, i dont believe it was downloaded from the pirate bay, and that if it happens again the will stop providing internet access. i'm very new to this and just wondering how secure everything is??

classic83 (2011-05-06)

and btw i just downloaded this last night and so far it has been working perfect! thanks :)

eric_hernandez (2011-05-06)

Hey Cyberpiraten, the only way i could download this torrent was by checking "Final Cut Pro" and "Color." Is there any way i can retrieve the the other softwares also (Motion, Soundtrack Pro, DVD Pro..) Thank you so much :)

ApocalypseZer0 (2011-05-06)

The exact file of the name with the serials is called Instructions.rtf, you have to go to your downloads and open Final Cut Pro 7.0 [Mac]-[CyberPiraten] to find it. Kinda tricky...

blue_tounge (2011-05-10)

All good, but do I need to download the "Color" separtetely? PS. Now seeding. Thanks Cyberpiraten!

square_82 (2011-05-11)

Thanks a ton for uploading this. Only problem is that it won't let me uncheck several of the boxes, saying they are necessary updates. Any chance of uploading the rest of the software? THANK YOU!

TheManOfTorrents (2011-05-11)

I'm seeding for a couple days. The Instruction Files is in: Downloads: FCP7CyberPiraten.torrent; open it with your bittorent (Should already be open); click the disclosure triangle on the torrent; instructions.rtf will be in there which is where the serial number is, and "Fuck this overpriced shit" haha sweet

TheManOfTorrents (2011-05-11)


square_82 (2011-05-12)

You sure manoftorrents? I get this message now: "The source media you are installing from is damaged. Try installing from a different copy of the source media or contact the manufacturer for a replacement."

yuiop264 (2011-05-12)

it keeps telling me "The installer encountered an error that caused installation to fail. Contact your software manufacturer for assistance." WHAT DO I DO !?!?!?!

yuiop264 (2011-05-13)

Nevermind, i got it working. THANK YOU!!!

sombrenegra (2011-05-14)

Hello! Intalled this program and it worked fine. Then i throw it to try to install the whole Final Cut Studio so that could have Soundtrack Pro. Since then every time i open Final Cut pro it's close down without any warning. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall it many times. But it doesn't work. When i open Final Cut pro i only get to the "log in". Then when just before the real program starts it's close down. please help. I'm new at Mac

dagaloni (2011-05-14)

Installation failed?! How do i solve this? The serial worked ;)

lisw (2011-05-15)

the serial number won't work

lisw (2011-05-15)

it installed fine i swear i entered the serial then and it accepted it but now when i open the program it asks again and says "The serial number you entered is not valid." when i enter it.

jwhitsel (2011-05-20)

@yulop264 - I got the same message. What did you do differently?

51st8 (2011-05-24)

Hi Cyberpiraten,
I have a problem with even opening the file.
Theres a message when i click on the file:
'The following disk images couldnt be opened'
and below that:
'FCP7_Install.toast no mountable file system'
I just cannot solve the problem.
Thanks a lot mate.

redpandabear (2011-05-30)

Cyberpiraten - thanks so much for this, amazingly easy to install and is working like a charm! - who can afford this stuff at normal price anyways?
You're a gem!

BankruptcyInc (2011-05-30)

Thanks man, appreciate this.

aohekala (2011-06-01)

worked perfectly, and was super easy thanks bro.

Ferryll (2011-06-05)

First off, thank you very much Cyberpiraten for this incredible torrent! It works great, som many compliments to you.
One question: is it possible to update this the applications? I haven't tried it yet, so I hope anyone can tell me if it is or is not possible. Thanks!

reginavaz (2011-06-05)

excellent job cyberpireten. everything worked the first time after i installed it. keep it up

maxeyw (2011-06-07)

Fist, thanks for the UL. But... After the install (per instructions) it only takes 1.5 G. Hardly seems big enough to be anything more than Final Cut Express. I haven't used it yet so I'm being very presumptuous here. Any word on the the extra plug-ins? Thanks!

sdpbeatz (2011-06-14)

Looks like everything is working but when I open the program it keeps asking for b4 II plugin. The weird thing about that is I don't have any native instrument plugins on my macbook at all.

TTNandR (2011-06-21)

lol macfags

dutch-solder (2011-06-21)

Love your work man! always works!

gumbogilbert (2011-06-30)

Thanx, serail working with current upgrade DATE-30th June 2011. Awesome, thanx man!!

raw_101 (2011-07-11)

Hey there, wondering if there is anyone out there that can find me a serial for Littlefin Chronicle 3?
Thanks in advance...

IXLSoft04 (2011-07-25)

I have Final Cut Pro X ready to ship.
Final Cut Pro X + Motion 5 + Compressor4 (Updates Work As Of July 2011)
I have tested and verified each disc to make sure they are working 100%.
Don't want to spend hours, days, weeks, months, or maybe YEARS downloading this.
Contact Me!
I ship within 24hrs with tracking # and insurance. I accept PayPal.
I also provide photographic proof when I ship
email me ONLY at [email protected] and I can provide detailed information
serious buyers only... I have other MAC software to sell also. Final Cut Studio 3 (Updates Work), Ableton 8.1, Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection (Updates Work), Aperture3 (Updates Work), DJay 3 (Updates Work), Logic Studio 9 (Updates Work), Office 2011 (Updates Work), iWork 09, Mac OSX 10.6 Server Snow Leopard (Updates Work), Native Instruments Komplete 7, iLife 2011, Pro Tools HD 9, and Rosetta Stone (All Languages).
Multiple software orders are given a discount.
This is for people who have bandwidth caps and other situations where downloading it is not a option.

GeorgieShax (2011-08-01)

I was thinking about upgrading to Lion but just wanted to check if this still worked perfectly fine with Lion, So if anyones on Lion then can they just post their opinions.
Thanks Very Much

lizardking1913 (2011-08-09)

it won't work with Lion only FCP X,downgraded back to snow leopard

lizardking1913 (2011-08-14)

working perfectly!!thanks for a great upload!!really appreciate it.
Any chance you have colour and motion also please?
many thanks again

lizardking1913 (2011-08-14)

just wondered is it safe to run an update??

nicofern28 (2011-08-18)

is it STILL definitely not running with lion? or...

freddyboo (2011-09-09)

thanks cyberpiraten! anyway or where to get the other software (color, motion, soundtrack, dvd studio)?

noirpetitchat (2011-09-21)

many thanks, 100% work.....

nopower (2011-09-24)

For it to work with OSX Lion you have to go to Library>Audio>Plug-ins>Component and delete the rp500 file.

lxiguy01 (2011-10-13)

I have Final Cut Pro X ready to ship
Final Cut Pro X + Motion 5 + Compressor4 (Updates Work As Of October 2011)
Contact me at [email protected]
I have other MAC stuff also
This is great for people who do not want to spend forever getting it

JessWar123 (2011-10-13)

Looks like this would be a REALLY great upload but for some reason it won't let me uncheck all of the boxes aside from Final Cut Pro... I tried continuing without unchecking and it said Installation Failed. No idea why, but regardless, you rock for even putting this up here for others to download! MUCH respect

mingle555 (2011-10-23)

Hi everyone,
is it possible to download fcp7 and compressor?
if not; do you have another torrent which has compressor which works in conjunction with this final cut 7?

omgitsinuse (2011-11-02)


sunshyn7 (2012-01-20)

Cyberpiraten, everything you do is art.
Also, if anyone is having trouble because they didn't unclick the boxes, you have to download a Final Cut Remover program to wipe out all the old files (you pretty much can't do this on your own), then you can re-install it. It is really quick and easy. I recommend this one:

Happy Pirating!

tripper92 (2012-02-01)

Hey Cyberpiraten. Everytime i try to download the program it says "The item you are installing from is damaged." Any help with this?

mack949 (2012-02-13)

works great. however, I need cinema tools. anyone know where I can get it?

mcfool123 (2012-02-16)

Loving it keep up the great work

gooberjabber12 (2012-03-31)

theres no torrent file, so it wont download, what can I do?

RandoooooomUserName (2012-03-31)

Apple says that FCP 7 + LION is possible. i hope that they are right, caus i dont wanna use this FCP X - shit or de-install LION ... --> apple webSite:
"Final Cut Pro 7 is also compatible with Mac OS X Lion."
Is the COMPRESSOR included in this torrent and does it work... ?
Thaaaanks CyberPiraten:)

dizzitoast (2012-04-21)

Fuck you ixlguy05!!!!
And Cyberpiraten, you are the greatest!

modales (2012-05-17)

yup Cyberpiraten never lets me down (no homo), wen eva i look 4torrents, i look for his/her name first. coz his stuff always workz..yeah and FUCK YOU ixlguy10 go eat a dick man..

modales (2012-05-17)

Fuck this overprised shit, Enjoy it free! Lets share the world!

santi19 (2012-05-29)

so i downloaded yesterday and everything went fine until the last step where your supposed to uncheck all of the boxes the fcp7 is grayed out so i cant install it. anyone else have this problem? whoever can help if you can email me asap [email protected]

nanopaws (2012-06-16)

works with lion. thank you so much!

borismuller (2012-06-25)

I give the author of this torrent permission to sleep with my sister. You sir are a godsend.

zulpgulp2 (2012-06-28)

This doesn't finish installing. Installer mounts from HD & Disc burn but freezes at the same place every time. Just after entering serial and clicking continue the installer freezes then in "force quit" reports (not responding) and must be force quit.
My box is 2.66, 8G, 2TB+ HD, running OSX 10.5.8 - Hope someone can help. I was running FCP 6.0.6 but lil snitch failed and now FCP wont startup. Thanks.

syangwar (2012-07-06)

Can anyone help me out with a link or directions on how to get this all to work with OS Snow Leopard or Lion? Your input is appreciated.

vpontes (2012-08-07)

Thanks a million! @ragefresh comments really helped me.

tealc89 (2012-08-27)

I'm downloading this for a friend. I use a PC, she uses a Mac, can I put this file on a flash drive and install off the flash drive?

LogosB (2012-09-08)

DVD Studio Pro Content is missing. Can't install completely Final Cut.

FuM3 (2012-11-12)

Dude i love you so much like honestly can i just bang you?

P_Greezy (2013-02-13)

Works great thanks! All i need after install is the 2011 app patch and everything works

patel126 (2013-03-20)

hey thankyouuuuu so much man! works awesome!

daramas444 (2013-05-21)

thanks guys

andrechulenga (2013-07-02)

I've done all the steps, including install the FCS Remover and remove all the older Final Cut files.
When I try to install this torrent, it doesn't even ask for the serial but moves on and when I uncheck all the boxes except the Final Cut this message shows up:
The software you are installing requires additional installation discs. Have these discs ready:
Audio Content 1
Audio Content 2
Audio Content 3
And the installations aborts in the halfway, saying:
The installation failed.
The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail.
How can I solve this?

brsky (2013-07-30)

stuck at hashfails at the end. please seed

magopie (2013-09-13)

Please help, have installed and it worked fine the first time, but opening it a seond time, it will not open again, it seems to start opening when I click the icon and then nothing happens. Have tried uninstalling but same thing happens. Please help.

Jshen18 (2013-09-14)

Help I cannot download torrent. It said "permission denied" :( Anyone can help?

thetreebeard (2013-09-24)


HeywoodFloyd (2013-10-13)

Works like a charm !
Thanks to the uploader !

sxshy (2014-03-12)

I created a username just to say thanks. I'm brand new to using a mac and the download was quick, the instructions were clear and concise and most importantly everything worked with no problems. As of 11March14 the serial number still works. Thank you for the upload.

wburchall (2014-04-20)

Hey there pirates. I've had the same issue as santi19 but I'm also runnin Maverick 10.9.2 and i'm curios to know whether FCP 7 is actually compatible with the new OSX systems?
As much assistance as possible would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

Dr. Howard (2014-06-20),43843,43843

sjorpha (2014-06-28)

The instructions are incorrect in saying only the FPC app is included.
ALL the apps are included, you do need to uncheck the extra content options in the app bundles because those are on the other DVDs, but Motion, DVDstudio, soundtrack etc works just fine without that as long as you only use your own material.
I thought I should point this out since these apps are great to have and takes up minimal space anyways.

javierus (2014-11-05)

Hi, since this is still seeding (current) i just wanted to note, and maybe ask for a fix of Cinema Tools. Not working for me and I'm not able to download it anywhere.


1. Final Cut Pro 7.0 [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]/FCP7_Install.toast 3561.47 Mb
2. Final Cut Pro 7.0 [Mac]-[CyberPiraten]/Instructions.rtf 1.87 Kb