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StarCraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Digital Download-WW
Games PC
StarCraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Digital Download-WW
2010-07-16 (by MAFIAA. )
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (C) Blizzard Entertainment
Release Date : Jul 27, 2010..........................Developer : Blizzard
Game type : Sci-Fi Real-Time Strategy
StarCraft II continues the epic saga of the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg. These three distinct and powerful races will clash once again in the fast-paced real-time strategy sequel to the legendary original, StarCraft. Legions of veteran, upgraded, and brand-new unit types will do battle across the galaxy, as each faction struggles for survival.
Featuring a unique single-player campaign that picks up where StarCraft: Brood War left off, StarCraft II will present a cast of new heroes and familiar faces in an edgy sci-fi story filled with adventure and intrigue. In addition, Blizzard will again offer unparalleled online play through, the company's world-renowned gaming service, with several enhancements and new features to make StarCraft II the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game.
* Fast-paced, hard-hitting, tightly balanced competitive real-time strategy gameplay that recaptures and improves on the magic of the original game
* Three completely distinct races: Protoss, Terran, and Zerg
* New units and gameplay mechanics further distinguish each race
* Groundbreaking single-player campaign
* Vibrant new 3D-graphics engine with support for dazzling visual effects and massive unit and army sizes
* Full multiplayer support, with new competitive features and matchmaking utilities available through
* Full map-making and scripting tools to give players incredible freedom in customizing and personalizing their gameplay experience
Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP1) / Windows 7
C.P.U : Intel Pentium IV at 2.2 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon processor
Video Card : 128 MB VRAM â
Files count:
7248.83 Mb
MAFIAA. (2010-07-16)
For those who start complaining this i pre-order version, its full version wait for first crack to come out in about 2/3 days to play it without any serial restrictions...raduciu (2010-07-16)
sure hope it won\'t be a long wait....Brandoo (2010-07-16)
russian or english language ?nnfor all: it dont work until 27 julyraduciu (2010-07-16)
last time i checked blizz was not ubisoft, i hope i get to make some mileage b4 my box arrives.nimbota2 (2010-07-16)
say, if this is english, is it EU en-GB or en-US? tnxwemoveunseen (2010-07-16)
Be nice if people seeded this instead of just downloading and runningMbb15 (2010-07-16)
this i like a clonedvd so wait for the crack everyone!asferot (2010-07-16)
Soooooo...nWho is making crack 4 this?nOr we just have to wait 4 scene folks to upload it?asferot (2010-07-16)
@vberch No! just not cracked!Hidden_driver (2010-07-16)
OMG i soo cant wait for it!!! this game is like orgasm for me!!! CRACK NOW PLEASE!Shodanz (2010-07-17)
any news on the crack?kyleio (2010-07-17)
For the people saying they can\'t install it yet.. any chance they can disconnect their computer from the internet and set their date forward to 27 July and then try installer again? rnrn@Mbb15, what do you mean it\'s like a clonedvd?xnonamexLV (2010-07-17)
When you disconet from the net, it just says that u need a network connection.nMby you need to mount smthng but with what?nAnyway would be thankfull if smbdy would share light how to install it. Or really u have to wait till 27th to install it :D2eZ. (2010-07-17)
It\'s easy to install just decrypt the UI 2 and tome mpqe\'s and rename one xml file ;)MAFIAA. (2010-07-17)
come\'on guys seed!carbine7 (2010-07-17)
@2eZ Don\'t suppose you\'d care to tell us which filesxnonamexLV (2010-07-17)
Thanks.nBut how can i decrypt mpqe? :)Dimmis80 (2010-07-17)
Hi guys.Stun thanks for the upload.@2eZ ok dude can u tell us how to install the game.??Btw i found this version of the game and it says Retail version.Do u guys think that is the real deal or we are cool with the digital version.??Dimmis80 (2010-07-17)
@Lollash your version of the game that u upload can be install.!??Do u have a crack on it.?carbine7 (2010-07-17)
A standard MPQ editor won\'t open the MPQE files, so I have no idea how to get to the xmls inside. Only UI 1 is accessible, as it is a standard MPQMbb15 (2010-07-17)
@Dimmis80rnrnThere is no crack! its the same version but on rapidshar?Mbb15 (2010-07-17)
rapid-shareSlyder212 (2010-07-17)
Chill out everyone! There is no crack yet! Download it, seed it, and wait for it!darklordofspawn (2010-07-17)
Thank you Stun.rnWill there be lots of updates after this is released?rnbecause if there will be then it would be nice if there was support for upadted cracks for the updates.rn& im guessing there will be no online play?coustoe (2010-07-17)
What If I had a Crack?nnAnd I was like playing this game now and having a really good time while you guys didn\'tnnThat would be funnyDarWix (2010-07-18)
Russian or English ???asferot (2010-07-18)
@couste Implying I would believe you!PleaseDontBanMe (2010-07-18)
Will this work for online multiplayer once the crack comes out or will it be single player only?Luvarian (2010-07-19)
It more than likely won't work for multiplayer as Bliz has decided to remove the LAN play, and I haven't seen anything that can mimic a legit CD key that'll get past battlenet.Deflectant (2010-07-19)
Doesn't let me install. LoLSays I have to wait to 7/27/2010. I tried to trick it by going offline and manually switching Windows to the date, but it said it needed an active internet connection.
carbine7 (2010-07-19)
There is no crack as of yet, so seed and waitkiwovo (2010-07-19)
go crackkkkkkkkk ittttti need crackkkkkkkk
im fucking crack head ;d
MAFIAA. (2010-07-19)
Guys wait till crack, until that time keep seeding don't hit & run!Dimmis80 (2010-07-19)
Come on Crackers Come on Hackers Crack this Wide OpenDudeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss...........
ropman (2010-07-19)
there wont be any crack until the rls date for sure guys, this shit was officially released by blizz and blizz isnt that stupid, its probably encrypted so crack wont helpShodanz (2010-07-19)
It is encrypted, but the chinese are working on it and they seem to make progresslordsavo (2010-07-20)
go china go!!! :PBludeous_Whallean (2010-07-20)
They had better make it fastSatanicRU (2010-07-20)
Why there is still no dvd version on pb? It is only week left until release so some guys must already have it :/ Hope it doesn't require anything beside simple crack which will be made in a few days to play in single mode :)SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-20)
There was a clone dvd on here its gone now. the link was
And its not the Chineese working on a crack its the Koreans. if anything. theres not alot of chatter on there tho normally games on tpb get flooded with spam and flamers.
People are working on it some say they have it installed but lie they only get this far then hit ok then it fails.
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-20)
Sorry for dbl post forgot to say this and cant edit.@ hootieman
CnC4 failed be4 it even was brainstormed. nothing can fail as much as that game. the last CnC game i played that was good was generals. but CnC prime was when it was owned by westwood.
SatanicRU (2010-07-20)
@ SIL3NTDE4THit was the same digital copy as here :(
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-20)
^ thats sad. I thought it would be. it be funny if the Retail cd was only and Auto run, Install.exe and the 2-3 tomes.SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-20)
I hope a crack comes out. Early-est Wend'sBut truthfully i dot think one will till the 27th.
A collectors Ed box was released early but he could not install till the 27th! The game requiring a internet connection is going to make it hard for crackers.
So if u can get around the Date " that it gets from blizzard"
to get the game to launch the installer you will see this
and when u hit install it Errors Out and needs A Decrypting Key " that it gets from blizzard. "
Stopping the game from contacting blizzard wont be hard after the decryption key is released. and they can get the game installed.
The game wont even install if u change the date and turn off the internet. The Game Requires an internet connection active just to install
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-20)
^ that is true.But The First to crack it Be4 release date.
I don't think it be as hard after wards.
lordseger (2010-07-20)
well considering that they cracked COC 4 wich requiers a internet conection i dont think this one will be any harderSIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-20)
I got that game. a few days be4 release from wall mart. i ddont remember it needing an active connection to install. just to playSIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-21)
I don't understand why so many people torrent this when u can download it for free from blizzard.MAFIAA. (2010-07-21)
DONT download that torrent ABOVE it contains Rootkit! (Trojan)SIL3NTDE4TH please don't recommend things that could screw someone PC mate.
Fr0zen_Junk (2010-07-21)
@ SIL3NTDE4THThat torrent was taken down 3 times already.Most probably the uploader has multiple accounts,there were comments on the 1st torrent saying "it works" even though there were no seeders or leechers yet...The point is he's changing his user and making multiple comments,fooling others into downloading his trojan.
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-21)
Not true. I been Rss feeding this site all day since i work at my computer. it first showed up around 4 hours ago. and 1 of 19 scanned showed anything it had a chance of being real. but after talking to people in the thread its most likely fake.artlthepolarbear (2010-07-21)
So am i don't really care for online but will the campaign work or is it set up that you need a Internet Connection at all times to playcheese101 (2010-07-21)
cracking this game seems very complicated...Fox201 (2010-07-21)
Hey, thanks! Really looking forward to a crack!Lucky13s (2010-07-21)
Wow are you guys fucking kidding me? Theres actually a torrent for this?Blizzard has this up on their site morons, they've been allowing people to download it for awhile now.
No there is no crack, and there wont be, it 'must' be activated before it finalizes its installation - this isnt the entire full game yet, it gets patched on july 27th when its activated.
You're all wasting your time.
shitfuckpiss (2010-07-21)
well that's a little demoralizingasferot (2010-07-21)
@Lucky13s Implying I give damn about your ranting! I will wait, no matter how much time it takes!Teirs (2010-07-21)
There is nothing at blizzard that says you will have to download a patch for it to work, and even if you do 7 more days and someone will get it activated and find that missing piece and reprogram it and paste it as a torrent to work. Also More then likely you will just have to get around the activation part. Soon as I get the money I am buying this game, which won't be till october which sux. But hey when I do I will be buying an origonal copy and fallout new vegas.SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-21)
Q.) Will there be unique codes for shipped games vs digital games?A.) Yes, both game client types (digital and physical) possess unique game activation methods.
AC.) If a player purchases the digital game client, the player will not receive a copy of the game activation key. Instead, the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty game license will be added to the purchasing account automatically. This is how World of Warcraft digital game clients function, as well.
AC.)If a player purchases the physical game client, the player will need to manually add the game activation key included in the boxed set to his or her account. By adding the game activation key, the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty game license will be added to the account.
Q.) What exactly is region specific for activation?
A.) Game clients that are downloaded online or installed from the physical box set will only connect to the region for which they?re made. Therefore, in order for a player to log in and begin playing, both the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty game license and the installed game client must be from the same region. If the game license and the game client don?t match, the player will be unable to login.
AC.) For this reason, we do not recommend using the early digital download option if you?re also purchasing the physical game client, as the risk of ending up with a game client that doesn?t match your game license is much higher. Please also note that the time saved by unlocking and installing the digital download is negligible when compared to the time required to install the game using the physical DVD.
Q.) Will I be able to use my shipped SC2 activation code on the digital installer?
A.) Once the game activation key is added to your account and your game license is active, the option to download the client online will become available.
AC.) Please keep in mind, though, that if you try to download the game client early via the digital download option, you will want to make sure that the region of the game client you?re downloading matches the region of the game license that will be shipped to you later on. If your game license region doesn?t match the downloaded client?s region, you will not be able to login.
AC.) To clarify further, if a player purchased the North American version of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty from a store on July 27, he or she would need to ensure that the digital game client downloaded is also from the appropriate region (in this example, from North America). Otherwise, that player would be unable to login until the North American game client is installed.
Q.) Are there any differences between a physical copy of the game and a digital downlaod?
A.) I saw this question elsewhere, and thought it was worth answering here.
AC.) There are no differences in what each version of the game provides. All the files are exactly the same, but you obviously don?t get the box, DVD, or manual.
Q.) Is the activation code tied to its game client region, or is it just the game client that is region specific?, and if so, which is the key for matching it with your account region?
A.) Game activation keys, game licenses, and game clients are all region-specific. As noted above, if your game license and installed game client regions don?t match, you won?t be able to login.
AC.) If the country associated with your account (viewable in Account Management: is accurate, you should be directed to the correct regional download when visiting this page:
AC.) If you have already purchased a physical copy of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, but still wish to download early, you will need to make sure that the regional download matches the region for the physical game you purchased.
cheese101 (2010-07-21)
*groans* when is that crack coming...SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-21)
My post above u is from blizzard.What it sees in there will make it really hard.
repodepotman (2010-07-21)
My guess is this will make it difficult to crack until the game is released and the crackers have a chance to look at the packet exchange to emulate the battlenet authentication. we might have to wait until the game is released to play it for free :P. Personally this is one game I'm planning on buying on day one, starcraft has always been about the multiplayer.IceDeathBoy (2010-07-21)
I have pre orderd the collector edition of this game that i will get on 27:th, but would be nice to have a sneak view of the game and play single before playing Multi on it... As previus post wrote, its all about the multi.....SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-22)
I agree. I bought the CE cost me 108.11 with tax cant wait to pick it up and play but i would love to play it now and start the first few missions.SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-22)
Im gogin to make a dbl post here.first to the guy above me then above him.
I would be able to play early then put my key in later and play online. so what no achievements they can be done later. and 90+% of the people here should know pirated games dont work online.
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-22)
And this is whats goign to make it hard to crack.this is directly from blizzard.
Q.) Will there be unique codes for shipped games vs digital games?
A.) Yes, both game client types (digital and physical) possess unique game activation methods.
AC.) If a player purchases the digital game client, the player will not receive a copy of the game activation key. Instead, the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty game license will be added to the purchasing account automatically. This is how World of Warcraft digital game clients function, as well.
AC.)If a player purchases the physical game client, the player will need to manually add the game activation key included in the boxed set to his or her account. By adding the game activation key, the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty game license will be added to the account.
Q.) What exactly is region specific for activation?
A.) Game clients that are downloaded online or installed from the physical box set will only connect to the region for which they?re made. Therefore, in order for a player to log in and begin playing, both the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty game license and the installed game client must be from the same region. If the game license and the game client don?t match, the player will be unable to login.
AC.) For this reason, we do not recommend using the early digital download option if you?re also purchasing the physical game client, as the risk of ending up with a game client that doesn?t match your game license is much higher. Please also note that the time saved by unlocking and installing the digital download is negligible when compared to the time required to install the game using the physical DVD.
Q.) Will I be able to use my shipped SC2 activation code on the digital installer?
A.) Once the game activation key is added to your account and your game license is active, the option to download the client online will become available.
AC.) Please keep in mind, though, that if you try to download the game client early via the digital download option, you will want to make sure that the region of the game client you?re downloading matches the region of the game license that will be shipped to you later on. If your game license region doesn?t match the downloaded client?s region, you will not be able to login.
AC.) To clarify further, if a player purchased the North American version of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty from a store on July 27, he or she would need to ensure that the digital game client downloaded is also from the appropriate region (in this example, from North America). Otherwise, that player would be unable to login until the North American game client is installed.
Q.) Are there any differences between a physical copy of the game and a digital downlaod?
A.) I saw this question elsewhere, and thought it was worth answering here.
AC.) There are no differences in what each version of the game provides. All the files are exactly the same, but you obviously don?t get the box, DVD, or manual.
Q.) Is the activation code tied to its game client region, or is it just the game client that is region specific?, and if so, which is the key for matching it with your account region?
A.) Game activation keys, game licenses, and game clients are all region-specific. As noted above, if your game license and installed game client regions don?t match, you won?t be able to login.
AC.) If the country associated with your account (viewable in Account Management: is accurate, you should be directed to the correct regional download when visiting this page:
AC.) If you have already purchased a physical copy of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, but still wish to download early, you will need to make sure that the regional download matches the region for the physical game you purchased.
maffti (2010-07-22)
@SIL3NTDE4THYour comment caught my attention... PIRATED games WORKS online, not on retail/legit servers but on private made, if not use hamachi over lan. Note: I did not say that all games work but most of them. But just like you say, SC2 will be harder to crack and near to impossible to get online games working.
cheese101 (2010-07-22)
its not gonna be crack before the 27th, bunch of crap is on the blizz server :(oneTYMonly (2010-07-22)
Starcraft 1 was the 1st game I encounter a CRACK file..and that was yyeeaarrsszzz ago! and the name I saw back then was RAZOR.. if team RAZOR can crack this first..hell yeah! you guy'z would be legends!.. peaceSatanicRU (2010-07-22)
I think it will be cracked very soon after release, so no need to buy if you only want to play single mode :)chaoslife (2010-07-22)
Good luck with the crack lol...This is going to be epically hard tbh
iwantsomekoolaid (2010-07-22)
can you play this game online like in bnet/blizzard server if the game is crack?Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-22)
crack Crack... CRACK lol cannot waitjinzouningen (2010-07-24)
in offline mode it needs a regional only- auth code plus cd key and most likely means they need to match, and part of the game should not have to be patched from online otherwise people with no internet would be sol. possible still but shouldnt it be like cracking autocad, authcode generator sends back code and code translates to cd key ? just wondering eheJayzen_Freeze (2010-07-24)
So if you do not have internet you cannot even install and play this game since it REQUIRES internet to verify release date etc. people pirate and crack because they dont like being forced to meet ridiculous criteria to even install a game.Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-24)
Because I hate everyone especially the hackers I see in the first one characters running around i hitting every thing and infinite health on buildings characters etc. so all I will ever use this for is single player campaign nothing more.Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-24)
The reason I pirate games is because once I finish the campaign which is usually way to short I dont play it any more to me playing the same levels or even new created ones is still to repetitious for me its like watching the same episode of some thing over and over again.Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-24)
I donjt like playing with others due to cheating hacking assholes that dont shut up and I only like campaigns a game with a story not just senseless fightingScullyy (2010-07-24)
if people cant crack the game that is a good thing imomlgnom (2010-07-24)
So if I get this right. This download will not let me play the single player since I have to wait for a crack which will probably arrive together with my legit version which costs me 25 GBPtruestatic (2010-07-24)
Pat, plenty of people are amped to play the single player. No need to talk trash about it. Different people enjoy different things.igor584 (2010-07-24)
OK. For the idiots that still hand around this torrent and shot at people for wanting singleplayer. The reason people want singleplayer is because there hasn't been a strategy game with single player worth mentioning in about half a decade, maybe more. And primarily people who are waiting for this crack are players of the original starcraft that want to see the story without having to smash the keyboard 300 times per minute, and pay half the game they wont play. Not everyone wants multiplayer, and blizzard has always delivered a whole game, single and multiplayer.And not eryone has cash to spare for the game RIGHT NOW, so some of us want to play singleplayer before we pay and get on with the multi. Or create a few fun maps before that.
Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-24)
Damn rightCamaris85 (2010-07-24)
Fuck yea Igor! your fucking right! i been waiting 12 to kick kerrigans ass! and that patbateman asshole talking about multiplayer....jesus!!!!, maybe he is a korean freak!NerdCore47 (2010-07-24)
Ugh, I'd like to stick these kids in front of a PC with a DIAL UP connection, and see how much fun they have online. Us "old schoolers" know how important single player can be - that's all we had for YEARS. These are the same people that complain because the graphics suck. Spoiled kids.jsummers (2010-07-24)
I bet the folks at Blizzard are reading all of this and laughing their assess off while we scurry about like rodents trying to get something amazing for nothing.I am a pirate, so that may come off as hypocritical, but once in a while a piece of media, be it music, film, or videogame, comes along that deserves every bit of compensation for which it asks.
If Piracy and Capitalism are to coexist longterm, its going to take some concessions from both sides. As a community, if we were to admit defeat here and all go purchase this title, it would send three huge messages across the world.
1) We are not petty thieves.
2) We can and will give compensation for media that is truly DESERVING of it.
... and 3) We are a commercial and economic force to be reckoned with. We are many, we have conviction, and we believe in the consumer's right to choose.
We are the ones in power, not the MPAA or RIAA. If we make this concession and reward excellence, perhaps others will follow suit and put an end to the monotonous carousel of bland, recycled garbage media.
It's one thing to, in your own mind, be fighting the powers that be... it's so much more to actually change the world.
totocows (2010-07-24)
A True definition of hardcore gamer is a person who can spend hours playing single player games. This isnt my own definition, its true. Alot of people will simple buy this game for the single player campaign. Hell at first thats all I wanted it for, until i got hooked on the beta. I pirate games that I do not think are worth the money of paying for. Starcraft 2 is a game that is worth the money it costs to buy it. If i wanted to play a super old mario game or something then I sure as hell wouldnt go buy an old nes and a game cartridge, when i could just download it off line in a second. I dont like to use my ability to pirate things as a way to get every thing for free. I just use it when I wouldnt buy the thing even if I couldnt pirate it. Every one should try and do things this way instead of Just getting every thing for free. If your a fan of something, pay for it. Here is a list of some games I have pirated with the pirate bay.Resident evil - Code Veronica
The Legend of Zelda OOC
The Sims 2
The Sims 3- i could have just borrowed this from some one i know but it didnt fell it worth the effort.
warcraft 3- I one had a legal copy installed on my computer but lost it
Resident Evil 2
Thats pretty much it. But as I was saying, most of these games are very old and some can not even be bought for pc. Sure i could get other games that have maybe just come out for pc but i choose not to becouse I would be taking advantage of the People who made these games .
I kind of went on a rant there and maybe lost touch with what the main subject was about to begin with but, i still beleive that the ideals i have expressed are very important.
liopoulos (2010-07-24)
can som1 give clear instructions how to install this please?Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-24)
I fully agree with if it deserves it buy it but most are not even worth the bandwidth to even download it. I will download test hate it and trash it or go to the store usually online and gladly pay to play.Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-24)
U cannot install/play not yet at least.somedude.1001 (2010-07-24)
@pat.batemanSo according to you people who enjoy playing single player games are 12 yrs old newbs? Well fuck you then, Ive been playing video games since before the internet and likely before you were even conceived and now I still enjoy single player games. Most people of the older generation do.
And pat.bateman? (Pattrick Bateman?) What kind of jackass nick-names himself after a fictional serial killer?
asferot (2010-07-24)
WTF! Chill bitches! Now!No one gives shit about your bickering!
sus2912 (2010-07-24)
the game will be cracked but not before the release date becz skidrow the most likely group to crack it will require the packets and all to create a crack as he did for splinter cell,ac2 and pop without any people can download this and can play the sp as soon as the crack comes out and it will come out in 2-3 days after release....while skidrow group will leave a msg on developers server hacked by skidrow :D......just wait and watch...there is nothing that cant be cracked now a days and the companies also knows about it as when asked by the media that how strong is ur protection the ans was not a single thing in this world is protected everything can be cracked the protection just give us some time and allow us to sale the game to the gamers who cant wait...certainly i can wait....about the multiplayer.....splinter cell was cracked and after using that crack i was able to play on ubisoft servers with legit copy person as i tried with my friend and i was able to get the achievements also and use the points to redeem something...:D so if that can be cracked this one will also be cracked doesnt matter if they need to create a simulator for it...they will crack it...and we will be able to play sp in 2-3 days and multi in 1 week or who ever whats to buy it...go ahead and buy it but plz dont spam here that u should buy the shit and all...plz stoppeace
sus2912 (2010-07-24)
and plz guys stop fighting.....if someone wants to buy it...thn buy it dont ask others to buy it if they want they will buy it....
after all its all about personal choice right...
so plz stop and if u have a legit copy of course after 27th play it otherwise wait for the crack for sp first thn mp soon...
Giblodyte (2010-07-24)
Can you losers stop bickering about single vs multiplayer and american psycho. I don't want to have to look through 10 pages of bullshit comments just to find out if the crack has been released yet.piratepatriot (2010-07-24)
hasta la victoria siempre!SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-24)
Where did u get skidrow from. There is not Guarantee skidrow will be the one that cracks it.Both reloaded and razor have had to make there own installer in the past not just skidrow.
2-3 days after will be the earlyerst. Its going to be hard to take the INTEGRATED Battle net in the single player out. Due to at all times the game constantly is talking to blizzard due to The friends list and achievements.
And multiplayer. well That may happen eventually. but not a week. the PvPGn Team i be lave it took then a year or more. to make a fake battle net. for people to use instead of lan.
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-24)
Just so people can see this on a new page of comments asking for a crack.To crack this game Be4 The 27th will be hard heres why.
Active internet connection required
Needs Date And Time Auth From Blizzard.
But then when u get pasted that.
The game Is Encrypted and needs a Key "Thats Region Pacific "
The Decryption is also Region Pacific.
The Retail And Digital copy Both Use Different Encryption. and Different Key " also Region pacific
And after The 27th.
Then after the games Installed. Its Always Going to try to Connect to battle net. Due to It's Friends List Integration Into Single player. And achievements. You would have to play as a guest since it asks you to log in to battle net be4 u play the Single Player. so u can have your friends list.
So its crackable it will be hard. but we all know not be4 the 27th.
Zakafein (2010-07-24)
I'd RARELY say this, but this is Starcraft ppl!!! I'm so buying this.SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-24)
LoL your here? Wouldn't that make u One of them.Im here in case a crack does come out. I did not down load this from here. in fact I diffident download anything at all. Because
1. I can Down load the correct one for my region Free from blizzard faster then this torrent.
2. If a Crack comes out It would have to be scene and Scene releases come bundled with the game. And for this game it would have to be a custom installer.
3. I payed 108.11 for the Collectors Ed Because Im a Blizzard But more Of a Starcraft fan.
If by small change a crack did come out be 4 the 27th Its just becasue im tired of waiting
MrTTAO (2010-07-24)
this is the uncracked need a crack to play this.
there will not be a crack for THIS release before the game is released, because it also has special DRM that requires an active internet connect to verifiy the date (after the 27th) to prevent installing before the release date.
There is no point for anyone to spend effort trying to crack a DRM that expires in literally 2 days, so they will just let this DRM expire, and spend their time and effort cracking the rest of the DRM.
Either wait for a different release that comes precracked, or wait until the 27th to get a crack for this release.
Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-24)
for people saying they are grown etc you need to grow up your selves I am 27 and have been waiting for a nother starcraft for YEARS be for they canceld starcraft ghost.SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-24)
Oh mr MrTTAO theres more then that stopping you be4 the 27th.People have gotten Around The time and date.
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-25)
Beta Was Cracked. For You Vs Ai.But not for online. thats prob what u mean that no one made a Bnet Emulator.
daemon1129 (2010-07-25)
@pat.bateman What kind of fool goes to THE pirate bay to talk about not pirating...First of all, I don't give a fuck if this is the greatest game or not, if I want to pirate it, I will pirate it. Not every single person are like you, lots of people pirate games then buy it afterward. If you don't do that, that's fine, but don't think your opinion means anything to others. Personally I have already pre ordered starcraft 2, but I wouldn't go ape shit because not everyone does the same thing as I do. Plz grow up and don't go hating on pirates when your at their website.zullbar (2010-07-25)
They can Crack for you play Campaign, but a emulater for 2 is very hard to be make....I think about 2 mounts or more after the game was playable on july 27!
So, wait the game on july 27 firts and 1 week for the crack be perfect or more...
haveaquestion (2010-07-25)
Hey guys, I was wondering if I can download this without getting caught by copyright, because it already happened to me twice while having Real Hide IP, with wireless router. Anything to help me???Teirs (2010-07-25)
Hey haveaquestion stop hiding your IP address you are putting a giant targer on your head when you do that the ISP's and other people see that and go hey knock of the crap and you get caught. Or just change your IP address a lot.SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-25)
haveaquestionYou can download this from blizzard legally
I also recommend using a program like
Tell it to Block Schools. Government / Country's.
I run peerblock all the time. but i have a huge white list to unblock blizzard and Steam.
It will help if u run it be4 you start torrent. and untill all the red lines dissapeer when your done.
They can still ping your house i been pinged up to 30 min later.
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-25)
Also. If the torrent have a lot of trackers. only keep the ones you know or for the site.Some torrents have trackers in it i dont like.
DamagedJustice (2010-07-26)
lolpreordering games are 4 faggots. ddntcha no?
SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-26)
kingtitan OooOooo I spell something wrong.You Sir Are a Troll
iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-26)
Thnx SilentDeath :)) one more thing , Am Currently Downloading this torrent its like 20% done can i keep downloading it after 27th of July ? and thnx once again :)SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-26)
Yes. this torrent will be here and work after the 27thiPlay.Metallica (2010-07-26)
Thank you so Much For Your Response :))Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-26)
What exactly is Digital Download? how different is it compared to a rip?truestatic (2010-07-26)
Digital download is basically Blizzard's own torrent of the client, exactly like this file. If you own a Blizzard game and have it registered to a account you can do a digital download through their downloader and install it with that, kind of like Steam.Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-26)
Cool thanks for the infoRaghibish (2010-07-26)
Thnak you very much Stun, for submitting this torrent. Thank you very much SIL3NTDE4TH for answering so much questions, and being a good person. This torrent will need more seeders, and now it has +1. I encourage my fellow "peers" to do the same, please dont just remove the torrent after it hits a 100% Thank ya guys, i got a 1.2mB Download rate. This is a good day =DJayzen_Freeze (2010-07-26)
Does every one else seeTag(s):
StarCraft Wings Libert
+222 / -243 (-21)
imbota2 (2010-07-27)
hmm, so it now passes the 27th check, but after setting the install folder it crashes with the local smth error, does anyone else have this?debrat (2010-07-27)
ok so how do i find game activation key?Teirs (2010-07-27)
s.e.e.d. pee r . co. m has a crack claiming to be by skid row but I do not know if it works or not and have not downloaded the game yet.iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-27)
Guys Can Any one Tell me Is there a difference or is there any difference between this torrent and this
plzz tell me , are they the same ?Horwa123 (2010-07-27)
ok... tnx SIL3NTDE4TH but someone know when will crack come out ??? i downloading SC2 Digital from BattleNet becouse i have origininal SC1 CD key... what to do guys ?lordseger (2010-07-27)
downloading it now to see if its geuine or not but seeders doesnt seem to be onlineknakken (2010-07-27)
As soon as i try installing the game it goes to 1% and then gets the following error;The file
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)Does anyone else get this? Is there a way to fix it? The installation shuts down after you press Ok.
Ashukh (2010-07-27)
You guys need to understand the difference between when a game has DRM and when it is ENCRYPTED.Digital Rights Management software prevents you from playing a game (unencrypted) unless you have specific checks in place, once the DRM software in the game is satisfied with your authenticity it lets you play the game.
Encryption means that a game has all of its data jumbled up so even if you open it in a program, it is all a meaningless jumbled mess. The Starcraft 2 installer is ENCRYPTED (the .MPQE parts), there is no such thing as a 'crack' for an encryption because there is nothing to bypass. They only way to decrypt the game is to put in the 30 digit alphanumerical key that blizzard will put out on the 27th. Unless you have the key or figure it out, you are not getting into the game files. Starcraft 2 is encrypted with Salsa 20 (and one other cipher)- a 256 bit stream cypher that is encrypting Starcraft 2. Trying out all the passwords (brute-forcing) for a 256 bit encryption would take a very very very long time for any PC, it will not happen in 2 weeks.
I hope you guys understand this and stop asking as to why a 'crack' for the installer is not out yet.
lordStude (2010-07-27)
It will let you install it now and patch the game. you can watch the opening intro but when it goes to the main menu it makes you log into Battle.netlordStude (2010-07-27)
It will let you install it now and patch the game. you can watch the opening intro but when it goes to the main menu it makes you log into BattlenetlordStude (2010-07-27)
sorry for the double comments there piratebay is being a painHorwa123 (2010-07-27)
guys... pupils are waiting this game for 10 years and there will be some way or crack to make game working without buying original... you will see ;))P.S. sorry for my english =((
SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-27)
HEYthe mac installer dosent work, and i downloaded the enitre thing already,
iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-27)
Guys Is This Installer Working ? Did u face any problems ? Should i continue Downloading ? i know there is no crack yet but its this downloading the game without problems ?! even after the 27th ?mongonisse23 (2010-07-27)
The game is playable without key: Install the game, start the map editor, load a map, click the "test document"-button, and SC2 loads and you get to play the map with fully working AI.iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-27)
Guys Is this Working ?!!!!!! Even After 27th ?? cuz i alrdy finished my dl limit on this torrent reply asap plzz :(Horwa123 (2010-07-27)
you cant do that... you still need to connect on BattleNet... trust me i try i download it first from battlenet but fu***n german version -.-" and i try map editor and still have to login...Horwa123 (2010-07-27)
no you cant...paag59 (2010-07-27)
I have the same problem when i try installing the game:The file
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-27)
The file"fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale"
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)wat do?
DREDPOOL (2010-07-27)
i downloaded the one from bliz and let it hash over the torrent one now it installsmoved all the files to the new download location
i deleted the installer exe and installer app folder before i let the bliz hash it though
thanks JFSeiki
its installing now
SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-27)
its like im not even here.... :(SIL3NTDE4TH (2010-07-27)
The Maker Of The Launcher For The Beta Has In fact cracked the gameCrack here.
xxthesaintxx (2010-07-27)
hello there! im having the same problem as HellaBiggun... also read of dreadpool solution, but could you please be more specific.. like giving some links and steps...probocis (2010-07-27)
Crack for campaignshitfuckpiss (2010-07-27)
how am i supposed to put in a crack if i cant install?Stahlsoldat (2010-07-27)
Whoever, you will not be able to save the game.DucMan111 (2010-07-27)
The file"fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale"
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)not working :(
Stahlsoldat (2010-07-27)
I tried the game, and it works fine with the crack, the only issue is, you won?t be able to save the game.probocis (2010-07-27)
I believe if you get the error message "The file"fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale"
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)" it is because this torrent is a digital copy and digital copies will not be activated until 10am tomorrow morning but if you go buy a hard copy you can play it tonight at midnight.ready95 (2010-07-27)
Make sure your DD is region specific. Eu and NA supposedly different.Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-27)
It is midnight the game is installing now if only the crack was real and not a destructive virus that eraces your HDD jk not shure bou that but it dont work.SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-27)
Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-27)
Never mind scaned with nod no virus and can play offline I just cannot save the credits do not roll over when I restart game it has no credits, May be We can play the game here and there and minimize it here and there and play the whole thing through without saving lol I would of bought this game but It is rediculous to have to pay for all 3 campaigns... 3 in one for under 100 Hell yea. Forgive my English.Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-27)
QUESTION If someone only plays offline and lets say has access to internet only at library school etc. How the hell do they expect us to install it when it needs to go online to install? It installs fine with internet plugged in but unplug it and you get errors I think its about accessing there site. Thank youliopoulos (2010-07-27)
same error with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-27)
no not 4 mac yetJayzen_Freeze (2010-07-27)
I keept gettting the error with this one but with this...
It installed and I was playing the 1st board earlier.rbmags21 (2010-07-27)
will it ask for an activation key??liopoulos (2010-07-27)
so the error will stop show up after 10 A.M and will let us install?liopoulos (2010-07-27)
Will this work after 10 a.m ?please answer medebrat (2010-07-27)
for all the noobs that say that saving doesn't work --> well it works, it saves the game automatically after every mission so if it crashes or anything you can just load it from...User\Documents\StarCraft II\Saves\Unsaved\...
by selecting any mission, though i would recommend hibernating as for now
so the crack does work 100% (at least for engb)
Jayzen_Freeze (2010-07-27)
I keep telling you people I have been playing it in offline campaign mode since midnight est I couldnt wait for my copy in storesDeathLoL (2010-07-27)
The error still keeps popping, any solution?DeathLoL (2010-07-27)
The error you get when you try to install keeps popping, any solution?liopoulos (2010-07-27)
ok now its 11 am and it still not workingDREDPOOL (2010-07-27)
great its working for me applied crack poww!!!you 1st need to get starcraft download from blizzard let it hash over the torrent but delete the exe file and the app folder then let the bliz one hash update then apply crack
MAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
@DeGun stop wanking! that's my advise to you ;)MAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
Confirmed working patch!
liopoulos (2010-07-27)
is there any way to make work without downloading it form blizzard?MAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
Damn shame i cant edit my torrent to ass the url to descriptionDREDPOOL (2010-07-27)
I deleted two things from the torrent then downloaded game from blizzard over the torrent it just filled in the blanks (re downloaded the deleted files)delete folder
DL from bliz
its free to get from blizzard just change your torrent default folder to.........
then when downloading from blizzard direct it to that folder. it takes about 2-3 minutes
Aexil (2010-07-27)
@stunPLEASE DUDE HELP US! Lots of people gets this
The file
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)What should we do??
iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-27)
Guys Should i Continue Downloading this ? Or Go Download Starcraft II Retail DVD ?! wich is better ?liopoulos (2010-07-27)
no longer free digital download form blizzardKomboj (2010-07-27)
I also get the following error:The file
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)Any ideas on how to fixx it? Would appreciate any meaningful solutions.
paag59 (2010-07-27)
The retail dvd version does not have this problem. Download it instead.DREDPOOL (2010-07-27)
MY SOLUTION FIXES THE FOLLOWING ERRORerror 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)
Komboj (2010-07-27)
@DREDPOOLHow to download it from blizzard? As far as I'm concerned it's impossible to download digital version without cd key
slitsec (2010-07-27)
well FFS somebody upload a corrected version from Bliz, or that installer folder you mentioned.Battlenet login doesn't work for me.
iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-27)
Guys Is This Working ?! plz Just Tell Me Yes Or No ? i need some 1 that alrdy dl'ed it to tell me & thnxchikodef (2010-07-27)
Plaese do NOT download thisSS H H I TTTT
chikodef (2010-07-27)
Please do NOT download thisSS H H I TTTT
chikodef (2010-07-27)
Please do NOT download thisSS H H I TTTT
chikodef (2010-07-27)
snip07 (2010-07-27)
@DREDPOOL Thanks dude! I followed your instructions and the installer is now working! Installing it now 46% :Dslitsec (2010-07-27)
Right now it isn't working.There is a hope it will work at 10:00 PDT that is 18:00 CET.
It downloading rehashing torrent
into this one will fix the problem.Difference between the 2 is 0.5% and the fact that one works.
liopoulos (2010-07-27)
its not fuckin working and you can no longer download from blizzard so nothingslitsec (2010-07-27)
@chikodefPlease DO get a brain or kill yourself
See above. If you already downloaded this one you'll only have to DL like additional 11 megs.
snip07 (2010-07-27)
It's working I downloaded the blizzard downloader from
click download now and change location to Europe. Then it will download the enGB installer. which is the same as this torrent. Place the torrent files in a folder SC2-WingsOfLiberty-enGB-Installer and open the downloader and it will read the files and @ 99% and downloading the corrupted files.BTW. I have installed successfully! Thanks again DEDPOOL going to play now! over and out. LOL
Aexil (2010-07-27)
and what about the CRACK?MAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
Here is another working crack!
Robinwood_13 (2010-07-27)
(The crack works with enGB (European version) )
dylzskii (2010-07-27)
Can some 1 please explain step by step how to install this.I am getting the error 2 that other ppl are.
Ive tried downloading the other one in the link but that torrent is still coming up with the same error and cant get it from battle net
sxorp (2010-07-27)
can someone put blizzard downloader because noone can register on bnet today(errors) and cant dowload from blizzardHeiral (2010-07-27)
snip07 already explained it perfectly, followed his method and it is finally done~! Thanks alot man!kaldac (2010-07-27)
Hey can anybody help me ? I installed the game and updated it ... so i tryed the crack and when i looked in the folder there wasnt the which i have to replace ! so what the heck am i supposed to do ? theres only fileMAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
@Robinwood_13 its enGB version which work perfect with this torrent...Thanks to snip07 and DREDPOOL's solution its fully playable! follow thats instruction!
"It's working I downloaded the blizzard downloader from
click download now and change location to Europe. Then it will download the enGB installer. which is the same as this torrent. Place the torrent files in a folder SC2-WingsOfLiberty-enGB-Installer and open the downloader and it will read the files and @ 99% and downloading the corrupted files."MAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
Full version with crack included :
sargentb (2010-07-27)
@DREDPOOL i cant seem to find the game on blizzrd to download , could you plz assist and telling me were on the site i can download it , also dont quite understand what second file i sould delete thanksiPlay.Metallica (2010-07-27)
@ stunI cant Get the Europian Version of the downloader ( The enGB ) from the website ?! so can u give me any suggestion plzz ill appreciate it :)
mod10 (2010-07-27)
Thanksm0rpheus05 (2010-07-27)
downloading digital from blizzard is no longer free, so can anyone put instaler in a torrent!iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-27)
Help -.- !!MAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
Guys! EU version full @
Please guys read entire comments list...
zioom (2010-07-27)
@Stun"Full version with crack included :"
Thats great and all but we only need 11mb of files (from the gb version) and since this torrent is rared.....
Could you please just upload the missing files?!?
zioom (2010-07-27)
@Stun"Full version with crack included :"
Thats great and all but we only need 11mb of files (from the gb version) and since this torrent is rared.....
Could you please just upload the missing files?!?
agm2008 (2010-07-27)
@zioom you need the installer?zioom (2010-07-27)
@StunYes please!!!
zioom (2010-07-27)
and the correct folderpiratepatriot (2010-07-27)
could someone please explain how to install im a lil bit lost with those mpqe files and when i hit the install it send me a error please stun give us the knowledge!sargentb (2010-07-27)
never mind fiqured it outdzako (2010-07-27)
Can anyone just upload these files which need to be replaced to install the game, please?!MAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
@DeGun Because you are now pre-announce as biggest troll of TPB! First off game works with the crack that's been released today, second I'm free to upload whatever i want! Now please leave me alone and mind you own bizz :)Proftee (2010-07-27)
i used crack but when game has loaded it shows the background animation of the ship and nothing else no menus or optionsi am using the engGB digi download and it has add the patch
any ideas as to why this is happening?
wolawola (2010-07-27)
it's working for me, thanx Stun!I've downloaded wingsofliberty-enGB- version; installed it, and after first run the game updated itself. Than I copied the crack that Stunt provided, and after that game runs smoothly!
...however, you can't save the game manually,but the game saves automatically. In order to continue your campaing (after exiting the game), simply go to folder ---- my documents/starcraft II/saves ---- and double-click to continue from your last saved point:)
AlexEatsWaffles (2010-07-27)
oh ffs im downloading at 5 kb/s. fucking seed, assholes.MAFIAA. (2010-07-27)
@wolawola nice to know thanks!AlexEatsWaffles (2010-07-27)
removing my comment isnt necessary. everyones setting their upload speed to 1 kb/s, and im only downloading at 10 kb/s max. this is ridiculous, theres 1000 seeders and its gonna take weeks for this download to finish.priateday (2010-07-27)
Stun, First thank you for taking your time to answer ppl's comments. I'm sure you are dying to play this game yourself.I wanted to try DREDPOOL's method so I followed the link. I even created battlenet account to initiate download. But that thing gave me login error over and over and now it says too many attempts. Sigh. (very discouraging and I wonder if it works now at all?)
So I haven't even installed the game yet. I have your crack downloaded and took today off for some gaming... DREADPOOL's instructions seem little incomplete for my tech knowledge level.
Stun, could you please walk us through once fully? Sorry I have installed about 20-30 cracked games before but this is very different.
FYI - I'm a North American user with this EU version copy and the crack you provided. ( I was able to unrar that crack so I don't need to get that fix file, yeah?)
Thank you very much.
dzako (2010-07-27)
Yo Stun, could you upload just installation files which allow us to avoid "error 2"?liopoulos (2010-07-27)
InEvX (2010-07-27)
I keep getting this error:The file
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchiveAny ideas??
sargentb (2010-07-27)
i follow all the instaructions , after instalation i run the game , it updates it , and after all of updating , i run the game , it says an error has occored , try again . any one have had the same problem?NerdCore47 (2010-07-27)
@DeGun - people have been upping games without cracks for years on this site. This way you can download the game, then simply download the crack when it's available. Why is this torrent any different?DragoonEnder (2010-07-27)
The first link is the game and the second link is a fix for a file that was messed up in it. Saves and works. Thanks Stun
tylers1121 (2010-07-27)
omg seed you cuntss eta is 3 yearsdzako (2010-07-27)
Ok, finally i installed it. Here is my description how to avoid the error while installing the Starcraft 2:
iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-27)
@dzakoThanks Man :) i've been looking for some decent explaination and here i found it i rly appreciate it thnx once again :)
InEvX (2010-07-27)
I keep getting this error when I download when I run blizzard downloader:"there was a problem authenticating your download"
agm2008 (2010-07-27)
@dzako i have the same problem, here when it almost finishes downloading the installer it says "this download is not authorized"and btw thx everyone here trying to help =]
lalelilou (2010-07-28)
im getting this problem too "there was a problem authenticating your download"lalelilou (2010-07-28)
sorry for that -_-zioom (2010-07-28)
ffs can anybody just upload the instaler and the folder from the EU-en-GB version?priateday (2010-07-28)
Thank you dzako. I got "this download is not authorized" message from the blizzard downloader as well... any ideas?sargentb (2010-07-28)
i have another problem i get into the game start the campain and as it is starting the first mission it loads like 1/4 of the way and kicks me out to windows , any1 else have the same issue , know how to resolve it?priateday (2010-07-28)
"there was a problem authenticating your download"Is it because I'm from North America BUT this version (including blizzard downloader) is for EU?
k2snakallekant (2010-07-28)
im getting an application error (0xc0000034), can anyone tell me what i need to do to get rid of it?analter (2010-07-28)
All working for me (i made this idea by myself and i'm quite proud of it so if you reposting plz mention my name )1. Solution by Dzeko :
2 For those who have problems with autenticating download :
use :
, download it then drag iStarCraft_2_EU_en-GB icon on extractor icon (don't click it it wont work)You should get .torrent file in folder.
Open it with normal torrent client let it create folder and start downloading for a while.
Stop this torrent
Close torrent software
Put orginal torrent Installer Tome 1.MPQ, Installer UI 1.MPQ and Installer UI 2.MPQ into this folder
Open torrent software again
Force check files
When it finished software should recognize that you have ~99% complete.
Start downloading missing 1%
Worked for me, sorry for my english i'm kinda drunk.
Shadovak (2010-07-28)
there was a problem authenticating your download"can someone link to me the blizzard right download to make this work ? i be all day trying, but dont install say got Authentication prob.. on the end of use StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB Blizz download.. any other to use on this version ? to work ?
iPlay.Metallica (2010-07-28)
Can U play Skirimish Against AI ?!
analter (2010-07-28)
@ ShadovakSolution is above.
If something is not clear plz tell i will elaborate ;)
lalelilou (2010-07-28)
analter THANKS ALOT MAN ;]dzako (2010-07-28)
To all of you who had "this download is not authorized" problem - I suppose it is becaue you have the different language version of Starcraft 2 (not EU_en-GB) or you did something wrong with creating the folder or copying the files. I have download Starcraft 2 from these torrent (uploaded by Stun) and everything works fine.analter (2010-07-28)
I also have this version and i had problem you mentioned above.Solution to "this download is not authorized" problem" on page 11.
ivedoneit (2010-07-28)
Analter: I do not understand your description of how to fix the autentification problem :) pls elaborateDocEvil (2010-07-28)
Yeah...maybe you shouldn't cry about people not sharing when the game isn't that old yet. People didn't know this shit was up 20 days ago and they don't have enough of the file to crank up your speed, brah.ernie123123 (2010-07-28)
@analterYour solution works. Installing ..
mdg5 (2010-07-28)
is it possible to upload missing files (missing20mb) which cant download with downloader ?mdg5 (2010-07-28)
@dzako is it possible to upload missing (20mb) files ?savagecandy (2010-07-28)
Analter I'm really confused with your directions, you mind better explaining it?I downloaded the SC2 loader and the WoW loader. What do I do now?
savagecandy (2010-07-28)
Analter please elaborate, your explanation is confusing.abledanger (2010-07-28)
I'm lost on this guy's explanation too. and why are we downloading wow shit?ivedoneit (2010-07-28)
yes a really confusing explanation, anyone who can elaborate?garebello (2010-07-28)
thks analter, so far, so good, downloading the missing files from torrent....priateday (2010-07-28)
Shittt. My files are all messed up. I got file with extention. MPQ, MPQE, MPQE.part. I tried analter's method but when it does force recheck, nothing happens. I believe because those file extentions are messed up. (but they are how I downloaded them)Anyways, just wanted to thank those who tried to help. I think I will wait for the other release. Enjoy those who got it to work!!! Fuck I wasted my day off :(
coustoe (2010-07-28)
Haha,I understand the plot line, Blizzard Cleverly gives us their unwanted Social Commentary of our times.
Evil Dominion = United States
Terrorist Jim Raynor = Bin Laden
Great I didn't Know Bin laden was fighting for our freedoms, I thought he just wanted to kill infidels.
This just makes me want to really win the game so I can win as the Noble Terrorist.
garebello (2010-07-28)
Installing okivedoneit (2010-07-28)
@garebellohow did you do it? pls explain :)
Blood3dge (2010-07-28)
Whew... Thnx analter!!! Really!! U are truly a saviour!!! XDsavagecandy (2010-07-28)
garebello, mind explaining how you got it to install? Unless you're trolling us, an explanation would be handy. ThanksMAFIAA. (2010-07-28)
@priateday please download this release its with crack and all...
ivedoneit (2010-07-28)
anyone can explain? cant get much out of that explanationsavagecandy (2010-07-28)
Stun can you help us here? Even with that other .iso files many of us are still pretty cluelesssavagecandy (2010-07-28)
Nothing?Stun, you're really confusing man. This torrent, ON THIS LINK, is it the right one? I've download the "fix" with the .iso in it, but I have no idea what to do. Still can't install with the same error, and the drunk child's explanation isn't helping.
ernie123123 (2010-07-28)
I was able to play the first 3 maps...Now it get an error in sc2.exe each time it start the campain. I think i give up :-)
occurred at 0023:0106A2F7. Parameters: 00000000 00000000
cajwl (2010-07-28)
I got everything up and running so far... Game runs, and I can get into the campaign... But is there a way to play the actual Single Player mode?? With saved games, custom maps, etc.? That is, a way to use the Single Player button, and not the Start Campaign button, and without having to load saved games from folders?savagecandy (2010-07-28)
Still no help, really?savagecandy (2010-07-28)
cajwl, not to be rude, but quit being so secretive. If you got the game working, and there's no clean explanation here, why not explain it to the people asking.How do you install this? The drunk child's instructions weren't clear enough. Most can't install because of the error, how do you bypass it?
Darkly47 (2010-07-28)
Ok so i got really confused with unable to authenticate problem, is there another way past it cause i cant really find a way on how to do that .torrent file thing so if its ok can anyone like post accurate steps on how to download this?savagecandy (2010-07-28)
Just posting to refresh comments.. you can't see the comments unless you postsomeguylol (2010-07-28)
Drunk kid was clear enough.Fart Crack (2010-07-28)
Geez I've been playing this since 1 am last night. didn't know everyone was having problems.HERE'S HOW TO GET CAMPAIGN WORKING:
1. Go to Blizzard website and download the Digital Downloader/Installer
2. Install the game. When it asks you to activate, just press skip.
3. Download that crack that's been floating around.
4. Start SC2. It should update a patch. Once it is done, exit out.
5. Copy over the crack files to the locations listed in the readme of crack folder.
6. Start the game and enjoy!
7. To load autosaves, go to my documents->Starcraft II-> Saves
Hope this helps!
Fart Crack (2010-07-28)
Oh yeah, FYI I too got the error when trying to install using this torrent. That's why you can just use the installer from the Blizzard website, it is much easier and faster.XxMeccaxX (2010-07-28)
I had an easier time downloading the digital copy from blizz itself. After that the game installed then patched itself. After the patch I applied the crack provided in one of the earlier comments in this thread and followed the crack instructions, After applying crack I used the original desktop shortcut to launch the game, not the crack.exe .. hopes this helps someoneXxMeccaxX (2010-07-28)
@fart crack, he's right but forgot one step, instead of using the crack.exe use the desktop shortcut provided by the original install... and it should technically work.XxMeccaxX (2010-07-28)
@fart crack, he's right, but make sure instead of using the crack.exe use the desktop shortcut provided by the original install... and it should technically work.priateday (2010-07-28)
Stun - Thanks for the upload. Yes I am downloading the other torrent by you. But I must give it a go tomorrow when it is complete. I will report back for those who are having issues with installer like me.savagecandy (2010-07-28)
I didn't ask how to use the digital copy from blizzard... I'm trying to get that guy's method to work, since I don't really want to to re-download a 7 gig file and wait more. Anyone know?savagecandy (2010-07-28)
In addition, if you want to download the SC2 client, you need to buy the game for the digital download. You can't just download the game without buying itSaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-28)
can some1 pls reexplain analter's solution plsI DONT GET IT!
sargentb (2010-07-28)
@fat crack , i have followed those instructions twice now and i get into the game i can play the tatourials , wen i come back to main menu throughs me i need 'authorized language pack' , then i click on campain and shows the first movie , then goes into the briefing of the mission , then shows another movie , then loads and gets like half way and kicks me straight to windows with no error messages nothing so i have no idea whats wrong , plz advice if you know of a solution . thankssavagecandy (2010-07-28)
Any help?savagecandy (2010-07-28)
Can someone tell me where exactly they got this "blizzard installer" for SC2? The one everyone has been cracking..SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-28)
savagecandy (2010-07-28)
@mecca any tips on downloading from blizzard without buying?savagecandy (2010-07-28)
Sorry for multiple posts. Waiting on a reply. Can someone give the specific link from which they downloaded this "Blizzard installer" and how exactly they DLed SC2 from it? Thankssavagecandy (2010-07-28)
cabledanger (2010-07-28)
yes, I am wondering too where on blizzard's site you can download it without paying.psykosis (2010-07-28)
If you understood FartCrack's explanation, please tell the rest of us what he meant - and in depth, please. From what I see, you need a key to activate the download / download the downloader.In short: How do you get the client without paying for it?
SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-28)
u guys are fucking useless....psykosis (2010-07-28)
Oh, and please seed, you guys. These workarounds mean ABSOLUTELY nothing if none of us have the game. So go make a sandwich, set your upload limit to unlimited, and rock on.Shadovak (2010-07-28)
Can someone link to me the right digital download ? so i can download and instal the game? since i got 1 digitaldownload who someone post to download but at end dont install the game... keep ask autentications. =(please help
psykosis (2010-07-28)
Okay, let me reiterate. THERE IS NO WAY to download the client from Blizzard's website without paying for it.If you guys are somehow tricking it into thinking that you already have, then I'm pretty sure 8674+ people would like to know how and where you're getting it from.
Being vague only makes you hated and barraged by more questions, so do yourself a favor and be specific. Links, pl0x.
psykosis (2010-07-28)
I'm now downloading 5.0 kb/s down and 250 kb/s up. What the hell, guys.odt1980 (2010-07-28)
looks like theres alot of probs getting this to work but ill DL it anyway and for the post above me about the DL/UL speed, im DL at 254 and upin at 358 so the DL rate you getting isnt because no1 is seeding prob just where you live is far from seeders?SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-28)
:(stopngo (2010-07-28)
dzako at 2010-07-27 19:17 CET:Ok, finally i installed it. Here is my description how to avoid the error while installing the Starcraft 2:
stopngo (2010-07-28)
OK, for those that couldn't understand Analter's explanation let me give it a go:1. Attempt Dzako's instructions FIRST:
2. If that gives problems then download this:
3. Extract those files into a directory. Then get the downloader you got from Dzako's instructions and place it in the same directory as the extracted files.
4. Drag the downloader (which is named StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB.exe) onto the executable that you extracted (which is named WoWTorrentEx.exe)
5. This will create a .torrent file
6. Open this file with your torrent downloader (I use uTorrent) then once it is opened STOP the download. This makes the torrent downloader create the files for it to download.
7. Now copy your COMPLETE files from your ORIGINAL download into the new torrent download directory. The Files to copy are: Installer Tome 1.MPQ, Installer UI 1.MPQ and Installer UI 2.MPQ overwriting the files that the new torrent created.
8. Have the torrent downloader (uTorrent) force check the new torrent. Once that finishes it should say it's ~99% done. Let it finish that download.
9. Now try that installer and see if it works for you.
I have tested everything but the installing of this way, so can't verify it works. But it looked like that worked for a lot of people.
SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-28)
ok, stopngo is a cool guy.ANYWAY, when i force check it, it stops checking at 4gb for the installer tome 1
any help pls?
stopngo (2010-07-28)
OK, just verified the full Analter way of doing things and it removes the ability to actually USE the blizzard downloader, other than to create a torrent from it. So it works perfectly as well!Fart Crack (2010-07-28)
@psykosisI just checked blizzard website, and now you DO have to buy it in order to download the digital copy. Sorry, prior to the 27th, you could download it without buying a copy.
I would just try another torrent, as this one didnt have an installer that worked for me
Fart Crack (2010-07-28)
@sargentbthat language pack error message pops up for me sometimes, but the game keeps on working.
i never had the problem you had with it quitting out, and I've played about 7 missions.
Try the Starcraft 2--Repair option (its one of the choices in the Starcraft 2 folder in the bottom left Start button, I forgot what its called, sorry lol but you know what I mean).
It should hopefully fix the issue. Then just redownload the patch and redo the crack.
stopngo (2010-07-28)
SaGgYmcGRILL: Did you complete the original download?? If so then I don't know why it would stop like that. What you could do is tell it to not download the MPQ files in the new torrent and only download everything else. Then copy the newly downloaded files to your MPQ directory. See if that works.SaGgYmcGRILL (2010-07-28)
yes, i did finish the download, i tried it on mac, didnt says 7.00gb size, 4.00gb done, 57.1 percent complete
ive been tryin too get this working for the whole FUCKING DAY
cajwl (2010-07-28)
@savagecandy: no secret. I downloaded it last night and mixed-and-matched parts of the Blizzard files with Stun's torrent, as per instructions on this thread.Now, what I want to know is if there is a crack that will allow me to play the single player game with all its features; don't really care about multiplayer, as I have never done well in StarCraft online.
k2snakallekant (2010-07-28)
guys, i got it installed, patched and then cracked, but when i open the game from desktop, then it will sometimes show starcraft 2 logo and then nothing but sometimes not even a logo, what could be wrong?ferrari_freak (2010-07-28)
Is it possible to manual save and get achvs offline?piratepatriot (2010-07-28)
thnx to the uploader finaly got it workin and thnx for all cheers!desertlizard (2010-07-28)
I think the files in this torrent are corrupt. I did the torrent method to get the installer (instructions provided by stopngo earlier in these comments) but after I started uTorrent, shut it down, put the downloaded files from this torrent there, did the force re-check, and it started downloading the remaining stuff, I noticed that the big files were 99% complete. Here's a screenshot:
Anyway, at some point either bunch of files got altered. But the fact is that now I got it installed without any problems (used to always get that long-ass "error 2" thing no matter what). Can't get it to start though, but I think that's because my computer (CPU specifically) is subpar. I get the initial wallpaper, and it reads "initializing maps" but I didn't have the patience to wait it out (assuming it would've helped). OR I managed to mess up something else.
Anyway, now it's at least installed.
MAFIAA. (2010-07-28)
For those who are new to this here is full release:
Then follow these steps:
#1) Download this torrent file and r27
#2) Before extracting the iso file, copy the "lty-sc2ret" from the r27 into the "Starcraft.2.Wings.of.Liberty-LiBERTY" folder and then extract the iso out
#3) Using an iso reader software(I used alcohol 120%) and copy the files inside out to another folder
#4) Run the install
#5) Let Blizzard patch and update
#6) Copy the "" into the "" folder
#7) Copy the "SC2.exe" into the Versions->Base15405 folder
#8) Run ONLY the StarCraft II.exe file in the Starcraft folder, not the SC2.exe
#9) If you have an error saying "Error opening Starcraft 2", or it stops at 70% update, or asking you to pay for full purchase, go to Support-> Repair and after the fix re-do step 6-8.
cousland (2010-07-28)
guys,quick we absolutely HAVE to download 2 versions just to get this to work?
and what's with everyone having problems even if they do it right?
can you save MANUALLY thoughout the missions?
ferrari_freak (2010-07-28)
So far I don't think you can save manually.Im having some issues in game.
My building shortcuts on the SVCs dont work- i.e. normally I would press B then S to build a supply depot but it doesnt work.
Also if I click on an area on the minimap I should be taken there right, not just ping it?
MAFIAA. (2010-07-28)
@cousland Answer is NO you don't need 2 version you can choose this one electronic download but crack is not included or the retail version with crack, and yes you need to save is manually.Horwa123 (2010-07-28)
ok guys the game finaly work for me =))here what you have to do:
just follow (stopngo) informations:
1. Attempt Dzako's instructions FIRST:
2. If that gives problems then download this:
3. Extract those files into a directory. Then get the downloader you got from Dzako's instructions and place it in the same directory as the extracted files.
4. Drag the downloader (which is named StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB.exe) onto the executable that you extracted (which is named WoWTorrentEx.exe)
5. This will create a .torrent file
6. Open this file with your torrent downloader (I use uTorrent) then once it is opened STOP the download. This makes the torrent downloader create the files for it to download.
7. Now copy your COMPLETE files from your ORIGINAL download into the new torrent download directory. The Files to copy are: Installer Tome 1.MPQ, Installer UI 1.MPQ and Installer UI 2.MPQ overwriting the files that the new torrent created.
8. Have the torrent downloader (uTorrent) force check the new torrent. Once that finishes it should say it's ~99% done. Let it finish that download.
9. Now try that installer and see if it works for you.
for me... its all work nice and when i do force check they stop checking on 95% not 99%... and you let them download that 5% for short time =))
and when torrent download missing files... just start instaler and that is all !!! work for me :D
BUT !!! only problem is saving files -.-"
stopngo tnx man allot !!! ;)
psykosis (2010-07-28)
Thank you, stopngo, for the explanation - I have the torrent file right now, and it's sitting at 99% =D So I should be able to see whether or not it's working soon. I'll be checking back periodically to see if I can help anyone else out.psykosis (2010-07-28)
Okay, the installer goes all the way to the end, but has anyone else gotten the problem where it says "cannot rename version.tmp"? It's the one error that wouldn't let me install, grrdarksoda (2010-07-28)
the game is just available for 6 months after this is like world of warcraftMAFIAA. (2010-07-28)
Here for those who love to have all StarCraft games collection:
Have fun all :)
gydex95 (2010-07-28)
please seed uploading at 50kb/s downloading aat 21kb/sfester420 (2010-07-28)
If you are getting this error:The file
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support.
follow these steps (I use bitcomet, might be different for you)
1. rename the file "Installer Tome 1.MPQE" to "Installer Tome 1.Mpqe.bc!"
2. download this torrent but choose download later "SC2-WingsOfLiberty-enGB-Installer"
3. move the renamed file to source destination of new download, overwrite
4. the download will hash check and install the missing 20MB from the file
This will prevent people from having to redownload a full version and save a lot of time
gman6789 (2010-07-28)
I've followed Horwa123's insturctions to a tee and they worked, untill I fired up the first time and i am presented with a creen saying I need to add this game to my account even to play singleplayer!I'm mad. Is there a working crack or keygen out there or did I do something wrong
Horwa123's instructions
ok guys the game finaly work for me =))
here what you have to do:
just follow (stopngo) informations:
1. Attempt Dzako's instructions FIRST:
2. If that gives problems then download this:
3. Extract those files into a directory. Then get the downloader you got from Dzako's instructions and place it in the same directory as the extracted files.
4. Drag the downloader (which is named StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB.exe) onto the executable that you extracted (which is named WoWTorrentEx.exe)
5. This will create a .torrent file
6. Open this file with your torrent downloader (I use uTorrent) then once it is opened STOP the download. This makes the torrent downloader create the files for it to download.
7. Now copy your COMPLETE files from your ORIGINAL download into the new torrent download directory. The Files to copy are: Installer Tome 1.MPQ, Installer UI 1.MPQ and Installer UI 2.MPQ overwriting the files that the new torrent created.
8. Have the torrent downloader (uTorrent) force check the new torrent. Once that finishes it should say it's ~99% done. Let it finish that download.
9. Now try that installer and see if it works for you.
Horwa123 (2010-07-28)
hmm... when you start the game in left corner you will see Start Campagin... you cant enter in SinglePlayer and MultiPlayer =((maybe one day we will get crack or something to play Single and Multi =((
Honyglat (2010-07-28)
Does skrimish vs AI work ?Horwa123 (2010-07-28)
no... only Tutorial and Campagin work for now...MAFIAA. (2010-07-28)
@Honyglat yes its been already told it works..infernox2 (2010-07-29)
i just downloaded it, entered the installer,and when i just began installing it had error:
please help!
infernox2 (2010-07-29)
why was my comment deleted?i need help i got error while installing
garebello (2010-07-29)
How did, you guys say, I can load the game?ps: working perfectly, I did the torrent thing like the wow patch, downloaded the last 20mb, and installed, after initiate and upgrade, cracked. just play!
piratepatriot (2010-07-29)
like journey said : dont stop believing!wdkkenneth (2010-07-29)
so now that theres directions, anyone have any links to AI?Horwa123 (2010-07-29)
wtf ???Stun... game work for me and how do you play skirmish ??? i only can play campagin ? -.-
Darkly47 (2010-07-29)
@horwa123:u need to download AI
Horwa123 (2010-07-29)
ok tnx man... but can you give me link or something pliz ?Horwa123 (2010-07-29)
Stun! how can i play AI plizz tell ?iblish (2010-07-29)
@Darkly47 how can i download AI and from whereiblish (2010-07-29)
yeah @Stun plzzz tell the way to play with ai plzzz man save usanjdza (2010-07-29)
when i am trying to update from Installer i get this ''there was problem authenticating your download please go to..'' how can i deal with it? and reloaded upload is working?Darkly47 (2010-07-29)
to everyone asking for AIi dont have any links for it, as of now im experimenting about putting in the AI from the beta of the SC2allinone onto here but so far ive had no luck, if anyone has any info about AI plz comment it on here
if your using stuns crack for this game ive been hearing that the crack only enables campaign and no multiplayer nor single player AI.
Darkly47 (2010-07-29)
if you still cant get this working plz go back to the page comments and read instructions on it, its very simple although but tricky but simple.shitfuckpiss (2010-07-29)
buy the game u lame ass bumsjibna (2010-07-29)
For the love of god, will someone please upload the american version of StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB.exe?For those with the authentication error, we need to get the american version, not EU, but there doesn't seem to be one around for miles!
savagecandy (2010-07-29)
OK guys, since no one is being helpful I'll let you all know how this download works.First off though, screw all those kids posting "IGOT IT TO WORK THANKS," because you're
1.) Probably lying.
2.) Even if you're not, you're being a douche.
I was trying to post this all day yesterday but i kept getting a database error.
savagecandy (2010-07-29)
THIS IS THE EXACT SAME TORRENT, BUT IT HAS SOME OF THE MISSING FILES FROM THIS ONE. Your torrent will "check" the missing files and should download from 99.4%, so it'll only take you about 5-10 mins to finish downloading.
Once this download is finished, run the installer from THIS DOWNLOAD, and it'll work. Then use the SC2 nibbits crack and you can play. If you have any questions ask, I will help. I got it to work yesterday out of desperation because no other faggot was willing to help.
savagecandy (2010-07-29)
Oh and here's the link for the download that you need above. Database error i get is because my message is too long I think or because i can't post the link.just go to btjunkie and liberty's clone dvd. that's the torrent you need
savagecandy (2010-07-29)
Oh and guys please let me know if u have any questionsHorwa123 (2010-07-29)
savagecandy wtf are you talking about ???man if you dont know how to instal and fix SC2 than i dont know what is your problem... try instructions on page 15...
savagecandy (2010-07-29)
Don't know why tpb doesn't show the full comments. Just posting to check upsavagecandy (2010-07-29)
I posted based on all comments before pg. 15 (i.e. the useless ones that didn't bother helping).Like I said, I tried posting this yesterday but was getting a strange error that I figured out yesterday, so sorry if it's repetitive.
However, looking at the tough explanations others have, I think mine is the simplest anyways.
Just download the torrent I said and run its installer, then crack it. You're done.
Because you have 99.4% of the files already, it's a simple fix.
atlas81 (2010-07-29)
Follow the directions on page 15 if you're having problems installing. There are problems with the torrent with an incomplete download (99%).Deskilla (2010-07-29)
How do you open autosaves?TheAngryInch (2010-07-29)
The file"fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale"
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive)tell me how to fix it im so lost.
coolguymandude (2010-07-29)
if you get this game running be careful and dont burn up your video cards dont learn the hard way like many have...just google "StarCraft II Overheating Bug" the game is awesome .........thanks to all the uploadersczx12345 (2010-07-29)
The file"fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale"
in archive "" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (MPQFile::OpenFromArchive) Hey, TheAngryInch we share we same problem... how should i fix it too?DREDPOOL (2010-07-29)
rah thats true iy-day my computer was really hot had to shut it down immediaty. had starcraft on all dayatlas81 (2010-07-29)
You need to get the crack after you install this:
Horwa123 (2010-07-29)
Star Campagin and on first autosave exit the game and go in documents and find StarCraft II folder and inside you will see "saves" open that folder and open "LybertiCampaignSave" and SC 2 will automatic start and play from you last autosave...that is all... =))
xRiceBoy (2010-07-29)
I stumbled on the same problem"fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale"
in archive " it was driving me crazy until i came upon these instructions, you should give it a try and follow it. it worked for me, i just finished the install and it works like a charm! i actually started from step "2" kuz the first step didn't work for meCredits to:
Dzako - Stopngo - Analter
1. Attempt Dzako's instructions FIRST:
2. If that gives problems then download this:
3. Extract those files into a directory. Then get the downloader you got from Dzako's instructions and place it in the same directory as the extracted files.
4. Drag the downloader (which is named StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB.exe) onto the executable that you extracted (which is named WoWTorrentEx.exe)
5. This will create a .torrent file
6. Open this file with your torrent downloader (I use uTorrent) then once it is opened STOP the download. This makes the torrent downloader create the files for it to download.
7. Now copy your COMPLETE files from your ORIGINAL download into the new torrent download directory. The Files to copy are: Installer Tome 1.MPQ, Installer UI 1.MPQ and Installer UI 2.MPQ overwriting the files that the new torrent created.
8. Have the torrent downloader (uTorrent) force check the new torrent. Once that finishes it should say it's ~99% done. Let it finish that download.
9. Now try that installer and see if it works for you.
I have tested everything but the installing of this way, so can't verify it works. But it looked like that worked for a lot of people.
udaira (2010-07-29)
Can i use the skirmish mode with this?acegale (2010-07-29)
Dzako i've a question, i followed ur steps @
and it was going all well until i reached 7.05 GB of 7.08GB in installing. The error msg is " There was a problem authenticating your download. Please go to to start a new download." where there was none :(iblish (2010-07-30)
so can i play as zerg or protoss by using map editorjonnyapoc (2010-07-30)
so i did all the steps but when i finally do my install it asks for a disc?? anyone have any way to help me?Horwa123 (2010-07-30)
when you instal game download crack and play =))jonnyapoc (2010-07-30)
lol no thts the point i start the installer and it asks for a disk during the setupjonnyapoc (2010-07-30)
nah lol when i start the installer it asks me for a disk now?5demonz (2010-07-30)
Horwa123 (2010-07-30)
dont know then :S try instructions again page 15king03jeff (2010-07-30)
For those who is having the"fileset.base\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale"
error,Do this things:
1. Stop the torrent.
2. Right-click then click FORCE RE-CHECK
3. The torrent will download the missing files.
4. Use Crack (I used the RELOADED one)
This is how it worked for me.
I'm on Windows 7, 64-bit.
If this doesn't work, try downloading the one with "SC2-WingsOfLiberty-enGB-Installer" torrent name.
Just copy the three MPQ files on the new download so that you don't have to download the whole torrent again.
Sarah_Windwalker (2010-07-30)
For all you who want to play skirmish with AI's offline...Start your Starcraft 2 Editor, create a map or load one, then make your own personal changes (if you are a bit of nerd and know how to use a mapeditor). Click on "Test" and Tadaa! You can now play a skirmish game against AI's
This isnt the best way, but it's atleast something...
Darkly47 (2010-07-30)
you cant even use map editor cause you need to login to your account to do so.Horwa123 (2010-07-30)
wtf you cant use map editor -.-"Rogue2529 (2010-07-30)
I have great news for who can't install StarCraft 2 because some shits of these error [can't find, dirty, corrupt etc.]First, excuse my English because English is not my first language! Thank you.
Second, make sure your StarCraft 2 is "Complete" not some crap like "Digital Download" or something like that!
So here very very simple steps from me, IT IS YOUR OVERCLOCK! yes! overclock!
1. Go to your BIOS setup
2. load default setup to reset every OC values in your BIOS, especially MEMORY [Ram] must reset to default settings!
3. Save and Exit
4. Wait until your Windows boost up
5. Run StarCraft 2 Installer again and Vivo la!!!!! ITS INSTALLER NOW WORK LIKE CHARM!!!! YEAHHHHH!!!
for some reason, Bilzzard Installer are crap or something because its can't catch up my CPU and RAM overclocked so its failure to installation...
NOTE 1: this tips work for peoples who loved to overclock your PC by pushing hard CPU and RAM! so you need to reset them to default values first. When your installation is completed, just back to BIOS and set your OC again to maximize your performance of PC!
NOTE 2: for peoples who didn't OC, just try my tips to see if this work for you :) try to reset your RAM timing and clock would helps you
Guttlecod (2010-07-30)
So somehow I managed to get rid of one error message, but now I got:-Please insert the DVD labeled "Starcraft II disc".
Any idea how to bypass this?
Or should I download Reloaded version (from scratch), like I should've done in the first place
Sarah_Windwalker (2010-07-30)
@ Darkly47 and Horwa123If you guy's cant use the MapEditor, then you've done something wrong. I can use it without any problems.
LongTimeNoPee (2010-07-30)
I can watch the intro movie, but then there's just a space ship and a spinning planet, and nothing happens!mlech (2010-07-31)
To fix errors with this torrent and crack it properly.Step 1: Download the Reloaded Torrent and follow instructions there.
Step 2: If you already have downloaded this torrent, be sad like me, delete this torrent, and download the Reloaded Torrent
piratepatriot (2010-07-31)
for those about to rock : we salute you!Darkly47 (2010-07-31)
@sarah_Windwakeralot of people cant use the map editor and theyve alll installed this right even me and horwa, did u login to or something?
Chili287 (2010-07-31)
The instructions on page 15 made the game run perfect. I was doing the Tutorial and then when I completed combat section. My computer just shut off and then it completely CRASHED my hard disk.It wouldn't cut on without blue screen of death showing up. I eventually did repair and it deleted the launcher for SC and some other files!
Any help was to what to do!! ?
Chili287 (2010-07-31)
This made my computer crash and blue screen of death! I got it running from the instructions on page 15 and then my whole computer became corrupt and I had to repair it using a disc. It deleted the launcher for SC.What do I do!?
XxMeccaxX (2010-07-31)
Patch 1.0.1 came out, Crack no longer allows you to play campaign or any saved games... just letting everyone know. hopefully a new crack comes out soon :oHorwa123 (2010-07-31)
lol... man just start game from last save game and you can finish the campagin... dont start SC2 exe and that is it... -.-josh8673 (2010-07-31)
Thats what he is saying he is doing^^^ The problem is you still end up at the main SC2 home page where it blocks you out.XxMeccaxX (2010-07-31)
lol right, sry probably should of been more descriptive...anyways it keeps you at the main screen like josh said, but i read on another thread that after the 1.0.1 patch update, if you try to reapply the crack it should possibly fix the issue and you can continue playing saved/campaign. Havent tried... if someone has plz post and let us knowviwp88 (2010-07-31)
As XxMeccaxX has said the new update will not let you play your saved games so just copy the crack back over and it will undo the update and you can keep playing till a new crack comes out.Copy the "" into the "" folder
Copy the "SC2.exe" into the Versions->Base15405 folder
HaI3 (2010-07-31)
I think this heat we've been having over here is affecting me. I finally did everything the way it explained. Guess nothing is truly free anymore, the time I spent getting this far is still not worth it yet. Im getting to the update, but its failing at end because apparently my SC2 Editor is mismatch. I better be doing something wrong, it better just be the heat :P Help appreciatedHaI3 (2010-07-31)
never mind, I got it working. It appears though when I transfer the crack, it starts to re-load the update and same error pops up about mismatch. It only goes though the entire update if you have original files. Then I started the game, but I need to create a account, even if I just want to play as guest. I keep thinking to copy the cracks again but then remember it re-updates. Still, help appreciated..Firewolf5 (2010-07-31)
Herrr, there is 1 thing that i cant understand.Today i woke up, updated 1 more time starcraft 2 from blizz... and liberty crack stopped... than i came to install the crack all were speaking of... the reloaded 1, where save and load button appears and works.
But now.. all new missions i go into only have the gameplay speed option "fast to faster"
But if i load any other previous missions i?ve been trought, the normal and slower speed appear.
Anyone knows how to enable At least the "normal" speed? ;/
Firewolf5 (2010-07-31)
Got it.. went back to a previuos missions, completed and now all new missions are "normal again" :)sndsnd (2010-07-31)
Working maps here
Darkly47 (2010-08-01)
ok so i found out that were not going to get the AI until a while from now, for now if you guys just want to play skirmish try and download the beta and use starcraftallinone launcher for skirmish its the same thing as multiplayer such as units buildings etc. until AI if coming. and its impossible to use map editor for the last time because its tied in with (2010-08-01)
EDIT:ok theres a torrent for AI skirmishes but the difficulty is set to hard, and you can control or team share much, btw though anti viruses will claim its a trojan though.
Darkly47 (2010-08-01)
keep your eyes peeled though and download the skirmish launcher at your own risk tested it by me already it works but it sucks.sndsnd (2010-08-01)
Here you have some Starcraft 2 cheats
CtrlAltLife (2010-08-03)
moodante22 (2010-08-05)
"just follow (stopngo) informations:1. Attempt Dzako\'s instructions FIRST:
2. If that gives problems then download this:
3. Extract those files into a directory. Then get the downloader you got from Dzako\'s instructions and place it in the same directory as the extracted files.
4. Drag the downloader (which is named StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB.exe) onto the executable that you extracted (which is named WoWTorrentEx.exe)
5. This will create a .torrent file
6. Open this file with your torrent downloader (I use uTorrent) then once it is opened STOP the download. This makes the torrent downloader create the files for it to download.
7. Now copy your COMPLETE files from your ORIGINAL download into the new torrent download directory. The Files to copy are: Installer Tome 1.MPQ, Installer UI 1.MPQ and Installer UI 2.MPQ overwriting the files that the new torrent created.
8. Have the torrent downloader (uTorrent) force check the new torrent. Once that finishes it should say it\'s ~99% done. Let it finish that download.
9. Now try that installer and see if it works for you.
for me... its all work nice and when i do force check they stop checking on 95% not 99%... and you let them download that 5% for short time =))
and when torrent download missing files... just start instaler and that is all !!! work for me :D"
That totally worked for me too, thanks.
Awesome game btw, probally getting a copy to play bnet.
MultaTuli (2010-08-06)
First of all, I want to thank everyone who's helping to solve all these problems many of us have. There are already many solutions posted for all kind of errors.There is though an unsolved problem some of us are having: What can you do if the installer prompts the message "Please insert the DVD labeled Starcraft II disc" ?
I'm using the "StarCraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Digital Download-WW" download to run the installer.
With DaemonToolsLite I mount the ISO downloaded from "Starcraft.2.Wings.of.Liberty-LiBERTY", but still the installer is asking for a DVD.
(I've also tried to run the installer from "Starcraft.2.Wings.of.Liberty-LiBERTY" but he's giving me the "No installer data could be found" error.)
So my question is: How can you get rid of the "Please insert the DVD" prompt?
Any help is appreciated!
orama2 (2010-08-06)
The patch "pc-game-hdfiles\StarCraft II Editor.exe" could not be applied. (MD5 mismatch: expected 0x6E21EE5A7B1D755819D09B2B7505896D, actual0x128F1DE5D104660FE604E0F8DC6B44B5.)(PTCApply_BSDiff
failed.) If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate::PTCApply)Hi i am getting this error message. What i did i went to support and done a repair still having the same problem what to do any suggestions
I am windows xp service pack3 pls help
TuhoeTerrorist (2010-08-31)
K so i down loaded it i clicked install application and it came up with an error, i jus need the Iso or the unstaller to use a legit key , ... can i install this version i already downloaded it lolTuhoeTerrorist (2010-09-02)
like yeah that made sense lol, what i ment was i wanted to use a trial key to play this game,i had all the errors you all spoke about but i managed to read/re-read and found i was goin wrong with the wow4.exe, i wasnt extracting it befoe dragging the StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB.exe to the extracted wow4.exe file, and putting in the same folder helped me , it was tryning to check it using the StarCraft_2_EU_en-GB.exe,
but i managed to sort it out so it came up with my torrent programe and followed the rest of instructions it re checked it then added the missing files and when i clicked install it inatalled ... no error 2 crap ,
i added the crack and it works well i been playing campaign ... i havnt yet sorted out any AI im hoping someone helps with this...
especially the skirmish .. not a campaign typa guy , if any one needs me to highlight where i corrected the shit let me know but i am telling you all, its honestly infront of u jus a lil tricky to get your head around, if u take it slow and re read what your reading itll happen ,
any way "I WANT AI " "HELP " lol
thanks to everyone who gave input , and uploader
JMit (2010-09-23)
I had this version working before but got corrupted. I tried to reinstall but it doesn't run anymore, I think it's the new patches, is there a way to prevent the new ones from downloading?JMit (2010-09-23)
Nevermid, I got it working again.Maybe it was the firewall. Remember to block internet after updating.
quaresma35 (2011-01-26)
no thıs fı (2011-01-26)
no 1 fıle !?PSP12052 (2011-09-02)
so tell me, if its a 7GB file how do you burn the iso to anything but an 8GB+ flashdrive? most dvd+R's are only 4-5 GB and i cant find anything more than thatBert_Pow (2011-09-03)
@PSP12052It's called DVD+R Dual Layer Discs, they have capacity of 8.5GB.