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2007-11-23 (by FiNsTeRc )
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Application: Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection
Platform: Windows
With the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection, you'll
follow your ideas anywhere. This creative environment features
highly integrated & productive tools. Meet deadlines while you
explore and express your creative ideas. Blur boundaries and
break rules in pursuit of your vision. It's a value-packed
offering that helps you realize your artistic vision in print,
web, interactive, film, video, and mobile design. Features:
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 for developing standards-based websites
and applications Adobe Fireworks CS3 for web prototyping and
designing Adobe Contribute CS3 for updating websites and blogs
Adobe After Effects CS3 Professionalfor industry-standard motion
graphics and visual effects Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 for capturing,
editing, and delivering video Adobe Encore CS3 for preparing DVD
titles Adobe Soundbooth CS3 for creating and editing audio quickly
and intuitively
Adobe Photoshop CS3 extended
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Adobe illustrator CS3
Adobe indesign CS3
Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
Adobe Contribute CS3
Adobe Fireworks CS3
Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional
Adobe Premiere Pro CS3
Adobe Soundbooth CS3
Adobe Encore CS3
Adobe Bridge CS3
Adobe Version Cue CS3
Adobe Device Central CS3
Adobe Dynamic Link
Adobe Stock Photos
Adobe Acrobat Connect
AdobeCS3_MasterColectionCorprate.rar includes:
ACS3MCD1.iso the instalation disk image,
XF-AdobeMasterCS3-KG.exe the keygen,
Find all My Torrents @
################Home of Streaming Torrents########################
Files count:
3215.63 Mb
FiNsTeRc (2007-11-23)
REPACK of my earlier torrent:[NoActivationNeeded]-FiNsTeRc
OnlyShare (2007-11-23)
French release
Cemadee (2007-11-23)
i hope this torrent works. this is the 3rd version ive downloaded, with no success! :sblop001 (2007-11-24)
Fully built Virtual Machine of this release on Windows XPSP2 - ALL UPDATES. Run on any HOST OS just get the free VM Player or VM Server.Torrent here:
evertech11 (2007-11-24)
what do i do? i downloaded it but i have 34 folders, each with a disk image in it! the first 1 has the install instructions, the keygen, do i just wite that .iso 2 the disk?Cemadee (2007-11-25)
im stuck on 99.6% AHHH HELP ME! SEEEDFiNsTeRc (2007-11-25)
1. Unpack the archive using Winrar2. Either:
a. mount the .iso to a virtual drive using Deamon tools or PowerISO
b. burn the image to DVD using Nero
3. Install the app
4. Use the Keygen to generate a serial
5. Enjoy
Extra notes:
-If you have previously had any CS3 apps installed on youre system you will have to completely uninstall and clean registry. Use CS3clean
)-Attempting to use the updater is like playing Russian roulette. It works sometimes and renders to suite usless other times.
-Ensure you have minimum system requirements before installing.
mster (2007-11-25)
Är det någon som vet om CS3 grejerna finns på svenska? Kanske inte ens är gjorda på svenska eller finns det några languagepacks.Cemadee (2007-11-25)
i downloaded the whole thing, and it seems to work i have burnt the .ISO to a DVD, and the installation works aswell. but wen i try to use the products. i am getting the error message'you cannot use this product at this time, you must repair the problem, by uninstalling and then re-installing this product. or contact your IT admin, or Adobe Cust Support'
i've tried clwaning ADOBE off my system, and it still doesnt seem to work! ne help! i have a deadline for monday / tuesday! :(
Blue_Meringue (2007-11-27)
File: XF-AdobeMasterCS3-KG.exe
Packers detected: FSG
Bit9 reports: High threat detected (more info)
A-Squared - Found nothing
AntiVir - Found nothing
ArcaVir - Found nothing
Avast - Found nothing
AVG Antivirus - Found nothing
BitDefender - Found nothing
ClamAV - Found nothing
CPsecure - Found nothing
Dr.Web - Found nothing
F-Prot Antivirus - Found nothing
F-Secure Anti-Virus - Found nothing
Fortinet - Found nothing
Ikarus - Found not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.EnergyPlugin.f
Kaspersky Anti-Virus - Found nothing
NOD32 - Found nothing
Norman Virus Control - Found Suspicious_F.gen
Panda Antivirus - Found nothing
Rising Antivirus - Found nothing
Sophos Antivirus - Found Mal/Packer
VirusBuster - Found nothing
VBA32 - Found nothing
Blue_Meringue (2007-11-27)
NORMAN sandbox says...XF-AdobeMasterCS3-KG.exe : Not detected by Sandbox (Signature: Suspicious_F.gen)
[ DetectionInfo ]
* Sandbox name: NO_MALWARE
* Signature name: Suspicious_F.gen
* Compressed: YES
* TLS hooks: NO
* Executable type: Application
* Executable file structure: OK
[ General information ]
* File might be compressed.
* Decompressing Unk3!FSG?.
* File length: 31417 bytes.
* MD5 hash: ad5964770169b6bbacae80b97a7cf637.
[ Process/window information ]
* Creates a dialogbox with caption "X-FORCE 2007".
* Buttons found in dialogbox: "Adobe Master Collection CS3 Corporate" "&Close" "&About" "&Generate" .
Blue_Meringue (2007-11-27)
Installation works a treat! Alongside an existing version of Photoshop CS3 and Lightroom as well.For paranoia's sake I ran the keygen on an old stand alone laptop, couldn't see anything obvious happening through the thick layers of apps monitoring.
Seems Ok so far.
hsm01 (2007-11-27)
Works Perfect. ThanksChiselgrind (2007-11-28)
Thanks for the upload :Da.squirrel (2007-11-29)
If a virus is found in the keygen.exe, is it still possible to use the cracks that were all cleanly packaged together in another torrent? (I can't remember which torrent had them all so nicely presented, sorry.)I'm trying to help my fellow students out & what I've installed perfectly on my computer is giving each person their own troubles... I can't understand it & keep searching for a torrent that has everything hunky-dory.
Any feedback would be awesome. Please reply to
a.squirrel (2007-11-29)
^^^That's the torrent with all the cracks I downloaded. (Now all you who are woed by the keygen virus still have a chance of installing.)
Chiselgrind (2007-11-29)
Ok a little update, this worked as a charm. Just like Blue_Meringue I already had a whole bunch of Adobe CS3 applications on the system but this was no problem at all. No need to uninstall anything. Just mount the ISO, choose the desired apps, insert key (use the keygen included) and you're done.So once again, thank you :)
FiNsTeRc (2007-11-29)
For those who are unfamilure with Keygens and AV software interaction it is like this. Most AV programs have similar C++ or VB scripting in their virus database that is used to create a Keygen so therfore flags it as a threat. Because the programing used to create a keygen is very similar to some viruses or malware (basicaly a single complex algoritmic calculation) it can be recognized as such. But the only thing this Keygen is malicious to is the Adobe Company. Hope this helps with some paranoia.donnonotin (2007-11-29)
This torrent fixes the corruption problem with the older one. I know as I have had the pleasure of downloading it twice... The keygen works harmlessly. I've ran it with Embarq's Online Security installed as well as the McAffe provided by Comcast.It installed all of the components with ease from a DVD-R. When I generated my key I pressed the generate button about 4-5 times, it updates flawlessly.
For the people tripping about getting a virus I have only have one problem since installation. my computer locks up and gets blue screen'd. Then it dumps the ram into a temp file and shuts down. (Vista x86)
Though I'm not sure this is due to virus activity, I think it is possibly just a malfunction within windows. (As these incidents happened while any cs3 app was closed) What I did was I updated my cs3 suite and installed iTunes/QT for AE.
Hope this post has been informative. and Thanks finsterc ur torrents performs great.
grimreaper420 (2007-11-29)
"But the only thing this Keygen is malicious to is the Adobe Company." LMAOFiNsTeRc - what you said is 100% correct...I installed this from ur first torrent(mid Oct.) and it's still works no problem, but like I told other ppl, u need 1GB+ of memory to install.
Thank you again:)
Strudinox (2007-11-30)
Will the updates work with this release?a.squirrel (2007-12-04)
OK, there's some sort of error that says "not all the files are present" or some nonsense like that... anyone else have this problem?I've been trying to help my friend get CS3 for quite a while now and everything that's had only positive feedback won't work on her computer... ?
grimreaper420 (2007-12-04)
Make sure you burn the DVD-R at the slowest speeds, and make sure she meets the hardware requirements.Hope that helps:)
paulprox (2007-12-06)
i also have the error :'you cannot use this product at this time, you must repair the problem, by uninstalling and then re-installing this product. or contact your IT admin, or Adobe Cust Support' in the header it says licensing engine doesn't work anybody a solution?dividschmivid (2007-12-07)
There are 34 folders which are labeled differently, but contain the same file NAMES. maybe don't contain the same information in the files themselves, but the names are the same. so, which iso file do i burn? the one from part 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...34? i can't unzip all the fole\ders, because there would be 34 times 3.5 Gb on my 30 gig drive.without seeming too dumb, how do we COMBINE all 34 folders onto the same image to make a complete disk?
dividschmivid (2007-12-07)
and now i say AAHHHHHH as i see winrar unzip the 34 folders automatically when ANY of the part folders are unzipped. very clever on your part. minor oversight on mine. signing out...snitchseeker (2007-12-11)
I spent a week downloading this and followed the instructions.It didn't work!
My guess is if you install it as a trial, and then use the dll cracks linked by a.squirrel above, it *might* work. But it doesn't work using the Keygen. It goes through the install ok, but only ends up installing 4 or 5 of the programs - and NOT the ones you want, believe me!
However, I can confirm that this one works perfect:
I downloaded them both simultaneously and this FINsTeRc one finished first, but when it didn't work for me I uninstalled it, restarted my pc and then installed that one. It looked like the exact same keygen but it wasn't cut up into rar-files.
Bottom line is this one works:
Sorry FINsTeRc, and better luck next time! :)
snsstoney (2007-12-19)
so yea.. this doesn't work... don't waste the 7 or 8 hours it takes to download it... every time i go to install it it says, installation errors check install log.. yea it doens't workBRAZILINDIA (2008-02-07)
only installs 5 of them adn they are ones i dont want. everything else is an error. i donwloaded 6 different ones from this site. same results. not one of these uploaded here works for me.adn yes i did everythign correctly.....i give upOverMachoGrande (2008-02-10)
Ok... HOLY CRAP, this one WORKS! Thank you FiNsTeRc!I've tried countless versions of cracked cs3 programs, and I really think this one is the only one with a working After Effects. For some reason, all of the cracked versions EXPIRE when it's a 2008 date.
FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT AREN'T HAVING SUCCESS WITH THIS DOWNLOAD... I think I can tell you exactly what the solution is for the two main problems you are having based on trial and error and countless wasted hours, analyzing all the variables:
PROBLEM 1) When only 4 or 5 of the crappy programs install, and all of the good ones don't, here is the solution: You *have* to let BONJOUR SERVICE access the internet.
I have PC Tools free firewall (Zone Alarm screws up my system and slows my Vaio down too much). When "Setup" or "Adobe Setup" or any variaion of that asks permission to access the internet, DENY IT. Towards the end of the installation is when "Bonjour" will ask permission. YOU HAVE TO LET THIS ACCESS THE INTERNET. This program will NOT rat you out to adobe, and you can google it and find that Adobe maintains that no information passes to adobe from Bonjour.
There *is* a way to uninstall Bonjour that requires a little bit of code and tampering with the registry, but I'm not worrying about it yet. I'm just happy that everything works.
If you're like me, and you have a tough time watching the computer screen for the asinine amount of time it takes to install this, you'll probably miss the prompt for Bonjour. Well, the pop-up from your firewall will still be there, so allow it to access the internet, and then re-install everything and it will remember that it now has permission and you?ll be fine.
PROBLEM 2) You get the error message that the licensing is expired. Ok, after googling that problem, this happens for two reasons, the first being the fact that a lot of these cracked cs3's (well... at least After Effects) for some reason expire. They are fine when you set the date to Pre-September, but bump the clock back up to present-tense and it's expired. Maybe a lot of these cracks were done on student versions?? There isn't a fix for this, you just need another cracked version, and one that doesn't expire in 2008... like this one!
The second reason you might be getting that message *is* fixable... and the problem stems from the fact that at some point we had downloaded versions of some of the products on our system (either we downloaded the official trials or the cracked version was originally an official trial). For some reason, the licensing expires, and this was a big problem even for the people that PAID MONEY and bought the products from Adobe! They came up with a fix, and it's already mentioned in this thread and it's their WinCS3Clean tool at
What you MAY NOT KNOW, is that there is a SECRET OPTION 3 and 4. Run option 4! Even though Adobe says that option 2 will remove all traces of adobe... it doesn't. It takes secret option 4 to do that.
I also read somewhere that you should set the clock back to pre-Septmeber (I chose August 19th, 2007 as the date) and run the secret option 4 again so I did that, and I do think it removed a little more. Maybe it will or won?t for you, but I do actually think that was important. I can?t take credit for discovering that? like I said, I read it somewhere! Lol? Anyway...
Then go through the steps of installing FiNsTeRc?s CS3... which after WEEKS of trying every other cs3 torrent out there, this is the only one that I've found that will give you a working After Effects (as well as everything else).
Oh, just one thing, it said that Adobe Contribute wouldn't install, but that's the only problem I've found. That?s literally it though!
Later peeps! I felt it was my duty to help out some people that were having those two main problems *I* was having! I would have posted this a couple of days ago, but I had to register for the forum and it wasn?t sending me an activation email!
OverMachoGrande (2008-02-12)
thebarran...I thought I read somewhere -probably on another cs3 thread- that people were having some trouble when they mounted it to a virtual drive vs. burning it to DVD. Did you burn it to DVD??
If so, then reburn it using the slowest speed. That's all I know to tell you!
bej1223 (2008-02-12)
do u need to do both burn it to dvd or mount it to a virtual driveOverMachoGrande (2008-02-12)
bej1223...All I did was burn it using PowerISO onto a DVD and it worked (after I did those couple of steps that I talked about a few posts up). I never made a virtual drive.
bej1223 (2008-02-12)
how many dvd to burn this?? and wat kindbej1223 (2008-02-12)
is power iso works too? and can extract the dvd image??OverMachoGrande (2008-02-12)
Yeah, PowerISO works, and it extracts onto one DVD. I think I have version 3.8, by the way. There's a 3.9 floating around, too, but 3.8 works fine!So after you finish the download of this torrent, you'll have a bunch of .rar files. They are in an automatic archive or something, so just extract the first one and it will create a folder with the full 3 gig ISO image. Just mount the ISO after that and don't worry about those rar's anymore.
Use PowerISO or whatever program you have that allows you to burn the extracted contents and you're set!
After that, if you try to install it and it says something about the licensing expiring OR only 5 or so programs install, look at my really long post on how to fix it.
bej1223 (2008-02-13)
do u need a dvd?? or it will burn in my hard drive if i use power isobej1223 (2008-02-13)
when i install it all of the apps didnt installed and it installed the shared componentsOverMachoGrande (2008-02-13)
Look at my "PROBLEM 1" paragraphs up above. Chances are it's because "Bonjour Service" isn't accessing the internet.virous (2008-02-16)
Come on people please seed this is one large file and keeping us leeches wait is the greatest inhumane torturevirous (2008-02-16)
Hey fiNsTeRc why dont you just upload another torrent with the keygen only or why don't you give the working serial or crack directly for those who has their keygen corruptedomenduck (2008-02-29)
OK , i have not had a previous installation of adobe, beside the pdf read, and every time that i try to install it prompts the menu but immeditly after it opens I get a explorer erro saying that there were problems with the start up of it and say to refer to the log file.I am using power tools,( and have used everyother progrm too) but nothing seems to work , i even set the date back to try, extracted it to a master folder on my destop???? any suggestions? I am trying to dl the other one he says is a repack? dosent say why tho?
virous (2008-03-01)
Pull the plug while you are installing. Or disable the network from Control Panel. Worked like a charm for me.dialate (2008-03-01)
BTW thanx for the flawless upload FiNsTeRc, I think my artsy fartsy gf just wet herself when she saw the icons I copied to the desktop X-D.BTW for those of you having probs, here's my setup:
- Windows Vista (eXPerience's TinyVista Rv01 version)
- AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core 4.6 GHz + overclocked
- 2GB Corsair DDR2-1066 + overclocked
- nVidia 8800GTS + overclocked/Direct X 10/latest drivers
- Sound Blaster Live! (no processor-hogging AC codec crap)
- Barracuda 10.2K SATA HD
- 80GB Windows Partition
- 250GB Programs/Data Partition
- 4GB Dedicated Pagefile Partition
- Very finely tweaked and optimized system!
Everything works flawlessly (just pull the network plug during install, put back in after reboot). BUT, even with all that, these programs STILL are slightly on the sluggish side for me. This is professional software, and you need professional boxen to run them. (The fine folks behind the scenes have taken care of the professional budget requirement for you! ;)
The off-the-shelf $300 putt-putt just isn't going to work out very well. There's nothing wrong with Adobe Photoshop 7, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, et al. If you're stuck with an older equipments, these will serve you well for learning how to use the software, because they don't change much of late. Particularly the comparing the Macromedia stuff, the interfaces are identical.
anthonyik (2008-03-12)
anthonyik...I covered this in depth up above in my "Problem 2" section. You have to go through these steps to remove all traces of the expired serial. Because you entered a wrong serial, you more than likely have the same situation now.
You, my "friend", are just an ASS. Who freaking comes to a board to download cracked software and lies about viruses?? Don't you have any sort of "honor amongst thieves"??
Seriously... what type of person does that?
Anyway, you're walking the plank, douchebag.
No clue what's going on there. Sorry... it's working for everybody else once they clear up *old* adobe issues.
davislove (2008-04-02)
is it SAFE to us the updaters to UPDATE all the programs to its current versions once you have successfully installed your programs? Im not sure if updating will cause the activation or licensing to expire.sdiinc (2008-04-14)
No problem downloading or installing...but after a few weeks it stops working. "Licensing has stopped working." Using Vista on a Toshiba Dual Core.sdiinc (2008-04-14)
Follow-the error I had is a known bug for this release. If you encounter the 'license stopped working error' just google 'adobe license stopped working' and you will find fixes including a flexnet folder file and a adobe cache file. They are hidden files in vista.WTFASHTON (2008-05-23)
Every time I try to run setup I get this"Setup has encountered an error and cannot continue. Contact Adobe Customer Support for assistance
Internal Error 2739"
What am I supposed to do?
gringopig (2008-05-25)
@sdiincCheck to make sure the Flexnet licensing service has not been disabled. I had the same issue and had stopped this service (can't remember why! lol).
Go to services and right click on the FLEXnet licensing service entry and right click to set it to manual start. Then restart the service. Works for XP & Vista.
gamegenie (2008-05-30)
keygen doesnt work for me, can one of u guyz generate one and post it here plz?shhpaz (2008-06-06)
Awesome upload. Got my Fireworks CS3 that I wanted plus A LOT more. Thanks much.aCcoXis (2008-06-26)
wheres the keygen and do I use it?? *confused*bkriz24 (2008-07-05)
nice one, no problems here so far. installed smooth and all programs work. thanx broEast Lansing (2008-07-13)
How To Disable Automatic Updates in Adobe CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Adobe Premiere CS3 update themselves without permission to do so. To disallow automatic updates:
1. Start > Run > C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Updater5\AdobeUpdater.exe
2. Adobe Updater will open, and select continue as it searches for updates.
3. On the screen where you tell it to download the updates, it will have a preferences link. Click the preferences link.
4. Disable updates as you see fit.
rozpieprzacz (2008-07-26)
Big Thx for this, no problem with downloading or installing.layd (2008-08-06)
I have waited for the download and it's a .rar file... how can I open this on my mac??layd (2008-08-06)
Or does anyone have a working link of photoshop/dreamweaver that will work on my mac? HELP please!!ranger1023 (2008-08-07)
Hi, iam another user of adobe creative suite cs3 and its works for me, just install and use dll crack in the right place, and change the year date, for example i use 2006 and it works fine.You only need change the year date, and NO
tofer (2008-08-29)
avast says the keygen its a virus...=S can someone giveme the serial???or tell me where i can find it ????CHERIDXB (2008-08-30)
thank you so much r a star
OverMachoGrande (2008-10-23)
Hey guys... a couple of things. I know that favor has gone to looking for cs4 downloads, but it's only been out a couple of days so I don't really trust the ones that are online right now.I just finished re-wiping my drive (I do that every 6 months or so because your computer runs SO SWEET afterwards), and I was re-installing this CS3 download and there was a slight problem with the keygen. Apparently microsoft -in one of their security updates- has made it so you no longer have "permission" to open that file.
Here's how you resolve it, and get the serial from the keygen. Start it in safe mode, THEN open it. Get a couple of serials and save them in a text file, and the restart the computer normally (you won't be able to install the whole disk in safe mode).
I'm still in the process of re-installing it as I type this, but if I recall... this version is cracked so all you need is a vald serial number and you DON'T HAVE TO ACTIVATE IT.
Here's a couple of serial numbers that should work if you have the same problem:
Ok, I want to tell you about this, too... here's another problem that I had randomly a few months ago for some reason (and I saw someone else mention it). For some reason out of the blue, my licensing for the product just STOPPED WORKING. I *think* it happened after I updated quicktime, but I'm not sure.
It turns out that what happened was that the "Flexnet licensing service" got turned off, and it wouldn't automatically start again when I restarted the computer.
Go to Control Panel-->Administrative Tools-->Services, find the Flexnet program, and "restart" it and set it to start automatically. Like I said, for some reason that got screwed up. As soon as I did that, it worked fine.
Lol... all this work and in two weeks I'm probably going to uninstall it for CS4 anyway, but I wanted to pass it on.
Oh, by the way... for you newbies out there, always bookmark your torrent threads so you can go back and see if the same problems happen.
drk12002 (2008-10-29)
I just made an account to say that i would make many babies with you.GROWEED (2008-11-10)
I have installed this on two computers now. The first time it went smooth. The second time the keygen would not work so im sorta confirming OverMachoGrande's comment (it's a must read)The second PC I put it on had SPYBOT-SD RESIDENT and during install I got this:
I hope this was a coincidence!
Rich357 (2008-12-05)
Ok all, I dont have a DVD drive on my computer I'm downloading this adobe CS3 program from one computerand will be adding it to another I just upgraded from win98 to winXP Darklite with Vistalook. That computer only has a cd drive, however, I do have PowerIso on the computer I'm downloading the torrent from and I can extract the file from there. So my question is how do I do the same burn with CD's, any help will be good thanx in advance..... I'm at 75.8%mtadesse (2008-12-13)
Please I am looking for after effects templates. If anyone has any or knows where to download it from email me at micheltadesse@yahoo.combmreed (2009-05-30)
Hey FINsTeRc! This is the first download that worked perfectly and quick for such a large file. Do you have new serial I could use? The one included has maxed its limit and the ones I found in the comments didn't work either. It seems every thing I try to download has issues with the keys, as we all know, but I was hoping this one I could get done smoooothly.Can you help? I am not learned in keygen yet...