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Adobe Premiere Elements v7 0 Multilingual Incl Keymaker-CORE










2008-10-12 (by Murlok)


t h e c r a c k e r s o f p r e s e n t Adobe Premiere Elements v7.0 *INCL.KEYMAKER* Cracked by....: tam Release-Name..: CR-APE70.ZIP Supplied......: CORE Release-Date..: 2008/10/06 Packaged......: CORE Release-Type..: Util Protection....: Serial OS............: Windows Crack/SN......: Keymaker Language......: Multilingual Rating........: [You decide!] Disks.........: 83 ..: DESCRiPTiON :.. ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. caldbaaBh �² ²� �² ²� �² Use our keymaker to register the application. ²� �² ²� �² ²� �² ²� �² ..: iMPORTANT NOTE :.. ²� �² ²� �² Run CORE10k.EXE to verify this release, if CRC-check fails or ²� �² even CORE10k.EXE is missing - you are probably using webshit! ²� �² ²� �² else ²� �² ²� �² Thanks for choosing ²� �² (C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering! ²� �² ²� ��² ..: CORE NEWS AND iNFOS :.. - not available - lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s] UPdATED ON [2008/01/08] (c) C.O.R.E. 2 0 ú CRC 895F:06B5 Enjoy

Files count:



392.03 Mb




HonestHugo (2008-10-12)

Virus is indicated in the Keymaker, ignor it or take it serious, it's your call.

 Murlok (2008-10-13)

Like to know here is the link

Keiky78 (2008-10-13)

Virus in keymaker says Avast! how about te product serial, can anyone give it?

 Murlok (2008-10-13)

Keiky78 How about read you got the link!After that give yourself a descent AV and not a free Avast and get the serials yourself.D-H

IhateThinkingOfUserNames (2008-10-20)

I extracted the zip files and am left with setup.001 through setup.083.
What am I supposed to do with them?

IhateThinkingOfUserNames (2008-10-20)

I figured it out somehow fiddling with winrar, but I'm not sure how I did it.

Klazzzon (2008-11-13)

IHTOUN: Can you (or anyone) please try to giva breif explanation how to use winrar to make this files work / Thanks

fantomcat_2k (2008-12-16)

OK, this is a bit trickiy, and Murlock, you seriously do not know how to package files!!!
OK, open the torrent up with winrar, and go to the first file, i think its open and then extract the setup.001 file to a new folder on your destop.
Extract all the other folders in the same fashion.
NOw once they have all been extracted, you shold have a folder full off setup.001 all the way up to, setup.083.
Next, open setup.001 by right clicking and browsing for winrar - again!!!
this should open the files and show you one file in this multi zip folder, which should be... setup.rar, extract this to yet another folder!!! again!!! and this should extract the files needed to do the install. Start the setup with setup.exe as usual.
This style of file packaging is very old! there are newer and better ways of packaging these files, originally, the first ever rips were done in this style, but obviously you can tell why they change to a different option! Thanks, and best regards, Steve
Oh, PS, i checked all the files with a virus scanner (AVG) and its fine, no viruses or any kind of spyware, enjoy!

bluesskyflyer (2008-12-19)

phew, finally managed to extract the files. Thanks fantomcat. I think I'm fairly clued up about extracting, but these were a nightmare.
I'd have tyrouble explaining how, but much as f cat said. I started by extracting one at a time with winzip, then went to winrar and did 10 at a time. Then as he says, extracted no 1 with winrar and they all opened. Then I extracted again to another file with winrar. phew!
good luck!
Haven't installed yet, but is this much of an improvement on elements 4? Is it worth the trouble?

thebay28 (2009-01-01)

Thanks to fantomcat 2k for instructions. I did get bogged down many times but where you instructed, "Next, open setup.001 by right clicking" I had no joy, but by selecting all 83 files and extracting all went well. certainly a convoluted way of getting this setup.
Without your initial instructions I would have been buggered.

pistolerogirl (2009-01-22)

where is the keymaker? i'm installing it and i need to enter the serial right now.

IronE (2009-01-24)

Keygen works as long as you install it with this set up not trial verson. Titles and themes are very important to me and this app leaves them all out.

 Murlok (2009-02-11)

Talk to your friends. Write at your blogs, walls and anywhere you can.

gryzor321 (2009-06-19)

It was a nightmare but it works. No virus.

rkingk (2009-07-13)

Indeed this is a slight pain to get to the correct setup and program files but if you follow the directions posted by fantomcat_2k it shouldn't be a problem. Program installs perfectly and serial number given by keygen seems to works just fine. Thanks once again Murlok for yet another solid torrent..

JujitsuFreak (2009-07-18)

Definitely not as bad as I originally thought, it's just an inconvenience and the OP should learn to package appropriately. One thing is certain though, without fantomcat, installation would not have been possible!
The keygen is in CORE/ after following fantomcat's instructions where you get to the "normal" setup.exe and the related folder.

forestbayer (2009-08-03)

Roll Back-When I would try to install it would get to the end of the install process as though it had completed successfully, and then would give the message "Rolling Back Action", uninstall everything, and then leave a message that "Installation was Interrupted...".
1) Log out
2) Log in as administrator
3) firewall was inactivated
4) added the following line to your hosts-file
I believe it will not install because of the Bonjur file- The folder was empty until the installation and then there was an application file of mDNSResponder/exe and a mdnsNSP.dll
Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks. Bonjour uses industry standard IP protocols to allow devices to automatically discover each other without the need to enter IP addresses or configure DNS servers.
Now, what do I do to get a successful installation?
Has anyone tried to add this to the registry to make it work....I do not want to do this until I hear that this would work...

"DisableRollback"=dword:00000001 then switch it back to "0" after the installation completes.
Any ideas would be great!

johnnyballsac (2009-09-10)

Those who are missing preset settings (to change from NTSC to PAL e.g., because you only have NTSC without content DVD or this trick) and do not want to install (nor download) the full 2.96 GB content DVD just for the presets, do the following:
Download the official tryout version from or wherever you find it (670MB).
Extract the content, find, extract this to c:\program files\adobe premiere elements 7\settings\
you may need to change the folder name from "settings" to "Settings"
There you have it! all the presets without 3 GB of crap you most likely don't even need.

Faiin (2009-09-25)

Cant find setup.exe can someone please help me?

Reggae_Legend (2009-10-26)

Learn to package files properly, I've deleted this because I can't be arsed to sort out your crap packaging - It's more complex than my grans present wrapping at christmas.

kassie2 (2009-11-22)


Derragon (2009-11-30)

It's not really that bad of packaging. Only an idiot does not know how to unpackage this. All you have to do is multi-select ALL of the .rar files, select 'extract here', attempt to open the .[number] files and use WinRAR (or some other archiving program) to 'extract all' the rest of the files from that into a folder. Afterwards, run the setup and use the keygen provided in the 'CORE' folder.
Not complicated. Not Hard. Smaller file than it was.
@Those who cannot figure out how to depackage it all
Follow the instructions I provided above. Extract the first files to get the setup.[number] files, then extract those using WinRAR. You just have to try to open them and use WinRAR when prompted to choose a program. Afterwards, just run Setup and use the keygen provided.
There is no virus. All virus programs are programmed to indicate a keygen as a virus because they are payed a small fee BY NEARLY ALL SOFTWARE COMPANIES TO GIVE YOU THAT FAKE WARNING. It's just their attempts to make you think there is a virus so you cannot CRACK YOUR PIRATED SOFTWARE.
All that you are seeing is a bluff to stop you from getting free software.

lululemon (2009-12-02)

I keep getting 'invalid serial number' with this keygen...tried loads of times. Also, the 4 supplied by kassie2 don't work either. Any other keygen source? Or can someone PM me a working serial number?

morpheus08 (2009-12-07)

I am downloading wright now will let you now later pink skull. I downloaded from you before and everything worked grate. Respect.
Avast always shows a false positive on the keygens.

morpheus08 (2009-12-07)

20 minutes to download 15 minutes to figure out how to crack 5 minutes to make a test video and render, nod bad, thank you Murlock and to all the leachers out there who dont make torrents you can always go out and buy.

someuse (2009-12-08)

No chance to add "Titles" to this app?

someuse (2009-12-08)

Wonderful torrent btw. Thanks.

chaser0721 (2009-12-09)

Keygen doesnt work. Says I do not have permission to access it or something or other. This is the shittiest torrent I have ever downloaded. Usually the programs are packaged better and don't waste so much of my time. I'm deleting.

aiian (2009-12-21)

Works great, thanks.

kokujin (2010-01-01)

All the files in the torrent are ZIP, not RAR, so when I use WinRAR, the only options are (1)to do them one at a time extracting files with no extensions or assigned app or (2) add them to an RAR. I can extract them all using WinZip, but even using WinZip and WinRAR, I can't seem to further extract the already extracted files as indicated in fantomcat_2k's post.

 xxThugxx (2010-01-03)

chaser0721 you are an idiot, murlok is one of the best, dont spam his torrents with shit untill u know what your doing, this works pefectly!!!
murlock another gr8 up mate well done ;)

ncguy01 (2010-01-04)

Great Torrent. Keygen worked Too!!!!!!!

DaveTehSlave (2010-01-08)

The CRC-check failed for my wife. Is there someone who can upload a crack for this? Everyhthing else works fine. She was able to load up the app but of course was inundated with needing to register the software.

miashakil (2010-01-09)

wow!! its working.

JipJJ (2010-01-16)

It's a 10 minute job to extract all the files, but it works properly in the end;)

AFCBoy96 (2010-01-17)

HELP!!! ive downloaded the file and opened the rar then it says i need some other volume. i think this is a great torrent and i'm not spamming i just genuinly need some help plz.

arikyeo (2010-01-18)

when will premiere elements 8 crack come out? photoshop elements 8 has come out already

willkrugs (2010-02-17)

For those who actually extracted the files one by one, I laugh.
Select all > 7-Zip > Extract Here
Select _.001 > 7-Zip > Open
Open setup.rar

duracell3 (2010-03-22)

This has to be easily the worst compressed torrent I've ever seen, but yes it does work.

LongLiveFree (2010-09-05)

Scanned it with AVAST, zip file crapple70 or some crap like that was a Decompression Bomb. Please fix it, and I will download and seed again.

megafreedeth (2010-09-22)

thanks for the torrent!
@willkrugs: you rock :)

diadalus (2010-10-14)

works great thanks bro.
by the way for those of you who may have had the same trouble as me with finding the keygen, there's another folder that opens from the setup.rar called CORE, it's in that folder. i was almost close to giving up until i saw that folder amongst all of the things i extracted.. then like magic THERE IT WAS! THE KEYGEN

dlawlis (2010-11-05)

Has anyone successfully exported a project to
DVD with this? When I try it prompts me for an online validation. I'm a little leery of doing this and I suspect it won't validate it anyway since it is cracked.

Le086 (2011-03-14)

I'm fairly new to this things. What is that I exactly have to do. Do I have to download a trial version and then use this program to create a key-password?
hope someone can help me out a little.

xeesch10 (2011-05-20)

hey can i ask, how to use the keygen , it always error can u give a good steps how to install

virus_hater15 (2011-05-22)

Does this have to be mounted?

virus_hater15 (2011-05-22)

does this have to be mounted

ada101 (2011-08-06)

I get this error when editing vids. Any way to fix???
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Adobe Premiere Elements.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 48cee0db
Fault Module Name: TransitionGPUSpiralFlip.prm
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 48cee754
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00040d26
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

bluesskyflyer (2011-12-06)

This does install ok thanks tam/core. I read it didn't have the templates. Can't say I really use them anyway. What I didn't realise was it also doesn't have the text animations either. Nopt even simple fades etc. Now they are useful. After a lot of f.cking about have gone back to my old version 4.0
I know the templates are available on another torrent. 3gigs worth, but I couldn't be assed to download that lot!

Thedkn (2012-05-26)

All this Setup files after unRARing, and no .Exe file?
How do i install the Program?
Help me please...

gundalf_gorky (2012-06-14)

Can somebody upload the content please?
This one working flawlessly on my new laptop (still too weak to run the APE 10).
The contents torrent
has nearly no seeder. Thanks guys.


1. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/core.nfo 10.92 Kb
2. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.89 Mb
3. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
4. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
5. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
6. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
7. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
8. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
9. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
10. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
11. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
12. Adobe.Premiere.Elements.v7.0-Multilingual-Incl-Keymaker-CORE/ 4.77 Mb
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