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2007-11-02 (by Travelo2008)



Files count:



6828.90 Mb




swullholm (2007-11-07)

seed please :) been stuck on 6% like forever

StraightJacket15 (2007-11-07)

Can someone PLEASE seed, im on 89.5% and been dying to play this game for days, cheers!

StraightJacket15 (2007-11-07)

Is tracker down or somthing?

Phamas (2007-11-11)

Do you NEED to have a DVD drive for the emulator to work? Everytime I try to boot it up I get an error with the emulator and I do not have a DVD ROM drive

vegtard (2007-11-11)

how about seeding? its downloading at like 10 kb/s :/

Angel-Ronin (2007-11-12)

I know i'm being a noob but how can i find the cd key?

Henriklj (2007-11-12)

Please seed! 98 %...

smoksum420 (2007-11-14)

Any idea's how to get this a little faster ive got 10meg internet, connecting at 55kbs its gonna take a year :(

ThexSoulforged (2007-11-16)

um, no crack? it keeps telling me "emulation software detected, error, error, danger Mr. Robinson"

Jeracan (2007-11-17)

what sort of program can I use to extract the big file with ?

kobra223 (2007-11-18)

seed plesase

partyscott (2007-11-19)

i'm confused on how to install
help please

Genmes (2007-11-19)


partyscott (2007-11-19)

i have no install files...they are all mds files and i cant open them ...i extracted the files, but thats all i could do

crackheadfred (2007-11-20)

Your basic downloading games and cracking them manual volume one
By Crackheadfred
When you download a game off pb or another torrent sites you normaly have one of two things (after you unzip it).
Iso files:
With an iso file mount it with deamon tools, and then run the installer on the 'disk'. This creates a fake drive on your comp, so you dont even need a cd drive in the first place to install
simply.... run it.
Now you have to crack it, if your lucky enough that the game came with a crack just do what the NFO file says, sometimes you just drop it in the game folder other times you run it and patch the game.
If you dident get a crack, sometimes the game is precracked and will run right off the bat or maybe it doesnt even need one at all. else wise go to and get yourself a crack. :)
hope that helps.

crackheadfred (2007-11-20)

also please seed after your done downloading :)

partyscott (2007-11-20)

the game wont play, i get a message that says...
Conflict with emulation software detected
any ideas??

Capt.Angus (2007-11-29)

please seed the more the merrier

black-black (2007-12-14)

i need a registration key
some1 help plz

JECCIII (2007-12-16)

Dude can any body tell me if it's working on Windows Vista?? i guess it does :P thanks!!!

killller54 (2008-01-18)

hey, i have a problem, i got the game installed, u just have to extract the avd-hgl.r00 and the n mount the mdf or mds, i used both, they work, and then u just have to install it, that simple, the kay is int the readme file, so u dont have to look for it. but my only problem is, WTF is the reason it says that i have some problems with the Emulation Software, i have it mounted, i used YASu v1.07, but it still doesnt work, i think i need a newer version, but i dont know where to install it from! hope i helped those who don't know how to install

killller54 (2008-01-18)

so plz tell whats the problem with the Emulayion software, and if u do, tell me how to fix it, and if needed, what and where to download it, i downloaded the game for 8 days, and i don't want to count the days wasted for nothing, so i'd like to get the problem fixed

swb2pro (2008-01-22)

why do i get this emulator shit message Travelo?
i really wanna have this game ffs

D4t4v4mP (2008-01-26)

I have been downloading this game for 3 days and now that it is complete i don't know how i can get this thing working... The file hell.gate.londonClonedvd-avenged contains the files avd-hgl.r30-70, the file avd-hgl.sfv and 31 .rar files that each one contains the files avd-hgl.mdf and avd-hgl.mds. This is by far the most complicated file that i've downloaded...Can anyone please help me on how to install this thing (note: i have Deamon Tools Lite, Winrar, and alcohol 120%)... Thank you in advance...

teddyywj (2008-01-31)

umm i tried downloading this and i could only download it to limewire. some more it takes so long. any ideas on how to make it faster? would appreciate

acidbrnt (2008-02-05)

donno if this matters but this is the second time in my life ( first was about 3 years ago ) that ive gotten an infringment warning from an outside agent to my ISP provider
Title: Hellgate: London
Infringement Source: BitTorrent
Infringement Timestamp: 27 Jan 2008 20:03:08 GMT
Infringement Last Documented: 27 Jan 2008 20:03:08 GMT
Infringer Username:
Infringing Filename: Hellgate.London.CLONEDVD-AVENGED
Infringing Filesize: 7383667811
Infringer IP Address: ~~~~~~~
Infringer DNS Name: ~~~~~~~~
Infringing URL:

DeSert1337 (2008-02-12)

PLZ! HELP!... When i try to extracting the mdf and mds file it says
"!Write error: only NTFS file system supports files larger than 4 GB!" ... ive also tryed with the IZARC but thats still doesnt work.. Plz help me with this one :/ NOTICE; I got lot of space left at my hd :/..

billkillerz (2008-03-02)

Thats because your hard disk is in FAT32 mode, or someting like that, if you use WinXP, download the fulkl version or Partition Magicand put your hard disk in NTFS mode !

butcherbob (2008-03-22)

2 days to download.
unrar files
mount with daemon lite
did confuse me with the md files but just clicked and mounted
got a serial from another torrent on PB
works spot on
thanks a lot
Ive uploaded 6gb back and will leave it running till 10gb

dofraar (2008-04-25)

theres only like 100 rar files dont download cant unrar or mount this is shit

rollss2 (2008-06-09)

follow this link
London Patch 1.2 (v1.18074.70.4256) [MULTI8] Fixed EXE
follow instructions
start the game with HELLGATE_SP_DX9_X86.EXE

lukas1996 (2008-07-04)

seed please

pagey098 (2008-09-07)

plzzzzz seed im about half way and iv wanted this game for ages

pagey098 (2008-09-08)

plzzzz seed

Jimmy36 (2008-09-10)

I doun´t have sound?? can somebody help me?? i really need to play this game but whit out sound it´s not fun :(

pagey098 (2008-09-25)

plzzzz seed im at 95%

Shaothemerciful (2009-02-15)

Can we get some more seeds here? I'm DLing at like, 10kbps... anyone?