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doom 3 mac with update and noDVD crack v1.3.1 rev A






doom 3 mac with update and noDVD crack v1.3.1 rev A




2007-10-14 (by bikerunner1764)


Doom 3 for Mac OS X with v1.3.1 Rev A update and NoDVD crack Thanks to The Blade for the Crack

Files count:



1556.28 Mb




strider24 (2007-10-15)

can u go online with this game yet?
iv allways wanted to play it online>

joshysquashy (2007-10-15)

what is the difference between these two torrents you have added bikerunner?

bikerunner1764 (2007-10-16)

This is the correct torrent the other was a bad upload that doesn't work. You should be able to use any windows or mac serial for this game so I will leave that for you to find. Ill be seeding for the next week non-stop but I don't have the fastest connection so be patient until it spreads.

ElBiggus (2007-10-18)

The 1.3.1 crack seems a bit flaky -- reaching a checkpoint seems to have a habit of just dumping you back to the main menu with no option of continuing (you can start a new game or load a save point), and I can't get off the first map: I follow the bot to the lift, get in, hit the button, the loading screen appears, gets 20% through loading, and then I'm back to the menu. :(
Any suggestions?

ElBiggus (2007-10-19)

Tried a reinstall, and it's still useless. Don't bother downloading this unless you want to do it in 30 second bursts and only play the first 5 minutes...

JaVaT20 (2007-10-25)

how to install? and don't have keygen or something...
Thank you

mahak420 (2007-10-26)

The no sound with Doom 3 issue can be resolved by changing the default bit rate in your Midi Setup from 2ch - 24bit to 2ch -16Bit.
To do this, open the Audio Midi Setup control panel in the Applications/Utilities folder.
Change "Properties For": to "Built - in Output" instead of "Built-in Mic". This will show you the Output options. The sample rate should be at 44,100hz, but the Bit rate is defaulted to 2ch - 24bit. Change that to 2ch -16Bit. Once this is changed, Doom 3 should have sound from the internal speaker without having to plug in speakers or headphones.

mahak420 (2007-10-26)

it worked for me.....

mahak420 (2007-10-26)

keygen for doom 3
33agl7capabawslh 7d

mahak420 (2007-10-26)

thanks to bikerunner1764 for the cracked game...

Hazer789 (2007-10-31)

game works great! apart from the fact that there is a delay on the mouse. does anybody no how to fix this because its v. annoying when your tried to shoot and the gun doesn't follow your mouse movement until a second later. thanks

mahak420 (2007-11-02)

either u have a slow processor or low RAM......if not try setting the pixel size of the game to medium or lowest level...that u can find in the options menu

replay64 (2007-11-03)

Plz! somebody help me! I have problem with cracking doom 3!!! It always says that "you can´t apply the patch on this file!" What is wrong?!?
And when I try to start Doom it says " Please insert....."

mikitukka (2007-11-05)

the crack will not run.. just bounces up and down and then gose away!!! any suggestions people?

teqram (2007-11-06)

Yeah, hate to be the dumb one who asks this, but can a smarter/better/smells nicer person post a run-through on how to make this, well, run? A step-by-step would be sweet.

mikitukka (2007-11-06)

hay guys just thought id letyou know that the crack will NOT run on OSX 10.5. None of the iPatcher ones do!!! I reinstalled OS10.4.7 and it works like a dream!!
1. Mount the file doom.toast
2. copy the doom 3 folder to your HDD
3. run the first patch
4. run the updater
5. run the second patch point it too the doom 3 folder you just copied to your hard drive
6. Run the game and enjoy!!
This is what worked for me so yeah thanks HEAPS for teh UPLOAD!!!!

aliassmalias (2007-11-09)

Doesn't appear to work in Leopard, 1.3.1 update asks for your password which I find a little shady since you can install it without needing any permissions. No instructions as to the patch ordering.

ArmedStupidity (2007-11-11)

How big are comments allowed to be? I got an error when trying to post an explanation on how to get this working.

ryuworks (2007-11-13)

All my no-DVD cracks don't work in Leopard... Argh.

JAI-NARF (2007-11-13)

Hey!! does anyone know how to get this thing working... it just keeps bouncing up and down, telling me patch don't work, and asking freaking DOOM 3 DVD!!!
What the hell am I doing wrong...
Please A step by step for dummies... :'(

Klango (2007-11-20)

The patch file wont open, witch program should I use to open it? I´m a bit of a noob to mac.

Bobscnut (2007-12-05)

It works perfectly on tiger v. 10.4.10
but sometimes the game asks for the cd key when i start the game

noyztoyz (2007-12-23)

This doesnt work. There is another torrent on this side that is 1.52G as well but has no nodvd crack. Dl that one then dl a no dvd crack for it and u will be happy. Works so perfectly.
With this 1 as they said above u cant apply the update to it. it sucks.

villagejoker (2007-12-25)

Hello All! Merry Christmas! Got the game to work on Mac 10.5.1/ Leopard. I think the main problem was that the ipatcher file was old and you had to replace it with a new one for leopard.
Anyhow, I got it to work so here it goes. Oh and by the way I'm not a computer expert so forgive my poor computer lingo.
1) Install Doom via the .toast file
2) Install the update Doom 1.3.1 RevA thingy. The problem is that the Doom 1.3.1 RevA file in this download installer didn't work on my mac. So I downloaded another version from

3) The next tip (copied and pasted a lot of it) I took from the user "Libertius" from his post on the Civ 4 for Mac torrent comments page:
Download the latest iPatch (3.7.1) from
Mount iPatch dmg, copy the ipatch app to your desktop, rightclick iPatch app, choose "Show package contents"
Locate "Contents/Resources/iPatcher" (448 K), rightclick it and choose "Show package contents"
Locate "Contents/MacOS/iPatcher" (212 K)
OK hold this ipatcher window in mind.
Now Mount the Doom 3 v1.3.1a NODVD.
Copy the Doom 3 nodvd file to desktop. Right click -> Show package contents
Go from Contents > MacOS and Voila, you have this ipatcher file (208kb)
Replace the (208k) ipatcher file with the (212k) ipatcher file.
Run the Doom 3 1.3.1a NODVD file with the original Doom 3 app, and you'll get a No DVD crack, no problem. Let me know if I wasn't clear or something and I'll try and get back to ya'll.

rafex21 (2007-12-28)

I have the same error as justchillin ,
BLACK screen + BG Music, help anyone?

Cmd_Chakotay (2008-01-16)

Works like a charm on OS X Tiger.
Thanx bikerunner1764.

erremma (2008-01-31)

FUCK this, the shit do NOT work!

makizmaidrug (2008-03-07)

The file to replace is not iPatcher but iPatch !
You should download another crack which works with Leopard and locate this file to replace the file in the Doom's crack...
I did it, I managed to launch the patch but I got an error while I was cracking the game :(
I'm trying to solve this problem.
Any suggestions ?
Thank ;)

makizmaidrug (2008-03-07)

I've found a solution ! You'll need the UB crack at first, you must replace the file iPatch by the same file from a Leopard compatible crack.
Then, you must find the file Doom 3 at this location : Doom 3/Contents/Mac OS. Read the informations and set the permissions on "Read and write" for each group.
Lanch the crack, locate the game and it should work :)
Tell me if it doesn't ;)
PS : I hope you understood my comment, I think my english is not very good^^

makizmaidrug (2008-03-07)

One more thing : if you can't launch the game after cracking it, simply copy it into your Applications folder and try again.

Loquacious1 (2008-03-14)

yo can somebody, seed please, it says 18 seeders but only 3 people are seeding. thanks.

BenDtheTruth (2008-03-20)

Ok, this DOES WORK for most recent version of Leopard. It took me nearly 4 hours today but I finally got it to work with NO DVD WITH SOUND.
The most important part is put substitute iPATCH NOT **IPATCHER** for the iPatcher file found in the Doom 3 crack, like Makiz said. Simply delete the old iPatcher and drag in the new one from the Leopard compatible ipatch found at ipatch(dot)org

hatym (2008-03-26)

Okay, I have Leopard 10.5.2, I got it to work. The only thing is, I cannot find a single cd key that works. Any help? The only way I've gotten to play the game was by hitting ctrl, option then ~. It opens the console, then I typed Map game/site3.
Sadly, you cannot change the graphics from lowest setting and you would have to do that every single time you open doom 3.

Metaldragon33 (2008-03-28)

Same thing here. I managed to get it install and work OK with good help of comments, but i can't find any working key, even PC ones....

Metaldragon33 (2008-03-30)

OK, i find the serial solution.
GCSCH....2F serial IS working, but you just need to remove all of your internet connections (wifi, ethernet,..) when you enter it, so that the soft can't check on internet. Then it skips and tells you that it looks OK.. Don't know if this is enough to play online, but it's enough to play solo at least..

feliplay (2008-04-24)

works perfect , WINOBIE u are the best , thanks a lot
Macmini core duo leopard 10.5.2

z1ross (2008-04-28)

Ok Here is the dirt.
1. Replace iPatcher file within patch as described by "villagejoker"
2. Apply the 1.3.1 patch
Here is the Missing Key information....
3. Right click and "Show Package Contents" on the Doom file
4. Now within the Doom, The first folder it shows is the "Contents" Folder. Right click and Get info on this folder. Then click the lock on the bottom to enable changing of the Permissions. Change all permissions to "Read & Write" but don't close it yet. Then Click on the Opions button (Gear looking button to the right of the "-" button and Select "Apply to Enclosed Items". click approve and close the window.
Now close everything open and run the patch normally and select the Doom file and you should be good to go.

alexthecomp (2008-04-30)

how do i get to change the resolution?
i applied all the patches and the game runs fine. Once i try to change the game resolution it says that i need to exit the game in order for the changes to apply. After i restart the game, the resolution stay in the default mode "640x480' and it doesn't change.
PS. Does anyone know if doom 3 supports wide screen monitors and the resolution of 1920x1200?
It's like the game doesn't change the resolution or anything like that.
Please help. :)

alexthecomp (2008-04-30)

i solved the problem. when u run the you have to hold down the command key and this will open the advanced setting which will allow you to chose the wide screen resolutions such as: 1920x1200 and 1440x900.
My other is question is if do chose these wide screen resolutions, does doom 3 run them natively or is it a lower resolution that is stretched to appear as wide screen?

tookewl22 (2008-05-06)

I got around the serial problem - putting Doom 3 in the Security->Firewall settings and blocking incoming connections.
Next, I used a serial key - that was included with the original Doom 3 1.1 torrent. I shant include it here.
Also, thanks to the guys here for posting their HOW-TO's to get this working. After about 30 minutes of reading and about 2hrs of Downloading - Doom 3 1.3 with NO DVD works fine.

at914 (2008-05-07)

Hey guys I run a Tiger os and what I did is I replace the original doom file in the doom 3 folder with the crack and used the "33agl7capabawslh 7d" serial key. The game worked, BUT THERE IS NO SOUND!!!
Anybody else experiencing similar problem?

at914 (2008-05-07)

Ok sorry forget what I said. I used earphones and it worked. Thanx!!!!

fred_derf (2008-05-20)

The game works well with the instructions. But strangly none of the KCN Keys works! Even if I disconnect the network completely!!!
I tried 7 different keys and none worked! What shall I do???

hatym (2008-06-10)

Here's the cd keys.
B72RDLL3LDBSDHTA0D for verision 1.1
33agl7capabawslh 7d for verision 1.3

vortexman (2008-07-16)

I tried to open doom, and the icon in the dock comes up for about 1 second and then goes away, and it doesn't open. How do I get it to open?

0sxg4m3r (2008-07-20)

i got everything working great and the game runs, except theres no sound.
24" iMac
Radeon HD2600 256
Leopard 10.5.4

0sxg4m3r (2008-07-20)

any help would be greatly appreciated

0sxg4m3r (2008-07-20)

ignore my comments the sound works after closing and reopening the game. thanks.

0sxg4m3r (2008-07-20)

my only problem seems to be the screen rez. i used the command open thing and set it to 1600x but when the game starts it just resets to 640 or 1024. any suggestions? thanks much

0sxg4m3r (2008-07-20)

my game crashes when i try to leave mars city. anyone know a sollution?

kurtizz (2008-08-18)

seed plz, have been stucked at 99,94 % for two days now!
Good upload btw : )

rentaninja (2008-09-04)

Dang, so many people have problems with this, I bet I won't get it to work? :P
I'll give it a shot anyways - thanks!

rentaninja (2008-09-04)

Naaah, fuck! Only for Tiger? Fuck it! :(
Too good to be true?

rentaninja (2008-09-06)

Nix, can't get this to work - I am a graphic designer, not a programmer. How come these things are almost always so f*$#@&g hard!?
Fuck it!

jahred187 (2008-09-30)

please seed this game if you have it thank you!!!!!!!

jahred187 (2008-10-01)

please help me ive been downloading this for days and days, help a guy out and seed pretty pleeeze

Iggy.stooged (2008-10-27)

Whenever i go to replace the ipatcher with a leopard compatible ipatch, it says that the file cannot be modified and and i cant put it in the folder. What am i supposed to do?

Iggy.stooged (2008-10-27)

I put in the correct key code for version 1.3.1 and it says that the key code is in use
what should i do?

tacotheninja (2008-12-11)

please seed

YOULOOKDECENT (2008-12-21)

hi i got everything to work! =D but the only problem is, it lags too much. Is there any problem with the installion or my computer?
Btw my mac specifications is:
OS X 4.11
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1 Gb Ram
256 Mb VRAM
ATI Radeon2600HDPro

rj-300zx (2009-02-03)

10.5.6 no cd doesnt work. Anybody gotta link to one that does?!

CarlosCF (2009-03-12)

Yo!! For everyone having problems (because as rj-300zx here, i'm having problems with leopard 10.5.6 too), i've found this while googleing for information and i think it might be useful:

I'll try myself and let you know ;)

LongLivePiracy (2009-04-06)

umm, ok, I did all the shit they said to do on leopard but when I try to crack the game using blades crack, it says I have to change permissions (???) which I try to do but it always fails and says error.

tru7h_ (2009-05-20)

Press and hold Command while launching the game, a window will appear where you can choose from Fullscreen to Windowed, and also change resolution and turn on/off OpenAL.

HippieJoe (2009-07-11)

I'm running 10.5.7 and the noCD and the toast won't work. I haven't tried to to burn the toast to a cd yet. Could someone help me with this I really really want to play?

dccdanchalmes (2009-08-23)

downloaded fine but does not work with 10.5, o well

Dragonforce79 (2009-12-31)

Trying to write a guide soon

Dragonforce79 (2009-12-31)

I will try to explain how to get this working on Snow Leopard:
1. Download this. Just keep the Doom image, throw away everything else, including the 2 NoDVD cracks and the update. They're outdated.
2. Drag the Doom 3 folder to your applications
3. Download the updater which brings this PowerPC game to an universal binary from
and apply.

Dragonforce79 (2009-12-31)

4. Highlight the Doom 3 folder, right-click it, get info, open the lock in the lower right, enter your password, change the permissions for all 3 users to read and write, click on the little gear icon, select apply to enclosed items and approve the changes

Dragonforce79 (2009-12-31)

Ah wtf, this board software always generates database errors so I can't type the full guide here... just take a look at
where you can find everything you need.

S_word (2010-03-01)

Guys, it took 2,5 hours for me, but it finally works, GREATFULLY THANKS FOR EVERYONE in this threat, who posted so fkn useful posts, goddam! Thanks from Russia, brothers! =)

Arnoniem10 (2010-03-10)

this doesn't works!

fringebear (2010-09-15)

has anyone found a solution to the blank screen problem ? I have literally tried everything and it still doesnt work, any suggestions ?

Raj05 (2011-03-01)

For those who didnt get this to work. Just download the other torrent by Sunal. WORKS GREAT. Im sure u dont wanna miss this game!!!!!


1. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 846 bytes
2. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 3 1.3.1 Rev A 34.34 Kb
3. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 8 bytes
4. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 36.70 Kb
5. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 11.32 Mb
6. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.58 Kb
7. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 8 bytes
8. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 52 bytes
9. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 4.97 Kb
10. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 445 bytes
11. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.04 Kb
12. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 294 bytes
13. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.04 Kb
14. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.04 Kb
15. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.04 Kb
16. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.04 Kb
17. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 445 bytes
18. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 294 bytes
19. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 10.12 Kb
20. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 5.54 Kb
21. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 430 bytes
22. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 445 bytes
23. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 294 bytes
24. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 11.89 Kb
25. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 6.27 Kb
26. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 462 bytes
27. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 18 bytes
28. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 791 bytes
29. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 791 bytes
30. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 340 bytes
31. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.01 Kb
32. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 409 bytes
33. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.09 Kb
34. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 409 bytes
35. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 1.12 Kb
36. Doom for Mac/Doom 3 1.3.1 Rev 50.59 Kb
37. Doom for Mac/Doom3.v1.1b2488.NoDVD.Crack.dmg 2.12 Mb
38. Doom for Mac/Doom3.v1.3.1A.NoDVD.UBCrack.dmg 365.74 Kb
39. Doom for Mac/Doom_3.toast 1542.31 Mb