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2005-09-22 (by lukas)


. J .r .MF .! , `.r .ML `.MM$ ` ` ` .MM@: ..eAA+, JYJgH .NMMNNHHkm. .d^ WgF ` dMMMmHMMMNHr` ` dJ..gM: .MMNkQQQHMMN ."TW@@' ` .`THHNmdMMM#` ` , OgH ``J WHWHMHMM QM, .` dg#^ .F `,NQMHMn,L JHHQ, P .qmd^ ` `=.dHHMMMMHNMga+... .dMNH" `.%.MMMW| ` `.JWWkWkHWHHHWWH@MHg@@HHmA&..``.`...dMMMMM# diW@MMNML ` .WggqH@NHHXXUXZWgHM@@@@HHMMMMMMe.dMMMMNNMNF ` HWHHMMN#MNm, `..uWHH@mHHHHHNyXXXwkHHH@@M@@HHHMMHMMMNNMMMMM@ .WHHM!JHH##MMNgNM@MMMMHMmHHHSwZXZXHgg@@@@@MMMNMMMMMMMMMMM9 .XWHHF `MHHM##MM@MMMMMMMHgHKwXyXwXHm@HMNHNNMMMMMMMMMM#5 ?4qqW` ?WMN#NMNMMMMHM@HH@pWpfWHWHHgHH#H#Mb .H, dMMMqHNpWWffWHHgg@HHHH## HMMHHMHHHWWWpfWMNMMMNNMN WMNMMMHWWQmwXQQMMMMM@MMB dHMHHHHHHHWH&WMHHHWHMMMk XMMMMMMHMMmMN@MNMHM@MHH @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@! !@@ @@! @@@ @@! !@@ @!@@!@! @!@!!@! !!@ !@! @!@!@ !!: :!! !!: :!! !!: :!! !!: : ::: : : : : :: :: : PRESENTS... Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (c) UBI SOFT - -- ---------------------------------------------- -- - Supplied by ....: KRiG Release Date .....: 03/2005 Cracked by .....: KRiG Protection .......: Safedisc 4 DVD Count ......: 1 Brothers in Arms is the most realistic and authentic WWII shooter ever. While other WWII games have sugarcoated the war experience, Brothers in Arms is based on a true story and will immerse gamers into the gritty, uncensored and emotionally-charged side of war. The game puts you in the shoes of Sgt. Matt Baker, a D-Day paratrooper squad leader, and asks you to lead the squad as you balance their lives with the success of the mission. The true stories and historical events you experience on your perilous journey take you through real battlefields meticulously recreated from aerial reconnaissance images, US Army Signal Corps photos and eye-witness accounts of war-torn Normandy. Players of all skill levels can battle their way through this intense experience because of Brothers in Arms innovative and accessible command and control system. 1. Burn or Mount with Daemon Tools 2. Install 3. Use the crack in the Crack directory 4. Play! Serial: BIA-4HE8-G13V-TPN3-2FWM Enjoy! Watch out for more releases from your heroes in KRiG!

Files count:



2944.61 Mb




sneagel (2006-01-06)

funkar denna?

sneagel (2006-01-07)

Det finns ju ingen .cue-fil! det går ej o mounta :S hjälp plz

Sleibner14 (2006-05-25)

can we plz get a seeder we are so many who is stuck on 96,5 % and only need the last % PLZ

Sleibner14 (2006-05-26)

well i have been stuck for like 2 days no and have try a nothet torrens and so fare there is a 1 seeder there and i have a d/l aroun 100 kps so you can try this ling

_DH_ (2006-07-20)

så seg

_DH_ (2006-07-22)

va fan seeda nu. jag vill ha spelet idag :S snälla. så sugen på lira

Flaban (2007-01-04)

Can we please get some one to SEED....
That will be nice ....... thx....

antonjynsson (2007-01-08)

Va fan seeda då.. fast på 98,4 nu hela veckan fan.... den startar direkt men går aldrig över 1 kb/s o sen dör den efter 20 sek help

thelaf (2007-03-30)

can we get a seeder for this i only got 1% to go

Davalooga (2007-06-13)

What is Daemon tools?

dudedudesson (2007-06-24)

Men förihelvete, hur ego kan man bli ? Seeda förfan, jag ska bara ha Crackfilen..