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SimCity Societies Deluxe + Crack [RuneTorrents]
Games PC
2010-08-25 (by RuneRifle)
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>>> <<<
>>> Release Notes <<<
>>> <<<
>>> <<< <<<
>>> SimCity Societies <<< Featuring an all-new, revolutionary feature <<<
>>> <<< set, SimCity Societies allows you to create <<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>x<<<<<<<<<<<<<< your own kinds of cities and shape their <<<
>>> cultures and environments. Make your cities <<<
>>> Make your cities green or polluted, contemporary or futuristic, rural <<<
>>> or urban. Create an artistic society or a police state, an industrial <<<
>>> city or a spiritual community? Or any society you want! <<<
>>> <<<
>>> <<< <<<
>>> SimCity Destinations <<< SimCity Societies Destinations enhances the <<<
>>> <<< SimCity Societies experience by providing <<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>x<<<<<<<<<<<<<< all the tools you need to create an entire <<<
>>> city or town based on attractions and <<<
>>> amenities that visitors enjoy. With an enhanced map generator, players <<<
>>> can identify each city's opportunity for diversion and the city can <<<
>>> capitalise on that draw. From sprawling theme parks and tropical beach <<<
>>> resorts to country hiking trails, players can control more than 100 <<<
>>> new buildings to create their costumised destination. <<<
>>> <<<
>>> <<<
>>> Install Notes <<<
>>> <<<
>>> <<<
>>> 1) Extract the .rar file. <<<
>>> 2) Burn or Mount the .iso file. <<<
>>> 3) Install the game. <<<
>>> .1) Use the key in the SCS_key.txt file in the Crack folder. <<<
>>> 4) Copy the SimCitySocieties.exe and the SCSDestinations.exe from the <<<
>>> Crack folder and paste them in your game folder. <<<
>>> 5) Have fun playing the game. <<<
>>> <<<
>>> When updating the game, you will need to download a new crack! <<<
>>> <<<
Files count:
2658.64 Mb
ONEMANDBANDIT (2010-09-27)
THNX! WORKING PROPERLY ON WINDOWS 7 64BWhit3_Addict (2010-09-29)
i am dwloading this just for the first comment. hope its not going to be any trouble!Prayera (2010-10-10)
Great upload. Works perfectly, thanx a lot!Artedin (2010-10-11)
Help!! the installation was a success but when i click play it tells me to "insert the original disc instead of a backup" what should i do?? help!RuneRifle (2010-10-11)
are you sure you've cracked it and also make sure you haven't mounted it anymore. It should work. If it doesn't, you obviously have done something wrong.If you can't get it to work, reinstall, and follow the steps in the nfo file again.
acb21792 (2010-10-15)
ok i'm having a problem and can't seem to fix it. it starts to install and during the middle of it a message pops up asking me to put the disc in? I'm confused its mounted fine just wont install all the wayRuneRifle (2010-10-15)
Mount the other one and tell the install to use that disc. That will workapollo777 (2010-10-18)
Totally legit, worked great for me.CyrusDaVyrus (2010-11-05)
there is or was no crack folder in the download got past the install and now i cant play due to a missing crack folder LOL is there just a crack upload somewhere someone can help me withRuneRifle (2010-11-07)
After extracting there should be 3 files, the iso, the nfo and the crack folder. There must have been an error with the download, run a check again en let it finish, see if you've got the crack thencojobesta (2010-12-06)
can't see my cursor, otherwise works fine, win7 x64Hawkennnnnn (2010-12-29)
Seed pls! :)-hrvr_hrvr- (2011-02-13)
Problems with group.2 cab file, says it's damaged or corrupted, and installation fails...os win 7 32 bit. For all of you with same problem, this might work (it did for me) -
Cgoff87 (2011-02-23)
This one didn't work for me, it kept saying it was missing a component to directx 9, and I'm running on Dx11 so that shouldn't make sense, but possibly it's missing a game update, and also these two files were missing during installation,DP5 BuildingFlavorText.xml
Orwellian Future.xml
Hash double checked as well...
but overall because of the Dx9 problem it will not start... And I have all the components...
I'm going to try to download the recommended torrent above by hvr, it says its precracked.
Oh the anticipation...
g0d11c3 (2011-02-26)
Why do people spend there time doing the nice description things. Well, its working, it looks awesomedidii (2011-03-09)
Working fine for me :)@cojobesta: there is an option for turning the cursor of the game to the default windows mouse (named "turn of coloured mouse" or something). Try to navigate to that option.
Thx for the upload!
jonnyR00 (2011-03-15)
Thank you!meap01 (2011-03-20)
Artedin:donload the crackThePiratePoster (2011-06-08)
Works good I used PowerISO ...not the best game I played I think ill go back to Simcity 4 and the sims 3 :)lancedance (2011-07-05)
Torrent doesn't work on Windows 7. There's an error with the emulator sorry bad torrentsamljer (2011-09-11)
Worked but the game sucks ass, WOW.stick with SC4 and Sims IMO.
xangel911 (2011-10-05)
Seed Please. Thank You in AdvanceAbC1234567890 (2011-12-08)
Hi please help me! Which one is the game folder? And when I try to run the game it says; ' Please insert original disc instead of backup (1000) 'What should I do??? Please help!!!
Schredder247 (2012-04-16)
could some one plz seed? plus could someone post how to do this I only had three files at the start and after i installed it it kept asking for a disc to be inserted. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling but now its taking FOREVER to download! could someone tell me what I've done wrong and what I need to do?!Schredder247 (2012-04-17)
im starting to get pissed now. sorry runerifle but some of us arent that smart with the "mounting" of files and stuff. could u plz put down a method of what to do otherwise steam is gonna come out of my ears! its really frustrating not knowing what to do especially since ive followed everything and i have all the files but it keeps saying that i need to enter the disc. wtf is up with that?! ive extracted the files using 7zip. then the nso. file and the crack file has come up. ive downloaded the game, gone into the crack folder and selected the game. what does it do? IT ASKS FOR THE FUCKING DISC! ARRRRRGGGGHHH!! this is so bloody frustrating!Schredder247 (2012-04-17)
now there's ANOTHER problem! It came up with a message saying "The program can't start because SCSLib.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"...what now? I tried mounting it but that didn't do for shit!Puxes (2012-06-05)
Can someone help me? I have everything installed.But when i click play it says please enter the simcity societies disc.
What do i do? Thanks.
Puxes (2012-06-07)
Okay it works now! ihad to reinstall it because i forgot to Extract. This time i followed the description. Thanks.ultras1814 (2012-07-11)
Is there a text bug?There is a box in left top of the screen with wierd signs.
mariosklant (2012-07-23)
It works perfectly on Win 7 64xfinestgaming (2012-10-28)
absolute-ti-ly workingboazcstrike (2012-10-29)
worked great. respect earned!iReqTorrentz (2012-11-04)
Hey people :D its easy just get DAEMON Tools to mount to a DVD-R disk, then run it like a normal installation of a disk, and copy the cracked files so it works without the need of that disk. Hope this helpsiReqTorrentz (2012-11-04)
actually RuneRifle i have mounted to the disk and tried to install it off the disk, and it says no disk in d; drive, when thier is a physichle disk with mounted files on it in D: drive Lol. Fixx please?Migas94 (2012-12-16)
Hey i downloaded this torrent and i was able to install both games. But when i open them i get an error because of a JIT Depuration ( Just-in-time ) Does anyone know what this is? Can anyone hlp me solve this? Tyredbombshell (2013-02-14)
What serial code to everyone use?krucified (2014-01-15)
@shredder247or anyone who is not familiar with mounting and using a virtual drive or extracting and moving files or folders. do your self and your pc a favor and stay off the bay, torrents are not your cup of tea. this game was rushed into production and never completely finished alpha testing so there is a lot to be desired as well as a lot of bugs. this is the precursor to the new simcity witch is horrible as well. EA went backwards with these releases. The torrent it self is 5* smooth DL and install good work rune.
Yorkfield (2014-10-06)
I seem to be unable to download this.uTorrent says: Failed to connect - timeout
Bararoro (2014-11-28)
!!! Virus !!! Win32 evo-gen [susp]in the crack folder