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Unlocking the Mysteries of Life [HQ][3 DivX + Script][Verifire]






Unlocking the Mysteries of Life [HQ][3 DivX + Script][Verifire]




2009-10-14 (by verifire)


Hi there.. Firstly I'd like to tell you about a new Christian site: Registrations are open for a while. Safe, no ads, pure, non-denominational site. Now about this upload. Socrates once said, "I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human Excellence is to question oneself and others." :-) - In 1859, Charles Darwin published, “On the Origin of Species.” In it, he argued that all of life on earth was the product of undirected natural processes Time, chance, and natural selection. Since Darwin, biologists have relied on such processes to account for the origin of living things. “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” is the story of contemporary scientists who are advancing a powerful, but controversial, idea—the theory of “intelligent design.” It is a theory based upon compelling biochemical evidence. Through state-of-the-art computer animation, Unlocking the Mystery of Life transports you into the interior of the living cell to explore systems and machines that bear the unmistakable hallmarks of design. Discover the intricacy of a microscopic bacterial rotary motor, which spins at 100,000 rpm. Within the cell nucleus explore the wonder of DNA, a threadlike molecule that stores instructions to build the essential components of every living organism. It is part of a biological information processing system more complex and more powerful than any computer network. This remarkable documentary examines the scientific case for intelligent design - an idea with the power to revolutionize our understanding of life…and to unlock the mystery of its origin. Also Included in this Folder is the Script to the whole documentary as pdf, plus the extra material from the DVD, all as high Quality Xvid or DivX. Love from Verifire. [email protected] /* */ "Personally I've found the hope of deliverance and enlightenment through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach to be the greatest mystery and riddle, shrouded in the shadows of shame, but revealed to those who seek the Truth, no matter the cost."


  1. Creation
  2. Science
  3. Microbiology
  4. Darwin
  5. Evolution

Files count:



1906.09 Mb




godswallops (2009-10-14)

Utter garbage

 Kuthumi (2009-10-14)

 Kuthumi (2009-10-14)

I always download verifire's torrents when they attract negative comments from 'godswallops' and other people who do not dare to believe in anything. It usually signifies that the film is interesting.

allmypeople (2009-10-20)

religious garbage?

truthfinder (2009-11-16)

Wow this is unbelievably interesting and educating, now I'm not asking anyone to teach creationism in schools but at least teach this... this makes unrefutable sense, it just goes to show you that that yes there is a secular conspiracy out there.

 FaeGiN (2009-11-19)

Sorry Verifire, you can mock the others if you want but you won't get away from the FACT of evolution.
This really and truly is a crock of shit. It is a film made by the discovery institute who are just a front for Intelligent Design and getting it into schools.
The scientists they claim are so educated in the film are actually for the most part, discredited scientists, scientists who published papers on this subject and were pretty much laughed at by the rest of the scientific community.
Now, I can already hear cries of 'discrimination!' and stories of how these scientists should be allowed to believe what they like and not be ridiculed but wait! science isn't a fucking fairness exercise, it isn't school. It is adults and it's about facts and truths, evaluation based on evidence that can be verified.
Intelligent design is nothing more than a disguise for the bible and a way of getting people to be religious.
I see you parrot the usual crap about Darwin there, you see: Darwin and Evolution DO NOT CLAIM TO KNOW THE ORIGINS OF LIFE!
That is a different fucking subject idiot!
Stop mixing the two so you can say Darwin is a fool!
You are the fool if you don't know the difference between cosmology and evolutionary biology.
It is so blatantly obvious that there is NO SCIENCE in ID, that it deserves to be laughed at as a theory of science!!!!
This film really is BAD Pseudoscience.
Or good pseudoscience I suppose if it convinces anyone that it is actually real science.

 FaeGiN (2009-11-20)

Verifire. Let's get a few things straight here.
1. If I didn't have a pink skull I would be the very same person I am now so you get over that.
2. Stop with all the 'you're picking on me', 'you're spamming my torrents', 'you're on my back' etc etc et-fucking cetera... it's pathetic. We are adults right? try being one then instead of acting like a big BABY! You might say I'm being childish with my attitude or my words but come on! You harp on and on about it as if I am bullying you or something and then you even post a link to show how nice you have been to me.
How cute.
I know. The christian persecution thing. Well it isn't happening mate. You are playing the victim.
I notice that you say I am not to reply but then you cannot resist going into the topic once again to tell me what YOU think.
Well I am telling you what I think. Live with it.
You say 'Evolution can't (provide an answer to the origins of the universe [of course it can't it doesn't even try to!] ) and you say 'creation can'.
Can it really?
This video does NOT prove that or anything close to it.
This video just hums and haws in awe and amazement at the universe (whilst trying to impress and even confuse the layman with cool Computer graphics) and then concludes every few minutes that it MUST be a god that is responsible because this or that proves it!!
It does NOT prove anything, to show a complex part of nature and then say it is proof of God is to show a complete lack of what evolution means entirely. It is also a logical fallacy to jump from a complexity to a god. That is not rational reasoning at all.
Why is claiming such nonsense so wrong to do?
Let me enlighten you. It erodes the very core of what it is to be a rational, functional and learned, human being.
If ID is to be taught in schools it is a BIG step backwards in human evolution and I don't just mean in a Darwinian sense I mean a huge backwards step in intellectualism for every generation that is taught that this CRAP is as relevant or true as 'real science' because it is not.
'Archeology fails to prove evolution, but points to creation, and a big deluge...'
Archaeology does indeed prove, or help to confirm I should say, evolution. In fact there is such a huge amount of corresponding and parallel evidence via archaeology that it completely blows your ID theory out of the universe (wow a pun!).
So now I know you have studied archaeology in-depth eh... a scientist no less.
No more than I am a baker.
Then you are back to that old 'persecution' nonsense again - ...'Faegin: Get off my back. ...' '... I lay off your uploads..' hey I don't care what you do mate. Lay off my uploads? They aren't precious to me you know. they are there. that's all. Fill your boots, as they say.
Well there really isn't much else to say to you. I already realised you are not for turning but what the hell, YOU are peddling this crap so YOU are responsible and so YOU are the one that gets people's impassioned responses. If you can't deal with that then maybe you are in the wrong job/religion/cult/mental home/century?
You probably thought you were being hilarious with this one - '..But I guess you'll prove once again that you think you descend from the apes.. '
except, again you show how little you have actually looked into the topic you claim to know so much about.
Evolutionary theory (FACT) does not and never has claimed such a feat!
I'll educate you for free - Apes and humans have a common ancestor. We are not descended from apes and apes are not descended from humans.
OK you got that now?
Now this last point is about how obnoxious I am.
Noxious perhaps, to you. I'm OK with that.
Get this in your head: You are peddling a load of bullshit and it's not just this torrent, you have a lot of them. all pseudoscience or religion and in your descriptions, like this one, you tell how TRUE it is. I find that to be abhorrent.
If I get angry in responding then that is a fact of life. That is what happens 'in the real world' and I act exactly the same here or there (for your info).
I won'

 FaeGiN (2009-11-20)

verifire: Go fuck yourself with a banana you deranged cunt.

 FaeGiN (2009-11-25)

@verifire: I seriously doubt whether you need to apologise to anyone for not having the ability to respond to any of my criticisms, no one gives a fuck mate.
You either have a superiority complex or an inferiority one.
It can be so difficult to tell with religious buffoons as they swing wildly from one to the other so often.
Your previous comment is unconvincing but, as you say, carry on Sir!

 FaeGiN (2009-12-01)

HEY! I said FUCK YOU asshole and don't make the assumption that you are even welcome to wish me anything.
Take your insecure false love and peace and shove it up yer fucking arse.

aeh45322 (2009-12-20)

Thanks for this torrent! I've been browsing around the Amazing Facts website trying to find more DVD's to keep me busy on Sabbath. I really appreciate this.

sandshreder (2009-12-23)

I love how atheists hide behind things like "science is truth". well unfortunately the science in the text books is not always accurate or true. in addition it is sometimes a complete lie. moreover any science that may contradict evolution is often left out of textbooks completely. There is a movement in the scientific community to hide anything that discredits evolution. Lets look at some facts...
evolutionists tell you that DNA mutates and we have these improvements in Biological functions.
the FACT is there has never been a mutation observed that was not harmful to a biological process or function.
Now ask yourself these questions...
How did natural selection develop (over millions of years) ears to hear with when life did not and could not know sound existed?
How did natural selection produce eyes when it could NOT know light existed?
How can the first Male and female sex organs develop in two different organisms at the same time AND work together for the first ever mating process? you want me to believe two similar organism just happened to evolve with two different sex organs that just happen to work together to create off spring?
Now I ask, who is really spreading ferry tales...
God Bless you all, I could go on for hours but atheists are not worth the time.
Jesus says dont throw pearls to pigs... so dont wast time with atheists