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Romance Of The Three Kingdoms XI-RELOADED










2008-09-04 (by AiTB )


more info

Files count:



1319.52 Mb




Revealer (2008-09-05)

This is the working version of this game, do not download the other version. even though the slander on my grand name. do not download the other version.

fuckthechurch (2008-09-05)

How do I crack it? is the crack included? ive never really used cracks before, dont know what to look for, thanks

meke7 (2008-09-12)

Whats is the difference between this "REALOADEDd" and the "RELOADED" version?

yoda007 (2008-09-12)

Game works fine and is virus free (only intro video dosent play properly) . however i have been playing the ROTK series since ROTK 3 ...and this edition is not as good as the earlier editions.. rotk 10 is better (but only available on ps2)

queenjosephine (2008-09-13)

I've managed to install the download, but when i try to start the game, it sais that I have to inject the correct DVD-ROM. It does not help unmounting and re-mounting the file. What am I missing? Help please

meke7 (2008-09-13)

You need to look out for the Crack directory that will contain the .exe crack. That might be in the folder you downloaded the game to, or into the CD Image (Choose open with your mounting program). Then copy it to the game instalation folder overiting the older .exe

meke7 (2008-09-13)

Does the other ocasional videos plays properly in this copy?

gunshy20 (2008-09-13)

Thanks for the upload, the game works fine. I'll be seeding as long as i could.

demononpot (2008-09-14)

I've installed the game and it says I need to insert the dvd-rom to play it. I read the comment about the crack folder with the crack.exe...but I dont have that folder. Any help?

yoda007 (2008-09-14)

demononpot.. it seems ur totally inexperienced :)
crack is the cr-com of rotk 11 (open not autoplay) (image mounted using deamon tools) there is a folder called crack-->copy the RTKX1 file.
then go to the directory where you have installed it and select paste--->msg wil appear replace RTKX1 with RTKXI.... click ok and it will

yoda007 (2008-09-14)

only the intro videos dont dosent matter in gameplay at all, as after the intro videos an animation also appears (which works) so that you undestand the storyline. THIS COPY OF THE GAME WORKS TOTALLY FINE AND IS VIRUS FREE, unlike some other copies which are available and have a virus embedded in the intro video player. apparently the virus containing intro video player has been removed here. The videos are present you can still see the videos in windows media player if you want (by manually playing them from the videos folder) WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT INTRO VIDEOS ANYWAY..THE GAME WORKS FINE

demononpot (2008-09-14)

What do you mean open the cr-rom? I mounted using daemon tools but I cant find a folder

demononpot (2008-09-14)

Nevermind, I figured out what you were sayin. Thanks!

yoda007 (2008-09-19)

wapatoolie.. the reason you might not have seen the game after rotk 6-7 is the the the publisher koei had stopped marketing them properly and had stopped targeting the game for european/american consumers (last pc release was rotk 4 i think, after that it was mainly PS based games..i still play rotk 6 ,7 using a ps emulator on my pc, ). Thankfully things have changed now.. and it is out in pc :) This game has a huge cult following in asia. the graphics in this version Rotk 11 are a great improvement over its predecessor. ROTK IS ONE OF THE BEST STRATEGY GAMES OUT THERE , ITS A SHAME VERY FEW EUROPEANS/AMERICANS KNOW ABOUT IT !!

yeller24 (2008-09-20)

intro works fine if you set your resolution to anything else and then set it back to what you what it is....and the game is great, history and all - best strategy game if your paying attention to the strategy, i read someone else comment on missing out if you dont know the history of china, but i say - this game gives you exactly what to study if you are interested - a true strat game

meke7 (2008-09-20)

Thak you yeller24! I saw someone saying to fix this by puting screen mode but here I can't select that, now I fixed that and the videos all play!

muaythaisoldier (2008-09-20)

I'd really like a working trainer, can only find the promo trainer. Anyone have?

yoda007 (2008-09-26)

Download the ebook of ROTK from the link given below. Its a timeless classic, makes for great reading.. and many aspects of the storyline of this game will become clear after you read this

therealfriday13th (2008-09-27)

Dumb Question... IS this in english?

duder2012 (2008-11-23)

Okay, I mount my RTK file and go to the thingy right click open, go to the crack folder, copy, then i go back and i try to paste and it says that i can because the file is ready only and suggestions?

bostoncelticlarry6803 (2008-12-24)

100 percent working iso has the crack inside of it just open folder copy crack and past to programs folder making sure to overwrite old exe this is one of my favorite series of all time has lost some charm it had in the past and easier user interface but heart of the game is still the same

Greyfoot (2009-04-18)

Could anyone SEED it please???

Greyfoot (2009-04-18)

I found rottk VIII on ps2 I am in love with the storyline ever since.Best strategy game ever!!!

 Katkwaraye (2009-04-26)

Thanks. ^_^

Smiley2Fingers (2009-06-04)

There is a game called gemfire. It's made by KOEI it takes place in knight times. has dragons and such.

swkotor2 (2009-06-13)

I dont have a crack folder can any1 help??Thnx in advance=D

shihyung23 (2009-07-14)

Can anyone help? I don't think I have the right instalation directory and my crack file isn't a .exe it's like a program and if I click on it it says I have missing file so it failed to open... Thanks in advance

shameonu (2010-01-30)

i am not sure if anyone else is getting this problem but when i enter the game my mouse looks like it stays in one place but when i move it its like a invisible mouse is moving but the mouse the i can see on my screen doesn't move any suggestions?

REALMNC82 (2010-03-17)

Can anybody tell me something about requirements for this game.
I dont giva a damn about official posts about rqus and sh*t- cause most of the times its bullocks.
I have 2,1 Gh/z proccessor but not 2-core, 512 VideoCard BUT ONLY 1Gb MEMORY(!!!!) and my laptop has freaking Win Shitsta-Vista as OP prog.
Do i have any possibilty to play this masterpiece?
For Example- I can play Fate of Empires and Medieval Total War II with low game graphs.

BlueDreamWalker (2011-01-02)

Anyone know where I can get the powerup kit?

1203killeras (2011-03-07)


mexislam (2011-03-18)

Love this series. Watched my brother play rtk1 and I've been playing since rtk2. Koei style games are a cut above. They're the only ones that really add any sort of personality to the actors... and after having that, it makes all other strategy games feel so flat. There's nothing like really trusting a general then having him betray you 30 turns later.
Thanks for providing this torrent... gonna dl it to see if wine will run it before I buy it. Too cool. Thanks again.

mannyxz (2011-03-26)

plz upload ROTTK X

savant_opus (2011-04-28)

thank you!! everything works

Zargannon (2011-05-29)

Hey, I am in a similar situation as shameonu. How to make the mouse cursor work properly and not be invisible? Any help would be appreciated.

Thatoneguy15 (2011-05-30)

I am having a problem...I can get the game too start but all that loads is a black screen any suggestions? I have already tried to reinstall and what not...

mcdougelas (2011-05-31)

i think,.not working on windows7

goopd (2011-06-19)

works great thanks love the game.
seeding it now

Urthurian (2011-09-29)

I've downloaded this exact torrent from AiTB twice over past two years or so. This is indeed an amazing game and files are clean and beautiful. HOWEVER, there still is an issue about Deng clan flag crash that was never patched by KOEI.
Whenever a character with a name that starts with "Deng" appears on screen upon marching in an army, convoy, navy, etc., there's chance of game crashing in both XP and Vista mode. If it has not, move the screen the hell away from that Deng Sumthin' character when you are about to save. Loading a game while one of "Deng" unit on the screen will literally FAWCK you up unless you are a prudent player who uses more than one Save location. It is mine, and quiet a few others' Theory this is due to "Deng" clans' flag being graphically bugged. Zoom in on one of them units and see the blur yourself.
Also, game itself will randomly crash at totally unexpected times. There is clearly graphic card issue against newer Graphic Cards with this official version yet KOEI has decided not to create a patch for this. Lastly, Save Files rarely becomes corrupted, causing Deja Vu all over again unless you save quiet often. ... there is yet another problem, but just a simple minor glitch regarding Sovereign's picture. It becomes a blur for no apparent reason in the hours into the game then goes away after a while only to return.
I bloody wish someone could create a patch/fix for above issues that has not only occurred to me but others as well(google it when in doubt), for KOEI has become lame and won't update the game over three years.
Even with all these hassles, i give this game 9 out of 10 for being so L33t.

IanLimJX (2011-11-25)

works great thanks!

lrdinglip (2011-11-26)

I followed all the instructions but:
When I clicked auto run from the original cd, it says “Please insert the correct DVD-ROM, select OK and restart application”
When I tried to start the crack application that I copied over to the installation directory, it says “Failed to initialize resource manager. Please check that there are no missing files.”
Please Help!!

sprldei (2011-12-10)

great game works perfect! thanks

MonkFunk (2012-07-24)

Kind of new to this. Any way to get sound?

MonkFunk (2012-07-24)

Mistake on my part.
Works perfectly.

Kharrus (2012-08-17)

Ok I completed the instructions and when I attempt to play it asks me to insert the right CD-Rom for me to play. Please help.

Gwydo36 (2013-02-20)

Seems the Crack file for this torrent is an application and NOT an .exe file. The file it's supposed to replace is 6.00 MB and the "crack" file is 4.6 MB and does not replace the original file as it should. If anyone has the original working crack for this game, please re-upload as I would like to play it sometime soon.

Zethar (2013-07-15)

I LOVe this game. This will be the second time I have downloaded the game and I am having a HUGE problem installing.
After I click on the install icon it pauses while it prepares to install. But then it gives me the message "Error 1234. The path My Files contains an invalid character."
Now the 'My Files' folder is buried in a portable harddrive I have hooked up for movies and such and it doesn't even give me the option at any point to change the install directory. Does anyone know how I can change that or what I need to do to get the game to work.
Steve from Manitoba

Zethar (2013-07-15)

P.S. It does this even when I unplug the portable HD from tehe computer.
Steve from Manitoba

Zethar (2013-07-15)

P.P.S I should mention that I have previously installed this game and it worked perfectly on my system. But it just seems to want to automatically want to look for a custom named file straight from a virgin download and install.
Steve from Manitoba

Revaro (2013-08-04)

Does this have the English PUK ?

Revaro (2013-08-04)

In the Rise of Heroes Scenario, there is a Deng Ai Faction.
I dont see any Graphical Bugs.
I was able to move everything out of the city without crash.
And i checked Forums and some Game files.
There is no "bug" ... It was probably just your Installation, that had a problem.

Ackyroth (2013-08-19)

Works great. Once you open it via WinRar or another mounting program run the AutoRunInstall.Exe then go to your C drive > (x86) > Koei > and copy the exe in the crack folder and paste it into the koei folder, and replace. Should run fine.

TinPeiLingFan (2014-05-03)

Thank you whoever started this Torrent.
I have played RTK 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and my fav is this XI.
I will seed this forever till me or my PC die :)
btw, there are no problems with in-game movie, just adjust the resolution if your PC cant handle it.
No issues with installing, cracking also.

TinPeiLingFan (2015-02-13)

New torrent for same game. Please seed this as long as possible! This game is LOST forever because KOEI has reportedly stopped production of RTOK series, ending at part 12! So seed this classic for future generations! Thank you! :)

bighoang (2015-08-01)

nice torrent file, work perfect to me on Wins 8.1. Thanks AiTB for your work!


1. Romance.Of.The.Three.Kingdoms.XI-RELOADEDd/reloaded.nfo 4.53 Kb
2. Romance.Of.The.Three.Kingdoms.XI-RELOADEDd/rld-rtkx.iso 1319.51 Mb