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The Sims 3 Complete Store (Nov 2010) [VIPER666]






The Sims 3 Complete Store (Nov 2010) [VIPER666]




2010-11-12 (by Viper666.)


--===VIPER666===-- All the official store items till 4th November. This time the files are in .package format so the game installer is bypassed therefore it should not cause anymore troubles. The game load time may decrease a bit compared to the last packs released ;) For more details on how to install .package files use the link below: --===VIPER666===--


  1. sims 3 store
  2. store items

Files count:



1151.85 Mb




lexuz_8 (2010-11-13)

..No seeds?

zebrachic (2010-11-13)

Wait so is this download just extra things you can add to the game, or does it include the actual Sims 3 game?

ceten (2010-11-14)

Hello Viper666,
can you please upload the sims3pack files
my launcher works and its much easier
thank you in advance !!!

ceten (2010-11-14)

Its much easier to install

rachel335 (2010-11-14)

Classic, someone posts a torrent on one site after doing the work to put the files together only to find someone has packed them in a 7zip file and claimed the work as their own.

ceten (2010-11-14)

can someone please upload the .sims3pack files (my english is bad )

ceten (2010-11-14)

@zebrachic No, this is only the sims 3 store stuff: not the game or any expansion

brengsed (2010-11-15)

Thanks again viper.
Appreciate what you're doing for all Sims 3 pirates.
sims3pack.files is really a hassle to install especially in large bulks of items.

blackcurseaino (2010-11-15)

Perfect,, .sims3pack please
and @ chrrrrltt : Use The 7-Zip program to uncompress the file

othatzsokewl (2010-11-17)

thanks a lot viper, the instructions were really easy (and I'm very newbish at this stuff) and the packages work great :)

yoashmo (2010-11-20)

Viper666- i really appreciate you doing this, you are the greatest. but is it possible to do this with sims3.pack files. i would prefer those bc i dont want to increase my load time, i like the organization of the launcher, and when you use package files the store items come up as CC instead of store items. i just like my content to have the correct icons, bc its easier to keep track of in game. so please please please do a sims3.pack version.

jarotje123 (2010-11-20)

Can you make also a .sims3pack because if i put the .package files into mods/package my game gets really slow. If you have a .sims3pack version and a .package version then everybody is happy right?

Green-Banana (2010-11-21)

Woot, nice to know some things get updated these days.
I wonder if this includes the towns, too. Like Barnacle Bay.

unknownpub (2010-11-23)

Hello Viper666!Can you please upload the sims3pack files ?

Catgirl6Poeze (2010-11-23)

Thnx!! But if you could upload the .sims3pack files, I'd be even happier :)

barry1234 (2010-11-24)

hello viper666. u did a great job yet again! one request that I have is: can you upload these as they get updated on the store i.e. not EVERYTHING from the start but only the new stuff per month? I am sure everyone that downloaded this has probably downloaded your previous release and probably had everything except stuff after the May release. Just an attempt to save my bandwidth and not have to download stuff that I have :)

barry1234 (2010-11-24)

Oh and yes can you please post the originals too? since I read your post that you will post them if you get a lot of requests :) My game is choking and loading very slowly after putting the .package files in. For some reason it only works well if they are .sims3pack files.

BlueFly88 (2010-11-24)

This is my plug for the sims3pack files please. Will be easier to sort from what I already have. Plus load time is definitely an issue.

Decaegis (2010-11-29)


DjAndy_P (2010-12-01)

Does this include the Barnacle Bay world? If so could you please upload the original sims3pack files?

Ooblex (2010-12-01)

Would like the original Sims3Pack files as well; thanks.

Ooblex (2010-12-01)

Would also like the original Sims3Pack files to work with; thanks.

Ooblex (2010-12-01)

Sorry about the duplicated comment; thought my browser wasn't posting the comment properly so I tried again in a different one... oops.

MAR1838 (2010-12-02)

While I do appreciate your tireless efforts in making Sims 3 Store items available to the masses, and I second the motion to upload the original Sims3Pack files, I was wondering if its possible to group the files together into their proper "Sets"? I only want about how the things available in the store. For example, if I just want the Romanza set and you have the corresponding files grouped together, I can download just that group. However, I don't know if that's possible to do with a torrent.

midnightrosexs (2010-12-05)

great download, but would really love the original .Sims3Pack files, as I have a few items twice.

huntsclan (2010-12-07)

I would like to see the .Sims3Pack files as well please, if it's not too much trouble Viper :)

highcall (2010-12-07)

thx very much for the torrent, btw do u have the latest nude patch that works with all versions and expansion packs? thx u

yoashmo (2010-12-08)

@ highcall
if you use twallan's decensor from Nraas it never has to be updated and it gets rid of the naked mosaic if thats what you were talking about. just google Nraas twallan decensor and you should find it.

madonna915 (2010-12-10)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (from the James brown song) upload the the sims 3 packs... it literally took about 20 minutes for the whole game to load...

ForkoFace (2010-12-10)

@madonna915 and everyone else complaining about .packages affecting load time- It is excruciatingly easy to fix this, all the instructions are right here:

And thank you so much Viper for uploading this, .packages are far superior to .sims3packs and I have abstained from downloading any store items until now because people are so bullheadedly loyal to only uploading store items as .sims3packs.
Although I must admit the first time I downloaded this, the file was corrupted.

yoashmo (2010-12-11)

@ForkoFace - a lot of us already merge our package files, as i do. so for you to say that they are superior to sims3.packs is pure nonsense. the game comes with a launcher for installing these files, so i dont see how anything can be easier than that. the only people that think package files are easier are people who have problems with the launcher, and not everyone does. so before you go assuming that those of us who prefer sims3.packs dont try and make the game load faster with package files you should learn about the files. package files will always make your game run slower due to the fact that these unnecessary package files are constantly being read and loaded while your game is running, despite them not being needed. sim3.pack files only get accessed when needed ie buy mode, build mode, cas. so therefore if your game is constantly reading files you dont need, it will run slower. and thats coming from someone who prefers sims3.pack but uses and merges package files as well. i have about 12 package files that have been merged for each category of CC and my game still runs a hell of a lot faster without just those 12 files. so viper666 here is my bid again for those sims3.packs

dj21lv (2010-12-12)

Viper666, please make Sims3packs

Valmarith (2010-12-12)

M8 the .package files won't load when starting up The Sims 3, it only loads about two mods and that's it. It's a common issue, Sims 3 likes to skip over and ignore packages on a lot of people, sadly I don't think there's a fix for it. I tried consolidating them into a single .package but s3pe can't handle packages that big. If you could upload the .Sims3pack files it would be much appreciated by many.
EA is fleecing people with low quality minimal effort content that modders can do one over, but a lot of lots and mods won't work without it.

Purlinka (2010-12-12)

PLEASE. If you can, upload the .sims3pack files! I have tried to install the .package files with absolutely no luck, in fact they causing problems with my launcher that I didn't have before.

btckfc (2010-12-16)

So with your new layout, does that mean future updates would only be ~100mb?
Just the single, lets say 'Sims 3 Store Update 19 - December 2010.package'
and we don't need to redownload the whole 1.xx GiB?
If that is the case, GREAT THANKS, can't wait for you to release the December 2010 pack (if any) in mid Jan

Fcl (2010-12-21)

Thank's Viper666.

Neeli8X (2010-12-26)

I too would like .sims3package files.
Thank you.

sexybrina (2010-12-28)

I have to say WOW and thanks so much this is very nice of you!

sexybrina (2010-12-28)

sorry for the double post but I would have to disagree with wanting sims3.pack files those take awhile I rather just have the packages since it's a lot less time consuming

bg051994 (2010-12-30)

great torrent, and .package is fine. I wonder if you could split them up in their proper sets, like MaR1838 said. thnx for the torrent

thatfish (2010-12-31)

I didn't see anything in the store that I wanted, but I'm downloading this on principle.

Little_Mermaid (2011-01-08)

I'm so grateful this is up here and dying to get the content into my game but following the installation how to hasn't worked for me and I don't know why PLEASE HELP!

rgomez55 (2011-01-12)

Can't get it to work :\ Version is way over 1.12 and I followed the guide from the site in the link but still no good... Made Mod folder, put file inside and created Package folder, put files in package folder, and nothing.....

eeaarr (2011-01-23)

HI. How I use it work. How I update it. ToT

invioletlight (2011-02-28)

I would also like the regular Sims3Pack files as I have tried many times installing the package files and they do not work.

ears90 (2011-03-09)

Does this style of package increase load times every time you load the game?
If so I would prefer sims3package files.


1. Sims 3 Store November 2010.7z 1151.85 Mb